No Star, Mina.....Mina works for me

>No Star, Mina.....Mina works for me



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whatever mom I just want to genocide magic beings

I wanna fuck Moon so goddamn hard, my dick would melt from the sheer flame caused by my passionate thrusting into every one of her delicious, lavender-scented holes.

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all magic had to die because of this pathetic chinlet

old news bro, the new hot topic is how Star killed all magical deities and fucked up the lives of innocent Echo Creek residents for Marco dick

Moon is almost as shitty of a mom as Rose Quartz

So glad she got rightfully punished by vanishing with the MHC after the snap.

>Do you feel in charge?

How? She literally gave her life for Steven. Shitty mom would've valued her own life over their unborn child.

She left him in danger of vengeful homeworld gems and dumped her responsibilities on him by forcing him to fix all the fuck ups she caused and was too stupid to fix herself.

Gonna watch the finale now, bros

Hold me

Hekapoo DIED????????
RHOMBULUS DIED?????????????????

>mfw I never got invested in this show after season one and now I don't have to waste my time on a show with such a shit finale.

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to be fair pink didnt do it intentionally she was just kind of stupid and thought that everything would be ok

How was the finale, man?

they just all died
The worlds get merged out of nowhere, and you think everyone was cool but NO, Glossaryk was dead serious, magic died, RHOMBULUS DIED he was just a stone and snakes DUDE

I calmed down a bit about Hekapoo, she's in that other outer universe with no magic but Rhombulus was clear as day dead

Everything leading up to the end was great, the scenes with the queens was nice, and the tapestry reveal was nice. Mina was great, and she's right, you can't kill an idea, so getting rid of her would not have made sense.

And Ive read some people now on archived thread saying ending magic was wrong, but the show does spell it out, Toffee was right. Even if the MHC didn't go full retard, it would be Mina or someone else.

I'm just shocked, that was alot, I need to absorb it all

Not to mention the show calls her out on it at numerous points. Did anyone give Star shit after the fact?

>I calmed down a bit about Hekapoo, she's in that other outer universe with no magic

She said that this was going to kill her and she thought it was the right decision.

Hekapoo is super dead but she likes dying and being dead.

The opposite. Star convinced everyone to go along with her plan. She couldn't get to the magic realm without Hekapoo and she couldn't end magic without help from Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora.

Marco had some reservations about it but nobody cared and he quickly got over it.


have you seen what he grows up into? justified, imo.

All the MHC's racist asses were going to lead to the deaths of hundreds if not more so I say fuck em all.

Moon should've died and the royal lineage lose it's ability to manipulate magic.

is she laying an egg?

the final episode was good, I really liked it, but those last 3 minutes where both world merges and everyone now live in peace brought it all down.
The whole last 2 seasons or more the main issue was the disparity between magical beings, Mewmans and monsters in the field of politics, economics and power and suddenly everything resolves by a deus ex machina.

I'm an old school racist, so I hired a new school racist to get rid of those fucking moggers.

You know, like Conversative Republicans and the Alt-Right. Hahaha. Don't you love political diatribe?

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Star was just taking a desperate path to try to solve a potentially catastrophic problem, but Moon legitimately made a whole catastrophe out of fucking nothing, and the fact that she was so blindsided that Mina didn't think of herself as loyal to Moon, and wanted to genocide monsters no matter what is astounding to me. There's been a lot of dumb executive decisions by the queens of Mewni but Jesus, that takes the cake.

Perhaps you could ask this in the 30 other Star VS threads we had since last weekend?

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Perhaps you could shut the fuck up

SU actually had the decency to call Rose out on her shit, to paint the people who painted her as this saintly being in a creepy, cult-ish light, and , most impressively, actually entertaining the idea that she may have been the villain all along.

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This could've been an interesting development if they did fuck all with it. Mina rebelled like fifteen minutes later. Other than Star being pissy, the story would have gone on in exactly the same way if Moon really had shown up at the temple just to help.

Moon is cute. CUTE!

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The weirdest part about this, to me, is that we actually saw Moon and Mina interact and we see how little interest Moon had in helping her... But then sometime between Ghost of Butterfly Castle and Junkin' Janna Moon completely changed her entire mindset off-screen. It's very strange writing.

it's supposed to be a twist nobody was expecting
or just the usual bad writing from S3/S4

people blame star a lot but it was moon who fucked up the most.

It's a twist with no foreshadowing, with all the important parts happening off-screen. It's plainly bad writing.

same her bro, i don't care what people say about her chin or what ever she can get it hard. But i wish they did her character better for the finale. they really made her look like a petty cunt with that twist.

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Speaking of the tapestry... why the hell isn't Marco in there then? They are together after all, aren't they?

The tapestry was in Glossaryck's dimension. It's unwise to trust anything that guy is showing you.

I can’t believe best girl Hekapoo is dead
Who’s gonna take care of all the babies she had with Marco in the portal times?
Who’s gonna take care of Marco’s ride?

They're all dead, user.

Do they at least get an afterlife?

Not as far as we know.

What a horrible way to end a show

>toffie was right
You know this idea could have been cool if after toffie died and heros would see, or rathe Marco being the non magic man, can see how magic is "evil" in the magic world but no. Magic was still cool and fun until they tell us it was bad and fanboys cang see the show was garbage.



>magic is what's bad
>uh no, it's literally assholes like glossaryck making kids just to torment and kill them; or queens like solaria being a huge racist, eclipsa and moon making a deal to corrupt magic and eclipse being a dumb flighty cunt, and moon being a craven scheming coward
>fuck you starco won

The entire finale debate in a nutshell.

It sucks that these characters were all Star's mentors but when she clearly becomes the most responsible person on the show, it completely misses the opportunity to call them out on their bullshit.

Lakmet, Mina, the fucked up unicorns, and Meteora's entire existence are proof plus positive that star shouldn't have a lick of respect for Glossaryck, Solaria, Moon, and especially Eclipsa(although I only say especially Eclipsa since she ended up getting sucked off the most overall) and frankly they should be the first ones she should have considered ending over everyone else.

It's funny, Star really is the better out of most of anyone with any actual power in Mewni, and the one person that didn't seem like complete cancer OR damaged fucks trying to cope with being chained to complete cancer(Mina and the MHC) was a dude that immediately got disinherited the moment he stopped being useful.

Star VS is just another show where the writers like the 'IDEA' of deep and complex issues, but have no idea how to write or explore them, so they just throw the most hamfisted, surface level, strawman planting display they can then clap themselves on the back for being 'deep and sophisticated'

This. The show was fine as typical good vs evil. But they wanted to be deep on a shitty childrens show on disney.

Why didnt Eclipsa just power up the monsters with magic like the old queens used to do to humans?

Are you me?

Queen Moon is one of the best cartoon MILFs of the 2010s, so I was also disappointed in how the writers handled her character in the latter half of Season 4.

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she doesnt know how lol

...Then why the hell did Star trust it then?

Star is not wise

>It's funny, Star really is the better out of most of anyone with any actual power in Mewni,
I kind of feel like that’s why she had to be the one to destroy the magic, because of what you said about previous generations using magic to fuck everything up. The more I think about it, the more I believe they definitely intended magic to be symbolic of monarchist power, and the idea that even a responsible monarch (heh butterfly reference) can’t escape how that sort of power will still eventually be misused again, so it makes more sense to abolish the system if you want to help people long-term. Maybe if they figured out that theme they wanted earlier, hadn’t treated spells as semi-sentient beings, tied so many characters and the inter-dimensional travel to the existence of magic, and then chickened out with that chaotic last-minute merge, a finale centered on that central idea of destroying the magic might have worked.

The main problem is that the Monster-Mewman problems go a lot deeper the only reason why magic needed to be destroyed is because Moon gave overpowered magical powersuits to a bunch of crazy racists for some retarded reason

They wanted to make a magic = privilege argument, which kinda works but they never bothered to show it like that

>Everything leading up to the end was great
>the final episode was good

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shit opinion