>Slippery slope
Slippery slope
This is why Trump won
Actually the electoral college and a subpar American education system are why Trump won.
I dont bother to save the images but ill be fucked if the things like the god damned slaanesh demon teaching kindergarten kids their trans names, or the 12 year old drag queen, doesnt make me think that maybe the right wing scare brigade had a point. the LGBT community has taken this shit several steps too far. Consenting adults behind bedrooms doors is one thing. But what you see going on today? That's fucked up.
This page is just dumb but I honestly believe Korra's reaction made it 50x worse and could've been at least tolerable if you took her out.
She's not wrong.
I think everyone is overreacting to this panel. I think it was meant as a "...and one moving violation" joke.
Only in fiction do you have feudal kingdoms that are naturally tolerant and only become less so when one big meanie takes over
God, Korra is dumb cunt.
also disgruntled rust belt workers.
Kill ALL lesbians.
this unironically
who gives a fuck
fuck ooooooooffffff we had this same fucking thread just earlier today
so retards are trying to keep this shit up
welcome to the union
yes he was the worst he killed a race of people you think he was the best?
Oy vey bigot, to the Re-Education Camps with you!
i honestly like the idea of this world better if everyone is just cool with homo shit. like no one even questions it. i like having a world where even the most evil fucker is like "girls fucking girls? that's like the most normal thing, why would i even care. now can we get back to conquering this shit or what"
what kind of reviews is this comic getting? seriously asking.
I thought the whole reason you idiots had an electoral college was as a mechanism to specifically rule out populist nutjobs.
education would have made his win with a landslide instead of a few percents. only idiots would vote for hillary, her passives is way worse than just "a dumb hit and miss billionaire"
I just finished season 2 of Korra, is the lesbian relationship built up to at all or does it just happen to appease shippers?
no, its to balance out votes of the populous and industrial northern votes vs the sparsely populated agrarian country side. without out the electoral college the north would have voted to abolish slavery and the under populated south would have no say. eventually the suffrage states outnumbered the slavery states and could elect who ever they wanted through the electoral college allowing Lincoln to win the presidency without winning a single slave state and causing the south to rebel anyways.
>”There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes.”
t. james madison on the founding of electoral college
Korra and Asami do start hanging out more as of Season 3, so it's not as instantaneous as you might be led to believe.
Nothing happens until the final season, and even then it's just them exchanging letters and Korra blushing.
Bro! You just posted cringe!
>hurr durr female good
>male bad!
>subpar American education system
Blame Democrats for that
They both were shitty, but some of us had years of watching Trump be such a joke that only the desperate could see him as an option. It was just a shitshow all around and hopefully a better candidate is available next time on both sides.
Democrats don't run red states.
What is his name again, Yea Forums?
donald sozin
No, it's Firelord "Sodomized get Carbonized" Sozin
>They both were shitty
nah, there's a reason why Yea Forumsmblr are still seething for 3 years straight. Trump basedness naturally angers the libtards.
Firelord "pan seared queers" Sozin
its better then this for sure
Doing it this way makes a whole lot more sense than making everyone tolerant except the rare evil character who is inexplicably homophobic for no reason despite there being no precedent for it, just to show how evil they are. Especially when their homophobia is a needless secondary trait to all the other evil stuff they do that impacts the story or their character.
It’s like King Harrow’s speech in the Dragon Prince where he suddenly interjects the line “no child should be judged based on the color of their skin,” and it only serves to raise a lot of questions about where all these racists are hiding when everything we’ve seen about the setting suggests that tolerance is just the norm.
Damn, sozin was pretty based
Why would the Firelord give a single flying fuck about homos? They’re based on Japan but clearly are just 100% autistically focused on conquest and warfare while under Sozin / Ozai. Unless it was someone in line to the throne they probably wouldnt give a shit
This triggers my autism
>It isn't enough that he successfully genocided an entire people
>He has to hate the gays or he just won't be evil enough
>he says when the EU bullied the Swiss into having gun control
>They let themselves get bullied by the EU
My sympathy is in the negative percentages
I think it's more like
>He was a genocidal tyrant
>Why wouldn't he enforce strict social norms
But what's the point?
He's already literally as evil as a villain can reasonably get, making buttfun illegal isn't even close to as horrible as literally murdering a whole ethnic group, it doesn't make him a worse person.
It has no purpose other than to push real world topical politics into the fiction, thus breaking the suspension of disbelief
Sozin wanted to fuck Roku, but Roku wasn't gay for him, prove me wrong!
what's ozais motive detective?
No gay marriages
Kill them all
I’ll never understand how morons keep falling for the same populist garbage every time, they unironically believed Mexico was going to pay for it and that he’d hold Saudi Arabia accountable for their role in spread of Wahhabism
>But what's the point?
Why would evil dictator = homophobe automatically?
Do you think Caligula outlawed buttfucking?
>Do you think Caligula outlawed buttfucking?
I think you have to differentiate syphilitic madmen that put horses in charge of shit with people actually trying to maintain an iron grip on rule, m8.
I think it was because the republicans were so weak they let Trump walk in and embarrass them. Jeb is a big fat mistake.
And then the democrats decided it was her turn, which people just couldnt fucking swallow because she was presidential sure, but we wanted off the shitslide after obama failed on both hope and change. Cheating Bernie in the primaries helped destroy half the install base of dems anyway. It was a perfect storm and the majority are still so full of themselves and self righteous that a 3rd party vote was never gonna happen. Were heading for the same storm, we collectively learned nothing. 4 more fuckin years of incompetence and show boating. Trumps not as bad as the media would have you believe, but its still a shitshow of a presidency
You're basically describing She-Ra.
>people just couldnt fucking swallow
>won the popular vote in the general
>Cheating Bernie in the primaries
>won the popular vote in the primary
>won the most contests
>won the most of both kinds of delegates
>and she did it without hacking his voter data, which his campaign did to hers
I'm not saying she was the best candidate. She wasn't. But she was broadly popular. She just wasn't broadly popular enough to overcome the inherent electoral advantage Trump's base provided him
All that said, she would have cruised to victory had Comey not reopened and then closed the email investigation in a very public way right before the election. Polling data showed the swing right then and there. Enough people became convinced that there would actually be another shoe to drop down the road that they jumped on board with Trump since they didn't want a president under investigation from the outset, a tragically ironic decision.
Sozin had a big gay crush on Avatar Roku, but after their falling out he was snubbed and Roku went and hooked up with some chick. So Sozin decided that if he can’t be gay, no one could.
Ozai was crazy for his father’s and probably also his grandfather’s approval and would likely hate anybody they told him to.
Nothing bad that I've heard apart from the art being weird in places.
The LGBT stuff takes up a total of maybe 4 pages in all, the rest is about the main gang taking down an evil mafia leader.
Course the only thing you'll ever hear about it on Yea Forums is OP's pic because the /pol/fucks here get off on being triggered.
Come to think of it, shunning anybody who participates in buttfucking in particular really makes sense in any underdeveloped society devoid of modern healthcare. It’s just naturally not a healthy practice and invites all kinds of health issues you probably don’t want in your society. I’m pretty sure that’s the real reason there’s mention in the bible against it, the same way the old testament suggests against eating pork or certain fish.
This doesn’t provide any reasoning for homophobia against lesbians or gays who don’t engage in sodomy, though.
Real talk, though.
Is historical homophobia purely a Judeo-Christian thing, or did a lot of cultures have anti-homo beliefs? I remember it being a capital offense in medieval China.
But they do run education in red States, take it from someone that works for the schools.
Not to mention the state ranked number 46th in education spends the most money on it. Any guesses which? Spoiler it's not a red state
I’m fairly certain that Japan was a lot more lax about it before the arrival of Christianity. Everyone was still pretty much required to breed, but it was okay in a lot of cases to have romantic or sexual relationships outside of the breeding marriage. I think I heard that, at least.
And of course for every society, you gotta make distinctions between genders, because sometimes for example, male on male homosexuality was cool in the proper ranks but lesbianism might be more restricted simply because female behavior in general was more restricted, and sometimes it’d kinda even work the other way around and lesbians could sneak around more easily because people just didn’t even count them as being gay.
>That guy was the worst!
BITCH you never even met Sozin.
>Is historical homophobia purely a Judeo-Christian thing, or did a lot of cultures have anti-homo beliefs?
No homophobia has been a huge part of cultures throughout the world, not all, but a lot. Shit Taiwan is the first Asian state to legalize gay marriage and it's not even a real country. A lot of it simply stems from homosexuality going against the instictual need of our species to reproduce and proliferate.
The conversation of the very existence or practice of homosexuality in pretty much any pre-modern culture is a lot more complicated than it might at first seem. This is because there’s a lot of history shaping our definitions of what constitutes things like a relationship, sex, romance, monogamy, marriage, gender roles, etc. Pretty much the only thing you can be sure of is that when a purple haired prideflag otherkin is squee-ing over some ancient Roman poet because “omg, they’re LGBBQTA+ just like meee XD!!!,” they’re probably missing out on a lot of important context and projecting a very specific interpretation that doesn’t necessarily apply to the culture in question.
>Stalin was the worst
>BITCH you never even met him
>You're basically describing She-Ra.
I'd be fine with everyone being a little gay for Korra like how all the Princesses took a second glance at She-Ra.