Rimba Racer in Malay

New episode in 15 minutes


Please make some screenshots. Thank you.

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>The program before it still on, Desriny Ties
IJagan is getting his ass kicked.

I don't think this is the kids block.

Nah, the banana block is next.

So last episode we discovered clowns are a thing and Vyxx is doing the dyke stalker harder than before.

Any idea what this episode will be?

>English words
>Mayalisan dub.

They've always said they make it in English, but the Malay government forces them to use the Malay dub.

I can't follow this shitty plot when I can't understand any of the words. Sonny and Vyxx got called up to King's office and got yelled out. Then Pike yelled at Vyxx in his office. Tamira had a cast on her arm. I could assume she did something to Tamira, but it wasn't shown.

Visually, nothing in these past three episodes imply that Pike or the Ringmasters are losing, but apparently, they're on the verge of defeat and everybody is on edge. I don't know why.

Last episode Vyxx fucked tamira up. Given how the plan they were going with was to knock them of racing legally this can be an issue. Hence why they had the investigation over on the screen there. They don't want to make it look like the previous season.

It did not work. I'd rather have another city chase, and explanation why Meika tried to play in both teams.

Additionally Tag and co are climbing the ranks which is pissing Pike off because he really wants them to lose the season. He has begun losing his cool as he discovers that he is not hot shit, but cold shit that can't race well. At least as I gather.

Maybe this Pike this is because we were complaining how Pike seemed so ineffectual as a villain.

Wasn't the previous episode the clown one? Thought Tamira was fine at the end of that.

My recording of the stream didn't work, so no screenshots this week, but trust me, there was literally nothing worth screenshotting.

>crossing the finishline while drifting sideways while wheel locked and getting in before the other guy because you were on the side that crossed the line first.

That's like one of those things that probably would be illegal but everyone didn't even conceive of it. Also, probably a lewd metaphor.

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Maybe she rekd her in one of those races during that montage at the beginning.

I was on my phone. You are right though, the only development was Miles talking to King and Vyxx taping it. So its a filler episode except the last 30 seconds. Netflix money at work!

We didn't even get any background waifu shots!

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And Sonny? Why is he out? Was his score just too low to continue? I remember King saying something to Tag in season one about how he would be disqualified if he didn't finish enough races.

maybe his car got rek'd too?

>no mention of episode on the Facebook

Is Tariq kill?

>Off screen

Show. Don't Tell. FFS

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All I know is that, for as all-powerful as the Ringmasters are, they're pretty fucking stupid for trying to solve all of their problems on a racetrack. Pike has mafia connections. Just let him wait until the offseason and whack Tag in a convenient accident that will no doubt boost ratings next season when they hold the Tag memorial cup.

What the fuck does murdering somebody on the track accomplish other than bring a shitload of heat right at you?

Fine! You got me! I didn't catch last episde! I read about it on /trash/! I didn't even see this episode. I tabbed out during a commercial and hit Back to Live just in time dor another commercial. I saw that BoBoiBoy commercial more than the actual show.

Are you happy?! I don't know shit abojt what is happening!

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I'm thinking they cut this scene out. Maybe somebody threw a punch and the fight was too brutal to show on Malaysian kid's network?

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The commercial did seem awkwardly cut. It went from them talking in Pike's office to Sonny and Vyxx being in King's office.

I am guessing miles told king riq is alive

There you have it, team retards grabbed by the balls

Tag is already a celebrity so if he dies on or off the track then there is going to be an invesrigation and a lot of suspicion. The benefit to hom dying on the frack is that if its well orchestrated then it can be open and shut because of all the cameras and such to verify what they want people to see. If it is off the track then the police investigate. They find all these racers with rap sheets, wanted posters. Then they go back and look up all the suscipous activity and compare it to new findings. Then everything comes apart like a cheap sweater.

So killing him on camera is the best way to keep the heat away.

Ten minutes before this show aired they showed a guy getting shanked in front of another guy sufficating because he had a plastic bag on his head. Ten minutes after this show had a soap opera where they were poking a dead woman's body.

I do not understand malaysian cenaors.

I'm betting its king telling Miles about Pike's plans and how he wants to get control back of the RGP. Probably some more stuff about wantimg to stop all the dirty business he has to do for the ring masters.

Not gonna lie, that race was pretty kino.

It was but I didn't catch why everyone was getting power failures.

What was the theme of the track?

You know these episodes were finished by freelancers, right?

There's still two episodes of the "finale".

It was a sort of "find your way to the finishline" thing that turned into an all out battle between the two sides. It ended with both Tag and Pike fighting for 1st place.

That flashy mine(I have webms of but not on mobile)?

Also I can't download directly from instagran

based brown man doesnt even mention a new episode.

He's too busy bathing in ringgits to care from the last two

Dude. Ramadan.