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What could be considered the current 'most important scene in x-men history'?
>Cyclops and Wolverine finally fuck
Maybe it explains the canonical origin of mutants?
You mean another homage to the cover of Giant-Size X-Men #1? Or to the Phoenix's first appearance?
But that already happened.
>It's revealed Xavier brainwashed humans to hate mutants the whole time so he could live out his messianic fantasies
>p-please continue to buy our comics and give us koney.
>mutants aren't real
>every mutant just got their powers some other way like radiation or whatever coincidentally
All the characters will be black lesbian Muslims.
Fuck y'all this whole thing is hype
Exactly. “X Gene” is propaganda to unite the mutants, all the mutations are random, and not linked to each other in any way.
Does literally anyone believe that shit? What's the point of being this hyperbolic when all your readers and anyone who even has a passing familiarity with cape comics know this shitty gimmick? Does it actually still fool anyone?
I'll go with this since it paved the way for Wolverine becoming the central character. That or Jean's death. The first one.
Keep lying to yourself
Marvel and broken promises
>What's the point of being this hyperbolic when all your readers and anyone who even has a passing familiarity with cape comics know this shitty gimmick? Does it actually still fool anyone?
No but they buy it anyways.
a fool and his money are easily separated - rule 1 in the slick stan guide to hustling.
>most important scene
Meaning it will have no relevance in a year's time.
I thought this was rule 1.
Did they do it already? I thought they did it once (something about Celestials) but it wasn't canon. And also in the Ultimate universe with a government conspiracy, again not canon for 616.
Robbie Thompson already did it
>former prostitute tries to pull the "ew, the grown-ups are kissing!"
So they're gonna de-gay Bobby and reveal that Jean has been mind hexing the X-Men for years on end?
>from Cyclop's force beams
Does anyone who writes comics actually read them?
This is the second time I've seen this brought up regarding this pic and the second time someone blames this clear art/editorial mistake on the writer, making the bitching about not reading comics ring ironic.
this page game me AIDS
Not really, they were cockblocked by the chad Juggernaut.
based retard
just some (((progressive))) crap because comics are such a bore today only staged and controlled controversy makes sales
Good to see you admit to it but calling yourself based seems over the top.
u mad
In a display of ambassadorship and unity, Black Bolt gets BLACKED by Storm.
>What could be considered the current 'most important scene in x-men history'?
Every possible death and/or rebirth that would justify this has already happened. Same with characters hooking up.
The ONLY thing I can think of is that it's going to finally cement the whole mutant rights thing once and for all. After this, either all mutants will stop being oppressed, or be oppressed forever and it will be a status quo that Marvel will never allow to be broken again.
That would explain the legacy virus
Is Charles siding with Magneto's ideal saying Fuck Humans!
You're getting better and better at covering that you smuggly talked out of your ass 2 posts ago, fa/tv/irging.
>cape comics
>settle [...] once and for all
No, it's Charles fucking Magneto.
>it will be a status quo that Marvel will never allow to be broken again.
Haha. New to comics kiddo?
Sure bro. Let me know when Marvel lets Wolvie and Ben Grimm smoke again.
What/when is this image from?
It absolutely is canon since it dovetails into the origin of Apocalypse's technology and a bunch of his powers that were all given to him by the Celestials as some sort of means to oversee mutant evolution.
I might actually start following the X-Men again if this turned out to be true.
Honestly, I could see them pulling the trigger on a Mutant Rights Bill that just rehashes the Mutant Registration Act.
? Cyclops' force beams have been shown making fires since the Silver Age.
What is the most important X-men scene so far anyways?
Adamantium rainbow claws, calling it now.
So this is what? Laura SEVENTH personality.
Jean rising from the space shuttle
everyone will say it at the same time:
Best case scenario is that Hickman finally executes Chris Claremont's famed "Shadow King Did Everything" aborted arc that was supposed to run through #300 before editorial killed it in favor of a line-wide relaunch with Jim Lee's X-Men #1
Shadow King is the big bad and behind ALL of the X-Men villains, from the Sentinels to Mystique, the Hellfire Club, and Magneto.
Alternatively, Iceman finds out that Jean mindraped him gay and we get a big murder/suicide event with Iceman killing the rest of the founding X-Men, all of the ANAD gang save Wolverine, and most of the other "name" mutants from the later generations (IE Rogue, Gambit, Deadpool, X23, the New Mutants/X-Force, Psylockes, etc).
Basically a massive purge to allow Hickman to start the franchise fresh with his own "all new, all different" X-Men with Logan in Scott's role and Hope as the new Marvel Girl.
Mutie scum will finally be turned into members of the glorious Inhuman Master Race?
Ex Nihilo created Mutants
Really hope it's actually a reprint of a scene from something in the past.
that kinda giant planning sounds like Hickman shit but I'm worried now about OCs
x gon give it to ya
That's a pretty low bar, since X men has never been important or good.
Hero Guy movie when
>Writer: Ryan Sohmer
Shadow King is actually Shadowgon Kingagar and is an Inhuman. Mutants were his first failed attempt at evolution before he invented the terrigen mist that gave him his powers.
The x-gene is also responsible for gays
Humans are the actual mutants!
It's going to shit on Xavier again on some fundamental level. You just know it. He did something bad or questionable that changes everything yet again about how the X-men view him and he's an irredeemable asshole for the next year because X-men writers love to shit on Chuck as a cheap way to cause ripples in the franchise.
>What could be considered the current 'most important scene in x-men history'?
Probably whatever the first "status quo is god" moment was that kicked the X-men back to square one.
>What could be considered the current 'most important scene in x-men history'?
The evolutionaries killing the neo and confirming once and for all that flatscans, inhumans, deviants, and eternals can all get fucked, homo superior is the only future humanity has.
What are these faces
>Ya miss Jeanie, Slim? *hic* Heh... well, how bout I be your Jeanie tonight? *hic* Heh heh...
>Logan, get off me, you're drunk... I... oh... fuck it, okay.
>in capeshit
Jono and Paige haven't been a couple for like 20 years.
So it'll be a clip-show episode in comic form?
It turns out humans were the mutants all along and the mutants were the original species on Earth.
Cain fucks Charles' prom date
>Jean, this is me
>you're gay
the Xgene is actually midochlorians. Literally.
Jean gays the Marvel Universe
>Doctor Doom shows up with Vader's lightsaber
Logan's gonna fuck Jean, isn't he?
I'm guessing this is just gonna bring back all the characters they "killed" in Uncanny #10
M-Day, maybe.
It's not like that scene in Fant4stic with Doom wasn't in the same vein as the hallway scene from Rogue One.
Based Juggie
I still do not understand the actual official context of the panel, regardless of how many times I've seen it
>Mutie scum will finally be turned into members of the glorious Inhuman Master Race?
Inhumans are already considered a kind of mutant in universe.
It's a parody comic done by actual industry artists
>Everyone jokingly saying Scott and Logan are going to fuck
>When actually it's literally going to be a flashback where Charles and Erik fuck
Who would be your dream artists on Hickmans run? I’d love Russell Dauterman
Someone will come out as trans
Do you want somebody to drop your comic on the first issue? Because that's how people would drop your comic in the first issue.
Bobby isn't gay anymore
>still SEETHING that Iceman is a homo now
Just give up
no u
Bobby being gay is retarded. Wolverine being gay was more understandable than Bobby being gay. That's how bad it was.
>Wolverine being gay was more understandable than Bobby being gay.
I know enough about Wolverine to know I don't need to know a single thing about Bobby to know that's wrong.
Jean making Bobby gay
>Just give up
ironic considering the 40%
>Their "proof" that Bobby was always meant to be gay was because he had too many failed relationships with women
>An X-Men character had too many failed relationships
Jean was screwing everyone over the whole time
Logan literally has an AU version where he's fucking Hercules
Trannies =/= gay, tardo
Larroca is trying to hide his tracing
>Trannies =/= gay, tardo
Based dumbass
Nightcrawler should come out as Bi, everyone wants to fuck him. JUST GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!
>I am a man and I want to get fucked by men, but I'm not gay because I refuse to be a man
nope, still gay.
Gay furries out
Nightcrawler is to sexy for it to count as gay or furry
Maybe it's this?
this is not going to save the x-books jonathan
Proffesor X has manipulated every member of the X-men by interfering with them from a shadow at key points in their lifes
we will have come full circle
fuck off hes a man of God
yes, and God made him perfectly fuckable
“Bobby don’t you see.... you’re double gay!”
Would it really be better than this?
>Proffesor X has manipulated every member of the X-men by interfering with them from a shadow at key points in their lifes
They literally already did that for Beast AND Wolverine AND Cyclops AND Danger and quite frankly I'm probably forgetting a few people.
They already did that in Age of X-Man where he is Rob Halford gay
ONLY if they continue from that point like nothing else happened.
Based and X-pilled
>"No More Mutants"
>"Bobby, you're gay."
>The bus
>Jean becoming Phoenix
>Cyclops killing Xavier
>Hope destroying Bastion/re-igniting the mutant race
>The bus
What bus?
Honestly i keep hearing people say mutants is a poor metaphor for racial rights but I feel it works if you go from the angle that there is little difference between mutants and other mutates like spiderman or hulk, like they pretended to just gain there powers from random shit like spiderman or the F4, basically the label of mutant.
The Bus
Bus full of depowered mutant kids that was blown up by terrorists or something. Because in 616 just cause you don't have powers, doesn't mean the world won't hate and fear you.
Holy shit, was there any reason to do this? Other than to shit on mutants?
I thought they were poking fun at Chris Priest.
Mutants generally can't control their powers when they first awaken and create a spectacle of some sort, leading to their documentation.
>Holy shit, was there any reason to do this?
Marvel has A LOT of mutants, so every so often they cull them. Death was more permanent than just depowering them since it's slightly harder to come back from.
I will never not be mad what they did to Laura.
It gave the Academy X generation a bunch of character development and trauma which is what you need if you want to stay alive on the X-Men.
Probably the bus that exploded and killed all the ex-mutant kids after the 'no more mutants'
The X-Men just aren't the X-Men if they aren't losing 1/4th their cast to a random act of violence. That's why everyone hated IvX and the lead up. Not enough dead mutants.
This is just edgy for the sake of being edgy.
Rosenburg's entire run has been like that, and it sucks. I don't understand what happened to him
I'm pretty sure Cyclops has the most character development and trauma and he's died at least 7 times in the past few years.
>kill yourself to avoid a worse death
>but as you go out scribble vague shit on the wall with your blood like an edgy cunt for no good reason
Seriously this is just stupid.
It was basically to shit on the previous team and the fans by shaking up the cast by murdering a bunch and depowering a bunch of them and giving the book to a new creative team. We know Wallflower coming back as some sort of biosentinel was Ellis trolling fans that were complaining about Marvel killing off the New Mutant characters.
i hope MCU makes wolverine gay and bobby straight
>We know Wallflower coming back as some sort of biosentinel was Ellis trolling fans that were complaining about Marvel killing off the New Mutant characters.
>Trolling people by complaining about a legit hack move Marvel has been proven to repeatedly do by performing that same hack move but in a more offensive way
Why does the Big 2 have so many literal psychopaths writing for it?
You'll get one straight White male character on the MCU X-Men at most, and like MCU Spider-Man, he'll be played by a teenage manlet everyone thinks is gay.
>Storm comes out as trans and becomes the new leader of the x-men
ok, i hope bobby is played by a hot mexican guy
>taking command away from the guy whose subpower is literally "track where everything is in a 3 dimensional space thereby allowing you to avoid friendly fire"
maybe he'd need a holiday.
Because we've reached the point where fans become creators, and you never, ever want a fan in charge of anything. Someone who knows the property and respects it, yes. Someone who may enjoy the property, sure. But as soon as they're labeled a fan, you've fucked up somewhere.
But Ellis is the kind of person who denies being a fan, just works on Big 2 characters for the money, and to make a name for himself, sneers at the fans, and does things like this because he hates them.
Have the problem with current comic writers is they're on books they don't fucking know. They might be "fans" of the industry in general, or of a particular period of a character, but they know jack shit about doing their job which is continuing an often decades long story instead of setting fire to a decades long story and scribbling shitty jokes in the ashes.
The problem is a generation of manchildren writers who draw inspiration only from cape comics and action films as opposed to literature, history, pop culture, cinema, etc like Morrison, Moore, Ellis, Hickman, and actually creative worthwhile authors as opposed to an ourobouros of blockbuster feedback
Moore's a loon that did long standing harm to the industry with Watchmen.
Not Moore's fault everyone in the comic industry is too stupid to understand what he was doing with Watchmen
no that's frank miller
it's so meta these days. like all the characters know what a superhero story should be, the script reading little fucks
>manchildren writers who draw inspiration only from cape comics and action films
>like Morrison, Moore
Oh look, that user again.
>Not the storyteller's fault they failed to convey their message in a spectacular and widespread fashion.
? Yes it is I, the lone user who enjoys several of the most popular writers of our time.
Then read more so your posts finally make sense.
Thats the answer
>So this is what? Laura SEVENTH personality.
She basically gets reset to factory defaults every time they switch writers.
You absolute fool.
Mutants split from regular Marvel universe and go to their own? Finally!
I loved this
Jean turns out to not be a natural ginger
Trask was right
there are gay men that fuck dudes
but I guess to you they'd be the least gay people on earth?
Hooray, now they can be oppressed with no help and it be because hope doesn't exist and not because everyone they know is an asshole or too damn busy with their own bullshit to help them!
yeah, I'm thinkin he's back
Let's talk turkey here. No wrong answers and shoot from the gut- what's your interpretation? What is it gonna be??
I'm thinking whatever it is, Sinister is involved. Hickman lists him among his top 5 "mutants"/X-Men and i just get the vibe he's involved, with some mutant lineage hijinks ?
Please retcon by ignoring the personality meld Hickman, I beg you.
It's something that will retcon a past event in order to translate the franchise into the MCU.
I'm ok with this, Sinister needs something more iconic than just Inferno. He also rates Sunspot and Cannonball in his top 10 mutants so I think we are in good hands
Cyclops leads the Uncanny Avengers relaunch so the mainline X-Men books can go back to kitty and Jean wank
And That's A Good Thing
it's still a great concept
based hickman bringing back all the costumes
>What could be considered the current 'most important scene in x-men history'?
>X-MEN: THE SEMINAL MOMENTS Series Release Schedule:
>5/20 – X-MEN: THE SEMINAL MOMENTS Episode 1: Giant-Size X-Men (1975)
>5/22 – X-MEN: THE SEMINAL MOMENTS Episode 2: X-Men #1 (1991)
>5/24 – X-MEN: THE SEMINAL MOMENTS Episode 2: Age of Apocalypse (1995)
>5/28 – X-MEN: THE SEMINAL MOMENTS Episode 2: New X-Men (2001)
First one was out today:
'squee' is the gayest word ever but this page made me feel it.
You should crop out the bottom panels because most user's are triggered by Laura, completely missing the point.
kek. They came from nothing.
OTP, phaget
He's not wrong about that.
Does Cyclops finally steal his motorcycle back from Wolverine. Or does he finally see Wolverine balls deep in Jean and realize he was never really man enough for her.
It is revealed that the Phoenix is the manifestation of exceptionally strong mutant carnal lust, so Cyke takes a vow of celibacy.
At least I can't say he doesn't have great taste
fucking loved carey's x-men legacy. hickman going to knock this shit out of the park
Only because Mike Carey used the same plot Hickman did in his run of Ultimates with the future humans who had evolved in an environment where time had been slowed down so that thousands of years could occur in a matter of days plot. See the Children of Tomorrow vs Children of the Vault. Very similar ideas.
But we already had the first gay X-Men wedding?
The context is that Sohmer is an unfunny faggot.
>14 years later and still seething about irrelevant characters being written out
Oh no, what will we do without DJ (aka discount Dazzler) and Rubbermaid (aka discount Reed Richards)
Jean leaving Scott for Logan. "This time its canon"
I don't even like Scott/Jean but this is such a tired trope for these three characters
actually, at this point just make Jean gay or some shit, I don't want her around any of the X-men
Jean/Emma please.
Jean/hole in the ground
I got something for you then, archive of our own 265813 is fucking everything space that says that name? tried like a dozen ways of formatting it
the weird shit with the Xmen is that they got whorred so hard in all sort of events already you literally CAN'T make up something stupid that hasn't been already done.
marriages? check
lgbt? check
space travel? check
babies version of themselves? check
furry versions of themselves? checked again
they literally already did it.
first gay x-men divorce
>Cyclops comes back and forsakes helping Jean's team to help a human family in danger instead teasing the return of the Last Boy Scout Marvel desperately needs
>Reverts back to a mutant supremacist/ultra nationalist two issues latter
This is original sin of Rosenburg's run, after Secret Empire Cap's rep is in the gutter and the Marvel Universe needs a morally sound hero to guide the rest of Marvel back into the light and show everyone what it means to be a hero. But we're never gonna get that from the X-men ever again and it's a damn shame
never mind that it was Cyclops who sent young Cable after the O5 to send them back and it was never mentioned again....I just don't get it. X-force is all up young Cables ass but Cyclops hasn't been even mentioned in that book
Senator Kelly's Assassination?
>Muh white males
>In the X-men
Fag, who gives a shit about your self inserts what matters are all the hot X-women of every color of the rainbow both figuratively and literally cuz some of them are blue
It's The Current Year, user. Your MCU X-women are going to be fat, or ugly, or biologically male.
well Mystique may be a futa as Claremont originally planned but I see no lack of sexy here
>Expecting Hollywood of all places to make them ugly, fat or biologically male
Nigga Hollywood only plays "progressives" lip service, they gave us naked Mystique in what five goddamn movies
If you like your women 50% plastic and silicone, lol.
they are 2d women, they are entirely ink user. I don't know why you keep pushing this dumb shit
That's a great costume for Emma.
Emma has had many great costimes
Same reason here keep screeching about Marvel becoming cuck propaganda because Jean fucked a black guy in an AU; they're autistic as fuck.
If I ever get a chance to write the X-men, I'm gonna make it to where Emma is always mind fucking everyone to see her at her best when in reality she goes around in sweat pants, a hoodie and uggs or flip flops, never does her makeup or hair or put in her contacts because she's actually too lazy to pull the White Queen look everyday and nobody notices it unless she gets knocked out only the other psychics and psychic resistant people know but nobody has the heart to out her
I never liked that one. It's sexy, but it lacks any kind of class and elegance. The Matrix leather jacket being the worst offender.
They did that in Old Man Logan. She mind-fucks everyone around her to make her appear 50 years younger and only drops it when she's dying.
and I hope you never write X-Men. The point of her character is that she works way too hard to cultivate the image she has. She wouldn't take the easy way out
another reason to hate Millar, surprise surprise. Has he ever understood ANY marvel character?
>She wouldn't take the easy way out
>has implants
Really joggles the boggles.
>She wouldn't take the easy way out
She got plastic surgery to look more attractive though.
How else do you get bigger breast besides plastic surgery? She could get pregnant I guess, but that isn't guaranteed. Plastic surgery and makeup and acting is actually work
>How else do you get bigger breast besides plastic surgery?
>I mean: it's not like there are flesh shaping superhumans like Masque running around or something
You've literally never read a cape comic, have you faggot?
so, it's better to go and find a shape shifter to give you plastic surgery than go to a doctor where you know nothing can go wrong? I don't understand the logic
Immonen or Opeña
Cyclops over Wolverine is the true patrician taste
I mean, Larraz and Silva are great choices for the minis. It'd be a bonehead move not to use them on the ongoings. Larraz is a superstar.
Or she could simply use her telepathy to mind fuck people into thinking she has DDs or hell what ever they think is the optimal breast size
Cyclops and Wolverine actually getting along and not being in competition for some redhead thot is the true patrician taste.
not fool proof, she could be overwhelmed by another telepath or any number of things. She will go out of her way to have the perfect body and use that to her advantage.
I HOPE marvel just killl Jean for good
That was Bendis you idiot. Emma wasn't dying in the original OML.
great, just another hack.
Well it's Hickman so it'll of course be the origins of mutants tied into some kind of ancient cosmic conspiracy. It's the only fucking plot he has.
These for sure. I'd personally like to see some Dragotta.
Opeña is probably locked up with Seven to Eternity and Immonen is like retired.
Proffesor X turns out to have been faking the wheelchair thing all along for scheming.
he stands up. rips his entire shirt off revealing an immaculate chiseled body then starts a fist fight with the main villain and kicks his ass.
um...that's been done like twice already
Emma is pregnant with Scott's baby and they get married with no fakeout.
Phillip Bond, Marley Zarcone and Goran Parlov rotating
I wish more people would do stuff with Scott's insane spatial awareness, his eye laser is cool and all but his "b" power makes him basically one of the best combatants on the planet.
Professor X was actually a good guy the entire time
Jubilee reveals she's still flat-chested and has been stuffing her bra since the 90's
Mutants are a weapon created by a superior non-mutant intelligence as a means of uniting the world against a common enemy.
>not being hype for HiX-Men
Wew, lad.
Fuck retconning boobilee, just make her and Laura a thing. They can't fuck Laura anymore than they have so just make them lesbians
Fuck yeah
jubilee is not for boobs
I think they suit her well
I read "against as a commie enemy."
Could be
Rosenberg hates Cyclops. That annual was good tbqh. Honestly, Rosenberg id probably just blowing shit up since he knows it'll get rebooted once Hickman arrives.
>She wouldn't take the easy way out
I thought that's what she's been doing since she left the X-Men.
>easy, taking over the Hellfire Club and making it her own way forward
that's not easy
Based cyke finally ditching the undead ginger roastie
Jean/actually staying dead for once
This is fantastic. I always want more this. Jean sucks, and Phoenix is a terrible plot device.
Are there people who actually like Jean? why do keep bringing her back?
Because money. Some people still haven't caught on that Jean's character is trash nowadays and still continue to buy into the ploy
Yes, I like both Jean and Emma
Emma's fucking trash. That doesn't make Jean any good, but you can chalk that up to them turning her into a character that dies every other issue only to be revived with universe-destroying PMS. Jean would have been fine if she had stayed dead the first time she died, and would have been fine if the constant X-Men rebooting and changing didn't keep killing her or turning her into the fucking Phoenix over and over.
Jean was okay before she came back to life the first time. Since then she’s just been boring at best and an obstruction to the story at worst.
>How else do you get bigger breast besides plastic surgery?
Get fatter. Work at it every day.
>When you remember Emma can't have children, and couldn't have been Ruby's mother
>with no fakeout.
but 1 arc later, it's revealed it was a clone working for Mr Sinister