Dreamworks made a Bigfoot movie, and it looks cute

Dreamworks made a Bigfoot movie, and it looks cute

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thats the Abominable snowman you fucking casual

Nobody cares about the pedantic differences of you made up apes /x/
A yeti is a bigfoot, is a yowie, is a skunk ape, is an orang pendek

you fucking nigger Bigfoot lives in the woods while the abominable SNOWman lives in the mountains
this is kindergarten shit

You had one job

>giant blueberries
Welp, now I know which fetish this movie will be the primary target of...

Cool. Another one on the list.

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I'm getting more next-gen and bao vibes than the other recent bigfoot films

Yes, but this one has a waifu.

welcome to the club budy

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Huh. It looks neat. Very cute. Really like the environments.

Think this is the first Dreamworks movie in a long time I've been kind of excited for.

>A yeti is a bigfoot
Peak fucking retard.
Yeti and Bigfoot are different cryptids you mouthbreather

Nobody fucking cares

Let's see: dumplings from bao, protagonist from wonder park , plot from son of big foot and missing link, and of course magic, because China.
Pearl is Chinese division of DreamWorks if you haven't noticed yet.

These projects take years to develop even before you can make a good trailer for them. You can't tell me they all didn't get together to try and push some sort of bigfoot agenda. For DW its clear they want to tap the HTTYD fans.

Also, why the hell are white guys in Beijing the ones threatening a rare animal? Shouldn't it be middle aged business men wanting to eat his penis or something?

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>Pearl is Chinese division of DreamWorks if you haven't noticed yet

Watch them reuse map geometry from Kungfu Panda 3.

>bigfoot agenda
We're through the looking glass here, people

What is with all the damn Yeti movies?!

There is only one logical explanation for all these Bigfoot/Yeti movies: both of them are real and the cover-up surrounding them is getting too difficult to maintain. Everyone has a camera in their pocket now, and there have already been some really impressive videos shot of giant ape-men in the last decade. Whoever has been working to keep Sasquatch and the Abominable Snowman under wraps, they're realizing that the jig is soon going to be up. So they've partnered with Hollywood to get us ready for the revelation. We're all being prepared.

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Isn’t this literally the plot of that one movie, the one with a purple hippo crytpid that was going to be made into hamburgers or some equally stupid food. What was it called again, I think it was briefly shilled on Netflix?

looks pretty mediocre, but we can at least add another cute chubby shota on the list

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Seriously, I feel like some multi-billionaire's retarded child must really fucking like yeti/big foot so his dad is dropping hundreds of millions commissioning them from animation studios.

Either that or it's the Illuminati teasing us with the knowledge that yeti are real.

Not really. It didn't had magic power and the girl wasn't trying to bring it back to its parents. And there were no mountain climbing.

Just how deep is the Yeti/Bigfeet agenda? I can’t be the only one who’s noticed

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If I was a billionaire, I would sponsor movie that would discretely insert my fetish.

It's the fish craze all over again. Just like the Ant Craze.

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So which of these yeti movies is your doing?

tfw we will never have something top the dinosaur craze

This is why Dino Time was suppressed. The world wasn't ready. They wanted to ease the public into the revelation that dinosaurs had survived, but they realized it was too early. It was not the proper time for Dino Time.

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I am not into yeti, personally.

Boxoffice poison: bigfoots and cavemen

Maybe this wasn't such a good time for the studios to go all-in on bigfoot movies

>definitely a boy

She saw his penis?

Where's Mothman's animated movie?
There are so many better cryptids.

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Dreamworks movies have always felt calculated to me, but they've taken that to another level with their most recent films (Captain Underpants being the lone, surprising exception). The company is 2 decades old, and they still don't have a personality because they chase trends.

I am pretty sure they were not following anyone, with Kung Fu panda.

They don't have formula, at least, unlike pixar

at last

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It's jurasic bark now


100% China Bait

Except this one isn't absolute dogshit

Why are we suddenly getting so many bigfoot/yeti movies at the same time? Is Hollywood really so creatively incestuous?

Cryptid Cinematic Universe when?

It is pretty freaky.

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Not him, but you're retarded. Their differences in range and habitat are complete opposites. You can't possibly believe the differences aren't significant unless you're a retard.

Looks like an average movie, that'll potentially have some good bits. Pic related.

Also I really like magic-based instruments. Bonus points for the asian girl not having a dyed hair streak.

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Looks better than that piece of shit Smallfoot at least, and Fleetwood Mac is always kino. How bad could it be?

>Small foot
>Piece of shit

I'll fight you!

her eyes are too apart

I saw that as an ad once, was the first time I laugh hard at an ad in awhile.

Trying to fast follow each other and beat studios to the punch is just how the industry works.

Again, nobody fucking cares about the "differences" of your made up apes /x/

Pearl Studios was Oriental Dreamworks until they ran into financial trouble and got bought out by the Chinese government. This was in production before Smallfoot and was titled Everest. They also have a Glen Keane film in the works as well.

Also, please tell me I'm not the only one.


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