What's with Illumination Studio's obsession with tall skinny beautiful bubbly woman x ugly lazy fat piece of sht...

What's with Illumination Studio's obsession with tall skinny beautiful bubbly woman x ugly lazy fat piece of sht husband ?

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It's from secret life of pets 2 btw

Imagine the sex

they're pandering to their audience

wish fulfillment

So she fucked the dog?

People would complain that it's sexist if they portray a woman as a fat lazy piece of shit.

dumb phoneposter

>why animation studio relies on a popular trope?
Because it's familiar to the audience, so they will like or tolerate it regardless of quality.

stick deserves better

Men can accept reality, women can't.

I thought it was the opposite ? Skinny priviledge, fat is beautifuk, body positivity and all ??

Its the opposite op, kek


you mean men

Yeah but if they portray it in a negative light, like making her lazy, dependent on the husband, etc. then they would get assblasted.

A few dykes ranting on twitter doesn't make a film colpany "assblasted"

Oh I wasn't talking about the film company I was talking about SJWs.

I want her to pet me

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Because it's a well established stereotype and being fat makes the male a better comic relief/slapstick character than if he was super attractive and in shape.
For the women, in popular media mothers/wives are usually seen as good sources of reason and wisdom, which works better if she's attractive and appealing visually appealing rather than comically overweight. After all, would you really take advice from a fat person who clearly can't even control their own eating habits?

Basically it's a well established stereotype that also enhances the impact of other stereotypes that are typically used for mother/father pairs in popular media (silly, comedic relief husband and rational, level headed wife who has to rein him in).

>skinny pregnant milf
I have a sudden interest where I had none before.

>this thread again

ONE OF THESE DAYS, Yea Forums...

no one gets that reference

There was another thread ?

Only. Lack guys like fat chicks

Agreed, women require regular beatings.

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Lanky guys?


Pandering to the fat people in this website.


it happens a lot irl, at least here in the west coast