Batman: Last Knight on Earth

So it's bascially Batman meets Mad Max. Cool.

Attached: batman-last-knight-on-earth-scott-snyder-greg-capullo.jpg (825x464, 24K)

Say what you want about Snyder, but the guy is single-handedly keeping DC afloat. I myself got over him post-Zero Year

Zero Year was absolute crap, held up only by Capullo's pencils. Surprisingly, BatGordon was pretty cool in spots.

Zero year was a bit too long. should have been 12 issues.
But it was solid

>in a post apocalyptic hellscape where everyone is fighting to survive
>Batman still refuses to let Joker die
>going so far as to carry his talking Futurama head around
unless he's gone nuts and the head is dead

well in the preview weve already seen he gets shown by alfred who the batman really is and its jsut a straight jacket with a crudely made hood and a badly painted bat iirc, it shows it at some point in the video

>should have been 12 issues
I suppose you wanted to say it shouldn't have been 12 issues?

this a pretty cool trailer, if only they put this much effort into the print ads

Not bad honestly.

Looks like Superman at Earth's end, but with Batman.

Will we see him burn with Clarks corpse?

"I am a man."

This proves that Batman is just as obsessed with Joke as the Joker is with him.

>don't worry, the cancer will keep you alive even when your bodily functions start shutting down.

>Batman meets mad max
Call me back when DC is doing real post apocalyptic stories.

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Snyder is a genius for creating Good concept Ideas in comics.

>Court of Owls
>Dark universe Batmen
>Faceless Joker
>Guild of Detectives

But it always FAILS to deliver a Good FINALE.

Apparently there is a pitch...

Was the Faceless Joker really that good?

It was edgy as fuck.

Attached: New 52 Everybody.png (977x405, 201K)

Is it the steve orlando one?

Honestly that trailer is really cool. Probably cooler than the comic itself.

A try out to change an Historic Character Design.
Plus the whole dread about making him Immortal.

No, but that user was only talking about ideas.

What Steve Orlando one?

Gordon is legit one of the deepest and most compelling of all DC characters, the writers just never seem to notice.
>Constantly harangued by the worst of Gotham's crimes that drive other men mad, only keeping his head above water by his unwavering faith in justice and Batman
>Constantly tested physically and mentally by what villains do to him, using his experience and his love for his family to soldier on
>Full of simple wisdom that comes from a father that doesn't know everything and can only hope he knows enough to steer his daughter straight in a crazy world that would see them swerve off any which way.
His struggles to be a good man in a town that breeds madness and evil could fill an anthology with ease, and his mix of weariness and stubborn optimism is refreshing when contrasted with the grim cynicism of Batman, or the naive starstuck thrill-seeking of Barbara.

He's the true hard-boiled detective. Closest thing to a Marlowe character in Gotham.

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But...but...we need to see Batfamily in the Batman book, and not some normal people like Gordon, Leslie and Alfred.

I loved Year One because of that.

>All the times its hinted Gordon has known Batman/Batgirl's identity for years and plays dumb so well he throws even federal investigators off Wayne's trail
He really is probably the most important of Bruce's allies, even above Lucius or other superheroes.

Year One tries too hard to make him a badass, beating up Flas and going after Batman in an epic chase scene.

Hrs basically the Shadow’s James Gordon.

What did he mean by this?

I heard steve orlando also had an atomic knights pitch but that might have been hos electric warriors mini.

This. Snyder is keeping DC afloat while King is sinking it.

The fact that The Batman Who Laughs comic is selling like hotcakes while King’s Batman is selling less than the Hulk is proof. Not to mention Heroes in Crisis selling less than Metal.

>thinking sales dictate quality

Good luck ensuring the quality of your run if you get fired due to sinking sales.

Quality dictates sales. Unless marketing is strong enough.

Tom King didn't get fired for sinking sales.

>thinking quality drives sales

No one said anything about quality. Were talking about the publisher.

Well let's see how this works out
>Blue Beetle
>Justice league of China
Pure kino

Attached: Blue_Beetle_002.jpg (640x960, 208K)

But isn't that exactly what he said?

>Not letting Joker die and instead bringing him everywhere
This tastes like batjokes

At this point Batman and Joker could get married and nobody in Gotham would bat an eye.

>Were talking about the publisher.
Nah, we're talking about Scott Snyder and how he hijacked DC with his terrible Reddit ideas. Seriously, Batman in a post apocalyptic wasteland with still living Joker head? And DC wants to advertise this instead of any other books.
Whose dick did Snyder suck?

how is the batman who laughs? capullo isnt doing the art so i didnt bother reading it, but is the story actually okay?

It's pretty much Crank. You know that crazy action movie with Jason Statham? It's that, but with Batmen.

are you ready for another Snyder kino?

That's an insult towards crank.

If there's one thing i like about Scott Snyder, is that he has a real love for the trinity concept, always writing Superman and Wonder Woman as Batman's guardian angels and best friends. I hope to see him one day writing the Wonder Woman ongoing. He always characterize her well. Something rare.

god no, Steve Orlando sucks so much at writing and at penises

By the sale numbers he's giving 100k bj's per pop, at the least.

Snyder is the shiniest shit but still shit

I mean those all Ideas he ripped off from Morrison.

Snyder has never put out a comic where the writing was better, or even as good, as the artwork. I've never seen someone carried by so many artists for so long.

I think Snyder is actually hurting DC, his stories are just not sustainable.

Do you think if Batman Who Laughs was on its 70th issue it would still have those numbers, you fucking moron?

Honestly? It would.

t. retard