IDW Sonic #17 Storytime

feat. The Chaotix

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One way down Oshima Street

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>no Boobs the Bat

I guess I'll skip this issue, then. Thanks.

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And that's it

What kind of look is that woman conveying?


Vector FUCKS

This was the best issue yet.
You might as well make this metal virus arc the unofficial starting point for the IDW comic.

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I know this isnt from the IDW #17 issue, but they also released the TSR Deluxe Edition, and the "bonus content" is a fucking manual and a shitty tumblr comic. For 6 whole dollars.

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The tumblr comic I'm referring to. Yes this was published.

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This is the first issue that isn't total formulaic shit.

Moralfag BTFO


what the fuck

>What do you think of when you see cartoon animals?
>T-O virus

the reason why the deluxe version of the TSR book costs extra is because, thanks to the manual type pages and that two page comic, it has roughly as many pages as the Annual (heck it's actually cheaper than the annual). That being said, yeah that deluxe version is totally a ripoff. It probably wouldn't exist if TSR itself hadn't been delayed

>Sonic vs Gemerl

Wonder how this comic is going to address him?

That's surprisingly serious for this happy cartoon animal comic.

In what way?

Holy shit, FINALLY an actually great issue. Characters forced to make moral choices? Vector being relevant to the plot? Actual stakes? Pinch me, I must be dreaming about another comic.

>no humans
So Flynn is officially doing the two worlds thing.

Address? I’m pretty sure he’s with Vanilla and Cream, are you expected anything different?

>Ian is officially doing something we know is game canon, in the modern day, where Sega is a lot more on-hands with the comic
If you thought he wasn't I have a bridge to sell you

He said he is but at the same time he's not going to address it directly either.

Sono humans I guess

No. They're in another dimension.

So how is Eggman there

He just is. Don't give it any thought. Sega doesn't, why should we?

There's apparently a perpetually off-screen "gate" to the human world they use to travel between worlds.

Some days I really wish Sonic was a western franchise to avoid Japanese autism

Still boring.

Still dragging.

Still not going already straight to the point.

Still having to opt for several and dozens issues over one simple arc instead of just one or two issues encapsulating the whole arc quickly.

Ending the comic at the worst point, not revealing Sonic's attempted try to rescue Charmy and more after that.

We still have to endure this tedious and blatant SaTAM rehash arc for more months.

And still forcing as hard as possible this mini-series of soon-to-be lesbians.

Ian, are you sure you really learned anything from your past mistakes? Ian, why?

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Same as in Archie I suppose

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What Sonic fan doesn't wish that?

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Still filled with ADHD I see

He didn't make Charmy the brain-damaged survivor of bee genocide.

>fuck, we've been writing Charmy as an adult with a girlfriend but it turns out he's only 6 years old in the games, how do we fix this?
>oh, I know
>brain damage

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>Can't drive manuel

Man, I never figured DCeased would tie in with this...

Hello there, Ian. Still having theses good and ol' wet fantasies of your lesbians, huh?

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To be fair he regrets it

This is one of the many instances of Archive bending over backwards to align with the games in defiance of all common sense. By all means, adjust the characterisation as needed, but just do it subtle y'know? No need to make it overt or even draw attention to it.

Nah, fuck it. Brain damage it is.

You think its Ian? How cute.

You forget that Whisper was made by Evan "Special Snowflake" Stanley. Thats a guarantee that Whisper munches more carpet than a vacuum.

I like it. I love when the chaotix are relevant.

Is he ever coming back? Robot characters are always the best in these comics.

Remember all the asspulls Archie had to make up in order to work the Sonic Adventure storyline and character redesigns into their canon?

Next issue with Cream

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I hate that so far 90% of the B Covers have been better than the A Covers in this run.

So if humans can pass between worlds then why not put humans in the comic?

same reason in the human world there's rarely animal characters

A human willing traveling to a whole world of attractive 3 foot female anthropomorphic animals?
Hah, imagine the thought!

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Because only Eggman knows how, apparently.

She wants the gator d

and GUN

But if Sonic and pals know how then why can't anyone else do it.

I mean humans don't have a problem with Sonic and friends in other games.

That's stupid contrived trash and I want to punch Iizuka every time I read any material parroting his bile.

Don't worry about it. Iizuka is an idiot, and it contradicts several past games.

Sonic's world is in near-constant peril, just live in whatever mixed-species city will inevitably pop up around the gate from all the animal people fleeing Eggman's schemes and get your kicks that way.

It doesn't really contradict much of anything, just makes it all more convoluted

The two Adventure games very clearly have humans and anthros in the same world. Not to mention Angel Island.

Ah yes, organic matter. Like shoes

The Echidna ruins were in the human world as Knuckles' tribe had passed a portal, Angel Island also went through a portal like Sonic X, Rouge'd done the same and is why the government knew about her

Like I said, not contradictory, just endlessly more convoluted, like discovering there's invisible goblins pulling everything down instead of gravity

Shoes are made of things like leather or cotton.

By Sonic logic, anything not made of metal = organic.

Given Sonic characters inability to wear anything other than they're baseline outfit, maybe the clothes are a part of them.

Man, they used to have no idea how to draw Espio.

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This might actually be the very first great issue this shitshow has had.


ugh, piss off

why would eggman even make badniks again if he has access to faggoty zombie slime

Holy fuck you cannot be serious.

What, nobody thought to just give him a son with the same name?

Because obviously they'll find a way to make a cure for it, dumdum.

He wasn't that older

hey that military girl isn't wearing any pants.

>Sonic rescues Charmy and is able to touch him since he's already infected, and Charmy becomes Tails' test-subject as he researches a cure.

There, that's next issue for you.

> Not Archie Sonic

gross. The Chaotix are bros though


The editors really didn't give a shit, huh?

Hope the series will soon stop swapping between side characters and actually make a more focused arc where Sonic only teams with 1-2 characters for multiple issues. Personally I'd like to see more of Amy, Silver and Blaze.

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The two worlds thing is definitely contrived but it's so weird how mad it makes people. Not long ago everyone HATED the idea of Sonic co-existing with other humans. But I guess those were the early classic/SatAM/Archie fans who have grown out of Sonic or mellowed out, and now all the screeching is coming from Adventure era autists.

A-user, I...

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This whole zombie goo saga is reminding me of SatAM a lot. It's pretty cool.
Love when the Chaotix do something relevant to the plot instead of just being the prerequisite side characters.

>reminding me of SatAM a lot. It's pretty cool.

(W) Ian Flynn (A) Jack Lawrence (CA) Evan Stanley
"Crisis City, Part 2"! When a powerful ally succumbs to the Metal Virus, Omega and Sonic stand alone against an infected city. And even if they can save the remaining civilians from the zombots, will they be safe from Sonic?

The conclusion of the Crisis City storyline, but not the Metal Virus saga!
In Shops: Aug 28, 2019
Final Orders Due: Aug 05, 2019
SRP: $3.99


>an Omega issue
Holy fucking based. Too bad it's months away.

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people with clothes attacking based nudist

>and now all the screeching is coming from Adventure era autists.
>when humans outside of Eggman were first introduced
I don't think you know what you're talking about user.

>Team Chaotix
Let's all go for a ride
You can run but not hide

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>grey eyes
it's an impostor

Him running slow as shit supports that

Or bad coloring, which is equally possible.

Charmy the Bee, confirmed BUSTER.

Not even, just plain stupid.

Jesus even in the IDW comics Charmy suffers

>Eggman's ship is just vomiting all over the city

You're welcome!

People who enjoy this edgy shit then shits on Sonic X and SA2 story...what a shitty comic.

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Shadow is going to get infected. Calling it

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>Evan "Special Snowflake" Stanley. Thats a guarantee that Whisper munches more carpet than a vacuum.

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So long as it’s an OC, leave the vg characters alone to the fandom when they want to see them eating each other’s asses.

Pretty hard to take this comic about cartoon animals seriously considering I know their voices

They need to be ready to go any time user.

>Ha ha! Ha, One!