This is Sabrina Cotugno

She's done working on Star vs. the Forces of Evil, and is now working to make sure the next Western magical girl show, The Owl House, reaches the same heights of quality. Say something nice about her!

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>Another magical girl show with cute characters and loads of potential
>Ruined before it began

Reminder that Sabrina Cotugno has no involvement in Disney's Amphiba™ coming to the Disney Channel on June 17 2019.

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The only Western mahou shoujo/isekai thing I'm looking forward to, for that reason.

Go ahead and sue disney for discrimination. Tear this shit down already.

You physically can't make a show that's worse then star, so, well, there's nowhere else but up.

>You physically can't make a show that's worse then star
Cotugno will no doubt ensure The Owl House is even more pozzed than Star Vs.

do you have any proof whatsoever the finale was specifically her fault?

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>and is now working to make sure the next Western magical girl show, The Owl House, reaches the same heights of quality.
Didn't she get fired?

Is this another thread where Yea Forums jumps to conclusions despite literally no evidence to support them

You know it

Insider leaks.

What else is there to do tonight?

She look like a 60 year old asian hag pretending to look as young as a teenager.

thanks for freeing me from watching children's cartoons for good

She looks like somebody who is an out-and-out lesbian, but touches a dick once and immediately demands to have several babies and cook steak for her man.

Nefcy is /ourgirl/
Cotugno is /theirgirl/
it's as simple as that.

>Nefcy /ourgirl/
>She has done orange man bad tweets
>She and Hirsch did a livestreams to raise money for border jumpers.
Uh-huh, sure. "Our" girl.

O-o-obviously s-s-she has t-to keep up a-appearances...

Something nice about her.

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Remember when Sabrina shit talked her CalArts teacher behind his back in a CartoonBrew interview, and he had to defend himself in the comments because her own insecurities misinterpreted his lessons? Then remember when she played the victim saying it was white men making her feel like she could never be a storyboard artist, and then admits Alex Hirsch, a white man, was the reason she gained the confidence to keep going?

Hilarious lady!

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>Say something nice about her!
She'd make a cute straight girl.

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post them or you're all gay

based nefcy

Okay now THIS looks bad

So basically, she kept trying to inject her queer experiences into random children's stories and when people said they're not interested in the suggestions, she took that as a personal insult that nobody wanted to hear what she had to say?

No, she got triggered that someone used male and female to refer to "traditionally" male and female lines of thinking in regards to storytelling and took it literally when she was repeatedly told not to take it literally.

But she also mentions how, even after that class, she frequently gets uncomfortable around the "storybros" because she's viewed as the "queer feminist who has to bring up her issues again".

Stop using wrong words to describe different things.

This is the girl Nefcy supposedly recorded her husband fucking while she fingered herself. She did some voice work for the show.

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It's definitely an isekai. She goes to another world, Amphibia. Not sure if she uses magic or not, but it reminds me of SvtFoE and Owl House, and those are mahou shoujo. Sorry if Japanese triggers you. This is Yea Forums though, so maybe deal with it.

So CartoonBrew didn't even fucking bother trying to reach out to the teacher Sabrina mentioned in the article? They just posted her own experience as Word of God?

Amid's so fucking pathetic.

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That's not a type of person that exists.
What a strange attempt at an insult.

Your waifu doesn't exist but you still want to touch her dick.

I hope there's even more intense cuckqueaning

Lmao what a pathetic teacher.

>Remember some stupid internet drama on a message board somewhere?

You'd think Italian + Japanese wouldn't be so butt ugly.

fuck, you got me ;_;

>A message board

Holy fucking underage newfag

The "it's not for adult viewers anyway" argument is total doublespeak crap, brought up only when the work is disliked. When adults like it, they always switch to "Thanks, it's meant to appeal to everyone!" mode.

>an adult critiquing baby food
What a dumb analogy, even for food analogy standards. Who else is going to test and taste food for babies, if not the parents paying for it to feed their kids with?

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May she have a sudden conversion to Catholicism and join a nunnery with a vow of silence. Amen.

Jewish as a race in the States is basically lumped in with white since they're both successful and in charge.

She's allowed to have political opinions, but for her two seasons and movie she kept any politics on the show subtle and nuanced. It was only after the coup that the show's politics became groanworthy.

You're not helping your case here.

It's the fucking most popular news site for animation, you tard.

You will never be based like our boy, G.A

But Nefcy was responsible for that. She's not involved with Owl House. She probably just wants to live a quiet life of peace with Bobby and various vixens, far away from Cotugno and her cruel blackmailing shenanigans.

As far as I've observed in college and on the internet, bisexual and especially "pansexual" girls are basically lesbians that consume/draw yaoi fanart from time to time.

She reminds me of Lindsay Ellis

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>May she have a sudden conversion to Catholicism
Actually, she attended Catholic school and seems to consider herself a pretty active Catholic if her socials are anything to go by.


there are not enough lewds of Sabrina

she cute

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bitch is ugly

She’s not even a cute dyke.


>Even considering touching Sabrina with a 10 foot pole
Enjoy your herpies

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Uncesored, please

She's successfully been part of a multi-seasonal show? That, I think, counts for something. Didn't watch it so I don't know how much, and I don't know her contribution so I don't know how much credit she deserves, but something is better than nothing.

>Say something nice about her!
This is so thinly veiled it's transparent. just... just why, dude?

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>All STDs are incurable

I'm gonna guess you fell asleep in every single sex ed class.

.t disease riddled roastie

Post leaks or no beliefs

She should never, ever lead a show again. Her name should be blacklisted from every animation studio in the world in perpetuity.

Two multi season shows if you count her time on Gravity Falls.

I'm all for shitting on Cal Arts staff.
They've actually done more harm than Cal Arts grads.

>Pedo namefag trying to use "roastie" as an insult

Fucking yikes

She only has HPV though

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>Liberal Commiefornian soibois
>"""aggressively masculine behavior""""
Suuuuuure Sabrina.

She will most likely get her own show five years from now

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>the next Western magical girl show, The Owl House
Never heard of it. Is it good?

It won't be out until next year, so nobody knows.

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>All adventurous women have HPV!
t. disease-riddled whore

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No, Cotugno is involved.

Fuck off back to pol/you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

Based. Cotugno is FILTHY.

>you have to be a /pol/tard to doubt a bunch of artists who make children's cartoons for a living are "aggressively masculine" and it's not the self-proclaimed feminist with a tendency to have bouts of anxiety just exaggerating the situation.

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I didn't know she was on Gravity Falls. I enjoyed that show! solid incest fanfics

>She will most likely get her own show five years from now
That's the part that is most embarrasing about the modern Western animation industry.

And melanoma, judging by that pic.

moving up the totem pole is the american dream, user
the problem is that we lost any shred of meritocracy

So this guy admits to making the title of his article clickbait yet is surprised people take the wrong message from it?
Maybe don't advertise your shit as being about gender if you don't want people to think it's about gender.
Live by the clickbait, die by the clickbait.

If that's how you interpreted his post, you're as retarded as Sabrina.

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I'd rather fuck a literal pug
and not just because it looks better