Do we still hate him?

do we still hate him?

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Nobody really hates him. They were just assblasted because they didn't like the last season.

>implying I ever did
Season 5 is fine the way it is

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The Yea Forums hive mind tends to hate the creators with a great track record and a minor slip up the most.

Was the tone of SBT weird at some times? Sure. Was the finale of SJ somewhat contrived and Zub's comic was better. Yup. But you have to be a moron to think that the man is bad at his job after all of the quality work that he had put out.

Don't even pretend you wouldn't

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nah, he's way too pure to stay mad at

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For copying Gurren Lagann? Yes
For retconning his entire series? Yes
For his artstyle? Fuck no
Overall: shit writer, good animator

>Hey Genndy grill up some more of that shit

Never got around to really hate him; I actually feel relieved there's more generalized proof available that you can't just mindlessly praise everything he does. He can do great stuff, but can also fuck up like any regular schmoe

As someone who was assblasted, I can confirm.

Why would I? Season 5 wasn't perfect, but apart from that he hasn't really failed me.

I hated the way season 5 was handled and hyped up by everyone and their mothers, but I've no hard feelings against Genndy personally.

Yeah, if you hated SJ its last season was fine.

His Clone Wars is pure unadulterated kino, it's a wonder why Disney doesn't hire him to fix their clusterfuck of a franchise.

Still don't, fyi.

I don't hate him for S5. Its true that the last episodes were rushed, but at worst they were mediocre, not bad. Either way, the first three episodes make up for it.
>For retconning his entire series?
...but that was the point of the whole series. Return to the past and undo the evil that is Aku.

Did everyone become so paranoid about subverted expectations that they just can't fathom an ending played straight?

It's not whether it's "subverted" or "played straight", it's the inherent bullshit that comes with the grandfather paradox. Should have just made time travel to the past a lie all along.

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>Aku makes bullshit magic portal to send Jack to the future
>Ashi makes bullshit magic portal to send themselves back to the past
The only fault I can find is how anticlimatic it was, the last episode should have been expanded to three to truly make an impact.

except the grandfather paradox doesn't apply here because jack got sent to the future and then returned to his original timeline, just a few moments after aku sent him to the future. There is no paradox there because jack never went to his past.

I don't think you quite grasp the concept of going back to the past.

The problem is that jack never "goes" to the past. The past is his present, he just got sent to the future. Also, the grandfather paradox applies only when you affect the events of your past; since jack didn't affect his past(because what we understand as the past is jack's present) there is no paradox and the future will be aku-less

>jack never "goes" to the past
That's literally what happens in the last episode.
>the grandfather paradox applies only when you affect the events of your past
No, it's literally when you change any event in the past, not just your own past.

I don't mind that he went back, that's the whole point of the show.
What I mind is that aku died in a single fucking shot

Here's the grandfather paradox in the simplest terms:

1) Event X happened ("x happened" is true)
2) You go to the past and change it so Event X doesn't happen ("X happened" is false)
If both "X happened" is true and "X happened" is false, there is a contradiction.
This is the grandfather paradox.

I dunno guys, I just can't help but believe the argument that if going back in time was ever Jack's real goal, he would've taken the first opportunity to do so instead of constantly missing the chance so he could save people that would never have existed anyway once he went. And it's not like the show ever portrays this as a bad decision. What's the point of dicking around in the future for 50 years when you could've gone home in like a month?

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Who after watching four seasons of SJ rejecting chances to go back to the past to save the people of the present concluded that "yeah he'll eventually go back and render all this pointless"? Him actually going back is the subversion if anything.

Yes. He discarded Samurai Jack's greatest strength for "muh waifu". I agree that having a secondary villain be the love interest is nice but it derailed the story for a few episodes and made the ending bland.

>Him actually going back is the subversion if anything.
Genndy actually said that he felt fans expected Jack to go back to the past so he felt like he had to do it. So you might call it fanservice.

So fanservice ruins another show.
The internet was a mistake.

It's in the theme song. So yeah, Genndy wrote himself into a corner by having Jack be too heroic to take the chances, but I actually did believe getting back was how it was going to end. It's the downside of having most episodes tell self contained stories. He was going to finally get back during the movie.
Case in point. I gotta respect the man.

Who has the balls to make an ending have a normal hetero marriage between the protag and the designated love interest in 2017?