Change my mind
This would've been a better ending for Season 4 and Starco
Honestly it would've
What about Janna?
Could’ve been put in between the filler.
Not important
That's a 'what will happen afterwards' that would have been talked about for years. Even if they did it that way, there would definitely be an after credits with the two of them together and alive. No ambiguity, Disney would never let it fly on a somber note.
This was a better ending for Season 4 and Starco
Am I the only guy on Yea Forums who wanted a time skip where they're both married with a kid and they're overseeing Mewni as the kingdom? I recall Nefcy said that would've been boring and predictable, but would you have preferred that instead?
>It would have been a better cliffhanger for a season 5
ftfy. Fuck you Disney for giving up.
Well they could hint something good right before the credits. A little flash of hope ya know?
To be honest that would've been nicer than whatever the heck we got.
And then what? The world’s longest wait hoping Disney give Nefcy an additional season?
Make a gif where after white screen the Skyrim begins.
I dunno. I guess it might be better to just let go.
I'll never forget Star and that gorgeous mouth of hers.
I feel ya. Way too much compression and rushed. Shame overall.
They both die and they love is seen as something trascends a dimensions?
This would have been a better ending
Change my mind
Not gonna. This would’ve left me far more content and with far less questions.
Sure, if it means we don’t have this craptastic ending.
I'm going to hold the families of Disney CEO's family hostage if they don't greenlight season 5
>greenlights it
>we get the same ending
The ultimate cuckening
Including the snap?
Personally, I think it would've been better if it had ended here.
More wholesome than the entirety of Starco.
I thought with the hints of Marco and monsters being able to use magic it would be revealed that the queens were never special and all species had access to magic but just never tried—
But nah that would have been dumb. Magical pool’s closed
That kind of was revealed though when they showed Glossaryck giving the first Butterfly Queen magic.
>Hekapoo realizing this version of her would never get Marco just gives up and welcomes the end.
But that fact stayed unmentioned to everyone in the show. For example, the monsters didn’t seem to be aware they could defend themselves with magic
This show should have ended at Battle for Mewni. The rest after that are shits.
Well there’s room for improvement with after that. Like having Eclipsa be less of a Mary Sue for instance.
>The worst at magic
>Sucks ass at being a queen
>Everyone hates her
Nefcy must have a boring marriage.
>Capping off a show about a magical teen wild child whose greatest authority said "the time of queens is over" with marriage, a kid, and being a queen