Who plays him in the MCU reboot?
Who plays him in the MCU reboot?
Idris Elba.
Some chick.
Wesley Snipes, he will be the same Blade but giving the mantle to his daughter.
Hannibal Burress
Who plays the daughter
Wesley Snipes in a wig
Will Smith
Some negress.
Unironically Wesley Snipes. And bring JK Simmons in as JJJ too.
user, hello, you're HIRED.
Tilda Swinton
Comics Blade is British right?
You can't just cast every role as Tilda Swinton, user.
Zendaya it turns out her """""MJ""""" is actually Blade's daughter
Would Western vampires get you a ban in China or with Blade would they push for an R-rating (which gets you banned in China anyway)?
Grey Worm from GoT
LeBron James
Not dark enough
I think he was born in England but raised in the US
Based Ali
>Blade is fighting vampires
>The Avengers get called in for some reason
>Thor sees Blade
He voiced Blade in Ultimate Spider-Man.
That would be a beefy blade. I still hope he gets to be Luke Cage in something.
He's on record as saying he's interested in playing Thing, Colossus, or Silver Surfer too. Not sure which one would piss people off most.
Is it sad I could actually see this happening
Kevin Hart.
Thing or Silver Surfer could work
Colossus... fuck no
robert downey jr
Obvious choice.
Wesley Snipes, full stop
>I’m eric brooks, yeah yeah, yeah!