Why doesn’t he just use his psychic abilities to walk?
Why doesn’t he just use his psychic abilities to walk?
You can't mind control yourself into being able to ignore physically crippling ailments that prevent you from walking.
He seems to do a fairly good job at getting his dick to work
You know that flash game QWOP? That's what it'd be like.
Yeah, I'd stick with the chair thank you very much
Telepathy and Telekinesis are two very different abilities.
You should learn the difference.
Some paralyzed people have working genitals. Depends on how low the spinal injury is.
Why doesn't he merge with a symbiote and have the symbiote move his legs for him? Not only would it make him more mobile in battle but it would improve his life in every conceivable way.
even if Charles is Telekinetic, it'll probably hard to multitask anyway
Why doesn't he just use his telepathy to make a mutant with telekinesis move his legs for him?
Are psychics the worst mutants?
Yes, every single one of them is a cunt and proof that humans are right in hating and fearing mutants.
He has the potential to become the strongest of each.
No, that's not it at all. He's psychic, not telekinetic. He can't move things with his mind, just control and read other minds.
He’s had low key telekinetic abilities. Why not use that?
Because a crippled old professor passes much more credibility. His work is all about polictics, so this is nothing but a PR play
Yes. If I were a marvel citizen, I would join an anti-psychics party in an heartbeat.
Hey. Nobody in here is using their powers to cheat their bodies' disabilities, are they?
>invades privacy
>turns people gay
>always bringing pheonix force shit to Earth
based mordo
I was going to say that Hellion wasn't that bad, but then I remembered when he stirred up shit at an airport and attacked a guy at a protest
Mind over Matter
Because he's not crippled, he's just lazy.
>Telepathy and Telekinesis are two very different abilities.
>inb4 it doesn't count because it's an old story
Onslaught had telekinetic powers even before he got to Franklin.
>low key telekinetic abilities.
I am envisioning the team America puppets for some reason.