Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?

Attached: Paulina_sanchez.png (419x420, 162K)

Latina Thot.

You think Danny ever went ghost and just jerked off over her face while she slept?

Legit a better romantic interest for Danny then Sam was

Fourth best girl but there's really tough competition so she shouldn't feel too bad

Valerie is still best girl.

She needs more fanart.

Attached: Paulina Png D35zmld.png (1024x1339, 235K)

I hope

Attached: paulina2.png.png (4800x6400, 830K)

She's got tons lol. Third most arted after his mom and Sam

See? After. That's exactly what's wrong.

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I want the milf

>Danny didn't go around skeeting on all the girls at his school as a ghost

waste of his powers.

It's confirmed canon he did use his powers to perv on girls

Well, we just didn't get to see EVERYTHING he did as a ghost. Maybe he ghost-raped every girl (yes. EVERY. girl) all and they never knew.

Attached: Sam cat.jpg (776x1247, 482K)

>tfw no evil rapist Danny game

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In the episode he loses his powers to the Wish-Ghost, there is a scene when he gets his powers back that shows him invisibly sneaking out of the girls' bathroom.

Not as good as this.

Attached: Mandy.jpg (1114x1136, 166K)

Attached: Danny girls room.jpg (640x480, 159K)

absolutely based

Fuck, came into this thread to say this verbatim. It's honestly baffling Sam was ever an option when she was the worst.

i liked the few times she got possessed