Best Batgirl

Cassandra Cain thread

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unf yeah I bet some fiiiiine farts blast out of that brapfactory


Cass should be flat

Who keeps using that pic

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of course she gave her big tits, the only thing that is missing is the hipnosis shit.

Stop posting that pic. Cass should be athletic flat, not thicc.

She should be fit, not cow-titted.

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I love Cassandra and I'm gonna let you finish, but Stephanie Brown is the best Batgirl of all time!
The best Batgirl of all time!

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Why is Rei Ayanami cosplaying as capeshit?

> No scars

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but she is the second-best.

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Yeah, I know, I forgot to request them from the artist.

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What's with the Cass and Rose rivalry?

They had a brief and underutilized rivalry in the comics, and I like it. They make good foils for each other as well. Both have master assassin supervillain fathers, both have special abilities that give them an edge in combat (Cass with her body ready, Rose with her limited precog), both are half-Asian (though pre-Rebith no one remembered this).

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Modern Cass sure, original Batgirl Cass was fucking stacked.
Daddy Issues.

I actually prefer Steph's original Spoiler costume with the hood over her second one where you can see her hair .

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Her original costume is fine, I just really hate the pirate boots.

>those faces

Rose's seems fine to me.

Something about Cass's face seems off-putting. Like it doesn't fit with the rest of the body.

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I used to wonder where Steph got the material for that mask.

Her used undies

Gotta get those high test brapfumes

The crotch kind or leg kind?


Maybe her dad had a few old uniforms stored at her house?

She's kind of the best Robin of all time. Pity she was given more a go on that.

I thought it might have been a stocking from her drawer she added white mesh too.

> Steph destroys her father's costumes to make her own.

That would make perfect sense.

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Cass looks resigned, determined to lie back and think of Gotham.
Batwoman and Harper have the same rapeface, which I find suspicious.

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Steph looks like she's trying to get Cass to muscle Kate off her bed.

if it is her bed.

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Another brilliant thread by Yea Forumsmblr

If you listen closely enough you can actually hear anons leaving the board en masse

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shut up and post more cass lewds

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I will fix the thread posting pics of Rei Ayanami who looks similar to OP's pic.

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What else should I read if I want more Batgirl after reading her run? I remember someone saying she hooks up with Clayface?

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Gates of Gotham is decent, Justice League Elite is fun if you want her as part of a team (though in disguise for most of the story, but still recognizably Cass). If you're interested in the Clayface stuff, you'll want to check out Tynion's Detective Comics run.

>The lesbian Batgirl is best
Ok cuck.

Cass is Canon lesbian?

Since when?

She's not, but her lesbian pairings have always been more popular with her fans. And in Rebirth, she's awfully clingy with Steph and Harper.


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To be fair her best male love interests are Tim, Kon, and that's it.

She's probably better off without it.

Nothing really stuck for her and people like her enough anyway.

She does work better without a love interest. The only ones that work are Tim/Cass acting all couple-like but never admitting it/taking that extra step or Kon.

Every other love interest felt forced from random love interest one in City of Light to Zero in her actual ongoing to random love interest two in Vol. 2.

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>After 20 years Mogudan finally chooses to use other character aside of his extremely off-model Rei
Color me surprised

Maybe it's because she's too cold (Most of the time anyway)

I could see her stalking people she may have some affection for but that's it.

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And that character is actually on model. For now.

Exactly, she's done that in the past and currently. But she's so out of touch given all she knows is fighting the way to approuch it is foreign to her.

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Will we ever see ballerina waifu again?

It's been a while. I wouldn't bet on it.

What would you do if you were writing and you decided to bring this ballerina back?

That's a good question. She and Cass seemed to be on better terms.

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I'm curious to see if Karma has a part of himself in Duke's mind, and if he's screaming to Duke on continuing what he wanted with Cass.

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Who let Grey Fox in DC?

He really really wanted to fight Cassandra he crossed the streams to do so.

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Could be; if that helmet can read minds and mimic powers there's no telling what else it can do. Or can't do, really. Kinda weird for it to be Duke when Karma went a lot deeper into Bruce and Cass' heads, but he's probably the most in need of some kind of interesting subplot, so it's whatever.

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At least on Yea Forums the majority of the threads are on-topic, which is more than I can say for boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

Something I really hate in American superhero design is the “buccaneer” boots

I hate wonder woman

Cass cheesecake art would save DC.

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Great character. Shame her comic ended in 2006 and she never appeared in any comic after that. Never ever.

Ok, you can delete that picture for ants now.

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Cass and other superheroine should be drawn like Instagram fitness models and not these freaks who loook like men.

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It's just so Duke can be closer friends with Cass.

She had a good appearance on Batman and the Outsiders (2007) by Chuck Dixon but everything went downhill fast with Peter Tomasi, I sort of think that Cass is a cursed character, it has potential but there is a wall against her.

Instagram fitness models couldn't throw a punch if their life depended on it, user.

Its all a fantasy, a rich guy dressed as Bat beating armed criminal with bare hands isn’t ludicrous?

A wall a group put up because she wasn't their beloved Babs.

I know, it's all unrealistic, so let me have my dream of unrealistic buff Cass damn it!

Wish GRANTED!!!!

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They look like dwarves here.

Maybe Damian drew the picture?

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poor damicuck

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WTF is this even supposed to prove? The biggest spike on that chart is during the time when we had loli threads about Toph, Gwen, Jade and Penny, cheesecake threads, Caturday and all sort of lewd shit like that. And those had actual porn ITT.

What does the future hold for Cass? Expectations for the Outsiders comic? She seems a lot happier here than her depressed arc in Detective Comics where she wondered when the Batfamily would kill her off for not being morally good.
>I remember someone saying she hooks up with Clayface?
Not in that way, it's a platonic friendship where they help each other deal with their inner demons and practice Shakespeare together to help Cass with her speech. It was really nice and wholesome, easily the best part of Tynion's run. I met him at a con not too long ago, he was proud of that arc. Clayface getting killed right in front of her left some mental scars on Cass and made her depressed.

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Well, the next Outsiders arc will feature her. She has a graphic novel as Batgirl next year. Maybe some more trades unless DC is pissy at Horrocks.

It being just bait.


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t. ares

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