Who are the members of Spider-man rogues gallery who should to be executed?

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Norman, Carnage, Jackal

Norman: yes
Carnage: absolutely! Over a decade ago at least
Jackal: eh...he’s harmless if you isolate him from his lab. Maximum security prison should do it.

All of whom have canonically returned from the dead.

Had Jackal committed any killing that can be shown in a corner of law?

His origin to my memory involves killing a lab partner for disagreeing with him and delusionally blaming a rabid jackal for it.

Jackal repeatedly tortured Ben to death.

Does Ben exist in the eyes of the law?

You mean Spider-Ben yes?

All of them.

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>Does Ben exist in the eyes of the law?
A legal president for cloning people and killing them probably already exists in the 616 universe. The law has probably been dealing with it for years.

Doubtful, most cloning in Marvel is performed by rogue government organizations like Weapon X or highly secretive individuals like Jackal, Mr Sinister and The High Evolutionary.

I doubt anyone has been on trial and I wouldn’t be surprised if the existence of clones was still largely unknown.



I think the shorter list is which ones shouldn't be. Morbius, Lizard, Massacre, Sandman, Spot, Rhino, Itsy Bitsy, basically people that haven't killed anyone, people that didn't have any say in who they killed, and people that only killed people that had it coming.

>I wouldn’t be surprised if the existence of clones was still largely unknown.
Madelyne Pryor is a world-famous criminal.

What about Shocker?

Also Shocker. He did wipe a small town from existence as part of a sacrifice for a magic spell, but it's very unclear if he knew that would happen and if he had any say in the matter. Given who he was working with (a former Avenger) and who he was working for (a fairly powerful villain), both seem unlikely.

Also the crime retconned itself and he has no memory of it anyway.

I accidentally let him off, but he's a bit of a special case. He technically killed a bunch of innocent people.

That said, I agree with Rogue's evaluation of him.

Why is he so based?

Attached: rogue-testifies-for-shocker.jpg (1249x1920, 1.05M)

Shocker should try and get on the Thunderbolts at this point. He can drag Rhino and Sandman along.

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>Thunderbolts but Sinister Six edition

While I agree with the list, haven't they killed Carnage a few ways and he managed to come back again? Jackal and Goblin I know have both died and refuse to stay dead.

Absolutely none of them.

Chameloen, Norman Osborn, Hammerhead, Carnage, Scorpion, Kraven, Kingpin, Venom and Mysterio depending on the version

Which Mysterio(s), if you don't mind me asking? I'm assuming Old Man Logan's, at least.

Yep. Guy was fucking demented in that

Suicide is against the law!

616 Beck deserves it for that shit he pulled with Daredevil. Klum probably deserves it too. Berkhart's just a professional troll.

Didn't the Jackal once wipe out an entire town testing one of his viruses?

Shocker's only killed, like, one person (to my knowledge)

Then again, he did it while trying to massacre an entire subway car full of people at the behest of a Mafioso.

>Klum probably deserves it too.

Klum could probably get leniency due to the whole "I was my pervert brother's abused bitch" thing.

When was this? I know of a Shocker subway attack, but nobody died.

Shocker was a very shitty assassin.


The Brand New Day story that introduced Jonah's father. Shocker is hired to take out a subway train whose passengers include a bunch of people involved in a high-profile Mafia trial. Spidey is able to save everyone except for one of the police escorts, who died in the initial attack.

It's kind of forgotten that Shocker doesn't have a "no kill" rule, it's more of a "no killing unless I'm being paid to do it" rule. There's been stories where he's been hired to assassinate people like Dominic Fortune, Gwen Stacy's cousin, and Trapster.

I looked it up. The guy he "killed" is this motherfucker chewing gum. You could not convince me that he isn't the Chameleon, the mafia's plan B in case shocker fucked up. Dude probably played dead the second he heard the word "Spider-Man".

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None. Executions are pointless.

t. Dukakis

Abe did recruit him for the Cagebolts but Slott had to take him away because he didn't want other writers using Spider-Man characters

Has Electro ever killed anyone?

In Marvel Knights: Spider-Man, and maybe a few more obscure examples.

He fried that slutty supervillain fangirl who became the new Electro, but that was an accident.

>Spectacular Six

>Agent Venom
Who else rounds out the team?

Fuck that. I vote White Rabbit for the WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!? spot.

Ooh, she can hook up with Spot for rabbit hole jokes.

I don't think you CAN kill Cletus/Carnage without wiping out every last cell or both Carnage and Cletus, which isn't easy to do.
The symbiote will either regrow inside Cletus (possibly not giving a fuck about death-by-lethal-injection and growing inside the corpse
And the symbiote seems to be able to mindfuck people. Given time, probably imprint Cletus unto the new host

Cletus's symbiote was just killed for real. Cletus only survived because of an asspull. Presumably you could just repeat the process and this time not recover Cletus's body and give him a new god damn symbiote.

Short version is his ass apparently isn't sturdy enough to survive reentry. Too much heat.

Fuck Mutants

I think Spiderman should kill himself

He won't be killed if he gets back here.



Current Norman

It was in Alabama, so its ok.

Id leave out Venom. I think any Venom would really just steal too much spot light and I'd rather see Shocker act as leader.

As for how to round out that team? Scorpia would be a good fit. She seems to get on well with Shock and it lets us have a Scorpion villain without that psycho Gargan

Attached: shocker-cool-02.jpg (895x721, 305K)

Shocker, Scorpia, Lizard, Morbius, Sandman, Rhino wouldn't be a bad team, imo.

I like it.

Why is this thing still alive?

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Because most people forget he ever even died at all

Nah vermin should be in a zoo but one where he can't see people watching. He should also be treated nicely, the poor lil guy

Vermin's life's been hell and he should have been allowed to stay as Edward Whelan

That's different, she's a mutie-lover.

bump :)

Looks cool.

That's pretty much it, it otherwise exists only to be Demogoblin/Shriek/Carnage's pet attack dog.

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Oddly Frank wouldn't Frank Rhino, those two have had a wierd friendship going on for years now

Only in Fraction's War Journal. Frank's since got over it and tried to kill him.

Osborne, Kraven, Jackal, McGargan, Vermin, Arcade, Fisk, Chameleon, Cassidey.

>this is the only surviving proof that a forgotten event even happened

Lizard is a cannibal, Sandman has already killed before, Rhino too.
I'm sure Massacre has killed dozens, but didn't Superior kill him already?

Brought back in The Clone Conspiracy. Inexplicably had his sociopathy-inducing head wound and everything.

Hasn't been mentioned if he's one of the surviving clones.