Wow un-fuckin-believable
Avatar Thread
Very believable actually
Haha, what a fag.
I ship her with Ikki
Is that Katara? Damn she really doesn't look that bad in the comic huh
That's Katara's daughter, who is smoking but unfortunately prefers pussy.
>Attractive middle-aged woman somehow unmarried
Oh, yeah, that one really came out of nowhere.
Oh yeah the new comic is coming out in a few days, thanks for reminding me.
>Prefers pussy
Nah, she just hasn't found the right dick yet. She might prefer the company of other women but she wants dick. Dicks are objectively superior to pussy in just about every way, this is why only men can be gay.
Back in my day we'd haul you and your kind into trucks and take them into an open field blindfolded at night to shoot them dead with our rifles. It was a simpler time.
Anyone else get pissed off when they learned water tribe retards don't teach their warriors how to heal people? Wouldn't that be one of the most important skills for them to have? And if women are so much better at it why not have them fight too? It's not as if women being physically weaker matters in a world were they can turn water in daggers and launch them at people.
Why are water tribe people so fucking stupid?
Because their culture is based on dualities, push and pull, ying and yang, masculine and feminine.
I doubt that since you’re on one of the gayest boards.
Women are better at healing? I thought it was purely a tradition and everyone had a varied amount of talent.
Yeah they also used to burn you at the stake for saying the Earth orbited around the sun and imprison you for being a Christian or Jew
remember when avatar was about world building
>because they are fucking retards
Oh I know they are stupid user, I just want to know WHY. Why is their culture so stupid? You can't even say it is because of the whole martial arts thing because Katara masters both push and pull or whatever the fuck and shes like 14 or some shit. Has the northern tribe seriously been throwing away warriors that can also heal near fatal wounds just due to plain stupidity or is there is reason why they are stupid. Is it because they live in the snow? Does snow make people stupid?
I was hoping that was the excuse. To say they are better at least gives some reason to it. Otherwise they are just throwing away super soldiers for nothing.
>the Firelord commuted countless atrocities and is responsible for the deaths of thousands
>also he hated gay marriage
>Korra: man that guy was the worst!
I can't even care anymore
>This culture I don't like is retarded!
what are the odds that Korra is declared non-canon?
too bad i really like Aang and Katara's family. specially Bumi and Tenzin
bad writing?
I want to not be alive anymore
I am fine with the culture in theory man, but seriously where is the logic in not letting your warriors use healing magic? They could end the fucking war with that shit, like half their planet is fucking water and they are only in the north and south?? Fucking why? Not including the swamp men but they don't count.
Is it just that? It becomes hugely plot relevant for Katara and her learning to fight and heal is one of the only reasons the fire lord is beaten.
>Has the northern tribe seriously been throwing away warriors
Considering that the last time the FN laid siege to the NWT before the show was 75 or so years prior and they suffered a total defeat, I don't think they have to worry much about losing soldiers.
I meant in the sense of what they COULD have. They COULD have warriors that can slice men in half with one arm and heal their friend with another. Instead we just get meatheads who have to be taken back to controlled zones to be healed by women who cannot fucking defend themselves?? The fuck kind of system is that? Their culture prevents combat medics. For what fucking purpose? Who is this for?
why is there no dismemberment in avatar?
no mortal kombat like deaths?
No wonder Aang did'nt love his other childern as much as Tenzin. I mean a dyke hippie daughter and a buffoon non bender son. Can imgine the disappointments they were growing up.
>no mortal kombat like deaths?
>rating: TV-Y7
Why are gay relationships in western media (other than some books) always so cringey and awful? In japan they can exist for their own sake and don't seem political or virtue-signally at all.
kill yourself faggot. Pussy is amazing and gay men are mentally ill and should be killed for not wanting it.
wish there was grimdark/serious spin-off
It's a show about Asians and people of color fighting
You know, honor.
Learning to heal takes time away from learning to fight. Healing is all nice and good but you aren't going to stop an invading army by healing them to death. And Katara may have been able to master both healing and fighting but she is an MC and as such she has the writers convenience of being head and shoulders better than her peers, you can't take her abilities as the norm.
You cannot train an entire army of benders to master every aspect of their bending, it's just not feasible. Outside of basic first aid a soldier doesn't need to know how to be a doctor.
Because the show wasn't made for Azula.
The upcoming Kyoshi novel has swordfights that actually draw blood and people bleeding from wounds if that's more up your alley.
why did kyoshi live for 300 years while Aang cant
>Fire Lord Sozin: *massacres the air nomads*
>Korra: "..."
>Fire Lord Sozin: *bans gays*
>Korra: "That guy is worse than Hitler"
The idea here being that the norm is only being able to get good with one thing and so trying for both is forbidden? Again it just seems defeatist for no reason. If you have someone skilled enough why not let them try it? Sure maybe not everyone is Katara but why not have women who can defend themselves at all? And teaching men how to heal basic things like bruises seems doable?
It just seems really bull-headed coming from a tribe that is meant to flow like water. This is something I could see earthbenders being like but it always stuck out as odd for waterbenders to be like that.
>Dicks are long, hard, easy to keep clean and recognized as a symbol of power everywhere
How could a blood belching meat pocket even compete?
Earth Kingdom people live the longest I guess (Pathik, Bumi, Toph still being agile and at the top of her game while Zuko and Katara certainly look like they're feeling their age)
No one is shocked or impressed, grampa.
Was Korra always this dumb?
finally someone else on this site that actually read the excerpt
While the medic+heavy combo is considered a no-brainer, not every society is going to have the proper tactical chops and realize it for whatever reason. Even lots of current societies don't value healing abilities as much as damaging abilities.
>gays gays gays gays gays gays gays\
It's all so tedious.
here's the link in case anyone else is interested
It was only ever established that women couldn't learn water bending. It was probably ok, if somewhat taboo, for a man to learn healing.
>but seriously where is the logic in not letting your warriors use healing magic?
Why not also teach your white mage combat magic? You can't teach everyone everything. The specialist will always be better than the generalist.
Vaginas are warm homes that keep your dick happy and forces out your love juice (aka semen). It's no contest vaginas are the best and feel great.
That's a weird way to say "less versatile".
Real world comparisons don't work so well here. Their tribe already has the tools and means to make warriors that can heal, they just don't use them.
This is true, but still stupid. Why make it taboo at all? And making a rule against women being fighters when they are always shown being the strongest with water bending is just mind numbing.
>specialist always better than the generalist
>in a show where the protag is the protag due to being the only true generalist
I get your logic here but it doesn't work so well in their world. Katara knowing both made her better 90% of the time and the one time she wasn't was because she didn't know that form of water bending, which she then learned and became even stronger.
This came out like two years ago. I'm guessing someone posted it on reddit.
.....Go on.
>The specialist will always be better than the generalist.
The specialist will be better than the generalist at the things they specialize in, but being a specialist isn't inherently better than being a generalist. Highly specialized species are at a greater risk of going extinct than generalist species.
Did they ever explicitly say the men don't learn how to heal? Maybe they do but in different ways and different classes
who gives a fuck about the avatar universe anymore anyway?
The Avatar is a general specialist. He's not better than everyone because he has more bending options than anyone else, he's better than everyone one because his bending is just that much stronger than everyone elses. And even should his own strength fail the Avatar can then call upon the Avatar State and gain even more power and the skill of all his past lives to put it to practical use. The Avatar can choose to spend an entire life mastering one element of their bending, can specialize to the point of crippling their overall skill, and then any Avatar there afterwards can call upon that specialization when using the Avatar State. This is not something that the average soldier can accomplish.
>Was the writing in Legend of Korra always this dumb?
Fixed that for you. And yes.
In what universe is Korra smart? She is an absolute retard on every level.
They never show it nor make mention of it, the separation seems pretty clear and again, considering we are shown time and time again how much better women are at bending water it just seems pointlesley bullheaded. Not letting women fight makes no sense in their world or tribe. Not even earthbenders have that issue.
I disagree. He is certainly a stronger warrior because he can use all the elements. This is why he was able to defeat the fire lord. Mastering the elements is his goal yes but having the options allows him to be better by default. Iroh even tells Zuko this when explaining lightning bending and using different techniques for different styles. Aang naturally has that generalist mindset that Iroh had to learn over many years. The avatar state isn't like subbing in.
I wouldn't imply the avatar is an average person, just that he is better off being a generalist in their world. But really, your comparison of mages is another issue because they are not comparable. Healing is a part of waterbending, it is not specialist outside of their specialty it is a part of it. Within their style they can heal, choosing to not allow a part of their specialty to be learned for the reason "they are women" is stupid. Katara proves this by showing dozens of times how her knowing harm and heal is a good thing. And I cannot see how it would be bad for the average solider to know their version of first aid.
You don't need to spend years to learn basics, and being able to magically heal even just minor damage would be a huge advantage in most scenarios because soldiers who would need a few days to recover will only need a short rest. It's like saying that you don't have the time to commit to learning cooking when someone tells you to learn to boil eggs so you don't starve when your parents don't feed you.
It still is.
Its just that the worldbuilding is now gay and retarded, you know, like Korra.
What? Girl who spent all her younger years partying had a girlfriend? What a fucking shock.
Honestly korras fuck ups is a perfect setting for a new avatar
>considering we are shown time and time again how much better women are at bending water it just seems pointlessly bullheaded
Now wait a minute here, I know it was stated at some point that Master Paku was the best waterbender in the world. Hell, he's the waterbender guy in the opening. How does the original series show women are way better at bending water? A woman invented bloodbending, but it doesn't imply that she was able to do it only because she was female. Remember Korra doesn't count here.
No it's not because everything moves away from magical elemental kung fu.
God I want to see the next avatar frustrated by the state of the city, frustrated by the loss of culture and tradition, frustrated at being treated like a celebrity, and frustrated that the only other avatar he can call upon for advice is motherfucking Korra. It would be really cool to see him/her to run away and seek out traditional masters and sources of bending, and eventually come to a head with the Order of the White Lotus over this. They could decide the Avatar's become evil and needs to be executed so he can reincarnate into someone new that they have control over. The possibilities are limitless.
>tribe that depends on Luna for strength not leaning female
Fine don't count Korra but it goes back to my main point. Women not being taught aggressive techniques prevents them from showing off how much better on average they are. My evidence is that when we do find a woman who does know aggressive bending she is a bad motherfucker every single time. There are no weak women in the water tribe, just ones being held back. That was Katara's whole thing wasn't it?
>tfw I'm a literal dyke and this infuriates me
One of the great things about Avatar was it's willingness to acknowledge that both sides were capable of error. Wong Shi Tong loses his mind when Sokka tries to defend stealing from him because all warring humans think their aggression is justified, and he was not going to be complacent. The Fire Nation was shown to be surprisingly culturally liberal - they had women officers and women like Mai, Azula, and Ty Lee were permitted to leave home and hold authority in military positions. This was in stark contras to the sexist Water Tribe or (to a lesser extent) the Earth Kingdom. This doesn't mean that the Fire Nation isn't bad, or that they're not worse, but that there is no such thing as an "evil" nation or culture, only individual practices which must be assessed on their own merits.
And this is representative of real life as well. The British Empire justified plenty of invasions by citing things like sati. The Gulf War was justified with things like the Nayirah testament. Real or fake, atrocities turn the opposition into monsters and justify violence. Fire Nation schools likely go on and on about how brutish Water Tribe savages treat their poor, abused women.
But nah, fuck that, Bryke are two hacks who spent their earlier career shitting on teenaged girls on autistic websites, but now they need them so Korra and Asami are lesbians and you can't question it or you're a homophobe. All subtlety is thrown out the window and now Sozin is a fag basher.
You know what would have been bold? Making Sozin gay for Roku. But nah, fuck that, you can't make a homo do anything wrong I guess. Or Bryke could have spares us their Lucas-esque nonsense and not raped the original at all.
Fuck this panel infuriates me.
Pic related, the type who drew this abomination and ruined my waifu is the type who they're pandering to now.
wow this is so bad, glad i dropped Korra
Yes it is, i read an idea here on Yea Forums that involves the avatar world devolving like going back to stone age
Since human world and spirit world is combined it makes sense that the world got rid of technology, specially industry since its harmful to spirits
>he thinks bullets can hurt me in this state
>That pic
You’re obviously trying for the next Tolkienpost. No mortal can reach that height.
I still screencapped it.
>specially industry since its harmful to spirits
What? No it isn't. The only case industry directly harmed a spirit was when a factory was polluting a river guarded by one. Otherwise industry and technology have no direct effect on spirits in Avatar.
Can you post it or give post number?
>Ugh Hitler was really a bad egg
>It's a SJWs get mad when a villain does a bad thing episode
The trick here is that the question isn't whether women are as good as or at least approach men at waterbending - that's been shown. The question is whether the women are better than the men at waterbending on average, which is very hard to prove because there were only 2 female waterbenders shown in the original series who got the same level of training that the men did, and the one time a female waterbender did face a male waterbender, she got her ass kicked.
What about the story of Wan? Wasnt that the reason human and spirit world separated? Because of the bad mojo and shit?
Listen sweetie, maybe, just maybe, if you were a decent person, you'd appreciate Aang regurgitating modern self care platitudes as if they weren't bastardizations of Asiatic religion.
I'm sorry, what? Like did something happen in the new movie? I am legit in the dark.
Merci beaucoup.
They separated because humanity kept getting harassed by a majority of spirits because humans need things like food, water, and shelter and also like to procreate so those numbers will move into the spaces that spirits have taken over since they can't be bothered to stick to their own dimension.
>you'd appreciate Aang regurgitating modern self care platitudes as if they weren't bastardizations of Asiatic religion.
So how would Aaron Ehasz have written what Aang told Katara in the actual episode?
Spirits and humans didn't get along for far, far earlier than Wan's time or they wouldn't have lived on lionturtles.
Spirits hating people who came into the wilds and established settlements seemed more of a combination of territory issues, aforementioned deep-seated resentment, and Vaatu rather than about how progress and tech is bad.
Sure, we cannot know what we do not know. All I am saying is the reason we don't know is because the water tribe is dumb as hell.
>This is why he was able to defeat the fire lord.
Aang had his ass handed to him until he pulled out the Avatar State. Aang used Earth, Air and Water bending but it wasn't until his eyes started glowing that he actally beat Ozai. You cannot compare what is essentially a living god to an average soldier. Aang can be a generalist because he is strong enough to be a generalist. Any normal person would take a lifetime to master just one of the bending styles to it's fullest, Aang can fall back on the experiences of his previous lives to help him along.
>Katara proves
All Katara proves is that writers convenience is convenient. Katara is stated to be a prodigy, she went from smacking her own face with a failed water whip to making tidal waves and literally controlling a persons body through their blood in less than a year.
But hey, why not teach all water benders blood bending? Why didn't the Fire Nation just teach all their foot soldiers lightning bending? Why don't all earth benders see with their bending? What about sparky-sparky boom man? Why don't all fire benders just cause explosions with their brains? Ty Lee's chi blocking seems useful. Why didn't the fire nation teach chi blocking to all their soldiers?
Normal people cannot learn everything. Outliers like the Avatar and Katara exist but they are not the norm.
Trying to teach an entire army how to be both a doctor and a warrior would be retarded and it would end in disaster.
Let me put it to you like this, every hour a water bender is using to learn how to heal is an hour they are not using to learn how to fight. Compare that to the fire bender that is using every hour to learn to fight. At the end, the water bender will have effectively only half as much combat experience as the fire bender.
Being able to heal your injuries after a fight is only useful if you survive the fight.
But seriously why weren't there more chi blockers?
>territory issues
Well thats the point, humans cant stop expanding
At some point the avatar will have to separate them again
He wouldn't say "living well" like a bunch of yoga ladies. He'd say what he said in Southern Raiders - revenge is a two headed snake, forgive and let go, etc.
Yes but that is my point, specialists are not always better than generalists. Wasn't saying more than that.
Those comparisons are shaky. Healing using water is a natural part of the waterbending style. It is not like lightning bending which uses water tribe style to fire bend or chi blocking which is not even a bending style. Waterbending as a specialty has healing built in. It is like refusing to teach someone a core part of a skill because of their sex and nothing else. Not because they can't do it but because they are a woman or a man. It is just plain dumb.
No chi blockers because that is an actual specialist skill that requires cartoon levels of agility and flexibility. Nothing to do with it being a basic style of a well known culture from a tribe that is easily thousands of years old like waterbending is.
The same reason why season 1 of LoK doesn't work until they bring out technology. Benders have range. You can't block someones' chi if the user doesn't let the blocker come into fist range. Earth to unbalance them. Water to surround them. Air to push them back. And fire to warm tea to scalding temperatures to toss it at them.
Things aren't the same as they were 10,000 years ago however. Republic City was shown to have adapted to the vines and thriving with them, it doesn't look like those old conflicts are relevant anymore.
It doesnt have to happen right away, it takes time
Lightning bending does not use water tribe style. It is wholey Fire Nation in origin. Re-directing lightning through your body is a trick Iroh learned from watching water benders. Very different.
If a person learned everything about water bending then they would be better than the guy who only learned to make water whip. But the common soldier isn't going to have that kinda time needed to learn all that. Beyond that, healing just isn't useful in a fight. The water tribe is retarded for not letting women learn to fight. But sending women to war would also be pretty damn retarded too. Avatar is a kids show so it's easy for them to gloss over the less savory aspects of a 100 year long war. Just imagine how bad things could get if a platoon of fire nation men captured a platoon of water tribe women.
Ah that is true! Sorry, i've been drinking a bit you are right. The women in war argument doesn't work in their world. Its a kids show isn't even the excuse. We know what happens when a fire nation man finds a water tribe woman. He kills her. Canonically there is no rape in their world. And I still assert that if a group of water tribe women knew aggressive waterbending they wouldn't have to worry about that unless they ran out of water. Which I will state again, is another reason the tribe is stupid. A planet with the near same amount of water as us should have waterbenders on every fucking coast, 100 year war or not.
>but what if a platoon of fire nation men
You mean the same Fire Nation men who work alongside with women and come from one of, if not the least, sexist culture in the Avatar world? The same Fire Nation men bound to a bizarre honor system that likel prohibits rape? The same Fire Nation that considers itself the "superior element" and probably considers racemixing disgusting?
>platoon of water tribe women
Because only women get raped in war. Gotcha.
Reminder that only ATLA the series is canon.
If they knew blood bending, they'd have even less to fear. A limp dick can't do no rape.
>Last AirBender
>Two of your kids never continued the bloodline.
>No wonder they where disappointments.
>limp dick
Consider their world with an R rating. Waterbenders would wave their hands and have groups of fighters drop dead in seconds due to brain aneurysm. Waterbending is broken when you think realistically.
There is a reason the most frightening character in the show is the bloodbending witch. The concept itself is fucking horrifying.
Stalin noooooo
Remember koh he face stealer and that owl librarian, there are just some spirits that are hostile
It wouldnt be a surprise if koh stole asami or korras face
That's why blood bending is scary. And it wasn't until Korra that it became normal. In A:TLA you had to be a skilled water bender and the moon had to be full. The power creep in Korra was real. Makes me wonder why they nerfed the Avatar State. No, wait I know why. Because the Avatar State is so BS strong that it could solve any problem with brute force in one episode and they didn't want to have to write around it.
Amon would have been a better villain if he wasn't a bender
their was a reason they lost the war and had to have a literal god come and save them
I hope the netflix atla bomb, bryan and mike just cant take a hint
>bizarre honor system that likel prohibits rape
That's a funny way to say "no way to confirm that rape runs counter to fire nation honor"
For all we know on the subject rape could be seen as very honorable. Or maybe beating someone in a fight makes them honor bound to accept your sexual advances. We know that the Fire Nations has a huge emphasis on honor and maintaining that honor but not what that honor is. Honor varies from person to person.
>The Fire Nation that considers itself the "superior element" and probably considers racemixing disgusting
It's just as possible that they see race mixing through rape as the best way to bring Fire Nation greatness to the rest of the world. Fire is the superior element so it only makes sense that every women should have a Fire Nation baby.
And that reason is stupidity.
Does anyone remember that one where combustion man repeatedly engaged in anal, noticed he kept getting sicker and sicker and was eventually diagnosed with an incurable blood disease by the herbalist? Wasn’t that the reason he was so angry?
Please user, I can only get SO erect.
Can I get a quick rundown on what the fuck you are talking about?
>the next Avatar is some nobody kid from the city slums who watched autistic spirits horribly mutate and kill his parents
>fucking infuriated that he's suddenly the living sequel to Korra who he already despised with every fiber of his being
>dedicates his life to undoing Korra's legacy
>first (official) villain protagonist of the franchise
>The same Fire Nation that considers itself the "superior element" and probably considers racemixing disgusting?
They did? Also why is Ozai portrayed as a cartoo villain? I mean they didnt even try to justify their war aside from "i want to control the world"
Just imagine if the Fire Nation had won. How log do you think it would take them to set up breeding camps?
The firenations 100 year war makes no fucking sense dude. Don't even try to question it. It is fucking nonsense.
Not him, but here.
sparky-sparky boom man stuck his dicky in some icky and it made him sicky.
If anything, they buffed the avatar state. Korra's version being weaker than Aang's made sense because he maxed out his spiritual affinity whereas that (and every other mental score) were Korra's dump stats. But then the avatar state became a raw power boost instead of the temporary XP vault so even Little Miss Fuckup could still punch things harder-ish.
pics or it didnt happen.
The colonies were a hotbed of interbreeding, they bring it up in the first comic post-series.
What happens in Ba Sing Se stays in Ba Sing Se.
Also what is combistion mans problem?
He literally did nothing wrong, hes neutral in the whole war
Ok so how about four elements trainer though?
this is why i would dismiss atla as a masterpiece
Whats that? A Pokemon-like avatar game?
It has plenty of issues, the fire nation going retard is only one of them.
Yeah same idea, different activity.
Pls dont, it'll attract waifufags
>they aren't already here
Drunk or new?
Okay I'm honestly confused by something. This whole LGBT I honestly can't give two shits if someone is trying to stick a sausage in their exit-pipe or trying to rub two fish tacos together...
But all this fucking promotion of it, I had to wonder just how many people are they talking to.
So after a cursory google search... Multiple institutes give relatively the same number. 4.5% of the U.S. population identifies as LGBT. Not just L. Not just G. Not just B or T. All combined, the population adds up to 4.5 percent.
Why the fuck are we pressing so much? Why are comics and cartoons and other media showing that fucking 1/4 people are fucking LGBT? StarVS for example. Looking at all the couples that show up, 40% of those depicted are fucking homosexual.
What the everloving fuck?
>We actually hit the point that homosexuals are OVER represented in media compared to their actual population size
It sells. It makes money. Accept ALL organizations go for money and move on.
>Firelord genocides an entire people and culture
He's a bad guy
>Firelord colonizes and attacks continent, putting people's homes and even families to the torch
He's a bad guy
>Imprisons people born with earthbending and enslaves them just because they were earthbenders, not even soldiers but civilians
He's a bad guy
>Eliminates opposition, including his own family, in brutal political maneuvers
He's a bad guy
>Same-sex marriage = illegal
>don't seem political or virtue-signally at all.
If you can stop fucking your sister long enough to comprehend, it's because LBGT folk have been oppressed, marginalized, and demonized in the West for centuries, but not so in Japan, you insufferable gobshite. Gay people have been allowed to live their lives as themselves, and not forced to hide, pretending to be straight, or be bashed with baseball bats, wrapped in bobwire, doused with kerosene, and set on fire. Jaysus Aitch Christballs, it's still legal to discriminate against gays in almost 30 states in the USA, you fucking mongoloid. Of course it's going to seem political, especially to shitmartens who have never had to worry about being curbstomped or raped cos they're attracted to their own sex.
Stop being whiny entitled cunts.
If that was the case then they would have made a shitload of Jesus movies after Passion of the Christ. Instead they blacklisted Mel and seethed for years because they didn't want Christshit to make money and be successful.
Gay shit is getting pushed as hard as it is because gays happen to be heavily concentrated in media occupations and they have a huge chip on their shoulder about being gay, and even the people in media who aren't gay want to suck up to the ones who are. Their shit makes money because they have a monopoly on the technical know-how that goes into making the highest quality entertainment; they could put any agenda imaginable into their movies and tv shows and people would swallow it after much bitching because there is no alternative that comes even remotely close in terms of quality or quantity.
To be fair to Korra, this is a world where Black people don't exist and God is a white carpet thing. Maybe there are more faggots in Avatar world than in our world
>It sells. It makes money.
It doesnt?
>oppressed, marginalized, and demonized in the West for centuries, but not so in Japan, you insufferable gobshite.
Holy shit you know Jack shit about Japan. My wife is an Ainu and lived in Japan for 10 years. Gays are treated much, much worse in Nihon land than even the most homophobic Western nation. You are fucking delusional. Anime is a fringe hobby there you fool and not reflective of their society.
no they are not here, compare this thread to the azula thread. theres more actual discussion here
In the azula thread there are just image dumping and shitposting
*I lived
Prove it does not. Or fucketh ofeth.
So new then.
But Aang is right.
Social circles. Across the overall population, the number of fags may be 4.5%, but they are densely, DENSELY concentrated in a few select areas and rare to the point of nonexistence elsewhere. 40% of couples in these cartoons are depicted as gay because the writers live in cities where there's a lot of LGBT people, so it seems realistic to them because 40% of the people in their social circles identify as LGBT.
>Prove it does not. Or fucketh ofeth.
Not him but the burden of proof lies with you to prove that it makes money.
Isn't that more on Aang? He was the last Airbender, he should've been knocking up every woman around instead of just one.
Great post
Nice anecdote.
Aang used up a lot of his life expectancy by being in the Avatar State for 100 years keeping himself and Appa in suspended animation in the iceberg.
There are plenty of documentaries that describe the shit state of faggots in Japan. For example, you do know that only in Tokyo and in only a certain part of the city recognizes same sex partners for emergency visitations? Oh wait you don't? Well that's because you are a delusional faggot.
No it does not. For I am the dumb son of a bitch not making money.
It makes money despite it, not because of it.
I'm making it my head canon that Fire Nation nobility were very libertine and Sozin didn't have anything against gays but made that law as a way to imprison opponents and seize their wealth .
>Because their culture is based on dualities, push and pull, ying and yang, masculine and feminine.
Full blown AIDS is his issue, it really took a toll on his mental as well as physical health
Feed him mungo
You have an excellent head canon based on historical reality and nuance, which Bryke don't.
This actually happened in Post Revolution Cuba. Yes Che was a raging homophobe, but it's pretty obvious Fidel and others, most notably his brother Raul, really didn't hate gays beyond the fact 99% of them were in the liberal arts and criticizing them.
This thread is the caner which is killing Yea Forums. You all need to be drawn and quartered for bumping it
Ah a women of quality!
Back to /pol/ faggot
How can one man be so based?
But the point of dualities isn't. Just that there are two opposite but complementary forces.
>Next Avatar accidentally nuked his hometown, killing his parents in the process because his only connection to the past Korra
>Childhood friend joins the Equalist out to kill him
>Older Brother resents him
>The world is chaotic now thanks to a lot of untied loose ends on Korra's part (Earth Empire guys ain't giving up, Equalists are back, spirits are causing mayhem)
>The new Avatar now afraid to bend so much so his only bending ability is just shooting and bouncing pebbles like bullets
>Most of the time arguing with Korra because all her solution involves beating people up.
I agree, she obviously loves cock.
Alright, then draw me.
They're still marginalized and attacked based on who they are. And before you come at me, yes, there is a sizeable anti-gay sentiment in America. Look at Mike "If Guys Make You Jerk It, You Complete The Circuit" Pence.
They're so prevalent in shows and stuff because creators want to show, hey, these people exist, and that's OK. They're normal people like you and me. It's the exact same way every cartoon from the 70s through the 00s had at least one black character. To show kids that they exist and they're just normal people trying to live their lives.
She isn't "dumb", she's been sheltered as fuck during nearly her entire life life, told she the greatest thing since seal jerky, and is more important than the Pope and all his cardinals. She goes out in the world impetuously at 17, under-educated, and socially-and-emotionally-stunted. She stubbornly bangs her head into every wall she comes across, makes almost every error possible. The Avatar is supposed to come to their knowledge of what they are uch later than she did (age 4), and supposed to travel the world, gaining life-experience in addition to training. Aang was raised in a Monastic tradition, was more traveled, and level-headed at age 10 than Korra was at 17. She has decades of maturing and seasoning ahead of her.
Having shit writers doesn't help, either.
>a novice waterbender did face a master waterbender
fixed that for ya, Ace.
No, he has point. I mean, it's all tedious what with random characters being gay and all for brownie points and most of time that's the only thing the character has. Now if he say we should gas them, that's /pol/ worthy.
Spoiler that shit, Son.
>more strawmen than a scarecrow convention in Kansas
define strawman and elaborate why in 1500 words
>random characters being gay and all for brownie points and most of time that's the only thing the character has
>more scarecrows -- the corn in this thread is very well protected
You don't teach this class.
Should have ignored him
Based Pence
>they're just normal people trying to live their lives.
No, they aren't. They're trying to use their influence in media play the victim in order to gain political power. Why do you think nobody gives a shit about gay characters in anime? It's not being used as a corrupt political advertisement.
Another dyke here. I'm actually really disappointed they actually went through with Asami/Korra because when the show was airing everyone was just fucking joking about it. It was a funny way to deal with how fucking bad Season 2 was.
and who do you think helps those gays?
hint: it's the ones with the hooked noses and the clenched hands
People still care bout Avatar? Why? Its ruined, utterly completely, its a tirefire, the bad entries now completely outnumber the good ones by a massive margin, its lore is completely upended, and the franchise heads are onions drinking fuckheads. Jump ship already
maybe, just maybe bryan and mike might come to their senses and retcon everything after ATLA
if star wars and dbz can do it they can too
good thread everybody you show them
>if star wars and dbz can do it they can too
I'll take "Things that hadn't happen" for five hundred, Alex.
No, are you retarded?
>prolonged fighting where a guy you cut down could get back up and stab you in the back, way less wounded warriors being captured or left alone rather than slaughtered
>a soldier without any oaths as a healer could administer brutal, constant torture as the wounds are healed as fast as they are dealt
>probably a better chance some fuckhead is going to figure out bloodbending during a full moon, an auspicious time for waterbender assaults
It makes reasonable sense to only let women (non-combatant medics) be the healers in an honorable warrior culture. It's a good standard that ensures healers won't be attacked, and healing itself won't be abused.
You could argue that they should have abandoned their principles in the face of a Fire Nation invasion, but it's hard to throw away military conduct practices that protected them from such degeneracy. Even changing the "no female soldiers/male healers" rule, I would still ensure that it's illegal/taboo to allow a waterbender with healing capabilities to serve as a combatant.
what age are you larping as in this post?
Something on your mind, pal?
> be bashed with baseball bats, wrapped in bobwire, doused with kerosene, and set on fire.
Man that sounds awesome. Faggots need more of this to happen to them.
Based Sozin. Burn them to crisp
you don't know what that word mean, tranny
>>the Firelord commuted countless atrocities and is responsible for the deaths of thousands
Well so long as he's getting them where they need to be.
based boomer triggering all the fags itt.
the intention is different. US put LGBT characters for representation sake, while Japan put them for yaoi/yuri fetishization. personally i prefer Japan's way because it's less preachy
>I'm not okay with people hamfistedly advocating for people that were consistently shit on until the last two decades but I am okay with turning them into 2D masturbation fodder
I don't like the haphazard shoehorning of LGBT characters either, but you're a terrible person.
its in the human nature to resist being told what to do
How bout you fuck off to tumblr retard
you forgot your image.
>everyone is a toddler who needs mommy to play reverse psychology
Yeah, sure, but that doesn't mean saying "I only want to talk about this group of human beings when I want to masturbate and never want to listen to them defend or discuss themselves" isn't an entitled way of looking at the world.
i'll need you to take a deep breath, step away from the computer, and go for a 10 minute walk, that should clear your head.
Considering that Sozin's gearing up for war and he's gonna need fresh blood...I can see why he criminalized same sex relationships. It ain't producing anything to the war, dig?
Actually, it doesnt produce anything but AIDs.
That too.
Thanks for proving my point
"The law says I can't be gay, guess I'll consign myself to making babies."
Throwing people that could be fighting in your war in jail seems counterproductive.
but their point is perfectly clear.
you objectify the gays and then hand wave post-nut and want to pretend they (You) don't exist until you get horny again.
I remember my first gay experience. It was weird, shameful, and probably mostly because we were all 12 year old loser boys obsessed with video games. The girls never gave us the time of the day except to laugh at us.
>bungle the follow-up to a big hit
>throw in gays at the last second
>"creators want to show, hey, these people exist, and that's OK"
It's a shame how gullible people are.
a gentle and timely reminder
But what about successful attempts? I've heard that women attempt suicide more but men tend to get the job done.
that is a baseless claim. try to find literally any evidence for it and you'll end up at tumblr.
the trans guys suiciding are biological males. basically your stats are deceptive in that its men in general with the highest suicide rates. It may be that men who have mental illness and cut off their cock and think "what have i done" are more likely to suicide though. similarly gay men are often abused by other gay men or led into drugs.
>her father's disappointment turned her into a lesbian
>her lesbianism disappointed her father
real chicken & egg stuff right here
>Aang had his ass handed to him
Because of a once-a-century super powerup for firebenders, not because Ozai was some master fire specialist.
>chi blockers
amon should have been a non-bender chi blocker
lol you're proving my point right here. You're trying to play the victim. You, and gays, are a victim of nothing but your own folly.
Hey, I don't claim to be inside the mind of a military dictator but I would assume that it's a "easy way or the hard way" kind of deal. You can fill in the blanks what the hard way entails and it ain't murder.
>Having shit writers doesn't help, either.
It's this.
Sokka and Katara were written to not have so many problems and they only knew the Southern Water tribe single community their whole life. There is no reason that Korra should have been doing half the things she was doing other than the writers are stupid and love to take the easy way out of forcing someone to an action despite what their information gathering and observations were prior to the action, and to seemingly write the ending and then write the rest of the season leading up to that ending regardless of how they get there.
They also can't balance things so Yea Forums puts the blame squarely entirely fully on Korra instead of making sure all the older cast members also get their share of blame.
>Sokka and Katara were written to not have so many problems and they only knew the Southern Water tribe single community their whole life.
Sokka and Katara also shouldered a ton of responsibility growing up and matured ahead of their time because of it.
Korra had everything catered to her in her isolated compound since she was 5.
Similarly, why does everyone insist that Korra never learns or keeps making the same mistakes? Did all of you stop watching after S2?
kys fag
This. Ditto with blacks incidentally, 14% of the national population but more like 40% in LA and NYC.
The inverse is true with hispanics.
you know damn well that number is going to go up by a huge margin if it appears on the 2020 census. more people willing to answer it truthfully instead of lying now that they are "empowered" to do it. some people answering it as that because that's what they think they are at the time, even if it's not true.
reminder that Tumblr praised Yuri on Ice for gay representation despite that it's obviously yaoi bait, Japanese writers know their shit
No, not retarded.
>its better if they die
>oaths that do not exist in their world
Blowing me away with these arguments user. And this thing about combat medics you are pulling out of your hairy asshole is even better not gunna lie.
What are you even fucking talking about mate? Take it easy on the pipe and explain yourself.
Laughing at you.
Pretty sure the retard was talking about Disney shedding the dross that was the Star Wars EU (for which I thank the Mouse Factory from the bottom of my heart).
UGGGGGHHHHHHHH What's next, banning safe, legal abortions in the Fire Nation?! HER BODY HER CHOICE YOU BIGOTS!
Historically the doutorine of yin and yang was used to enforce gender roles in China.
There was behind the scenes gayness in middle age china which Avatar is based on.
And now you whine on Yea Forums :3
>Aang is tasked with repopulating the Air Tribe
>Only one of his kids has kids, the other is a lesbo and the other is a crazy brown guy.
>also, your next incarnation is also gay.
If you want to have lesbians in the show that's one thing but don't make key characters gay just because.
>I only want to talk about this group of human beings when I want to masturbate and never want to listen to them defend or discuss themselves
You realize that you're broken in horribly awful ways, right?
>you objectify the gays
Yeah, no. You aren't concerned about gay people, you just want them to shut up and disappear. Ain't gunna happen. There'll be more and more and more gays out irl and in your fictions, and you and your ilk (always loved that word) will just have to suck it up and live with it.
The very thought warms the cockles of my heart.
>Pussy is amazing
As if you would know.
This but unironically.
>rare to the point of nonexistence elsewhere
This is an astounding statement.
Not really. In my experience the best revenge is furiously fucking over the person that harmed you but within the extend of the law so the legal system can do nothing but tell the bastard to deal with it until they finally snap and assault you and give you carte blanche to beat the shit out of them before taking them to court.
>Sozin's whole deal was that he saw fire nation culture as being objectively more enlightened than the rest of the world and had a bad case of "Fireman's burden"
>According to this comic the Fire Nation never had an issue with homosexuality before but most of the other nations did
>Sozin Mr "I live breathe and shit my culture and want everyone to be like us" changes something that is unique about his society.
It would have made more sense for either Ozai or Azulon to have made the change.
Someone post the pieces of the comic that hint that korra's the sub in the relationship please.
>post-Atlab making sense
katara is CUTE
>and they're just normal people trying to live their lives.
Fags are not normal, nor should they be concidered normal and exposing CHILDRENS to these people's insanity is 1001 kind of fucked up, the kind of fucked up that should be concidered illegal.
tl;dr you're advocating cancer, you're shilling cancer, you're enabling and supporting cancer, you ARE part of the cancer.
>airbender genes could be dormant in her due to aang
>let’s make her a fag
>yfw Sub Zero would have been the only Ice bender in the show
>To show kids that they exist and they're just normal people trying to live their lives.
It is a dangerous lifestyle. Men who have sex with men (as well as anyone who practices anal sex) are exponentially more likely to contract AIDS or any number of other STDs and we need to stop acting like it’s harmless.
this is retarded, they'd just genocide the other races like they did the air nomads. especially since a soldier's rape baby might turn out to be the avatar.
so, dumbledore/grindelwald? interesting
I need an avatar setting where Europeans show up
lesbians can have biological kids
so when is this new Korra comic coming out? the whole ordeal of a power vaccum left by the Earth Empire and Kuvira's trial could be interesting but I know something is going to get screwed up
>what is a turkey baster
Stupid question here: can a work of fiction star an LGBT character and not have every aspect of it be about them being LGBT? I know, as a straight person I have privilege, so maybe I don't see how stuff featuring a straight character has every plot point revolve around their straightness. Is that really the case?
Reminder not to consider anything post Airbender canon.
Jesus this retarded diversity shit
what characters revolve around their straightness? anna from frozen? johnny bravo?
anyway, yes, make a character who just happens to be gay instead of a Gay Character(TM)
The LGBT as an org? Generally no because people want to make a profit. Indie work that is more focused on the story is capable of not having the LGBT's influence sure but what you are asking otherwise is can a gay character be gay without being gay, the answer is no.
I agree, who reads Korra shit?
It use to be like that and something I enjoyed when that deer in headlights look people got when it was finally brought up in a simple context way to then go on with the story.
Now if they are LGBT it dominates and devours the story and leaves no room for anything else. Woman focused story are suffering this too.
>Woman focused story are suffering this too.
not really. for every 'spunk and unique' show, you also get a show where the gender ratio is more evenly split than it was in years past.
normal dosen't mean good, and abnormal isn't bad, having a grotesque facial deformity certainly isn't normal but it dosen't make you a bad person.
but I notice we don't have many elephant men in media today
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>tells the user who thinks double standards towards gay people are bad that they're broken
>proceed to relish how great it is that there will be more gays and people will have to deal with it
Are you retarded? Dyslexic? Can't read? Schizophrenic?
21st. Buckle up.
Fucking this.
Would the Europeans have bending, too? If so, what countries for which styles? The show's logic seems to think that climate = element in question, so
>russia = water benders
>spain = fire benders
>germany = earth benders?
>britain = water or earth benders?
>the alpine region = air benders
Alternatively, Europeans could have lost or never had bending and thus have increased technology (so if Avatar is primarily medieval - Victorian with smatterings of World War technology) would that make the """"Europeans"""" here WW2 to 1960s? Maybe later?
>WW2 but Fire Nation is Japan
>Downfall but with Azula instead of Hitler
>Ozai gets nuked
>the Avatar struggling for relevance in an area of nukes
Expanded preview looks pretty interesting so I have hopes for this.
He is a bad guy though, this means he does bad things! Like Skeletor or something.
place your bets on what will happen
what? its on par with korra.
>"No, not retarded"
>says a bunch of retarded shit
Retard, if you watch the show, there is a plot point where Northern women are not allowed to train waterbending for combat, only healing. I'd have to rewatch but I'm pretty sure they're not even allowed to be soldiers in general. I seriously doubt this rule wouldn't also apply to torture, as if they'd get a bunch of grandmas stab you over and over with their knitting needles or some shit.
That means that as a standard, if you see a female waterbender tending to wounded or recovering their dead you should leave her alone because she isn't a threat.
If they let warriors learn healing, and you're in the middle of the fucking fight watching this tool kill your buddies and heal his own, what do you think you're going to do? You're going to prioritize killing him just as a logical goal to end the battle quicker, AND you're going to cut the head off of every enemy incapacitated soldier you find so they can't rejoin the fight later. Even if the fighting is over and the only now are warriors allowed to heal their brethren (a pretty cruel rule), battle is messy and they may still be attacked in confusion.
Meanwhile, if you see a woman healing soldiers after a fight and try to kill her, your own comrades would tear you apart to stop you.
It would signal to the enemy and your allies that you're huge dishonorable faggots that can't be trusted to exist.
You'd have to be a complete fucking moron to think that letting warriors heal would create less deaths rather than turn every skirmish into a slaughter clusterfuck. It would be a nightmare, all the soldiers would rather risk learning some fucking first-aid and letting the healers save who they can.
>healing your enemies means they aren't a threat
How ya figure?
If everyone of the enemies can do that you would prioritize all of them? Well yeah, you want them dead either way, whats your point? You're saying if they can't heal you would want the enemy less dead than if they could? How ya figure?
>Meanwhile, if you see a woman healing soldiers after a fight and try to kill her, your own comrades would tear you apart to stop you.
Evidence of this being the case in the show? From what we see no one had a problem with Kataras mom getting killed.
>first aid
That is their first aid, it is a part of their culture and way of life, literally built into their bodies.
Makes sense. You need to breed soldiers to keep the machine going.
It's true though
I can't tell if this is bad faith.
1) I've already answered this in paragraphs of detail. Also if every single one of your enemies is a healing waterbender, then you're probably fucked if you can't stop them.
2) The Southern Water Tribe allowed females to fight, and the Fire Nation has no honor. They have less reason to follow rules of conduct the North established within their culture, and that the South ignores anyway.
3) Again, there are a lot of non-benders, seriously dude they're the majority excepting Air Nomads. Ignoring first-aid because you have healers is just retarded.
I mean fuck, consider that it isn't modern war. A huge chunk of fatalities isn't going to be on the battlefield, it's going to be minor to moderate wounds getting infected and diseased. Having healers help after a fight saves a lot of lives, having healers participate in a fight is going to not only going to create more brutality to ensure enemy wounded can't rejoin the battle, it's also going to kill healers that would have otherwise been able to save more people on both sides as off-limits non-combatants.
>probably fucked if you can't stop them
So then why is it a bad thing to have them heal and harm?
>fire nation has no honor
Were did you get that impression?
The argument being that you can't have it both ways? If someone can fight they must? If someone can heal they must?
I just re-watched The Last Airbender, and there's a number of things that seem odd to me, that i never realized before. But also some things that are secretly brilliant.
But anyway, during Sozin's comet, WHO came up with the idea of teaming up Toph with Suki and Sokka, who were going to board the airships and stop them?
It would have made infinitely more sense to have Zuko team up with Toph to fight Azula (can you imagine it? it would have been epic), while Katara goes with Sokka and Suki to stop the airships
Even as a kid that irked me. My fixation with Toph and the consistency of her abilities had me asking out loud to the screen why she would be going on the airship.
What did you notice that you liked? Did the fearsome foursome joke get you good?
Yeah, that was a good one. Also, "boomer aang" gets a whole new meaning, due to the Yea Forums boomer memes.. Aang is literally the world's youngest boomer.
Another thing I liked was the episode with the theater play, where they recap everything that happened in seasons 1-3 up until then.
Normally, tv shows do these recap episodes when the writers are lazy and can't think of a good plot. But here they put a nice spin on it, by turning it into a comedy routine.
They were going on metal airships where Toph would still be able to feel the vibrations and bend the earth within the metal.
Everyone loves the theater ep, it is most peoples favorite next to the anthology episode in the second book. And yeah, Sokka's puns mostly have new meanings due to age and memes which is nice since I thought he was annoying as shit when I was younger.
“Ugh, I hate it when hot magic kung-fu lesbians make out with each other and start scissoring.”
WTF is wrong with you people?
Jut because they're physically attractive doesn't mean they aren't cunts. As the saying goes, "Don't stick your dick in crazy"
They’re cartoon characters.
How the fuck does that phrase apply to this?
It means it doesn't matter if they're attractive if their personalities are so horrible it makes your dick go limp just by observing their body language.
Have you seriously never printed out a picture of your favorite cartoon character, cut a hole where the vagina/mouth is, and put your dick through it?
>did you stop watching after season two
No, but I kept watching after season three and Lion-O forgot the power of friendship.
Where's the download of the new comic anons
God DAMN Toph is great. Fuck.
too bad korra ruined her
Not really. If anything Toph was one of the few who made it out of Korra well off.
I joke that Zuko and Suki are going to become a thing but at this rate that shit might fucking happen! Really what the fuck is wrong with the writers?
How so? Toph was fine in Korra.
she's miserable, i expected her to be like King Bumi
She never stopped being the cage breaker she was. How is that bad? She always wanted to be free as a bird and her life reflected that 100%. She never gave a fuck. Not once.
she's not the royal type. Living on her own doing whatever the fuck she wants is exactly like her.
she likes living in seclusion? i thought she likes having the Gaang around
How did they even get away with making Toph a character?
Did none of the directors or producers or writers speak up and say "hey, so, we have experience with this whole anime thing that we're mimicking here, and i can guarantee you that people will create hentai of Toph"
She likes whatever the fuck she likes dude, she is Toph. She does not give a fuck. Greatest earth bender to ever live.
Their constant jokes about sex in the show means they knew. The fact Toph was so r34 heavy was just natural really. Toph was going to be some lame dude bro originally but then they decided to not be stupid and made a bomb ass character instead.
yea sure but she's a grandma now. She was a lone wolf before she met the gang, now the gang kinda drifted apart she isn't the type to just go make new friends out of need of companionship.
So shes still bottling up emotions, no improvement whatsoever
I just thought that the power of friendship have made her open up, i mean shes hanging out with ty lee willingly in the comics
>no improvement
What improvement did she need?
Greatest earth bender was Bumi
this, metalbending aint shit
>so redpilled you admit to outright murder on a Cantonese woodworking newsletter
Based moron
Too bad Boomi was a straight weak little shit that couldn't do anything about the hundred year war while Toph not only trained the Avatar but was personally responsible for ending it on top of leading two of the most powerful earth bending women into power. Boomi a shit.
>Boomi apologists are low effort non-committal shitters
what emotions is she bottling up? If Ty Lee pops over I'm sure they'll hang out, but Toph just isn't the type to run over to the fire nation and start a convo. She's always been a stubborn type.
I feel like Firelord Ozai's plan to burn down the Earth Kingdom was a silly plot device to add a "ticking clock" element to the story.
Because they already conquered Ba Sing Se and Omashu, the two biggest cities, and they easily have the man power to subdue the rest of the kingdom. Logically, they should use Sozin's comet to wipe out the Northern Water Tribe, which still remained undefeated and didn't show any signs of getting weaker.
And furthermore, Aang straight up says that it would be best to defeat Ozai after Sozin's comet passes, because Ozai is too powerful during the comet.
But if all of this happened, there wouldn't have been an epic battle like there was.
By the end of ATLA she learned the value of friends and family, in Korra its like she doesnt give a shit about anyone or anything. She retired in her prime has 2 unknown husbands, cant control her children
All the growth from ATLA was just hrown away
Yea, and Toph still helps out her friends and such, she calls Korra 'twinkle toes' still and trains her. She's a distant mother but is she really bad? Both daughters are pretty successful, sure they don't get along well but being nurturing mother is more Katara's thing. Neither daughters are fuck ups, her husband situation, sure she's shit at love but I never saw Toph as a romantic type.
I like to think that on the other side of the planet you find the Dragon Prince continent.
No. They have magic.
We can tell. Shitty moms tend to be like that.
>Both daughters are pretty successful, sure they don't get along well
Thats cause shes a bad mom, by the way her parents or the Gaangs parents treat their child she could have learn a thing or two from them
Very true, she was a fuck awful mom. Which is perfectly in her character. Korra did right by being realistic to her personality.
> She always wanted to be free as a bird and her life reflected that 100%
>Living on her own doing whatever the fuck she wants
Was I the only one who saw "Tired-of-this-shit" Police Chief Toph or what? It is like you anons are talking about a version of Toph infinitely better that what Korra portrayed.
>tired of shit shit toph
You mean every second she spent in a major city? Yeah she hated rules, of course she got tired of rules even when she was the one enforcing them. That is only natural. The fact she wasn't the same character is reasonable, it had been fucking decades.
>Which is perfectly in her character
Yeah if thats from her 1st official apperance, but the Toph in Korra has tons of experience by that time. It feels like they just flanderize her stubborn personality
It was a core personality trait. She despises rules and hates cages. Being stubborn about things is in her nature and we get maybe 5 or 6 brief moments where she is soft. Every other second of her character is built around the idea she is a rock, unmoving and uncaring.
>The fact she wasn't the same character is reasonable, it had been fucking decades
That is what I'm referring to. Anons are speaking as if Toph always existed in a state of "Living easy,Living free" when the comics and Korra straight up says she didn't (Metalbending teacher and Police Chief). In both Toph decided to sacrifice the wanderer lifestyle to adopt big responsibilities that cut off much of her freedom to contribute to a greater good of shorts.
>It was a core personality trait
Yes it is, but being stubborn for toph means rising above the problem not being apathetic or uncaring.
Toph resigning from her post early on her career is her not facing the problem head on which in itself is contradictory to her past and present actions
I hate Korra centered threads. They always remind me of how bad this series got.
The worst part is that prior to that scene, the S2 finale was pretty hype. The siege on the southern portal, Bumi befriending a spirit and breaking into the camp, spirits possessing the mecha tank and going haywire, Bolin/Mako vs Unalaq and then Korra vs Vaatu, all of that was good to great and would've made a satisfying season finale if it kept up.
But then the Dark Avatar shit happened and the quality nosedived right off the glaciers they were fighting on.
If the atla netflix fails, then maybe theyd consider retconning it
user at this point I just wish they let the Avatar series rest in peace. We already made amends with everything that happened, there is no need to keep parading this poor series corpse.
>Rule against women being fighters
>Strongest with water bending
To be fair, we have a confirmed count of this actually happening with, what, a whopping two people? Katara and that Bloodbending Innkeeper. I guess you could make the case for Katara's mom, but she gets a grand total of 30 seconds of screen time.
That's as opposed to the other water tribe, where we get plenty of shots in the battle of men waterbending and women not being present for the battle. Its also worth noting that the tribe where the (three) remaining waterbending women were doing the fighting had them stuck in that position because the men and the more talented benders had been taken away by the fire nation. I see no indication that this is the standard in the water nation at all.
>Why make it taboo at all?
I'm sorry it bothers you that cultures and societies have rules, user. Establishing common rules, and enforcing them so that everyone is treated equally, is an important part of social cohesion. We see by these rules and traditions that we are all equal under the law, every day.
Except of course in societies where everyone isn't actually equal under the law. Then they just breed resentment, very much like yours. It doesn't mean they don't serve a purpose though.
sisters fight, that's not on the mom. They're not complete fuck ups though and fairy successful so she did something right
she's retired, you still expect her to live in the city at her age? Her daughter is doing her work for her
>We already made amends with everything that happened,
Not me, i just finished watching ATLA and Korra
>Fireman's burden
>sisters fight, that's not on the mom
Yes it is, the sisters bicker like katara and toph. Knowing that she experienced it firsthand she should she be able to mediate and sympahise with them
user you're expecting LoK to ponder things when that is not how this series works.
Toph was the only one capable of taking out the airships and she totally fucking did despite being blind.
Katara can do that too
I remember when people were mad she was a police chief. I'm mad that she became a police chief and then fucked off to become a vagabond again for no reason. She was also a shit mom to her 2 half-sister bastard children.
Her being a police girl makes sense if you think about it. She hated rules and cages, so what better way to live above those things than be the one enforcing them?
The fact she was a terrible mother also makes sense, motherhood isn't the kind of thing you can just bullhead your way through.
So how does it work?
Korra threads make me feel as if I was on a depression support group were instead of trying to get better we just sank deeper and deeper.
>The fact she was a terrible mother also makes sense
No it doesnt, read the thread
Show has been dead to me for years. While anyone bothers with this crap now in 2019 I have no idea. Show had its run, let it die.
Yes it does, think it over.
>She was also a shit mom to her 2 half-sister bastard children.
She didn't seem that terrible, at most somewhat negligent and even that was intentional on her part. In the end both of her daughters wound up being successful people exactly in the places they wanted to be.
>Make sequel to profit on successful IP
That's the whole Ethos of LoK.
No it doesnt, read the thread i answered it already
Clearly it doesnt because mike and bryan is going back to atla AGAIN
Link me to what you answered then.
>mike and bryan is going back to atla AGAIN
That just proves how they intend on piggybacking on the success of TLA for the rest of their lives.
Just read the thread, follow them its not that far from here.
Nah i'm good. I am right and you are wrong. Thanks for playing.
>dont serve a purpose
What is the purpose?
>lesbians lesbians lesbians lesbians lesbians*
t. dyke
have sex
I regret most of the sex that I have had, and as a guy that has been with plenty of other dudes only a boss ass dyke would care to make the distinction between gay and lesbian. And the distinction is pointless.
Isn't Turf Wars getting a sequel? Apparently tumblr spent money in something they like for once but I seriously doubt the miracle will repeat
kek they aren't even trying to be subtle anymore
not really gay is usually related to some dude liking dicks stop being a paranoid fag
Oki doki poki.
>t. James Charles
You guys know you'll still hate her if she's alt-right and says he did nothing wrong
Lesbians really just ruin everything.
Earthbending animation is hard
Also mike and bryan likes to play wih our feelings
That's not in character when one of her greivances in ATLA was that her mother wasn't very supportive of her real self. Why would she do something to her children something her parents did to her?
Also, Azula would go down in an instant.
>Haha, so you want to be firelord, Zuko? *the earth starts trembling* wait, what's happening *Azula gets pulled into the ground, so that only her head peaks out*
how was she not supportive? One daughter is like the lord of the metal bending cities and the other is chief republic cities
We're trying to catch up with the heteros
Why the Last Airbender so racist? There be no black people in there sheet
They’re called benders for a reason.
Dont they have water niggers?
dont worry mike and bryan is planning to fix that in the new live action atla in netflix
The water tribe are Inuits
I find the best revenge is actually fire ants. But that's just me.
See I don't get this. As an ardent worshipper of the cock, you are clearly a faggot, so wouldn't you rather believe in a world where all the stupid smelly female creatures would rather jam clam then go for all those dirty dicks that are all yours if less bitches want them? The denial in the other direction strikes me as odd.
You should see them over at MarySue. They are so mad about GOT.
>and would've made a satisfying season finale if it kept up.
I can't see any way that it would have been satisfying with all that you described. The whole season was shit.
We all are, user.
You know better than that.
Roku said in Book 1 if Aang didn't defeat Ozai by Sozins comet he would be invincible.
Inuits do not have blue eyes or are they universally attractive. The other 3 nations are varying kinds of asians while the water tribe are a made up race.
Earth Kingdom is the biggest nation there is, Northern Water tribe is just in the north pole
The Earth Kingdom is a big place, so it could take a long-ass time to conquer even if they have the manpower. I think the idea is that the fire nation army was going to use the extra firepower to grab as much territory as they possibly could and significantly speed up the invasion to the point where it couldn't really be stopped anymore.
it's gotta satire by this point, I swear to god.
>Bryke understanding the concept of satire.
I wish.
Believe me, people who push this shit so aggressively aren't self-aware in the slightest.
>I know the exact thought process and personal desires/tastes of every other human.
Wouldn't it be extremely irresponsible and selfish to be a fag when you're one of like 3 offspring of an airbender in the world?
No it isn't.
No. Europeans wouldn't have bending. Instead they'd have more traditional fantasy magic.
The average soldier would get stomped by the average bender, but a powerful enough wizard would be a
Avatar levels of bullshit. And unlike the Avatar, there would be more than one bullshit wizard.
Are they scans out yet? Somebody storytime it
No it is shit as is everything post ATLA.
Maybe there's other elements too. Maybe Euroniggas have wood
That's why I hate that she's a lesbian and not bisexual. She could have at least had a kid before diving into the sweet pussy abyss. And what about Bumi?
a cute
Just as irresponsible and selfish to be a fag in spore-induced apocalpyse...and you're the only cure to it.
she went too far in the other direction. she wished for more freedom when she was a kid, so when she became a mother, she let her kids fend for themselves. that's pretty common to overcorrect if you have shit parents.
really hope they didn't butcher Kuvira's character too much
>Roku said in Book 1 if Aang didn't defeat Ozai by Sozins comet he would be invincible.
nah, its that the damage would be irreparable
>Avatar related fucking anything is still going on
>Its Korra focused
I want to die.
>Go to Target
>Full collections of both ATLA and Korra on sale
>Huge stacks of Korra BR's with slashed prices
>Handful of remaining ATLA fucking dvd boxes that are 25% more expensive than Korra.
Kek. All their fucking shilling and signaling can't force people to like it.
Like the French and the Spanish with the Jews ? .
>Hotman's Burden .
Just unite the two in one person , faggot
>Women in war
>obligatory rape comment
Why must you be like this ? .
cause no one here (in the west) that says they are gay is actually gay, they just do it for points. or to piss their parents off.
real gay people don't put on a show to announce to the world how gay they are. we actually have cities teeming with flamers that go out of their way to show it off. that's why genuine gay people here are so hard to find. they don't want to be associated with those kinds of faggots.
>once worked at burger king
>assistant manager on night shit was super gay and always talked loud about the flavor of dicks
>gay motorcycle parade rides thru our town
>boss suddenly as straight as an arrow and his gay antics disappear
Literal years later and you still mad
Where's the Korra comic my guys
No one here is going to support buying that piece of shit. Got to wait for someone else to upload the digital copy. Today only the physical copies were released, got to wait for digital.
Would people still go to an avatar thread if the OP wasnt so baity??
If we don't talk about it then people will forget all about the show. We are keeping it alive for /u/.
Remember kids. Genociding an entire population of people is perfectly fine, but outlawing same-sex marriages is pure evil
Mike “Like it in the crapper, you’ll get the zapper” Pence
Mike “Turning fruits into vegetables” Pence
Mike “LGBTBBQ” Pence
Mike “Alternate lifestyle, alternating circuit” Pence
Mike “Watt watt in the butt” Pence
Mike “Lightning McQueer” Pence
Mike “Faggot medicine from Thomas Edison” Pence
Mike “306 electoral volts” Pence
Mike “Bug Zapper in the Fudge Packer” Pence
Mike "Zap the Gays with Gamma Rays" Pence
Mike "10 hundred amps through the Faggot Camps" Pence
Mike "Electro shocker the bum stockers" Pence
Mike "Take in the ass and face Zeus' Wrath" Pence
Mike " You like the cock, you gettin' a shock" Pence
Mike "100,000 amperes running through all the queers" Pence
She probably can't have airbender kids anyway. It seems like everyone has only one set bending potential and if your parents have two different ones you get one or none of them and are stuck with it.
I agree completely.
According to Bryke and the leaked I.P. bible, zuko and katara teaming up for the final battle was planned from the start cause they wanted to have the contrast of red/blue fire/water working together
Yea of course they need more soldiers for their imperialist wars of conquest
I don't get this. If the air nomads were tolerant of same sex relations in the temples, why are the temples gender segregated? You're led to assume its for some ascetic monk reason but if they let you suck dick in the temple what gives?
They could conscript Earth nation people to go fight the north. Fill up whole Junks with soil and prepare to annihilate the north pole. Maybe research magma bending to set off volcanoes to really fuck up the pole. Like are the water benders weaker when the moon is covered?
The gang probably peer pressured her. Or she wanted to impress Zuko or some shit.
>She hated rules and cages, so what better way to live above those things than be the one enforcing them?
Because she still has a responsibility that comes with the position, and it obviously was weighing her down. The bee haiku from Fight Club is a good example.
Yes it is.
>She hated rules and cages, so what better way to live above those things than be the one enforcing them?
thats a contradiction
That's an exaggeration, engineers already proved a ship like this wouldn't be fit for trans-oceanic travel, only for some joyriding on the Yangtze.
The avatar world is pretty small.
and atla is a cartoon
They would have the mightiest magic of all. Guns.
OP here
thanks for the 400 post
Hmm... fair play.
When did Katara or Toph ever permanently scar each other?
You shouldn't really. I mean, if a hetero wants to jump off a cliff, would you follow him?
Cringe: SJW homosexual agenda
Based: Siblingsexual agenda
Fantasies for fujoshis you mean? Gay men f Japan actually loathe how they're represented in yaoi.
bryke are retarded hacks
>Everyone has to like dick as much as I do
Based dyke.
Die or go to where you belong.
>Sozin just wanted to get fucked
I want it.
There is one problem with your post: The fire nation was against kids expressing themselves and having fun (not allowed to dance).
>yes, thank you Mr mouse for removing some of the shit in my garden and emptying a truck of manure on it instead
>why no, your cum tastes wonderful
Since when did Korra unlock the power of Super Saiya God?
Yes, I am still mad about Whorra. Couldn't care less about her lesbian endgame, though.
>wearing clothing in a sauna
The out of nowhere lesbian endgame no less. That's what you get for kowtowing to shippers, man.
its not so much about rape, but women are necessary for making babies ie. new generations of warriors and citizens. sending your baby factories off to die in a foreign land or worse, having the enemy keep them and make their own babies is the most retarded thing any group of humans could do.
Eh, it was hinted at, but the reasonable assumption was that it was shipbaiting. There certainly wasn't enough buildup for it to be believable.
>it was hinted at
no it didnt
Read his whole post. Maybe he should have said "it was teased" which goes in line with it being shipbaiting. Like how Toph said that Katara had a thing for Haru when that would never be believable.
there were no teased about it
Sporty athletic girl turning out to like chicks is almost a meme in and of itself. Besides, she was attracted to Mako but it didn't work out. Female sexuality can be fluid.
Enforcing gender roles is retarded. Too bad every culture ever does it.
You are still making shit up no matter what.
gender doesnt' exist, only sex does. If you can't tolerate your birth body, you aren't "a gender", you are mentally ill, and carry a genetic defect that should be cleansed of the genepool because it's against the survival of the specie.
You are in denial.
>Tfw you will never drink Korra's sexuality fluid
user, no! That will turn you gay and retarded
>Nah, she just hasn't found the right dick yet