Heathcliff walks to the deli

Heathcliff walks to the deli.

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The guy working the counter asks, “What are you here to do?”
Heathcliff replies, “I’m here to pig out!”

Tell me about Heathcliff, why does he wear the helmet?

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Hehehehe, that's a good joke.

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So you know.


What are you thinking about?

Lots'a loyalty for a salesman.

Oh now I get it. Evil.

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When does Heathcliff meet Farmer 1 and Farmer 2?

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>craving a ham sandwich
>go to the deli
>forget my ham helmet at home
>they can't legally sell me ham for my safety
>lunch is ruined

Yeah, "but" it's ok for now. Think about the current but. See ya later.

i despise these strips with every fibre of my being

What makes Heathcliff so jarring is the utter lack of tension. Nothing has any stakes, and the jokes are just characters slyly commenting on anti-humor situations where things could *theoretically* have tension (like the Mouse walking into Heathcliff's mouth or Heathcliff actually trying to steal the fucking ham), but the comic seems to imply that the portending of possible tension is a substitute for tension itself, which it's not.

Stories exist for things to happen, not for the people in the story to talk and joke about what would happen if things actually did happen.

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Marmaduke would wipe the floor with heathcliff