That kid who went to the school costume party dressed as the Punisher

>that kid who went to the school costume party dressed as the Punisher

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>Going as edgy McCoolname

I went as Richard from the Hotline Miami games

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>that kid who went to the school costume party as the Punisher
>he didn't bring a costume

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>that girl who dressed like harley quinn at the convention but was 340 pounds and 5 foot even


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>That kid who went to his taikwondo Halloween party dressed as Optimus Prime
>That costume could actually transform

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>That kid who walks into the party with a skull cap and trench coat
*Pumped Up Kicks intensifies*

>that kid who put pencils between his fingers and pretended he was Wolverine

What did you use for the jacket?

I think run for cover is a better school shooter song desu

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You can literally buy a perfect replica wool jacket of the one Jacket uses in Hotline Miami so I imagine that

Sonic's look of genuine concern and a lack of understanding as to why his long-time friend Elliott Rogers would be pushed to such lengths is what gets me about this image.

>that time in freshman year I put a bunch of colored pencils between my fist and proclaimed I was gay wolverine, then the glasses bitch I was trying to be friendly with called me homophobic
It’s funny now because I actually hate faggots now but not back then

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Sonic X had Chris Thorndyke, the Sonic movie has Eliot Rodgers. Pure pottery

>and smokes like a fucking chimney

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I bought a tan varsity jacket online. They sell those anywhere. For the patch, I bought one on Etsy. My neighbor is a seamstress so she trimmed it down and sowed it to my jacket.

>Chris thorndyke and Elliot Rodger are both spoiled rich kids

You mean every kid ever?

why so serious?

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>had a sick ass Char Aznable costume that I wanted to wear to costume day
>had to get my hair shaved days before the event so I went in a buzz cut
>still got mobbed by kids at school but wasn't the same

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>That kid who went as Joker when Dark Knight was really hot and got too into it

Good choice and I can see where you're coming from.

>That one time the school had a costume party
>No one in my class went with except me and my friend as Mermaidman and Barnacleboy
>School bullies proceed to make gay jokes and just overall harassing us (not even in a playful manner, just straight up prison treatment)

Even the other classes went with it (there were people dressed as Negan, Tarzan, Wonder Woman, this cute chick as Link, even the kid with cerebral palsy went with it by going as Professor X) but those fucking assholes didn't have the balls to do it and started acting like hot shit.
And that's why I took up Boxing the following month and never stopped since; talk shit, get hit.

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>that kid who dressed up as General Grievous because he wanted to wield four toy lightsabers at once
Twas me

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>that kid who went to the school costume party dressed as Catwoman thinking he was Black Panther

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Based young you

>special ed kid
>professor x cosplay
this, wholesome as fuck

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>not doing it because grevious is the best Star Wars character besides Jabba the hutt

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well that too, Grievous is my favorite

Why did you have to get your hair cut?

A shame you could not use a wig on short notice.

no one did that you faggot

I went as Leon from RE4 once but nobody knew I was wearing a costume, they just made fun of my fingerless gloves

This was during Halloween in case anybody thought I was an autist

I went as a really shitty Big Boss one day, I just took off the eyepatch halfway through the day.

>took up boxing and never stopped
my nigga

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Haha yeah who would do something that socially retarded and also convenient based on wardrobe