
So basically my gf is watching Spider-Man 2002 for the first time and hates it. What should I do

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Dump her

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Explain why so we can all be mad.

Make her watch Amazing Spider-Man and promise her it’s better.

>a woman has bad taste in movies

Imagine my shock

grab the nearest sharp object
lodge into skull
twist until she stops screaming


This movie and Spider-man 2 are horrifically overrated on Yea Forums.

Admit that the film has a special place in your heart as it represents a time before comic book movies became formulaic summer blockbusters repeatedly shat out by Disney, but acknowledge that nostalgia goggles are probably what help you look past some of the cheesier moments and aged special effects.

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You offered her companionship and she spit in your face

You know what must be done, op

Why would you look past the best parts?

Is she black? If so, don't be surprised if a Raimi movie turns her off.

You got me there.

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Spider-Man 1 > Spider-Man 3 > Spider-Man 2
Heres my reasonings:
Spider-Man 1 is the beginning, where it all starts. It has corny moments but those are all overshined by the action scenes.
The cast is literally perfect, Willem Dafoe, James Franco, Kirsten Dunst, all play wonderfully in their parts and are 1:1 as close we we're ever gonna get to these characters in live action from the comics.
The ending scene is fucking amazing, both the bridge fight AND the abandoned building fight are still some of the best shit, especially how brutal the final fight with Goblin is.

Spider-Man 2:
This is arguably the weakest in the series. Why? Because Spider-Man's self doubt literally already fucking happened in the first movie. We already saw Spider-Man without his powers for the first half of spider-man 1, retreading it cause he can't get a boner for MJ is dumb, especially when he only has like 3 things to focus on and is still somehow fucking up.
Alfred Molina is perfect, and every scene with him is perfect. The final fight however, lends itself to be boring, as there is no true final fight. It's just peter taking off the mask and talking to Doc Ock for 3 seconds, despite the fact that the movie makes it a POINT to show us that his tentacles have fried his brain like 5 times.

Spider-Man 3:
The first half of this movie is fucking great, it feels like a love letter to Spider-Man in every way possible. The action is great, the pacing is great, and once again, Raimi casts PERFECT people to play their roles, Thomas Church as Sandman and Topher Grace as Eddie Brock is god tier casting. fuck you if you think Brock needed to be a meat head like in the comics. There is not a SINGLE journalist who looks like eddie, if he's got a fucking 12 pack why is he even working as a journalist and not a body builder, James Franco as Hob Goblin is top tier, and the movie balances between action and comedy really well.

The movie really falls flat however, when Venom is introduced with 20 minutes left, and the whole "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ME MJ" shit with Peter and Gwen. Seriously, why the FUCK did peter tell gwen to kiss him KNOWING that MJ was in the audience? That should have been a scene reserved for the black suit. Peters just kind of a cunt.

Have sex

Holy shit this so much.

>my gf
Yeah, sure

Web her up and make her watch all five