Solarian knights only obey to Queen Solaria

>Solarian knights only obey to Queen Solaria
>Queen Solaria's ghost lives inside the wand
>Queen Solaria's ghost appears in the magic dimension
>Mina manages to get inside the magic dimension
>Instead of Queen Solaria telling Mina to stand down or remove her powers she just looks angrily at her
>Literally all it would take to save the magic, keep dimensions split and give us a happy ending is a voiceline
>But we can't have that now can we?

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Cock is more important.

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Star didn't destroy the magic just because of the Solarian warriors

Even without blood relation, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

daily reminder that the dimensions are still split and only echo creek got transported to mewni.

what were her other reasons? I didn't really get anything beyond the warriors thing. Sorta seemed like blaming gravity for tripping. Not wrong, but sorta eeeh.

Your expecting too much out of a cartoon made in the current year.

That's even worse tbqh

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Today I shall remind them.

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Solaria needs a new shirt. That one looks kind of ratty.

Star said this was just the latest example of the Butterfly queens ruining everything with magic.

Also, the immortal demigods of the magic high commission manipulated history and took part in politics just for the sake of being important.

the problem feels like if this finale had an extra half hour or even one extra episode length, you can change the dealing with Mina be Solaria taking care of Mina, have it have some relevance to that flashback, give Eclipsa her closure with her mother and then have the spreading corruption, that I felt never really was properly addressed or explained, be why they decide to destroy the magic


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consider me... unsatisfied.

The thing that annoys me the most is that literally in the last episode we are shown that apparently Eclipsa wanted to be Queen. She has NEVER shown any real desire to be a ruler, but now that someone wants to dethrone her now she's like "I AM THE QUEEN REEEEEEEEE".

Nothing can beat THE COCK.

Star and Eclipsa are actually semi related now


it's felt like that all season, and I never got why because yeah, in S3 she didn't seem into it and she abandoned her kingdom in the first place. Occasionally she'd get a line like "oh I was just suddenly given the crown" but she clearly seems to enjoy having privileges like servants and new dresses and a vending machine of Snookers etc. It felt like she was getting too much while also playing victim.

I was honestly satisfied with the ending (not the whole show/season, just the ending), because the series concluding with Eclipsa NOT having the crown or even magic was honestly beyond what I expected this show to do, after how much the S4 narrative seemed to favor Eclipsa.

They're pole sisters.

It wouldn't have changed a thing, as the show itself showed. Even after being snubbed by the person Mina had built up as her queen and idol, she still went on with her hatred of monsters. Solaria was an excuse as much as an idol, and like Mina did with every other person she supposedly gave her loyalty to, she turned on them the second they didn't align with her idea of how things should be, traitors to what they represented in her mind.