Action Comics #1011 Storytime

"Leviathan Rising" Conclusion!

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I can't even get mad at Bendis anymore. It's all so tiresome

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Is this Leviathan shit gonna drag on for a year like Rogal Zaar?

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>Leviathan. Talia al Ghul?
>It just doesn't make any Talia sense?
What the fuck?

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>It just doesnt make any Talia sense.


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At least it isn’t Tom King.

>Another continued event

Please stop. I was hoping this was over.

I love Katehunter

It’s weird that a Batman event is spinning out of this book.

>our book isn’t doing as well as we hoped, what do we do?
The solution to every DC problem.


The event is about Talia, Babs, Bruce, Damian, and Red Hood.

Not a single cover or promo shows Supes.

But I guess that is what happens when you spend six figures to hire Bendis and he sells worse than Venom.

But it does show Lois. She is front and center on issue 2's cover. This is about her.

well it is YEAR of the villain so....

>another DC event
>another B E N D I S event

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What's the next level beyond Storytime of Pain? Because that's what this shit is.

It can’t be worse than Civil War 2 right? right?

Literally eye poison.

And yet she wasn’t in the Event Leviathan promo at all.

She’s a sidekick to Batman and Batgirl in the book.

This is Bendis' better Superman book.

Oh if they only knew.

Shit god damn it

Maggie back in Metropolis, since when?


Why does Jimmy look 10?

Is that Bones?

Any guesses for who's behind it yet?
I think an out of character Roy Harper could work here, since Green Arrow, Red Hood and Guardian are involved

I haven't read any of Bendis' Superman. How has he ruined Superman and Leviathan?

I feel ya, user. I'm free up to the teeth with simultaneous ongoing never-ending events, god-fucking-dammit!

But Tiger is literally the leader of Spyral
WTF is he talking about



I had thought the same, Bendis did not put Green Arrow on this for being one of the best detectives, it's because Roy is Leviathan. If people notice, in Leviathan's costume he has a kind of arrowhead necklace, besides being all red and Red Hood in this event. What I did not know is that Guardian has a relationship with Roy Harper.

such a good cover wasted on a shitty book

Since Rebirth, if I recall correctly.

My guess is Kate Kane, Batwoman, since I could see Bendis ignoring Tec and everything she's been about for the past few years, though Roy's a good candidate.

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>it's because Roy is Ron-... uh, Leviathan
How could we have guessed

What fucking horrible art style


Is this the first fucking Bendis arc that's actually (technically) reached some kind of (""""""""""""""""official"""""""""""""""") end?

These recap pages are fucking garbage.

Ric Grayson.

>What I did not know is that Guardian has a relationship with Roy Harper.
Taking shit from Young justice maybe? Though the guy talking to Guardian seems to have darker skin.

I realize this cover is an homage, but it's still the best Superman cover this year.

Does 12chan have boards for female heroes to fap to?

>Taking shit from Young justice maybe?

What, you mean Roy Harper being a relative of Guardian? That was in the comics.


That's... literally not how being arrested works. It's not a trial, you fucking retard.

It's literally canon that Lois is a shitty speller. Bendis is just ignoring everything that's ever been done with the characters ever. Lois telling Clark that he doesn't type better than her is absurd and in the past he would have made fun of her for being a shitty typist.

So we're pretty much now at the point where Bendis has stopped writing a Superman book and is now just writing a Bendis book, right?

That's been since the first arc, if not the first issue. Remember the bingo?

>I'm going to need a lawyer
A lawyer might help her against the charges of being part of Leviathan, but she resisted arrest and assaulted a bunch of police officers, she should realistically be in big trouble.

how does Bendis not know that all modern word processors have a built-in spell check? He uses one every freaking day!

>The world will tilt off its axis if you publish that. That describes a world most don't know exists.
Really? After all of the shit the people of the DCU have seen in the last 15 or so years, a leak about yet another secret spy organization is what's going to tilt the world off its axis? I highly doubt that many people would actually care.

What does "a Bendis book" mean?

Amanda Waller is smart enough to do all that to the fortress, but not smart enough to know that his phone is linked to the cloud, which is pretty common

>Any guesses for who's behind it yet?
I don't caaaaaare

>What does "a Bendis book" mean?

a Bendis book? The book written by Bendis?

>I'm going to need a lawyer
>beats up a SWAT team and escapes
I guess she didn't need a lawyer

Man shitting on Bendis used to be fun but since Miles hit the mainstream and he moved to DC its really got boring. Its always a variation of
>die bendis
>shit bendis
Theres even way less
>Bendis? The writer?

How exactly would Jimmy knowing Superman's secret identity endanger him in any way?

Bendis' garbage tier word scribbling warrants nothing but such prime hatred.
Fuck him and all who waste their cash on his products

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I STILL don't understand what Leviathan wants. It's always things suck this, real change that, but change WHAT? What is he going to do? What does he want?

It will always be Damian. Talia wants Damian back.

>I was only nine years old
>I loved Bendis so much, I owned all his comics and merchandise
>I pray to Bendis every night, thanking him for the dialogue I have been given
>"Bendis is love," I say, "Bendis is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Bendis
>I respond "I'm a faggot?"
>He says "Yes, you're a faggot"
>I say "But I'm not gay"
>He says "I meant faggot as a generic insult, not to call you gay"
>I respond "It's still pretty homophobic"
>He punches me and sends me to my room
>I am crying now, because I wasn't finished talking
>I go into my bed and it's very cold
>I feel a warmth moving towards me
>I keep feeling a warmth moving towards me for 5 panels
>I feel something touch me
>2 page spread
>It's Bendis
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear, "Wanna read my latest comic?"
>"Your latest comic?"
>"You came to my room to show me your latest comic?"
>"Why else would I come?"
>"I thought you were gonna have your way with me"
>"You're 9 years old, anyone who could possibly think that would be a twisted freak"
>"A twisted freak?"
>"Can I just read the comic?"
>"Go ahead"
>He grabs me with his chubby nerd hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I open the comic for Bendis
>He wasted several pages on characters eating and doing nothing
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Bendis
>I can feel my brain tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Bendis
>He laughs a mighty laugh as he ignores established continuity
>My dad walks in
>Bendis looks him deep in the eyes and says, "It's all over now"
>"Who the fuck are you? I'm calling the cops!"
>"You were supposed to say "It's over now?""
>Fuck you, what are you doing with my son?"
>"You're no fun"
>Bendis leaves through my window and goes over to DC
Bendis is love, Bendis is life

>Both a stab wound to the neck and a gunshot wound to the neck

because people are just tired of it. We've seen this story before: Bendis walks into the writer's room with his massive go and takes control, then proceeds to screw it up in the same way he always does: ignoring continuity, shitty, decompressed plotting, and shitty dialog.

honestly, I think Bendis is a tragic figure. He has talent, he's not stupid, and he works hard. His failure is his arrogance. He just spews stuff out without any deep thought and assumes it's good. an example from today's comic: Lois is a poor speller and she's typing, so she's muttering words to herself. But all word processors have a spell checker now. If he re-read his work and stopped to think he'd go, "oh yeah, that doesn't make sense".

Or Manhunter --- "I need a lawyer" then beats up the cops and escapes. The quip made no sense.

Or Amanda Waller -- can trash the fortress and screw up Kelex's programming, but doesn't remember a cell phone might be connected to the cloud.

All he has to do is be a little more careful. Ask himself "did I forget anything?" but he doesn't, because that would require self-awareness and humility.

It's not Talia.

>Using any genetic enhancements against police officers is illegal!
I'm pretty sure that resisting arrest and beating up cops even without superpowers is already pretty illegal.

>a stab and gunshot wound to the neck
what the fuck?

>DEO is a crater! like it never existed at all!
except for the giant fucking crater?

>are we under attack?
well gee, government agencies are blowing up left and right with hundreds missing and Batman get his ass beat. I fucking wonder

It could upset the world as badly as that time everyone found out heroes were getting therapy!

>Sir, are you aware you are a skeleton?

Yeah, it was pretty weird how Tom King had the characters claim that Sanctuary being revealed would be a big deal to the world, but failed to actually convey it. We didn't see any civilians react to Sanctuary, we just saw Lois release her article and then Superman give his speech.

> We didn't see any civilians react to Sanctuary
I didn't really want to see that.

Just a page or two of talking heads and people on the street being asked about their opinions would be enough. Make it a parallel to the superhero therapy scenes.

>I'm not a skeleton! I just have invisible skin!

>Terrible cover some shill will call "awesome"
Everything about this run is trash.

Nah you're the retard. They have to tell you why you're being arrested along with reading your rights.

Eh, I never got why the reveal of Superhero therapy would be such groundbreaking news in a world where last Tuesday everyone on earth got turned unto a member of the ultraviolet lantern corp by Sinestro and in turn John Stewart smashed him with a construct of a skyscraper in the middle of a major metropolitan area.

Funny thing is Bendis even referenced her spelling in an MoS issue. I think the guy may have mental issues developing cause he's worse than ever.

Storytime of Excruciation

Well he did almost die a year or so ago.

>Just a page or two of talking heads and people on the street being asked about their opinions would be enough.
you're not getting it. I don't care. I don't read comics to see people on the street talking. I see that every day.

>in a comic book

Come on now,it's not great but it's not SOP tier

Why does Bendis insist on creating new characters with absolutely no visual appeal or personality? Like Christ, I don't think you could come up with a more boring outfit.

Well yeah user, sure, but user's point is that you may as well not even include that plot point if you're not going to convey it.

>Conclusion to a five part story.
Jesus dude.

Is this the first time she's been in costume since The New 52?

I guess that Bendis is going to reveal who the REAL real leader is.

I always find this kind of thinking so stupid. Is not like the world knows who Talia Al Ghul is. She is a villain and has secret organizations? In the real world with so many conspiracy theories around nobody gives a shit when we learn shit our own government does.

It's just a joke because she is a lawyer. Historically Kate is overly violent and doesn't think things through.

Yes. She was in Gotham by Midnight and Rebirth Green Arrow as Ollie's lawyer.
Her last appearance in GA had her cutting off some guy's hand and implying that she would do more, which suggested that Manhunter might be active, but we never saw her in action

comic are not funny with all those sjw rules.
women no longer allowed to have sexy outfits, every women needs to be the same marie sue who need no men and can easily beat up 500 men, every white male character either being an idiot or evil, etc

Storytime of Apathy

What are you snorting you faggot? Kate Spencer has been doing this shit well before the SJW menace, I wish you /pol/tards would keep your mouths shut and not reveal your powerlevels.

>who is the bad guy?
>what does the bad guy want?
These are not the questions that should be asked at the end of a 5 month long comic series. This is the type of bullshit that Marvel does so often. DC allowed Bendis to bring it here. This is far more cancerous than anything King has done.

My typing on my ipad is an abomination against nature to the point that it's not always sure what i'm writing and I manually fix the spelling.
Maybe his spelling is just so awful that the spell checkers cant figure out what he's saying? He does supposedly spell like a 5th grader.

Roy Harper is dead.

It always bothers me when writers have other characters curious about Superman's "secret identity" when the whole point of him is that people don't think he has one. Why would you think an alien space god with no mask on has an alternate identity. He lives in the arctic/Bermuda and goes on space adventures. His real name is out there for the world to see.


How does one man fuck up the Superman line so hardcore? How does one man write every character like they're from different time periods?



fuck bendis so much

>"Don't miss the series everyone is talking about"

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You are fooling yourself. Editor's notes have been posted here before for Bendis' works, that show multiple corrections made and still the final product looks like nobody even took a peek at it.
The man just doesn't give a shit about anything, but his own overblown ego.

it's a child porn site

Terrible cover

And? I wish he had.

>I'm going to need a lawyer
>beats up a SWAT team and escapes
>I guess she didn't need a lawyer

That's our Bendis

cheap and lazy way to pad your script, senpei

I'm resigned to reading Leviathan, because I've lost control of my life and I always read DC's event comics (Yes, even Countdown) and goddammit what do I need to read to be prepared for Leviathan?

Read whatever you gotta read, but for the love of all that is good, don't purchase anything with money. Pirate pirate pirate. Writing on this level of ass is not worth the paper its printed on.

Believe me when I say no one will receive compensation from me for this comic. I have been over 'bad guys win' stories since Forever Evil, and exhausted on global conspiracies after Batman Inc where the main villain was GODDAMNED LEVIATHAN. And then, who's the villain on next season of Supergirl? Leviathan!

Good fucking Christ.

>you can write faster but not better, clark
>how's this simple word spelled?

if this was a joke it failed harder that Bendis hairline

Fuck off shill.


wasnt most of the first years of the n52 dedicated to THIS?

with fuciking John Romita who nowadays cannot draw to save his life? and Frank Miller?

>black label

fucking fuck

How am I shilling when I'm obviously complaining about having to read it, and when I'm explicitly saying I won't be spending money on it?

Do they just not put editors on Bendis ever?

See One example of what that user was talking about was Secret Invasion.

Marvel tards gotta marveltard, Lad, it's all they know, just ignore them is the best way to handle it.

Is this guy trying to make Superman into some kind of shrugging Atlas?

Why doesn't he know Superman's identity? What the hell happened to Jimmy Olsen in Rebirth? Prior to that, he fucking died.

>Kate Spencer comes back
>written by Bendis

this is the worst kind of monkey paw shit

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h-he's friends with andreyko
I-it'll be fine, right?

No-Face too.

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