What's example of maintaining status quo do you hate the most?...

What's example of maintaining status quo do you hate the most?, Mine would be bringing back Optimus Prime and turning Rodimus back to Hot Rod, Seriously

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Other urls found in this thread:


same. Honestly i'd be more interested in Optimus being alive while Rodimus lead.

What I hate is that Rodimus was handled so poorly that we'll never see another non-Prime leader ever again.

Muties that died keep coming back.

Rodimus sucked.

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well on the Hasbro side of things....

Everything about Gotham

Change to popular status quo that is never explained or questioned.

Example: N52 comics had Beast Boy from Teen Titans be red, in a way to connect him more to The Red from AnimalMan/SwampThing.
After a few years, and a change in writers/artist, they suddenly have Beastboy back to being green again.
That's such an easy fix! All you have to do is have some one-off comment about "BeastBoy's powers are constantly mutating" or something. Instead they just never acknowledge it.

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Except the ones that really should.

Too much to list with Marvel Comics.

Spider-Man, main Marvel Comics character with actual development, Marvel can't comprehend this is actually a good thing so they keep regressing him.
You know it's real embarrassing when even the MOVIES(?!), and Sony movies at that, sucessfully gave him growth and introduced Miles as a successor in an organic way.
But no, in the comics for most of his existance Miles remains pointless, as do most of the half a dozen Spider-Men running around.

Rodimus was such a failure he couldn't even handle his first epidemic.

Character's can't get married or fix their flaws.

Even worse what they did to Roddy...bringing Prime back RIGHT after the episode where he finally accepted his role as leader.

This is a generation thing. Characters developed and grew constantly up until the mid 2000's. Silver age fanboys taking over the industry locked in this static characterization. I call it the fanfic age of comics.

You know, the X-Men? They kept introducing new characters during the 90's but those that worked stuck around and gained prominence. That's how we got stuff like X-Force but nowadays? Who gives a shit about the original 5? No, really. Also Mr. Sinister, he fucking sucks 80% of the time but he gives some writers a hard on so he keeps coming back. The less said about Magneto and Juggernaut the better.

What's worse, being Rodimus or a Japanese only G1 Autobot leader?

Japanese G1 leader by far.

I mean, poor Star Saber. Went from being heroic to..a church militant. Ginrai's basically ignored and does anyone even remember Dai Atlas?

He...was in that comic with Drift..and...yep, those guys can't catch a break.

You mean how Magneto kept flip flopping from being a Mutant Supremacist to a good guy or how Juggernaut went from this unstoppable monster to the Marvel equivalent of Big Show (big guy whose only role is to be beaten up by some new monster to show he's for serious, yo?)

lio-convoy is probably the most fortunate one but still had to play second fiddle to razorbeast. big convoy jobbed to an OC donut steel.

That's from The Gathering right? That attempt to jam in BWII and Neo into regular Beast Wars continuity? Then again, Leo got wrapped into that crappy Uprising story..

That plus Juggernaut also flip-flopping about being good too. I'm not counting Sabertooth because that guy being good is just horrible writing.

Ginrai suffers a lot from sharing a toy with Optimus.

>Ginrai's basically ignored
The issue with Ginrai is that he was a Japanese repurposing of an Optimus toy. Fine for the time, but now it's very difficult to work around in order to acknowledge Ginrai, but not Prime. Plus there's the fact that Victory basically murdered him in order to contextualise Star Saber's upgrade. In a sense he technically no longer exists.

>>and does anyone even remember Dai Atlas?
Dai Atlas got a decent recurring role in IDWs comics and lead his own faction (of sorts), so that's not too shabby for a late-game G1 guy. Especially when you consider how Metalhawk died just to give Starscream political fodder.

yup. kinda sucks that they really had to jam things for that story (tons of characters having little to no characterization).

Why were they so obsessed with shoving in every d-list G1 character they could find anyway?

Just to show they can. The best fate for them is just them being a background character. Worse fate? Some writer thinks he's being clever by derailing their established character because of a fanfic he made as a kid.

ravage is the only G1 character there iirc. the rest are just everyone from the beast wars era and a bunch of convention exclusive toys (shokoract and antagony. funny how cryotek wasn't included).

I was talking about Uprising

Uprising was a mistake, ain't it?

I thought the worst fate was being another namedropped casualty?

If you want to talk about an aspect of Transformers that I was CONVINCED would snap back to status quo, it's Megatron becoming an honorary Autobot.

It was basically done to check off a box regarding cross-platform synergy: at the time, Age of Extinction had just dropped and that film had a "Galvatron" leading the enemy faction. IDW conformed to this by shuffling Megatron out of the picture in order to promote Galvatron to the leader position... which was really fucking weird considering Galvatron had tried to murder their entire planet about a year prior.

But yeah, I was convinced Megatron would revert back. Quite impressed that it never took place.

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Uprising is so fucking adolescent it beggars belief.

ah! my bad! thought we're still talking about the gathering.

looking back on other characters that got redeemed/got away with it, how does IDW megs rank?

The worst part was probably the tumblr-speak chapter names.

Hey, better to die offscreen/panel than having your character suddenly went from a heroic figure to a complete jibbering madman because...I dunno, shit writing.

Star Saber?

I'll give Roberts credit where it's due, he kept Autobot Megatron going for the rest of the continuity.

I still can't believe what they did to Star Saber

We've seen a FUCKTILLION of non-Prime leaders since then.

Fucking STARSCREAM was president of Cybertron for a while.

Transformers works on a multiverse system. It is not one big single timeline, where newer material supersedes older material.

Star Saber didn't "go from heroic leader to religious fanatic" because it's not the same Star Saber. IDW G1 and the Japanese G1 continuity are not the same universe. Japanese Star Saber is not affected by IDW Star Saber.

The IDW Beast Wars comics are their own universe. It is not the same universe as the North American cartoon universe, OR the Japanese G1 continuity, which already had BWII and BWN taking place in the same universe as BW. IDW BW can shuffle around the timing of events all it wants because it's its own thing.

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We had an entire show where Bumblebee was the leader.

That's not really what they meant. We're never going to get a brand new toyline where the heroic Autobot dad is an entirely fresh character. The West never overcame its PTSD from Prime's death in the movie, whereas the Japanese went in the exact opposite direction and had a goddamn revolving door of Autobot leaders one-upping each other until the franchise gave out.

He's not "entirely fresh", but he's not Optimus.

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Here's another team dad that isn't Optimus (although Optimus is the overall commander in this)

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I like to believe that each Rodimus is hated in each universe and they don't know why

I'm amazed people are still mad 30+ years later even when they fucking revived Optimus

If people get to complain about Bay Prime being too bloodthirsty then we get to complain about Star Saber too.

I'm not saying you can't complain. I'm saying you shouldn't complain about concepts that don't exist.

You can dislike IDW Star Saber. That's fine. Disliking IDW Star Saber because he somehow "ruined" original Star Saber is fucking stupid.

But that's the same complaint people have for Bay Prime.

And that's why those particular complaints are fucking stupid.

>Disliking IDW Star Saber because he somehow "ruined" original Star Saber is fucking stupid
That's the entire complaint for Bay prime though

Well is not completely wrong since that's the most mainstream version of Star Saber in Western territories. I don't see Hasbro putting Star Saber anywhere else.

The problem was all of the nerds who wanted Optimus back, We could've seen things from a new angle and have Rodimus develop over time, We could've had Optimus Prime back and Rodimus together, What sucks is that he's being erased from Transformers lore now thanks to Bumblebee
I think that Megatron's story would end like a heel-face turn, In Season 3(Which is the ending in my head canon) he made peace with the Autobots after being saved, In Power of The Primes he gave up on evil after seeing The Fallen and in Prime he disbanded the Decipticons

Except they didn't have the balls to have Transformers show without Megatron or Optimus so they ruined his sacrifice in the finale and brought in The Fallen because his name is similar enough to Megatron

To the credit of the showrunners, Optimus doesn't amount to much in the show and Megatronus is something that happens and never gets brought up again.

>You can dislike IDW Star Saber. That's fine. Disliking IDW Star Saber because he somehow "ruined" original Star Saber is fucking stupid.

The IDW version is probably the most well-known version to Western audiences, so there is a valid complaint in it tainting people's opinions.

Hot Shot was already the new Hot Rod.

>absent for the entire Season
>Shows up at like the last minute like the writers forgot about him
>"Hey guys I'm the first Decepticon but I'm not gonna explain how or my relations to Megatron"
>His entire origin story is summed up by one sentence with no flashback or actual motivation
>Wants to destroy Earth and Cybertron because they helped defeat him, We don't know how
>Dies in his third appearance, remain forgotten

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I hate how his origin story is just that he killed Solus Prime, The "first Decepticon" thing was only brought up once, I wanted the "Herald of Unicron" origin story or the two combined

>Arise, Shotimus Prime

>We are contractually obligated to include Megatronus.
I loved that Megatron fucked off after Prime and didn't return, so he learned his lesson after all.

What did they do?

>I hate how his origin story is just that he killed Solus Prime
Me too, it ruins TWO characters and not just one.

Megatronus was such a shitty idea. Just let Megatron be the revolutionary, he doesn't need some mythological connection to a betrayer to make that work.

>tfw you'll never get to live out your dream of writing a Transformers comic post-War where Rodimus is and permanently remains the new Prime, while Optimus retires in disgrace and shame because victory came at the cost of Spike Witwicky sacrificing himself to kill Megatron
>And then make the plot about Optimus's long, hard road to redeeming himself in his own eyes after Rodimus places him in charge of instructing a new class of Autobot cadets, to remind Optimus that even if he no longer sees himself as that, the world still sees him as Optimus Prime.

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But would he be able to open the matrix without his shoulders hurting?

You know user, you could try and write it, how do you think Roberts got the job in the first place?

Could it really be so easy? Would they even let me?

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Yeah, write something with quality, check some comic scripts and pitch it to them. You never know.

Your fanfic isn't any shittier than his.

Hasbro is too stuck in G1 for a non-Optimus leader.

White male Thor

Bitchy whiny "I don't think I can do this guys.." is not something anyone wants in their giant robot leader. No one wants to see a giant robot fumble over in self doubt over and over again and talk about how they can never measure up to the last cooler guy.

Rodimus has nothing going for him outside of his self doubt. If they had made it anyone else from the original season or someone who had at least a little screentime that character could have a believable rise to power but out of nowhere Hot Rod was bullshit.

Remember, these are the same people who spend tons of money on diecast heavy, slavishly cartoon accurate figures that they put on a shelf to gather dust

I hate the meta-status quo that all mainline Transformers stories must follow a cast that mimics the original cartoon in some way.

Should have gone with Ultra Magnus as the leader post-Optimus. He's characterised by self-doubt, but he still checks the boxes for "big truck" and "red, white and blue". Prime's chosen successor taking on the job wouldn't have stung quite so much compared to the young punk whose interference more or less got him killed.


Nerds don't forgive nor forget. Some people are still mad that great mazinger exists and take pride whenever it gets shat on in the modern OVAs and spin-offs.

Ultra Magnus would have worked better. He had discipline if not confidence, and the respect of his subordinates. His rising would have made a better story.

If they it has to be Hot Rod have him become prime after a couple episodes next season. Have him see how others do it, have him come to terms with what he has to be then strive for it. Hell have his leadership growth be more than a couple lines to the Sharkicons after Grimlock pacified them and a handshake between him and Wrek-Gar(who was more impressed by the ship than Hot Rod) and it would have been doable.

Fucking Kup would have made more sense.

The funny thing was the moment he finally got over his self-doubt, Optimus permanently returned in the next episode.

Masterpiece toys are fine when they don't go full autist.

Official and 3p are starting to go this route unfortunately

Oh sure, don't remind me. I hate they went deep with the scale.

Gee, not like IDW Star Saber would be the one familiar to most of the folks who didn't know where he's from or anything, right?

Which I never get why they shat on Great Mazinger. Tetsuya's a pretty good character (hell, he's basically a better Asuka Langley Soryuu before NGE was a thing) and the Great is a pretty...great mech.

Japan gave Rodimus a human girlfriend.

You have no idea what Asuka was within the story of NGE.

For all the complaining about IDW comics, these were quite easy to access. People understimate how mainstream these actually were.

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Here the preview of number 6 since this thread has turned into in the new of Transformers

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"Codexa, something's going wrong"
"Oh, now you come and visit me, Pax! It's always when it's trouble, ain't it?"

This Megatron is gonna get memed.

So cute.

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Thank you news user.

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>he doesn't need some mythological connection to a betrayer
Dude, Megatronus was one of the original primes and his origin had nothing to do with Megatron, Even if he founded the Decipticons Megatron can still show up without any relation to him

Yes, as far as I know Megatron picked that name during his gladiator days to inspire fear on his opponents.

He was created specifically to give Megatron's name history and weight.

really curious what Megatron is using the chains for.


Probably to letting him handle some sort of beast.

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seriously, why is Godginrai not invited in these things?

He is not Optimus Prime, even though he looks just like him and serves the same function. And I see they invited everyone else, those pricks.

>wyatt throws a shit fit about TLK hot rod
>same wyatt who let his hot rod and his team jobbing to decepticons and being hit by cosmic rust. perpetuating the whole "he sucks as a leader" thing.
was this a case of pot calling the kettle black?

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Never did like how folks just keep shatting on Hot Rod. I mean, Prime's the idiot who slowly walks up to Megatro, just so Megs would have a clear shot of Prime's head. If Hot Rod didn't stop Megatron, Prime would've been dead earlier. Also, Prime, Megatron's bigger than Hot Rod..don't give me that bullshit you can't hit the guy.

I never thought of it that way, plus they got Omar Sy to voice him and they gave him a cool time-stopper power. Like Elita's but it doesn't kill him. Yeah, Wyatt was talking out of his ass, Bay gave Hot Rod more respect, funnily enough.

I should've dropped the show earlier.

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Adventure Time? Oh lord, that season fucked everything up, I won't even bother listing everything that's bad about it.

You're so damn correct. it hurts.

The Convoy is a group of 13 Primes and other heroic leaders assembled from many different universes, created to address dire changes in the fabric of the Multiverse.

Members of the Convoy include:

Black Convoy (Aurex 304.0 Epsilon) aka "Nemesis Prime"
General Optimus Prime (Primax 096.0 Beta)
Lio Convoy (Primax 498.1 Alpha) aka "Leo Prime"
Optimus Prime (Viron 903.0 Beta) aka "Ignition Prime"
Convoy (Primax 895.0 Gamma) aka "Hero Prime"
Optimus Prime (Aurex 1006.0 Beta) aka "Beast Prime"
Primal Prime (Primax 700.0 Beta)
Sentinel Maximus (Primax 797.18 Epsilon)
Akiba Prime (Uniend 1212.01 Beta)
Scourge (Primax 1086.01 Alpha)
Zeemon Magnus (Malgus 1008.19 Gamma)
Clayton Abernathy (Primax 806.30 Gamma) aka "General Hawk"
Bendy-Bus Prime (Tyran 110.21 Alpha)

So they are dicks created by assholes more autistic than the average Sonic fan. Good to know they put a goddamn GoBot from the Allspark Almanac before Ginrai.


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IDW Media Holdings: Closing Successful Rights Offering, Raised Total of $23 Million

IDW Media Holdings Closing Successful Rights Offering
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 12:35 PM
Exceeds $22.5 Million Goal

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / May 22, 2019 / IDW Media Holdings, Inc. “IDWM” (OTC PINK: IDWM), an integrated media company, announced that it is closing its private placement offering – exceeding its $22.5 million goal.

The Company raised $19.0 million from existing stockholders though the initial and follow-on offering rounds, and has received commitments from outside investors for an additional $4.0 million.

“This is a tremendously exciting time for IDW Media,” said Howard Jonas, IDW’s Chairman and CEO. “With the proceeds of the offering, we are in an outstanding position to create additional value for our shareholders. First and foremost, we have refocused and enhanced our ability to generate and monetize creative content. Within the year, we will have four powerful and original shows distributed on cable and major streaming platforms, and we have more engaging titles in our robust pipeline. Our creative teams are generating new IP within IDW Publishing. IDW Entertainment is developing properties for TV, streaming and, potentially, theatrical releases. We are doing all of this with a lean, efficient team so that our business will operate with increasing profitability.”

The Company is utilizing the proceeds from the rights offering to execute on its strategic priorities, which include production of the four current shows at IDW Entertainment (IDWE), continued development and distribution of new shows in IDWE’s pipeline, and funding growth initiatives within IDW Publishing.

Following the rights offering, the Company has significantly strengthened its balance sheet to support continued progress on these priorities. It has enhanced its cash position, repaid all short-term debt, and reduced overall debt from $21.0 million to $9.0 million. Its remaining long-term debt obligations consist solely of loans to its Chairman and CEO, Howard Jonas.

All statements above that are not purely about historical facts, including, but not limited to, those in which we use the words “believe,” “anticipate,” “expect,” “plan,” “intend,” “estimate,” “target” and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. While these forward-looking statements represent our current judgment of what may happen in the future, actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by these statements due to numerous important factors. Our filings with the OTC Reporting Service provide detailed information on such statements and risks, and should be consulted along with this release. To the extent permitted under applicable law, we assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

About IDW Media Holdings

IDW Media Holdings, Inc. (OTC: IDWM) is a fully integrated media company. IDWM’s businesses include IDW Publishing – a leading American publisher of comic books and graphic novels, IDW Games, IDW Entertainment-a producer and distributor of franchise content through television and other animated media- Top Shelf Productions, the San Diego Comic Art Gallery, and CTM Media Group, one of North America’s largest distributors of information for tourists and travelers.


IDW Media Holdings
Ezra Rosensaft, Chief Financial Officer
[email protected]

SOURCE: IDW Media Holdings, Inc.


So IDW saved itself? Kinda weird all other publishers had shows and movies but IDW had almost none aside from Wynona Earp.

well then

Hot Rod will get his due.

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I just love the fact that there's TFA Kiss Players and it's canon.

Shaoshao needs more love dammit.

She's got three toys already, I think from now on every Firebolt/Firedrive toy that gets released is her by default.

There's no TFA Kiss Players. There are iterations of some Kiss Players characters in TFA, but the kiss powerup concept and the Kiss Players band don't exist in Animated.

That image is from an unofficial art book, which does not make it canon.

They have a clusterfuck of things as canon in Animated, it's 80% canon.

I found it weird when he ranted about Lockdown in the movie having no personality when the movie Lockdown was a business minded merciless bounty hunter that found the autobot and decepticon conflict a waste of time, aka, Lockdown's precise exact personality from TFA.

He is the one time the movies actualy got someone right.

Heck, even they got right the Ratchet affair, too bad they killed Ratchet.

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TFA Lockdown loved the war because it kept him employed. Both sides were hiring him.

Wait, General Hawk, a GoBot and some OC before Ginrai, Star Saber, Dai Atlas and Big Convoy? Geez...

He was a bounty hunter, that's like their thing.

It's not even a cool GoBot, but an obscure made-up one and from Animated.

Sure, but he still had no side or horse in the race. The actual conflict for him was nothing. It was business, which is just in line with his TLK characterization.

but zeemon (the OG) is technically the head guardian so it makes sense for him to be their prime and not leader-1.

Maybe someone who outranks Optimus but not Prime, that's too much.

Cept the game.

Which game?

Rise of the Dark Spark.

In that one he wants the war to last forever so he can keep getting hired over and over, basking in the violence and destruction.

IDW’s New Transformers Comic Series: Issue #7 Sneak Peek

IDW Manager, Creative Development / Senior Editor Tom Waltz sets up a weather forecast for this reveal of a panel from issue #7:

You know that saying, “A storm is coming”? Well, in #Transformers #7, a cyclone is coming. A #Cyclonus, to be exact. Here’s a raging cool sneak peek for all you awesome fans that have made our Bold New Era a smash hit! @Brian_Ruckley @Anna__Malkova @JoanaLafuente @IDWPublishing

Full credits: Brian Ruckley (Author) • Cachét Whitman (Artist) • Beth McGuire-Smith (Author) • Christian Ward (Cover Artist)

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Sounds like Lockdown, alright.

>wyatt throws a shit fit about TLK hot rod
Derrick J Wyatt?, The guy who was part of Omniverse?, This is irony on a whole new level


apparently making him say 'fuck you' is supposed to be a achievement level in fail.

Honestly, when it comes to Bayformers, Hot Rod doesn't look half bad.

Hawk opened the Matrix in the Devil's Due crossover.

>During their escape, Hawk was assaulted by Overkill, who bragged that Serpent O.R. had already captured Optimus Prime. While Snake-Eyes saved him from the dinosaur, Hawk knew that they couldn't escape without saving Prime. Making their way to Serpent O.R.'s control room, they found that their enemy had stolen the Matrix of Leadership and transformed into "Serpentor Prime", only to have control of his body taken from him by Cobra Commander. As the commander effortlessly took out most of the team, Hawk's only hope was that the Matrix would think of him as a more worthy wielder, and convinced Optimus Prime to throw him at Serpentor's opened chestplate. Upon touching the Matrix, Hawk saw the pure beauty of the universe and fell unconscious, while the power feedback destroyed Serpentor Prime and fried Cobra Commander's brain. When he woke up, Hawk possessed all the knowledge of the Matrix, and Optimus Prime believed he would use it to lead humanity into a new golden age.

Attached: SerpentorPrime.jpg (509x453, 56K)

>looking back on other characters that got redeemed/got away with it, how does IDW megs rank?
Garbage. There were some good scenes at first, with characters telling Megatron "sit down and shut up" when he kept being on his stupid, selfish bullshit, but eventually the comic was just telling us "he's redeemed now and if you don't like that you're wrong" (pic related) while he had made no actual changes to his behavior.
And literally while this was happening the author kept on making Hitler and Stalin parallels with wartime Megatron.

Attached: solomus and ultra magnus turn to the camera and tell you that if you don't like megatron's (1041x882, 1.28M)

That dialogue is an illusion fed by the character's minds

It was a nice crossover. Though, the issue here is leaving out Ginrai and many other Japanese Autobot Leaders.

4 of them are Japanese Primes, and an additional 1 is a repaint of yet another.

TF August 2019 solicits:

CVR A RAIZ - JUN190698
(W) Brian Ruckley (A) Andrew Griffith, Bethany McGuire-Smith
Chromia and Windblade raid a Rise base in search for clues about the identity of Brainstorm's murderer, only to be discovered-and the Rise isn't happy. Meanwhile, Bumblebee sees his first bit of action as the Ascenticon Guard is called to defend a building under siege!

As questions are answered, more mysteries abound!
Who commands the Rise?
In Shops: Aug 14, 2019
Final Orders Due: Jul 22, 2019
SRP: $3.99

CVR B ZAMA - JUN190702
(W) Brian Ruckley (A) Kei Zama
Out in the vast galaxy, Cybertronian explorers encounter all manner of beings-some friendly and some in stern opposition to Cybertronian expansion. When relations start to crumble and violence is threatened, there's only one bot to turn to-Nautica, head of xeno-relations.

All your favorite Transformers characters as you've never seen them before!
The return of both Alex Milne (Transformers: Unicron) and Kei Zama (Optimus Prime)!
In Shops: Aug 28, 2019
Final Orders Due: Aug 05, 2019
SRP: $3.99

(W) Simon Furman (A) Guido Guidi
An all-new prequel to the original 1984 Transformers #1! Celebrating 35 years of Transformers!

War has gripped the planet Cybertron, but an even deadlier threat looms-an asteroid belt powerful enough to destroy the metal world unless Autobot Field Commander Optimus Prime and his heroic recruits can clear a path for the planet. But what other motivations does Prime have for this mission? And how does it tie to a secret on Earth in the eleventh century?

Celebrating 35 years of TRANSFORMERS!
Reuniting the Transformers: Regeneration One team of Simon Furman and Guido Guidi!
In Shops: Aug 07, 2019
Final Orders Due: Jul 15, 2019
SRP: $4.99

(W) Erik Burnham (A) Dan Schoening
"GHOSTS OF CYBERTRON", PART 3! The 35th anniversary meeting between Transformers and Ghostbusters continues! Ectotron came to Earth and found a situation far more complicated than he was expecting, which means Optimus Prime is going to need to be brought into the picture. But until Optimus can arrive, Ectotron takes the opportunity to join the Ghostbusters on a case and observe the paranormal. And don't forget about the ghost of Starscream!

Prime gets slimed!
Featuring a brand-new Autobot-Ectotron-and other crossover surprises!
Written and illustrated by the long-time fan-favorite Ghostbusters creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, and Luis Antonio Delgado!
Five action-packed interconnecting covers from series artist Dan Schoening!
The series will also include covers from superstar artists like Nick Roche, Alex Milne, Paulina Ganucheau, Priscilla Tramontano, and more!
In Shops: Aug 21, 2019
Final Orders Due: Jul 29, 2019
SRP: $3.99

Covers will be released in about six hours.

>Kei Zama
>Alex Milne
...Are they reading these threads? Seems like they got the memo that the first artist just isn't good at all.

Thank you user!

Fucking First Comics News.

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Fucking crunch time.

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Oh my God, she's getting a toy.
Thanks for the dump.

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I hope they don't change Nautica too much.

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i don't think so, that's the Titans Returns toy body.

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Works for me, at least I got that toy.

I don't and i was always disappointed by this retool.

Why is that so?

Gonna guess that it's not femmebot enough.

I'd say she's femmebot enough, she only needs more paint apps.

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I don't really get why you would care about that, as there were only about 4 episodes left in the series after Optimus Prime returned.
4 episodes isn't much of a status quo, really.

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>I hate the meta-status quo that all mainline Transformers stories must follow a cast that mimics the original cartoon in some way.
how much does it really have to replicate the original cast?
I thought the only things really were Prime & Megatron as the main protagonist/antagonist, and a treacherous Starscream?

It had the unfortunate effect of making Rodimus a temporary replacement at best in subsequent media.

The head design, lack of a visor and the chest. It could've had more retooling in the vehicle mode.


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I'm ok with the head design and the visor comes and goes so it's not much of an issue. Agreed about the vehicle mode and chest.

>When you remember Hasbro owns the power rangers now.

Aunt May coming back from the dead in the late nineties/early 2000s.
I think everyone has a moment with superhero comics where it really hits them hard how easily and often big changes to a comic are undone, and you start getting apathetic to them, and that was really mine.
Plus, the story/explanation for her return was especially stupid and contrived.
Don't think I ever bought Spider-Man comics regularly again

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why is that a problem?

I appreciate that Spider-Verse had the maturity to kill Aunt May off.

Because now we are stuck with people unable to let Optimus go.

You mean Worfing?

>Fucking Sony of all companies made Miles likeable twice
>In both the Insomniac video game and in the Spider-Verse movie
>In the comics he's still a boring one note character

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Ahmed is actually doing interesting stuff with miles though, I’ll give him some time to fully establish him

well, can't they just have another successor for Optimus, rather than Hot Rod?

Also, I thought Transformers animated had Optimus as just the captain of a team, rather than the big leader? That's a break from that status quo

Let's be real, the reason Optimus keeps coming back is because the guy is the embodiment of this perfect father figure leader. He has this warm yet commanding voice, he's never a dick beyond the few exceptions where the writer went on the rag etc.

The reason for his first revival was, after all, because countless kids cried their eyes out in theatres when he died in the movie.

Animated as a whole was a break from the status quo since Animated Optimus is the least Optimus of all of them. He could easily be a different character altogether. It helps that he is voiced by David Kaye sounding unlike any Optimus.

Yeah and these dumb ass kids never grew up, Optimus was dead but we could now see Transformers from a different perspective of characters, They didn't even give Rodimus a chance

>They didn't even give Rodimus a chance

I don't think it didn't help they made Rodimus really wishywashy and had too much self-doubt/loathing as a leader. I mean he's a much more compelling character but kids in the 80s just didn't get it at the time.

My dream is to one day have the version of Rodimus that succeeds.

also considering how beloved Peter B. Parker from Spider-Verse is. I think that right there should be the template for a future Rodimus Prime.

Look at your numbers, you just may get your wish.

here's hoping.

People may be willing to ignore Optimus now thanks to the movies.

red beast boy was a dumb idea

>Rodimus B. Prime

true but Hot Rod's role will be filled by Bumblebee.

RiD Bumblebee was basically Rodimus, Prime Smokescreen was basically Hot Rod. Hot Rod is in Cyberverse as Bumblebee's best friend, same as TLK....Bumblebee may be Hot Rod's best shot.

Hot Rod i hope does more in Cyberverse season 2.

I'm sure of it. They gave him a push in the toyline.

wtf I want this now.

sliding timescale

seems that way yeah

>fanfic age of comics
He nailed it. Just wtf, do editorial ever do anything?

is windblade having a stroke?

She's having one of those moments like when you stand up too fast and you have a minor blackout.

>minor Blackout

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Whenever they decide "Batman is an edgy loner now" and have him alienate the fuck out of the supporting cast, only for him to learn a Valuable Lesson About Family in like six months. It just keeps happening and it's absurd.

I love how all Lego stuff has a field day with this.

Spider-Man never recovered from this.

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No one can recover from something like that unless they take on it head on.

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Toaster is MVP.

>they made Rodimus really wishywashy and had too much self-doubt/loathing as a leader
This is why I hate the writing of Season 3 and 4. It feels like the writers capitulated to crybaby kids, because Hot Rod in the movie had absolutely no self-doubt. Unshakable confidence was literally his fucking thing.

He kills a multiversal godlike threat, kicks the Decepticons off Cybertron (which Optimus failed to do for millions of years), liberates the Sharkticons, makes peace with the Junkions, was the only bot deemed worthy by the Matrix, and then all of a sudden he's plagued with doubts about being a better leader than Optimus? Fuck that shit. Fuck everything after the movie.

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Maybe the matrix was indeed cursed.

>He kills a multiversal godlike threat
Unicron wasn't a multiversal being then and he isn't now.

Okay, fine. He's just a giant unstoppable devouring force that had a single canonical weakness, and not a multiversal threat. Oh no, Rodimus better start doubting himself at this realization!

That's another thing, even when Optimus was rewritten back into the show and could use the Matrix, he expended all its knowledge in one go. It's not the Matrix that's cursed, it's Optimus. He's the fucking Avatar Korra of Transformers, except kids dickride him because he's their surrogate father.

Yeah, they could've used Season 3 to have Hot Rod be this hotblooded leader who fights at the front, reckless yes but his confidence is what will see him through. But instead we have Magnus (the guy who basically just say "Fuck that other exploding shuttle, my shit's more important") be just Optimus Prime. Hell, Galvatron even consider Ultra Magnus more of a threat than Rodimus.

>Okay, fine. He's just a giant unstoppable devouring force that had a single canonical weakness, and not a multiversal threat. Oh no, Rodimus better start doubting himself at this realization!
Buddy I was correcting your error, not trying to debunk your entire point. Chill out.

Yeah Rodimus should've been a reckless headstrong type of leader.

Magnus would've made more sense to write as the self-doubting one, i mean he had lines like "I'm just a soldier i'm not worthy" or "I can't deal with that now"

>Optimus Has Fallen! I Rodimus Am Your New Leader

Why do people rag on the "I can't deal with that now" line so much? It's an example of a positive character trait, not a negative one.

I dunno it’s funny

Nah, it sounded like "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...I am not prepared for this! Why the frag did I accept this?"

Conquering the world on horseback is easy. Dismounting and ruling is much harder. Rebuilding and rehabilitation are much harder tasks than organizing a war that and he's now in charge when he has no prior leadership experience would add to that. The matrix only gives you access to past leaders wisdom but they don't give you the answers.

Ultra Magnus jobbed a lot in the movie if you think about it.

Optimus is the protagonist of the series, except when Bumblebee is.

It really didn't. Stack's delivery conveys the sentiment of "I'm BUSY trying to keep us alive", not panic of any sort.

Well if he started out as a super confident alpha leader he'd just be Optimus Prime #2, The writer's wanted to make things from a new perspective

I hate how Bumblebee is now the 'rising leader' archetype, People hated Hot Rod for that but are cheering Bumblebee for it, What's his Prime name gonna be?, Beemus Prime?

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Optimus Prime's cartoon self was rather laid back overall (being a John Wayne impression), so having Hot Rod be more gung ho would've been a step towards setting them apart while allowing the latter to seem more proactive and capable.

Also, you know what really would've helped out Rodimus Prime? A better design.

>People hated Hot Rod for that but are cheering Bumblebee for it.
Because Bumblebee has been a prominent staple of the live-action films for over a decade. Hell, he's one of the few constants in that merry-go-round shitheap of a film series, so he's earned the affection and attention of the audience.

By contrast, back in the day Hot Rod came out of nowhere and contributed to Optimus' death. That's a bad starting block from which to proceed.

Having Rodimus be a touch reckless would also allow Kup (and possibly Magnus) to be more influential mentor characters. Kup gave Rodimus advice on a couple of occasions, but that wasn't really his defined role in the show.

see now that would be ideal.

>See this new character? You love this new character.

There was an interview with two of the s3 show writers on youtube where they admitted that hasbro told them to write stories with both hot rod and rodimus because both toys were in circulation at the time of airing. They wanted to sell both instead of having kids just buy rodimus prime. The writers just went with him losing the matrix frequently so he would revert back to hot rod. I'll see if I can find it, I think it was an anniversary interview for the movie.

that would explain a lot.

>dc trinity is superman Batman and Wonder Woman!

Literally has not been true fan wise for at least 20 years, Batman is still the only trinity member that makes any sense

>Wonder Woman
Who would've ever imagined that a shitty character, Born in the Silver Age, Would grow to be DC's savior

To be fair, underwater sea kingdom has a ton of potential for live action movies to be dismissed so quickly.

Don’t let superniggers read that. They have an unhealthy obsession with being than Batman. They’d be fine if superman having aids as long as Batman had prostate cancer



Thanks, this was enjoyable.

It's more of jealousy over how Batman has made it with the Christopher Nolan while Superman was stuck with Zack Snyder resulting in him being cancelled

I always felt like the movie (and ONLY the movie--the following season really kinda regressed things) was trying to imply that Ultra Magnus was more capable with following orders than making them up, whereas Hot Rod gained the adaptability to cope with all the crazy shit that would invariably cross the Autobots' path and make snap decisions rather than hesitate and lead to even more costly mistakes.

Other than act as some sill Force Analog, that's also what the small scene where he just believes that the Matrix can solve any of the mess they were in was meant to imply; he has good instincts but needs some tempering in order to made good on them. (I mean...okay, yeah, the elephant in the room is that he indirectly caused Optimus to die, but in his defense he was vindicated in thinking Megatron would try some bullshit.)

Note He and Kup are the only two Autobots other than Optimus Prime himself who actually use their alt mods to attack or gain advantage over a situation rather than just use them to run away during the film.(The Dinobots don't count; they barely shift into robot form for any reason.)

I always felt like Animated Optimus was a Done Right version of Rodimus. Young leader thrust into a chaotic situation but still holding the crew together to get shit done.

True, I mean Ultra Magnus getting exploded in the Junk planet implied that he was just the logical choice but far from the best one.
You know, I never looked at it that way, it makes a lot of sense.

X-Factor/Jean Grey's return

that stuff they pulled in the sharkicon pit was pretty hype when I was young

She should stay dead...DEAD.

Hot Rod and Kup's dynamic is so underutilized, we see Hot Rod and Ultra Magnus together a lot but no Kup.

Attached: TFA Rodimus and Kup.jpg (1200x849, 92K)

What I got from this thread is that the people who like Rodimus like to talk shit about people who wanted Optimus back and yet they act the same way with Rodimus.

>They wanted to sell both instead of having kids just buy rodimus prime.
Well, no worries there. G1 Rodimus manages to pull of the feat of being less than a brick: he's a weedy twig.

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And people complain about PotP Rodimus.

It was an instance of attempting to establish a new status quo in a franchise now known for essentially repackaging the same material over and over. It's interesting to analyse what went wrong (from multiple perspectives) and be frustrated with something similar never being attempted again.

Can't we like BOTH?

I feel like the problem is Rodmius never really got a chance. His concept isn't bad and his movie character arc was okay but he was forced onto viewers who *lost their collective shit* when the Autobots they actually loved got gunned down or died horrifically. It was an experimental phase of the Transformers as a whole, but unlike later experiments of the franchise, this one got *massive* backlash and hardly anyone in it's corner. Opposed to say, Beast Wars which shook things up almost as much, but still had defenders and now parts of that series are basically on a pedestal only slightly lower than G1.

It's not a Kirk v. Picard kinda deal either where each leader was given an even break--Optimus is the most popular toy/character among the Autobots apart from Bumblebee.

He will always be brought back or be a part of any franchise because of G1's fallout in its later days. Rodimus, outside of comics I guess, simply hasn't or won't be given another chance.

...yeah... At this point I'm not sure I want to see Jean Gray be used, even in any future MCU stuff involving the X-men.

Much like Optimus Prime's death, if all you do is keep on killing the character through different iterations it not only becomes stock, it gets fucking old.

At least Hasbro tries to keep Hot Rod around so he won't ever be forgotten.

the fact he got to be in one of the live-action movies and Cyberverse in the last 2 years is still miraculous.

He is doing alright, his time to shine will come. Thanks to MTMTE he became very popular as well.

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Ultra Magnus and Kup are both old, having them be leader would miss the point.

PotP Rodimus tried to do something new by taking queues from an old 3rd party add-on but fell flat. I've come to like the tacky loadrunner look over time but it would be cool if they tried something like energon rodimus where he was a western star like truck.

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>80's baby's mind can't handle plot depth

Man you guys really didn't deserve any interesting writing.

>it would be cool if they tried something like energon rodimus where he was a western star like truck.
You get it. Man I wish for that too.
Nailed it. Perhaps that's why 80's cartoons were sometimes braindead dumb, that's as far as it went with some people.

Kei Zama just announced that there was an error in the solicitation and she will not be doing interiors for #12.

"Accidentally I was announced as IDW Transformers #12 interior artist on Previews, but it’s wrong information. I will not draw interiors for that issue.
I’m sorry if it disappointed you.



Bummer. Thank you for the heads up.

Comics suck.

Turned him into a crazy religious guy who kills all nonbelievers then jobs hard and dies when the reboot is about to start.

Railroading a character into a complete 180 personality shift isn't "plot depth." Also, don't pretend that the reason Rodimus got shit on wasn't because of the backlash from kids and upset helicopter parents. These people were the original petition.org people, except they got what they wanted in having Rodimus consistently act like a loser and get shit on.

Its not a 180, its a reasonable shift for a character suddenly charged with a ton of responsibilities and duties that couldn't be handled by straight up tackling them. Season 3 was immensely more interesting because it shifted into a straight up sci-fi series and explored the Transformers interacting with the universe instead of just a series of battles like the prior two seasons. And it was the 80's, the third season was produced way too fast for the writers to react to backlash; there was no mainstream internet for people to voice their complaints and cries, just snail mail. While it is true they bought back Optimus due to complaints it wasn't until after the season was over. Rodimus isn't "shit on", all the plotlines involving his lack of confidence or inexperience ends with him being able to resolve the problem in some way.


well at least we got Alex Milne back.

even though it dropped the ball in the end, MTMTE did at least help re-invent Rodimus for a new generation.

Fitting since he drew Nautica the most.

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Hot Rod is cool.

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I want a MTMTE Rodimus toy.

>See Galvatron's mounted gun form
>Reminded of Starscream's death
Never forget

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Is it weird that I wanted Megatron to show up in RID 2015, if only to fill the role of "grumpy uncle" at least temporarily? Like, following the mess with Megatronus, he feels obligated to help clean up the mess the Decepticon remnants are causing, and acts as an occasional ally to Team Bee, despite Bumblebee's misgivings because, you know, that fucker tore out his voicebox before.

He deserved to actually fight Galvatron before they killed him, and after the Junkions rebuild him, he doesn't really do anything.

For more irony, post-movie Rodimus and Serpentor from GI Joe were both new leader characters with the same voice actor, who both replaced probably the most popular character in the cartoon, they both had an impressive first day on the job that won over their followers in-story, but suffered from some uneven writing afterwards, and faced massive audience backlash that keeps them from getting a major role in later iterations of the franchise. They have fans, and are important enough to get new toys, but they're never going to be The Leader ever again.

Cheer up. With this kind of slip up, and her choice of wording, I'm fairly certain she's on the slate for interiors on an upcoming issue, just not #12.

it's really bizarre and amusing how Dick Gautier played both characters.

that would've been cool. I wonder how Soundwave would've reacted to Megatron giving up being a villain.

Worse is he's known for being a swordsman but dies from a single stroke from a character that's not traditionally a swordsman

Or you know, Have Megatronus show up for more than 1 episode

>Blinky leaving in the last chapter of Black Bolt after making a such a big deal about not wanting to go back to her planet
>Medusa and Black Bolt back together after Ewing and Ahmed separated them

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It could be. We already had previous artists come back.

He would have been shocked at first but learned how to accept him.

That bummed me out too.

I really do wonder how many of the RID2015 Decepticons would've like surrendered or stood down rather than getting arrested if Megatron were there. Flamesnort was one individual.

Steeljaw would have complicated matters, I guess the focus of the season would have been about making him stand down with Megatron's help.

I always thought Steeljaw was just a Starscream without a Megatron keeping him down.
Steeljaw probably would've submitted at first but would try to find a way to wrest control back to his favor.

Like a Starscream without the goofiness, but just as ambitious if not more.

Hell yeah
Hopefully without losing her personality

Who is the best IDW OC in your opinion?

At that point why bother bringing her back.

It surely has to be someone from MTMTE, but who? Probably Nautica?

Drift, Nautica, Rung and Tarn

Velocity too, though Drift is still controversial.


At first because he was an OC that was forced during AHM, then he got a mini series in which he was a Mary Sue. BUT then his toy finally got released and since it was a pretty nice toy people warmed up to him and it seems Hasbro took a liking to him as well given his appearance in AoE and RiD. He was in MTMTE where Roberts made him a fan favorite. Then he was married with Ratchet, which was controversial since those two seemed more like friends instead of lovers, so some thought it came off as pandering.

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Give him more backstory and a motive, he was beyond generic.

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Roberts made tons of gay ships but somehow Scott gets all the blame even if she killed off a lesbian ship (windblade x chromia) because of cartoon canon.

Heck, Barber too, by a long shot. If anything, Scott was the only one that allowed straight pairings.

The X-Men are so pro status quo is maddening.

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Cartoons where they hype something big is going to change the series forever only to return to the status quo the next episode.

Dog-rainicorn hybrids

>At first because he was an OC that was forced during AHM,

Drift had a pretty small role in AHM. The idiots REEEEEEEEing about him existing at all just refused to back down and admit they were wrong about this.

The lesson to learn here appears to be that the fans might accept gay ships with OCs or Z-list Autobots, but gay Combaticons is crossing a line that should not be crossed.

That page has been taken out of context on /m/ so many times it's no longer funny.

Here too!

Which sucks because it's such a TOP TIER Starscream moment.

I was there and sure, it was a small role, but marketing wouldn't shut up about Drift either. I didn't mind him, though.

Let Dudicus have his fun

Big bad battling dudidus

>Japanese are still huge fans of Transformers, even after the failure of the UT
>half of Studio Trigger would probably suck Hasbro's dick to make a Transformers anime (see SSSS.Gridman)
>Hasbro considers making a new show in Asia...
>and hands the job to the fucking Chinese government instead
Words cannot describe how fucking mad I am. Fuck the chinks and fuck them for taking advantage of Hasbro.

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so you're mad that Hasbro thinks there's more money to be made in China than the rest of the world combined?

Fucking terrible, who even cares about Nezha in the first place. Just a wasted opportunity.

Eh I think the Optimus/Rodimus thing taught Hasbro a valuable lesson that people were actually attached to the characters as more than just an easily replaceable flashy robot. So just dumping the entire cast and replacing them with new toys because "Kids won't care they'll just like the flashier guys and forget all about the old ones" didn't quite work.

There's nothing we can do. Chinese are such a lucrative cashbase because the Oppressive hellhole they live in restricts most modern competing forms of media so they don't have much to do beyond go to the theatre or watch tv. Hollywood loves them.

you cater to those who pay, not those who go about looking to see/get stuff online for free. from experience, hasbro can give the fans exactly what they want but there will always be people who'd say "can't wait to get the takaratomy version!"

>Let Marvel handle the Transformers
>Give them actual personalities and memorable character quirks
>Kill them to replace them with new guys since they are old product meant to be replaced
>People get upset
I dunno Hasbro, why would people get upset?

Let's not leave Hasbro off that easy.

Any hope that either Tailgate or Swerve are going to be in the new comics?

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Yes, both of them, though I don't know how different they may be.

Cartoons that existed to sell toys were a very recent concept, Transformers was in it's third year when the movie was released. They literally didn't know that kids were so attached to the characters until they found out the hard way.

Swerve could easily just be a bartender in the pre-war setting this time.

Tailgate....hmm don't care as long as he and Cyclonus never interact ever.

For better or worse, characters like them, who barely existed in any previous versions of G1, are the ones who have the largest chance of their IDW personalities becoming the default versions of them. Previously well-defined characters that were changed by IDW may revert back to normal.

They should, like, I don't know, watched the actual show? They were planning to kill Duke as well but they decided against it after TFTM premiered, funny that the G.I. Joe movie was supposed to come first.

>Previously well-defined characters that were changed by IDW may revert back to normal.
Like Prowl, from the looks of it.

Prowl is still the aloof pragmatist prick but he's less evil and not much of a schemer yet but it could change over time.

I don't care about tailgate but I would like to see more of swerve as he was in the early fun days of mtmte but I'm not getting my hopes up

If your take from "China loves Transformers so much it's willing to fund a live action movie and a show" is "WTF WHY HASBRO NOT MAKE MUH EPIC TRIGGER ANIME INSTEAD" then you deserve to be mad, because you're fucking retarded.

Attach yourself to reality and analyze the situation properly man.

Would it be much to ask for a light-hearted spin off? Transformers is big enough to support it.

Hopefully if the comic does well enough they can have a cocurrent space adventure series ala early MTMTE starring literal who's.

I wonder which literal whos.

how about doing the 84/85 characters nobody really cares about like Windcharger, Huffer, Gears, Bluestreak, Grapple, Inferno, Beachcomber, Seaspray and the Decepticons could be the conehead seekers.

Didn't the idea of killing off characters came from the people making the movies, not from Hasbro? Transformers and GI Joe largely had the same writing team, the idea to kill Duke came first, but Transformers: The Movie got made first, and they took the idea and killed Optimus, the backlash to that caused them to back out of killing Duke.

They could pick up more obscure characters as they go on too!

true but if you think about it, guys like Windcharger never do anything in fiction like ever, why not?

but yeah it'd be cool to see more later years characters. Highbrow is the only Headmaster Autobot that never does anything.

The fact they hired actual psychologists to study the effects speaks volumes of what happened.

Is a better alternative than killing them off for funsies. And yes, a high amount of 84/85 guys did nothing despite being in almost every episode.

And it still took them even longer to work out that kids also loved Starscream and Cobra Commander, and a lot of them didn't want to see these villains get their "deserved comeuppance".

Hound and Mirage got focus in the early cartoons because they had useful powers. Windcharger, Trailbreaker and Shrapnel could have had larger roles for the same reason, but were all very underused.

it's weird i don't find Shrapnel super underused in comparison but that's cause Hal Rayle his VA does a lot of Transformers conventions so he's in the script reading stories so it's given a bit more life.

Memorable funny villains are loved by the audience too.

Shrapnel is a meme as well.

FT galvatron has a blast effect for that scene but I don't have an MP starscream to recreate that.

Attached: galvatossed.png (800x1683, 2.1M)

>Highbrow is the only Headmaster Autobot that never does anything.
He's the second most active Headmaster in the Japanese show, being strangely cast as the shy, polite science enthusiast. Out of the remaining three, Chromedome takes the top spot (hotblooded shonen hero) with Hardhead (dumb muscle) and Brainstorm (basically nothing) tying for dead last.

That looks amazing.

>Windcharger, Trailbreaker and Shrapnel could have had larger roles for the same reason, but were all very underused.
Trailbreaker got used much more than those two, albeit never as the central focus of an episode. The writers did value him as a walking forcefield box, though. Got to the stage where he'd show up and get no lines, but still provide a forcefield to help out.

My favourite instance of that is in (I think) Triple Takeover, where a flash flood in a city is washing away some Autobots and they float past Trailbreaker who, apropos of nothing, is just chilling on a roof.

Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Bruce Wayne. Seriously fuck those guys and let legacy characters pick up the mantle.

I would retire Clark Kent / Kal-El also, but he doesn't really age, so I don't care about it as much.

>they float past Trailbreaker who, apropos of nothing, is just chilling on a roof.
You can't make this. I love this show.

>But yeah, I was convinced Megatron would revert back. Quite impressed that it never took place.

Roberts has issues as a writer, but you really felt he was about to break and become a monster again on that cemetary planet until a dying Ravage told him to not "change back." Watching Megatron's small moments of bemused, befuddled happiness at the antics of the Lost Light was the best part of that era of the comic. When he's shouting how he can't believe the whole thing isn't a Rube Goldbergian scheme on the part of Prime to drive him insane.

Ravage death was a high point of his run.

I mean outride of that series

Not gonna lie, I was confused for an hour.

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THeir time came. Time to move.

It's pics like that that make collecting worth it.

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Meta sense: stop doing G1, time to return to Beast Wars.

fuck armada for not addressing this!

dammit! i meant to say energon/superlink

No user, we needed fucking Kicker to eat up all that precious screentime, which mind, they ran out of plot a bit over halfway thru the series!
Somewhere out there, they are happy.

TIL I learned in the Japanese dub of Cyberverse, Velocitron was renamed Speedia like in Galaxy Force.

also Takuya Satou (Caesar Zeppeli) is voicing Hot Rod. (this is funny since Joseph Joestar himself Tomokazu Sugita voiced Drift in RID2015)

Where did you find that out? Did they upload it on YouTube like they did with Adventure?

I learned it on the tf wiki.

sadly i haven't seen it on YouTube.

I did watch Walruslaw's raws of Cyberverse though he didn't upload the Cosmic Rust episode yet.

I will say Megatron Is My Hero was handled rather well, Megatron is actually taken seriously in that one and Shigeru Chiba actually gets to be a menacing Megatron.

downside though, Shockwave is a joke character, he's shouting almost every line of his.

>downside though, Shockwave is a joke character, he's shouting almost every line of his.
Kinda controversial, since this Shockwave is so over the top in the way he handles everything I can see why they went with that characterization.
I'll give it a watch.


It still feels very tame compared to most of Iwanami's previous dubs for Transformers. Shockwave's the only character that feels totally different unlike say how Beast Wars and Prime's characterization was very radical.

Probably something to do with wanting to preserve the plot of the cartoon. I wonder if the returning Beast Wars characters will get their characterization, so far we know Cheetor and Blackarachnia will be in the show.

I expect Wataru Takagi and Ryoka Yuzuki will be reprising them for the dub.

It's almost a given unless something doesn't go as planned, Airachnid was voiced by Ryoka Yuzuki in their dub.

and that didn't work out as well as they imagined unfortunately.

funny enough the voice director there ended up going to voice direct Kill La Kill.

Why is the IDW continuity refereed to as G1 anyways? That always seemed kind of obtuse and confused me for a few years when I got into the comics. Until I worked backwards I thought G1 shared continuity with the IDW comics. This was made doubly confusing because I stumbled across those IDW published versions of the Marvel G1 comics early on (The ones with the Ashley Wood covers). Yeah, IDW is heavily inspired by G1 but so was Animated and they don't call it Animated G1.

Western fans who aren't curious enough to find out about the Japanese cartoons must be real confused about him getting a super off-model Masterpiece then.
I feel like there's no real excuse to be completely unaware of Victory in this day and age.

Because it began as a strictly G1 property, but steadily broadened its net as it went on due to being the only real outlet for Transformers stories with any sense of permanence. By its end it became this delightful "anything goes" hotch-potch and was only a "G1" universe by virtue of its origins.

I mean, shouldn't they have assumed kids were attached to the characters, if they were confident they did a good job marketing the characters? That's the whole point of marketing a character that heavily anyways.

they didn't see them as actual characters.

It was taken as read that the hot, new product du jour would be desired over older toys, because that's how trends with children typically function. They all want to have the latest thing.

I find that hard to buy when they went out of their way to hire a comic writer to write character bios for the original G1 ensemble. At the very least they should have understood a kid being invested in Optimus Prime the same way a kid would be invested in Spider-man or Batman.

they probably thought no kid would buy another Optimus Prime toy so in 86 when the toy was discontinued they figured why not kill him off?

Ironically enough, Ultra Magnus was supposed to be Optimus before they turned him into his own character.

For an extreme example there's Cyberverse which is basically G1 even though they say it isn't.
But it is.

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Because "G1" is not just the original cartoon/comics, it's a broad type of story/universe as well. Dreamwave had a G1 comic. There are G1 toys out right now that aren't the original toyline.

Animated, while still heavily inspired by G1, has its own major departures and distinctions from the original series that cause it to be it's own universe type. Well, that and the fact that Hasbro has said so. Here's the major types:
- G1 (includes Beast Era)
- Anime Robots In Disguise
- Unicron Trilogy
- Live Action Movies
- Animated
- Aligned
- Cyberverse

Besides, nearly EVERYTHING past the original G1 series is influenced by it in some way. since G1 was the first thing to come out. Off the top of my head, only the Playskool Go-Bots series takes nearly nothing from it (no war, no opposing sides, no Prime/Megatron, the planet is Botropolis, etc). Go-Bots had more BEAST ERA references than OG G1!

Playskool Go-Bots had Cheetor out of all characters.

Cheetor is one of the main Beast Wars characters, it's not that surprising.

Given that Cheetor's there, it's also not surprising that they did a Tigatron out of him.

No, the real deep cut was giving Buzzer-Bot, the wasp character, a motorcycle form.

Attached: GBtoy-BuzzerBotBotropolis.jpg (700x392, 50K)

Heh, I wish for more BW homages.

I think they gave him an award for that show.

Man that would’ve been weird

Optimus puts on an armor that makes him look totally different and with a mouth? Yes, plenty of weird.

Doable, though. Ultra Magnus' original Diaclone toy is just the Convoy toy wrapped in power armour, after all. Just retain the original red-dominant Diaclone colours and it's easier to swallow that it's the same individual.

>Optimus Prime has been mortally wounded by his arch nemesis in battle...
>To save Prime's life, he undergoes an experimental procedure that - if successful - will upgrade him to a new, even more powerful form!

Obvious ? Yes. Safe? Sure. But I expect had they been able to see the sudden, sharp decline of the brand the Hasbro execs would've gladly cut Hot Rod and Magnus loose to keep Prime in some fashion.

Isn't that basically what happened to Powermaster Optimus Prime?

More or less. But that was a conscious decision to bring Prime back after realizing they'd dropped the ball.

Would have been smarter to write off Optimus by having him go into deep space to look for Unicron's creator or some other excuse, really. Rodimus rejection had more to do with the fact that Prime was killed in no uncertain way.

And the we see him in his death bed as he slowly expires...Primus.

I would’ve had Optimus die sacrificing himself to blow up Unicron.

He gives the matrix to Hot Rod, passing on the torch.

There now you can hate Rodimus less kids.

Maybe have Rodimus get mortally wounded as well and only the Matrix can save him for some reason?

Upgrading him from Hot Rod to Prime status repairs his damage? The Matrix is basically magic, after all.

Yes, he gives the Matrix to Rodimus and he goes into deep space, because having him die would still be too traumatic.

Ironically, that's what Rodimus does in the Japanese continuity: he appoints Fortress Maximus as Supreme Commander and then flies off into space (with Kup and Blurr).

Seems like Japan learned the lesson...after killing Prime...again. Still, they didn't get the movie until 1989/1990.

>have megs show up
>have him still be the semi-sane warlord he was in prime
>but make him more like the old war buddy guy, ignoring the fact that he was on the other side
>prime is secretly overjoyed he gets to hang out with his old pal
>megs keeps bringing up how he and bee killed each other a couple of times
>keeps calling bee scout
>has way too much engex, keeps encouraging the new gen bots to try it

Depends on how big a fan a person is. It's possible to be aware that there are Japanese Transformers cartoons, that weren't broadcast in the west, but to not actually have watched them yourself, or not know much detail about the Japan-only characters. Headmasters, Masterforce and Victory have at least eventually been released in the west, unlike the Japanese BW cartoons, but the choice of subtitles or an awful Engrish dub does act as a gatekeeper that makes actually watching them territory for the more hardcore fans.

There probably is a solid number of fans who are aware Victory exists, aware a character named "Star Saber" exists, but couldn't actually tell you any great detail about either.

>Strongarm gets absolutely shitfaced
>she's best buds with Megatron while drunk
>she's completely at odds with him when she isn't

>Megs starts off referring to them as knockout and girl breakdown
>soundwave turns up and kinda just sets up camp, makes himself useful quietly
>everyones a little uncomfortable but megs assures them that's just how he do
>ends up being a good team with fixit due to both being the information guy

>girl Breakdown
My sides.

Not drunk
>My name is Strongarm!
>Slag yeah, hahaha, tear it down.

>megs gets shitfaced and starts drunkenly apologising to strongarm for not letting "him" get his eye fixed getting him killed and then letting a human hollow him out to wear as a suit and then letting starscream turn him into a zombie...
>strongarm wakes up with her face painted orange and a "best henchman" medal

Anything that takes a promising new character and either kills them off or ruin them in some way or put them in limbo to make way for the character that's been around for 50+ years. This is why we have the same stories. You can only do so much with a character before you either retread the same tired path or go off the rails entirely.

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>Strongarm is so drunk she goes with it
>she keeps the medal

Who for example?

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>Now Rodimus can be the new Leader.

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Not that guy but Kyle Rayner and Wally West?

I don't know much about Kyle Rayner but I absolutely agree about Wally West, the point of his arc was that he surpassed Barry.

yeah that's very ooof.

Cute Dreadwing.

The best way someone described it to me was that at the time, Hal Jordan's character was getting stale and passing the torch to a new Green Lantern character with untapped story and character potential made perfect writing sense.

However, they did this by having Hal become a homicidal power-hungry maniac, shit got super fucked up, I'm pretty sure the Corps got devastated, Hal exploded, and in desperation a Guardian finds the closest possibly worthy person to give the Last Power Ring to (Rayner.)

Much like with Rodimus, people were more pissed about how the torch (pun intended) was passed along than otherwise. Only Kyle was pretty popular as a character and accepted otherwise for nearly a decade before Hal was brought back by old school fans who favored THEIR Green lantern and Kyle was all but robbed of everything he'd established in favor of the original status quo.

I also think the timing may have been bad because through the early to mid 90s, DC was killing off their big characters or trying to write them out. Tim Drake actually succeeded in being the new Robin...for almost 20 years... but they killed Superman. They tried to replace Batman with a maniac (as opposed to, I don't know, having Dick Grayson take over from the start which always felt like the more interesting take) and then hear comes Hal's turn to swap out.

It makes me wonder why they never bothered to try something like this with Wonder Woman, unless I don't know about the attempt...

>It makes me wonder why they never bothered to try something like this with Wonder Woman, unless I don't know about the attempt...
Well, the character was a mess because of some dumb decisions made in the late seventies and eighties so they may have been trying to make her regain popularity.

>The problem was all of the nerds who wanted Optimus back
And the kids, also known as the target audience. Rodimus didn't even look half as cool, so not as toyetic.

>They tried to replace Batman with a maniac (as opposed to, I don't know, having Dick Grayson take over from the start

I had (gave it to a friend) the KnightsEnd issue where the editorial team answers in the letter page that the reason why they gave azrael the mantle was to show the fans who wanted bruce to kill off his villains how wrong they were.
you can either view it as an ass-pull (an excuse why they're bringing back bruce as the batman) or long term storyline coming to a close but it made sense.
that and there was something awesome about nightwing going batshit insane when he thought azbats killed off bruce (turned the batmobile into a car-bomb). Dick was so enraged that he never even thought how stupid it was to keep hammering away at Jean's helmet with his gloved fists.

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>Dick was so enraged that he never even thought how stupid it was to keep hammering away at Jean's helmet with his gloved fists.
There's something charming about that kind of idiocy.

Hot Rod was cool, though. Maybe they should have given Rodimus a mouthplate.

it would rattle him a bit but azbats could probably just lie there wait for the inevitable to happen.

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Ouch, that pic is a great example of how powerlevels work. Anyone else would be dead from Spider-Man's attacks.

Honestly, what's the point of Miles Morales if Peter Parker is still around?

Omae wa mo shindeiru...


>They tried to replace Batman with a maniac (as opposed to, I don't know, having Dick Grayson take over from the start which always felt like the more interesting take)
Does anyone honestly believe that Jean Paul Valley was actually intended as a genuine, replacement for Bruce Wayne?

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We all had that friend that thought so.

It was the 90s. No one was sure of anything at that time.

The story ran for long enough that you can understand why people became convinced it was going to stick. If the point of it all was to teach fans a lesson in what happens if they actually got the murderous edgelord Batman they'd been asking for, the intent also seems to be "we'll give you what you wanted until you're sick of it".

Fair enough. Looks like they were succesful.

>It makes me wonder why they never bothered to try something like this with Wonder Woman, unless I don't know about the attempt...

Didn't they do something similar with Artemis as Wonder Woman? Not really sure myself, but I did know Artemis was Wonder Woman for a while.

Yes, for a short bit as well. Though DC has a fondness for violent wonder woman.


Fuck Marvel, they do it worse than DC. Fuck DC as well.

IIRC Hippolyta had a dream that wonder woman will die so she declared a new contest for the title. Artemis won but Diana still operated in man's world sans the title so Hippolyta was ok with that.

Based loopholes.

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>Hippolyta is OK that another Amazon will die in Diana's stead.
Vicious queen

Considering Diana can be inmortal depending on the continuity...fuck.

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I know this was a tinly veiled Transformers thread, but the lack of mention of Doom going evil again recently for barely any reason is stupid.

To be 100% honest, I'm not the OP but I thought it was general purpose until I saw everyone talking about Rodimus for days. So yeah, I agree, I miss Infamous Iron Man, evil Doom just doesn't make any sense at this point.

I knew Slott being on FF and leaving Spidey was a monkey paw
Spencer SM has been pretty good and an improvement but fuck dude

Monkey paw for sure, but honestly I feel Spidey needed it more. God knows he needed it more. I can't see Slott lasting that long on FF, thankfully.

Considering how the rest of 616 is playing out(with everyone returning to their roles in the status quo, except maybe Robbie as main GR), I'd say that was more of an editorial mandate than Slott being Slott. Hell, if it wasn't for the evil Doom and adopted Tony(though this one is probably more of his fault), both of Slott's books would've been decently received at the very least.

>adopted Tony
That was Gillen...god damn, he is overrated.

Bee is Rodimus now.

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been like that since RID2015.

>Bee gets a rodimus repaint

damn you e-HOBBY!

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I...love how that looks.

It's a more general cultural thing now that media is easier to access. It's why we see more reboots than new things. Production costs and marketing costs go up and everyone has seen so much shit that dangling familiarity in front of people is safer.

Case in point: Cyberverse, which uses basically the exact same G1 designs for everyone.

when reboots fail, they can always try again. when original content fails it's almost a guaranteed thing that they'll never pick it up again. look at pacific rim, one bad sequel (honestly i don't think it's bad) and all of a sudden people are saying it's a dead franchise. then compare that to the live-action transformers films.

and earlier than that, animated (sans prowl of course).
people legit thinks this is a cool thing.


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Most Season 3 designs suck and in hindsight, Animated may be the hackiest cartoon overall, even beating Prime since at least that one came out with lore.

Woah! That's actually pretty neat ahaha.
>tfw like G1 Bee and Roddy but not really RID Bee
His face makes me uncanny valley...

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Imagine if he got the matrix.

This little cutie-pie? Bumblemus Prime? Uuuuuu

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And he acts like Hot Rod.

But but then he IS Hot Rod...
Pic related, how I feel right now

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How do you think he acts then?

How who acts?
G1 Bee was the audience surrogate's companion for S1-S2, where he's older than Spike but not that much - from what BB's VA said at TFcon/his book iirc
Hot Rod's the sort of new guy... in the sense that Bee and Spike graduated from the role after becoming adults (and to sell more toys), but he's more of a teenager/young adult than a kid - his transition from Hot Rod to Rodimus could be seen as a coming of age thing of entering the responsibilities and the world of adulthood
or something

Point being, Bee's replaced Hot Rod's role in the media and I'm angery >:c
When the DotM trailer was released, I thought Sentinel's face looked like Hot Rod so I was so excited..

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>i'm angery
How do you feel about RiD Bee?
I thought it was Vector Prime. So if Bee got the Matrix how would he act?

I didn't watch too much of it but I didn't really like any of the crew
Sideswipe was a cliche and Strongarm was too stubborn, Bee seemed and looked moreso like Hot Rod than Bee
Grimlock was qt though
Vector Prime coulda been neat!
Hmmm, if Bee got the matrix... I feel he woulda looked out for the little guy a lot, bc he was in their shoes long ago. He'd manage the "eager to prove themselves' young guys a bit better and be candid with them, so you don't have 50 "eager young bot gets captured while discovering a plot, sorta saves the day but also has to be rescued" episodes
He'd be super protective of humans, but not in Optimus' philosophical/principled way but moreso personally
>humans are our friends, don't treat them like resources/fodder bc I've seen many humans -both friend and foe - prove themselves and turn the tide of battle
Like can we consider the fact that we had a human on one of the moonbases in the movie, both this and Spike being the head of the council thingy in Sakamoto's comics makes me think that Bee backed him up a lot and was really proud of it
Oh oh I also think initially Bee would try to prove himself as the new leader but sorta grow into it over time. Maybe mid/late game he'll get depression like G1 Rodimus or IDW Bee but I love him too much to let that happen gaah

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Seeing it like that it would be cool if he got the Matrix.

Some of his IDW forms (this and the one after I think) makes it look like he has a goatee, so maybe he can get some facial hair
and maaaybe some minor wrinkles
maybe a drawanon can edit some pic of Bee

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Found this.

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It's too black :c

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armada prime shoulders/arms

That's racist.
Here's a Rodimus.
It's an interesting design choice.

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But but, I'm not a racist... Thank you for the Rodimus though!
>tfw browsing different BB Prime arts and find a depressing one on deviantfart

>In a nutshell, Prime sacrifices himself to save Bumblebee.
>With his dying breath, Prime tells Bumble to take the Matrix to Ultra Magnus.
>Upon touching the Matrix, however, Bumblebee discovers that it has chosen him to be the next Prime.
>Bumblemus Prime (as he is now called) is a grim and serious commander.
>Gone is the fun-loving persona of Bumblebee, the fact that he caused the death of his personal hero looms over everying that he does.
I guess this coulda been Hot Rod, but still

Attached: Bumblebee Prime head.jpg (450x450, 365K)

That's a nice one. Sure it sounds angsty but it doesn't need to be, he can still be fun.

I like there being multiple matrices in the BW2/BWNeo era, so nobody has to die to be leader. Plus the galaxy's a big place! Japan had the right idea. Everyone has what it takes to become a leader~ (citation needed)

And yeah, not everything has to be angsty, I like my Bee idea bc it's like a cross between his role model Optimus and the better parts of a Bumblebee who woulda matured. Rodimus would obviously(?) have a different style because he wasn't with Prime from the start - where did the movie guys even come from... Anyway, something that's "Bee + Optimus" without "it's literally just team dad Optimus" would be a neat Bee imo.

How's RID Bee, by the way? People seem to be fond of RID now that it's Cyberverse time, and although I wouldn't mind getting arrested by Strongarm, I have lots of other things to watch.. still getting through BW2 aaa

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That's a nice headcanon you have there and yeah, don't bother with RiD just yet. BWII is better.

>That's a nice headcanon you have there
D-do I have to incorporate this into Kreon world
I have a shiny custom Bumblebee (the one where they give you extra parts) and some regular ones

>BWII is better
Maybe it's just the depression but it's harder to get through shows now. I used to breeze over political stuff like LoGH and Yes Minister, why's comfy BW2 taking forever aaa
I think the last episode I saw was 15: The Festive Jointrons. I'm not sure whether the Jointrons make me want to laugh or kill myself.

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Sure, incorporate that if you want, it would be nice to have a shiny Bumblebee in there.
As a Mexican I find this hilarious, carry on mi amigo, anónimo Kreo.

WOahao, it's Mexicanon, who wouldn't go out with me because we were too faranon...
>carry on mi amigo, anónimo Kreo.
Thank you fren! it would be nice to have a shiny Bumblebee in there.
I could do like, have him come from a future or something. I mean, Unicron plucked Galvatron II from a different future - like imagine I plucked my son from a timeline where Hitler won the war, just ridiculous... but maybe there's a way to make it make sense beyond just "muh ores"

Oh oh can I also ask if this is accurate?
>white people are fuming over racist/stereotype portrayals of Mexicans with maracas and sombreros and etc, but Mexicans find shit like Speedy Gonzalez hilarious and are just glad they're included
I heard this about some sombrero fiasco and idk how accurate this is
>inb4 I make all the Kreons analogues to Koreans
Who will be based Park Chung-hee in his Kreon biopic?

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>I could do like, have him come from a future or something. I mean, Unicron plucked Galvatron II from a different future - like imagine I plucked my son from a timeline where Hitler won the war, just ridiculous... but maybe there's a way to make it make sense beyond just "muh ores"
Sure, have fun with that, it would be nice

>white people are fuming over racist/stereotype portrayals of Mexicans with maracas and sombreros and etc, but Mexicans find shit like Speedy Gonzalez hilarious and are just glad they're included
Yeah, most of the time it's funny, it only becomes an issue when they americanize that stuff to be less 'offensive'. It comes off as condescending.
>Who will be based Park Chung-hee in his Kreon biopic?
Look into your heart, user. You'll know it'll be Slammer

>have fun with that
>tfw no Kreon gf to have fun with

>it only becomes an issue when they americanize that stuff to be less 'offensive'. It comes off as condescending.

>You'll know it'll be Slammer
STOP recommending Metroplex's drones, Park Chung-hee is #1

I miss Rung

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Oh well, Crosscut would be nice. And hey Nautica came back, maybe Rung will too.

Crosscut..? I need more white bots
I-I don't mean it like that
>Nautica came back, maybe Rung will too.
I'll have to see how they treat Nautica before I'd get excited. Cyclonus was ok, hopefully they do the other popular folks justice

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Slammer is white.
How about Searchlight?

I only have one spare autoroller
I meant that I would need more white bots if I were to make more of the guys you listed aaaa
I have these unusable guys and they are driving me up the fucking wall
I didn't like how TM2 Megs turned out so I might reuse him, I think he was mostly red or something..
I'm gonna lie down for a bit then leave in I think an hour or so

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I thought of someone. Either Cloudburst or Waverider.

Ehhhh? How?
Aaaaa new thread please, I gotta go out hmf

I'll see about it! Use /toy/ in the meantime.

Still living thread, I guess