He's not purely white. Especially the way Hitch draws him
What's Hawkman's Ethnicity?
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His dad fucked a Hawk user. I don't know anything more American than that.
Egyptian also sometimes an Alien
Pure white:
The Geoff Johns era post-resurrection Hawkman was Carter Hall (Anglo-Saxon) merged with a bit of Katar Hol (Half-Thanagarian, Half Native American), which is why his hair was brown instead of the classic blond.
That was before he reincarnated though. Anyways, ancient Egyptians were white.
Nice joke. They weren't black, and they certainly weren't white.
Yes, they were proto-Terronis.
He's different every time he's reincarnated. Current form is white.
Ancient Egypt was a multiracial empire, but you fell for the /pol/ meme.
What? Nah I know they were multi-cultural.
That's why I call them proto-terronis.
person of color
He's white right now, next time he might be completely different
His woman is currently both white and redheaded and also brown and brunette so it's all fucking relative
Upper Egypt was most certainly black. Lower Egypt was more multi-racial.
Fucking everything at this point.
Yeah really the Hawks are the characters who's ethnicity is literally the least relevant out of just about anyone. They've been everything possible basically, AND aliens. To them it's probably just completely irrelevant.
I agree.
I agree, I'm rusty on my Egyptology thanks user.
Are you guys fans of the character?
All of them. Reincarnation.
I loved Hawkworld.
Sadly, Carter is a continuity Black Hole.
Please read the current run user