Did they ruin the legacy of Darkwing Duck by turning him into a villain?
Did they ruin the legacy of Darkwing Duck by turning him into a villain?
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No because he's not Darkwing Duck. He's just a guy who pretended to be him for money.
The real DD is Drake not Jim.
No because
1. Drake Mallard is the new Darkwing in this show so it's not like he's the one who turned evil
2. It's literally Ducktales 2017 none of this canon matters for anything besides in that show
not really.
Like I do not think they ruined the legacy of the original show because the original show still exists.
though it is obviously hard to "distinguish" "new" Darkwing as shown by Ducktales2017 from the spirit of the original show, when they did as much as they could to be faithful to it in the parts "Darkwing's show" was seen by Launchpad on tv.
That said, they essentially created a meta narrative in Ducktales 2017 where their "fictional" Darkwing will now become "real" and in that regard the Darkwing embodying all the positive things we loved about the original cartoon, byhaving Drake Mallard become more than an actor.
And frankly, the idea of a former idol falling form the pedestal and turning into a villain/rival is nothing new. It does in fact a) give us a starter villain and recurring main antagonist for DT2017's Drake Mallard b) will give Jim Cummings a chance to still voice one of his most iconic characters ever and c) actually gives us for Negaduck something the original Darkwing did not: a consistent origin.
Darkwing's Name is Drake Mallard not jim.
But in Ducktales 2017 Drake is a ficitonal character and the one who played all of his ficitonal episode was turned into a real villain. Instead, the "real" Darkwing hero is some generic fanboy lookalike
no you idiot!
Drake Mallard is the name of the very actor who was supposed to play Darkwing in the reboot.
We do not know what the civilian identity of of "Darkwing" was in the tv show, because it was not mentioned.
Get it iny our head: This is another "universe". All the things we know from the original Darkwing Duck show that are not mentioned about the "Darkwing Duck show" as it existed in the Ducktales-verse are not part of just the fiction.
Whcih most likely means the original show with Jim Starling had no Gosalyn in it and Darkwing there had never a sidekick.
Menaing Gosalyn is most likely going to be a "real" duck and daughter/adoptive child of Drake down the line whenever they use this backdoor pilot for another Darkwing episode.
no? Darkwing Duck is a tv series in this ducktales universe so i dont give a shit
I liked this take on him. As much as I love the character, the original Negaduck never had a good origin story. It didn't make much sense why he had such a hate boner for Darkwing when he had an entire dimension where he was practically a god.
There were other problems too. Like, if the original Negs is just evil Drake Mallard, then why did he never attack Darkwing at home? He should have known everything about DW since he was supposed to be the same dude. Even when Negs eventually did attack the home in the comics, it was because Launchpad screwed up, not because Negaduck knew about everything ahead of time.
So, at least with the reboot origin, there are some more concrete reasons behind why Negaduck exists, why he hates Darkwing so much (and dresses in costume of opposing colors), and why he might not know who Drake Mallard is.
They also kept retconning it.
This isn't the main Darkwing universe.
>c) actually gives us for Negaduck something the original Darkwing did not: a consistent origin
I still hope they use two two Negaduck's thing to bring us the Negaverse.
Like technically this Negaduck came from Darkwing Duck being zapped by Megavolt's machine.
Just like Nedaguck I.
Why are you so triggered, nerd?
The original series never had real continuity anyway so honestly it didn't matter.
I do hope they're careful about making Negaduck too sympathetic. His appeal was always that he was so over the top petty & evil, being both genuinely threatening and vulnerable to slapstick like everyone else.
Says the guy who started a thread to bitch
How did they keep retconning it? Original NegaDuck was DW's evil side personified that ultimately was merged back into him, while the second was his counterpart from a parallel universe. If you mean the origin episode where the elderly Drake was telling stories about himself and NegaDuck, that's just Drake goofing around.
>Like technically this Negaduck came from Darkwing Duck being zapped by Megavolt's machine.
Just like Nedaguck I.
The first Negaduck was also a manifestation of Darkwing’s evil side, something that DuckTales 2017’s version could be considered given his origins.
> Jim is still voicing Negaduck
I see NO PROBLEM at all for this and I want more.
Pretty sure Jim's been voicing all the roles he's had with Disney since whenever he started working for them. Can't think of many times they swapped him out.
No. The "canon" Darkwing in the 90s was Drake Mallard. Ducktales 2017's first DW was other guy and Drake assumes when the original "dies".
They're separate canons, there's no one between them that supersedes the other.
The entire thing was really stupid and needlessly overcomplicated. I have no idea what it is with the Ducktales writers, but they really love to take something well established and loved and somehow completely screw it up. It's almost like they're trying to pull a Rian Johnson/Shane Black thing of "subverting expectations," which was always crap and doesn't get better here.
>Jim Starling becomes Negaduck and is given an origin story
>Jim Starling never appears again
>the next time Negaduck shows up it's a completely different guy with no clear origin and absolutely no connection to Starling, Drake Mallard, or even the show
You could literally just fuse the origins of Negaduck 1 and 2 instead of needlessly forcing what they have now.
That's not at all what happened with the original series. Yes, they showed NegaDuck II before the episode with his dimension, but that's the fault of Disney airing the episode out of order or whatever.
Both of Negaduck's origin stories in Darkwing Duck were parodies of different Star Trek episodes.
I don't think the writers on Ducktales are as interested in doing pop culture parodies as the writers on Darkwing Duck were, which is why they gave Negaduck (and Darkwing) a new origin story that fits the style of their show better.
>The entire thing was really stupid and needlessly overcomplicated.
>well established
Not anymore.
Good rebuttal.
>I don't think the writers on Ducktales are as interested in doing pop culture parodies as the writers on Darkwing Duck were
Yeah, because limping away in the sewer as the villain menacingly monologues has never been done in any way, shape, or form.
What is overcomplicated about "Star of tv series goes insane and becomes surpervillian"? or "Fan takes on role of a character that inspired him?" It's pretty simple.
The other user is just complaining for the sake of complaining.
>Being this retarded
What legacy? His just an actor.
No. This was the origin story for Darkwing Duck. Turns out, he based his superhero persona on a character from an old TV show.
It's less concrete a parody. You can pin down what the Star Trek parodies were, but retreating to the sewers is so common it's a trope to play with.
So is he gonna get his weird goose GF?
Reminder everytime we see Darkwing now, it will be Diamantoupulos and not Jim Cummings, yet you retards are somehow okay with this.
Never saw the original show, so that don't bother me!
Nope. Born in 1991.
thats a picture of nega duck
>everytime we see Darkwing now
So like 2 more episodes of this show or something? Then it won't be canon anywhere else?
I can live with that
Every other character has been recast. If you're still watching the show after 38 episodes, it can't bother you that much.
No. It was awesome. To me what they did was like a brilliant intentional thing get fans to wrap their brain around. To me they were saying Darkwing is an idea and who he is without the mask is whom ever best represents his ideals. I love that they shook things up and got Cummings for one of the voices. We still don’t know how things will turn out.
Good. Negs is cooler than DW anyway. Everyone knows the edgy recolor of the good guy is cooler. He should have the superior voice.
Darkwing spinoff WHEN
They portrayed DW and ND perfectly. I also like how they tied in some commentary about grim and gritty reboots. The new episode added to the DW legacy while also paying homage to the meta and fan culture. They could have just done a shot for shot remake, but they were way more creative. When I finished watching this episode, I rewatched a ton of old Darkwing episodes and felt super nostalgic. It was great.
What was yfw Jim pulls out a chainsaw and turns on the Negaduck voice in the middle of the fight?
I mean that's unfortunately not surprising. All major roles are recast. The only reprisals are minor ones.
I honestly like that every character has their own villain this season.
Scrooge - Glomgold
Donald/Della - Lunaris
Gizmoduck - Mark Beaks
Launchpad/Darkwing Duck - Negaduck
Don’t know the triplets’ villain, since they’re mostly tagalongs for the formers episodes. The girl’s group is Magica/Shadows.
So, here's a weird thing. How did that suit gets into that exact color? What if....that's actually Negaduck, time traveled back so he can basically defame his archnemesis by making and starring in a campy TV show? I mean, there's no way his suit just happened to be in that color after exposure to water..
Sounds dumb enough to be real
not at all, the fanboy turned out to be the real darkwing duck all along
ammonia bleaching.
>ammonia bleaching
How does that work?
cheap die job? was for a campy tv show.
I was hoping he'd keep it a little longer.
The episode - specifically the cartoon-y violence and Starling breaking out the chainsaw - made me confident they can pull off a new Darkwing Duck show in this continuity and have it work.
You're overthinking it. It's not supposed to make sense. It's just cool symbolism.
The facade of a hero literally washing off his body, revealing the true personality that was always underneath. Like an ugly face hidden behind beautiful makeup.
Alister Boorswan practically explained the whole scene before it even happened.
>Alister Boorswan practically explained the whole scene before it even happened.
He did? I didn't get it.
>He did? I didn't get it.
We are the hero and villain of our own story
For fuck sake Yea Forums it is pretty clear this is another universe, are we gonna need a ducktales forever so you can understand
Didn't they say that they originally planned to have Adam West voice Jim Starling/Darkwing?
Don Karnage
I almost think this may be the intention, what with bringing Della back into Scrooge and the kids' life.
Unlike Darkwing being a part time hero, Negaduck seemed to have discarded his identity as Drake Mallard and was dedicated to his villain persona 24/7. I think the comics had Negaduck not comprehending his counterpart having a normal life outside of Darkwing Duck.
So I guess it was from pure ignorance.
Because "Superhero with an ego that slowly becomes the hero he pushes himself as" is a lot better than "It's a TV show and the 'actual' Darkwing becomes Negaduck and a new actor becomes an actual superhero." It also phases out Cummings for no goddamn reason, whose improvising was half of why the character even worked in the first place.
>I don't agree so it can't be valid
Shhh don't question it anyone, just consume.
Where is he and what is urine made up of?
One low hanging fruit I'll be surprised if they don't go for is an episode with Della versus Ma Beagle, contrasting the two as mothers.
Della was an absentee mother, but loves her sons unconditionally.
Ma Beagle provided for her sons as a single mother, but treats them like a burden and has given them all terrible psychological issues through years of verbal abuse.
There are definitely reasons why both would see the other as a worse mother.
In my smelly opiniot, they dropped the ball on replacing Cummings as karnage. Easily one of his more memorable and enjoyable roles.
I would think that if negaduck was aware of darkwing duck's true identity he could and would easily and repeatedly go after Drake's family. Possibly even just kill them out right out of pure spite.
I do like that they aren't making the transition to motherhood easy for Della. You can tell she wants to be a mom but she doesn't know how to be one.
I feel it was mostly just supposed to be foreshadowing, he'll probably pull it out in his next appearance.
So was the Darkwing episode the last episode of this "Ducktales Bomb" for the month or what?
>dresses in costume of opposite colors
it's still a little weird how that suit 'lost' its color
must have been a real cheap one
>I just realized it could have been possible that it was indeed a different costume and they just used cheap dye to color it differently
>the sewer water must have washed off the colors due to chemicals
of course, it's typical nu-disney propaganda.
>original stuff bad, new stuff good
>if you don't like our new stuff, you're a bad person that hates and destroys the old thing
>watch our new star wars movies or else you're a bad person
It just feels like there's always this constant need to try and explain things that don't need explaining and it's coming at the expense of what made that shit good in the first place.
And not to mention the constant need for everything to be meta. Which has been the shows biggest thorn since day one. It's all so insincere.
I like Negaduck having an actual origin instead of just being mirrorverse Darkwing
The metaphor seems a little backwards though.
Mallard loves the old stuff. The only reason he agreed to be part of the new stuff is because he knew he could more successfully make it like the old stuff if he was on the inside, rather than the outside.
Starling, on the other hand, had no problems with the new stuff as long as he got to be the star of it. Despite being the star of the old stuff, he had no real loyalty to it.
If anything, Starling is the nu-disney fan.
you would think so but he had his own Gosalyn that lived in the evil universe house that was glad Darkwing was home.
They never said old Darkwing was bad, though. Just the opposite. The new actor was inspired by Jim Starling's portrayal and became a tough, good person because of him. This is in spite of the fact that the original actor is NOT the role. No actor truly is. But they can embody the ideal if they try hard enough. When Jim had his breakdown, he decided he was done trying. Then this universe's Drake Mallard stepped up to take on the ideal.
It's literally the same beats of the Grey Ghost from Batman: TAS with a darker ending.
Plus, it's all based in a different universe. Darkwing Duck is not a real guy in this series; he's a franchise/character, and they did some interesting stuff with that idea.
I enjoyed it, which surprised me since I've really disliked most of Nu-Ducktales so far. Diamantoupulos has grown on me from the Mickey Mouse shorts and is a convincing enough portrayal of a younger Drake Mallard. Jim is in top-form as usual, his over-the-top villainous voice that he reserves for characters like Robotnik/Negaduck always puts a smile on my face, I liked Negaduck's new origin story too. Lots of fun slapstick and gags in this episode, both versions of DW retain his trademark greedy, egotistical and slap-stick prone traits. The worst parts of the episode was anything to do with Dewey/Ducktales (sans Launchpad), I still don't care for the show but I'll probably watch the next episode that has DW/Negaduck in it.
I always liked the subtle implication that the normal universe Gosalyn is the evil version of her.
They never actually say it in the episode. They leave it for you to figure out on your own, which just makes it funnier.
Do you honestly even believe that crap your spouting. Because that's fucking retarded. You can justify it all you want with whatever bullshit logic you want but here are the facts.
1. The old character voiced by the old actor went mental and was bad.
2. They where replaced with a new and improved modern version that was totally better in every regard.
3. You're a fucking idiot.
They where directly taking the piss out of the old show. It's the same thing they've done with every reinvention they've "improved." You know I remember back when he first showed up as a TV show we were all kind of pissed but willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because the idea of the actor coming out of retirement to be a hero again was something. Instead we got a spit in the face and the actor basically forced to proper up his replacement. It doesn't matter if he's Drake Mallard or Jim Starling, Jim Cummings was DW not whomever this new faggot is.
Which DW villains were "fictional" in DuckTales? We saw Megavolt, Liquidator, and Quacker Jack in one sequence, and Bushroot was in the flashback Drake Mallard had.
Considering SHUSH is a real organization in this world, I'd put money on Steelbeak and other members of FOWL. Paddywhack is probably lurking around somewhere too.
>Instead we got a spit in the face and the actor basically forced to proper up his replacement.
There's no need to white knight on Jim Cummings' behalf. I assure you, Disney did not put a gun to his head.
If anything, he's probably excited about the opportunity to get paid loads of cash for voicing a recurring villain on this series AND a potential spin-off.
subtle? Bruh
It sounds like you're trying to outright ignore the facts to push an agenda, tumblrite.
>There's no need to white knight on Jim Cummings' behalf.
And there's no nee to white knight on Disney's either. It was a shitty episode.
Far all we know, he hasn't been there since he went full time Negaduck. His Gosalyn was probably enough of a sweet pushover stay at the house even though he rarely - if ever comes back.
There is also the possibility of Taurus Bulba.
You dumb niggers are getting trolled hard.
Since this new Darkwing has a background as an actor, they could do Tuskernini as a director who has a personal grudge against Drake Mallard because of a project the two of them collaborated on previously.
>1. The old character voiced by the old actor went mental and was bad.
It wasn't the old character. They make this incredibly clear within the first minute of the show. It's a guy that played Darkwing Duck, not the actual guy. If you can't come to terms with this then you're either being retarded ironically or on purpose, and I can't tell which is worse.
>2. They where replaced with a new and improved modern version that was totally better in every regard.
No he wasn't. Jim beat the shit out of him because he's still new to the role. Regardless, Drake in this universe was inspired by the original and took up the mantle, like Wally West for the Flash, or a more accurate example could be Mr. Terrific. That doesn't mean the original is trash or whatever.
>3. You're a fucking idiot.
I'm posting on Yea Forums, so that's a given. Meanwhile, you're sperging out and refusing to see what practically everyone was able to pick up on the show. The whole point of the episode is that an iconic character is more than its actor. It's just as retarded as saying no one should have played Batman after Adam West.
Bullshit justification. It was bad enough they made DW a TV actor to start with. They had the perfect chance to bring in an older hero who had a bit of an ego problem but managed to work past it to do what is right. Because that's DW. He's not some legacy sap that was inspired by TV and it certainly didn't need to come at taking pot shots at the old series.
>It's just as retarded as saying no one should have played Batman after Adam West.
I have no issue with new people playing DW but this would be like having Adam's Batman come in and play the villain to make Michael Keaton look good. You want a new actor fine but you don't need to do it this way.
I love Jim Cummings' work, but if people think they're shitting on the old show just because he's not voicing the new Darkwing, they obviously didn't pay attention to the episode or the original show.
The episode was a love letter and a passing of the torch to the new continuity. There were nods to the old show everywhere, the most obvious being the change in art styles to the old Disney Afternoon style during Drake's flashback.
Jim Starling was all of Darkwing's worst impulses put together. The original Darkwing was full of ego and grandstanding, just like Starling. What kept him from going overboard was usually Gosalyn or Launchpad. Starling never had that to pull him back from his excesses.
In the original show, Darkwing was just as apt to go bad as Starling did. In one episode, he became Darkwarrior Duck in the future simply because Gosalyn wasn't around. It was also implied in that future that he had killed countless people for the smallest infractions.
If they really wanted to insult the old show, they would have called the original actor Drake Mallard and given the new Darkwing a different identity.
Is the flashback scene online anywhere? I can’t find it
I fucking loved it. I want a spin off now. Jim is always great as Darkwing/Negaduck and he actually has a reason to hate Darkwing besides being evil from an alternate universe.
I loved Darkwing Duck back in the 90's and I'm fine with this version being connected to Ducktales. They already have FOWL and Gizmoduck. I think the voice actor was pretty close to Cummings and I think it's a good fit. I'm not going to hate on it because it's new and different. But if they want to also use a multiverse I'm good with that too.
I am going to miss the ego, that made for some of the best episodes. And all of his SHUSH interactions.
I think the ego will still be there, judging by the Gizmoduck comment.
That’s the only thing that kind of disappoints me about all of this, DWD’s original characterization was one of the best parts of the show. He was most entertaining when he had his head up his own ass.
Here's the whole episode: thewatchcartoononline.tv
Ignore the misleading address. The OG Duck Tales is on the site too, so something must have gotten mixed up. It is the right episode.
wait, is that why we never see Drake Mallard work in the old show? he made enough money as an actor in his early days?
Thanks user, I’ll check it out
It's never said what Drake did before he was Darkwing in the original canon. The comics mentioned him getting paid by SHUSH though.
The new Darkwing... there's plenty of room to expand on all of that with how they've set things up. Both Scrooge and Beakley were former agents, and Beakley became a huge fan of the in-universe show an episode or two before this one. There's plenty of potential connections right now for SHUSH and Darkwing to cross paths at some point.
I wish Donald and Magica would have an episode together
Writers are too much of a soiboys and untalented hacks to pull this off. Just look how they butchered Don Carnage
I always assumed Drake Mallard didn't need to have a regular job because S.H.U.S.H. pays Darkwing for all the mercenary work they have him do.
I also assumed that was one of the reasons why Gryzlikoff hates him so much. He thinks it's a waste of money to send freelancers like Darkwing on missions when S.H.U.S.H. already has its own agents on salary.
They should had make Jim Cummings voice the actual Dark Wing real superhero instead turning him into a wash out has been actor who becames a villain. And the backstory of the new Darkwing is so lame. He is just a pathetic fanboy nerd. He isnt a family man who invented the costume and his name. He is just a fake clone with same name.
>Jim Starling was all of Darkwing's worst impulses put together.
Which is what Negaduck has always been also (literally, if you're talking about his first appearance), so it's apt that Starling ended up becoming Negaduck.
But his ego and "Bill Murrey" cranky personality was the best part of Dark Wing along with Jim Cumming voice.
The new Dark Wing is just some lousy goody two shoes fanboy and he is already boring in his first episode. I guess they think beta numale soiboys are somehow heroic in the eyes of the writers
You're projecting your insecurities onto this pretty hard.
So is English not your first language? Because that sentence structure is very stiff.
No it's not. Because what made DW, DW was his ability to move past them. They basically turned DW into Nega Duck. And for what? Some fanboy replacement. Yes they gave a reason in the show but the issue is that they chose to take everything in this direction in the first place. It's disrespectful the character and the fans.
Are you some sort of bot, because while Darkwing has a cranky personality I wouldn't call it a Bill Murray personality.
fuck off
Except this Drake is already kind of an arrogant jackass who will praise himself at the drop of a hat, we just need to wait for it to intensify once he's actually DW.
>this thread has been up all day
>anons spending a day arguing about a show made for toddlers
How many pennies does Disney pay you per damage control, shill?
>Dark Wing
Two words, not three. Both Ds capital.
Do you also have this kind of panic attack when you hear Batman's voice and it's not Kevin Conroy? Or were you more of the Rino Romano crowd?
Same as it ever was.
Answer the question you stupid bot, what makes you think Darkwing had a "Bill Murray" personality?
You keep making run-on sentences. Are you ESL?
>He isnt a family man
Neither was the original DW until he found Gosalyn, he was just a 24/7 superhero who didn't do anything else. This guy just needs someone to bring him down to earth.
Darkwing was basically Booster Gold in motivation (getting famous off of being a hero) before he met Gosalyn and Launchpad in the original series. Most of his better qualities came after that - including being a family man.
What we're seeing with this episode is Drake first getting the idea of becoming Darkwing Duck for real. There's still a long way for him to go before he's at the same level of the Darkwing we first see in the original series. Give it some time to develop.
Gosalyn's going to become part of Webby's harem. Monkey's paw.
I see what you did there, user. Props.
I think you mean Webby and co. are going to become part of Gosalyn's harem.
Go on.
Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, and Della will all be part of nuGosalyn's harem alongside Honker.
>No harem for DW
Poor guy.
It's for the best.
I think she'd get best along with Dewey
Gosalyn never seemed exceptionally smart and seems more like the type to punch first
but I am not sure about Louie
it is kind of sweet that Webby who had zero friends at the start now has like five, plus potentially Gosalyn that 's like six
Scrooge probably wonders why there are so many new kids running around
Really liked the new episode, might actually watch Ducktales now.
>and Della
a-user that's a crime
And are you purposely ignoring the point or are you just desperate for any defense of this crappy new show. This isn't a torch passing, it's a seizing. If you want people to accept your new version you don't shit on the old one.
But it's sad.
They didn't shit on the old one, they showed how obsessing over the old one and demanding it be exactly the same instead of letting it inspire you to be better can send you down a dark path. The torch wasn't seized, it was picked up.
Buddy we don’t care about your opinion, go be mad somewhere else
It's still for the best.
At least give him his waifu.
You didn't answer my question, and are continuing this panic attack of yours.
Just the one waifu is fine. More than one waifu will ruin his laifu. DW can't handle a harem.
I hope Disney doesn't do something retarded like making Morgana and Magica the same character.
They'll be bitter rivals shooting catty snipes at each other like two alpha bitches from competing prep schools, always saying things that get under each other's skins.
Based user sees the writing on the walls.
I'm sick of this shit with NuTales.
>Don Karnage isn't Jim Cummings, and now just sings a lot
>Darkwing Duck is no longer Jim Cummings, and instead his classic version is now bad
>Dijon shows up, but "jk there's not Genie, and who the fuck is Merlock"
Right because painting your old fans as obsessive and unwilling to try is totally not paining them in the bad light. You literally just said they made the old fans a strawman because heaven forbid people care about how things are represented. We should totally just accept everything we're giving.
>Huey, Dewey, and Louie's new personalities were inspired by Honker, Gosalyn, and Tank respectively.
It all makes sense now.
Launchpad is literally the old fan self-insert. He's the most dedicated to the old show in-universe out of anyone, even more than Jim Starling in the end. The difference is he didn't let himself stay tied to this obsessive idea of the old one, but let it better himself in the end. You'd know that if you actually watched the episode. Quit getting your panties in a twist.
You mean Launchpad?
The episode was good.
Shut up.
mouseketeeer detected
Even beside that, Donald is a joke, story focuses on Webby, Della and Webbys friends. This show feels like written 80% by women in their 40's and 20% by typical white so(y) boys who are way too incompetent to write any cool episode that doesn't contain references and comedy for zoomers
Dude they hired Lena "Fingered My Little Sister" Dunham
Wait. People take Donald seriously? Important episodes focus on Scrooge McDuck and filler episodes are on Webby and nephews. I personally think Webby is better since shes not just the typical girl character and the nephews are entertaining since they have separate personalities. If there weren't references to the previous series people would be screaming about their childhood being ruined. They are using even more material from Banks and Rosa than the 80's series ever did.
I loved Darkwing but the continuity and backstory was a mess. This being an unrelated Darkwing to the previous universe opens up a blank slate and if it gets a spin off it could have actual continuity. I mean in the old series there was the negaverse Negaduck, there was the Negaduck that shows up out of nowhere, the ridiculous future episode where they give Darkwing Superman's origin, the terrible baby dragon episode where you meet his kung fu master or that awful episode with Darkwing in the 50's.
What kind of shit has turned my childhood into? Good thing I haven't watched NuTales yet and never will.
>>Darkwing Duck is no longer Jim Cummings, and instead his classic version is now bad
You mean Jim Cummings plays Negaduck, arguably his more beloved role, whilst his classic version which is Drake Mallard is played by someone else.
Be a little more specific. Who hired her where exactly?
I do not understand this logic. What are you going to do when Cummings dies or retires? Demand that Darkwing Duck be retired as a character? Should nobody be allowed to play as Superman after Christopher Reeve died, or Dracula after Bela Lugosi, etc.?
Roles are meant to be played by people who can fit them through generations, outliving old actors and audiences while capturing the hearts and minds of the young. That, and you cannot expect Disney to cater to every whim of the original fans, most of whom are in their thirties and forties, now. In fact, I think they've done an amazing job with adapting lore from Life and Times of Uncle Scrooge and other Disney Afternoon shows.
Negaduck was fine, but Nu-Drake is too much of a bland faggot.
>Launchpad starts saying the words to the theme song
Why are the references in this show always so on-the-nose.
no, they didn't.
You people still watch this shit?
Why bring up star wars of all things. the episode didn't paint fans negatively at all, both Drake and Launchpad are fans.
I think it's a really clever way of incorporating Jim Cummings' Darkwing Duck into the new DuckTales show, while also having a new Duckwing Duck played by Chris Diamantopoulos.
I think most male writers of this new Ducktales probably self inserts as nu-Drake. Which is why its so painful to watch the new season.
Also i'm yet to hear a SINGLE funny joke made with Launchpad or triplets. Why are all the jokes so flat in this show?
Or even that Scrooge funds is also a partial funder of SHUSH I mean guys has money in just about everything in Duckberg wouldn't be shocked if it traveled to St. Canard.
The pilot episode mentioned Scrooge having business in both Spoonerville and St. Canard.
Darkwing Duck show from "Ducktales" universe is not Darkwing Duck show from our universe.
Drake Mallard is name of our Darkwing Duck
Drake Mallard is name of actor from reboot
Reboot actor is our Darkwing Duck
Adam West is Negaduck
They just changed their origins.
I don't watch this, but people need to realize voice actors of any salt train their replacements
I assume the new guy is emulating Jim and will have a chance to get the nuances down before he's eventually too old or too dead to do it
Negaduck/Starling was Jim Cummings.
Jim Cummings only voices Jim Starling so he should have been the guy who decides to become the real Darkwing Duck. Instead they made him a villain Negaduck.
It's like the Grey Ghost except in reverse.
With a little bit of clay face thrown in, with the whole actor turned crazy because they do a remake without him.
So the problem everyone seems to have is that Jim Cummings should have been the new Darkwing and not Negaduck.
For some people it seems. I thought Diamantopoulos did a good job.
I definitely don't have that problem. Jim's one of Disney's staple voice actors and I can only assume he's got a great agent. If he wanted to voice Darkwing in a possible new series, he would be. My guess is that he's more than happy to play the villain in some episodes rather than commit to doing two voices throughout every episode.
I honestly think that Jim might enjoy playing the villain roles more.
Yeah this is my thought, so many people are like "Poor Jim. coming back for a side role" and I'm like You do know he's like the go to guy for voice acting if he wanted the role he probably would have it.
I also love the Irony of some people bitching about Jim Cummings being replaced when Jim himself got started by replacing the original Pooh and Tigger
they did what now!?
Long story short, actor goes nuts and becomes a super villain.
I don't have a problem with it, it's a lot better than I expected and it's a much stronger hero/villain relationship to build off. I would easily support a new show with this version to see how this plays out.
>Jim Cummings only voices Jim Starling so he should have been the guy who decides to become the real Darkwing Duck.
>Instead they made him a villain Negaduck.
Negaduck was voiced by Jim Cummings in the original cartoon.
Drake is cute!
Negaduck had a life in the negauniverse episode, that one episode where the fearsome five find out his hideout is in a cake.
It wasn't a life, he was Negaduck there too.
But that's not true. From the very first episode of the original show, DW's desire for glory and his ego was always something he constantly grappled with such as his jealousy of Gizmoduck or his unwillingness to team up with the other Justice Ducks until St. Canard has been fucked up by the Fearsome Five.
Have a new Negaduck that personifies that aspect of the character is something the writers did correctly.
>They basically turned DW into Nega Duck.
But he is not the "real" Darkwing anymore than the other guy is. People just assumed he was the "real" one because he was voiced by Cummings. But from the in-show perspective, both actors represent aspects of the the DW the audience knows. It's just that one became the worst aspects of the character while the other guy embodied the better aspects of him, his perseverance through everything.
It would have been better if the new actor from Nolan Darkwing Duck was an asshole who is famous but turn into egoistic villain, and then a washout has been Jim Starling decides he will fight crime as the real hero and not as actor.
He is shit. A fanboy who is just an incompetent an dumb fan boy like Launchpad. And what the fuck was that scene where he gets destroyed by lasers and survive a piano drop on his head. Is he suddenly also an indestructible Gary Stu? I guess it was to show persistence but was made in a shitty way. Batman is not cool because he gets hit by everything and still get a villain, he was cool because he was able to use strategy and dodge all the obstacles.
Because Jim Cummings also voiced Negaduck. Is it that hard to understand this was a bait and switch?
He was living in suburbia with evil muddlefoots and everything. If he didn't have a life he'd by living on the top of the bridge like Darkwing was in the pilot episode.
A husbando for the ages.
>the world must reformulate every atom to satisfy my autism
You literally do not accept that the actor doesn't make the character and it offends you to have to recognize the lesson of the episode.
>where he gets destroyed by lasers and survive a piano drop on his head.
This just shows you are a casual. Darkwing Duck walking away from everything like Wily E. Coyote is basically a character trait of the original version.
>A fanboy
And Starling was just a washed up actor. The point is in the modern day they both personify aspects of that ur-Darkwing.
>Is he suddenly also an indestructible Gary Stu? I guess it was to show persistence but was made in a shitty way.
Motherfucker do the words "Singed, but triumphant" mean nothing to you? You're a fucking faker, you haven't seen anything of Darkwing Duck you shithead. This isn't Batman, it's Darkwing Duck.
I kinda like it, is like they separated original Darkwings ego and heroism into two seperated characters.
There's no point if he's stuck on NuTales
I'm not interested in NuTales, but I'll take a new Darkwing Duck
>Have a new Negaduck that personifies that aspect of the character is something the writers did correctly.
I mean, Negaduck always personified that aspect in the old show.
His character originated as Darkwing's evil half when he got split and everyone liked the evil Darkwing so much they made Negaduck his own character.
So basically, the reboot followed the spirit and ideas of the old show while giving it's own spin on things.
Which is generally a good thing for reboots to do.
>You're a fucking faker, you haven't seen anything of Darkwing Duck you shithead.
Obviously that poster is a fucking hackfraud and didn't see anything of Darkwing Duck, look how he didn't respond earlier in the thread when called out on claiming that Darkwing had a Bill Murray personality.
It's hard not to see him as Drake when he's facing off Diamantopoulos but I can live with Diamantopoulos's Drake vs Jim's Negaduck.
As long as they don't hold back on new Drake's ego in later appearances. There's hints there.
He was already a superhero-obsessed nerd even in the original. Only difference is he made up his character in the original while here he adopts the superhero he fanboys over
He does think he’s better then gizmo duck, and did mention the merchandising deal being a factor in becoming gritty reboot Darkwing.
Drake has to make a living to be able to live in suburbia with his destructive adopted daughter after all.
Did you even watch the original show? Darkwing got hit by practically everything - in every episode.
They even made a point of it in the opening of this episode with the in-show Darkwing getting blown up and stepping on landmines before he got to the villain.
Take off the nostalgia goggles and stop embarrassing yourself.
I think there is still plenty of that egotistical nature in the new Darkwing. His comment about wanting a substantial cut of the profits from the merchandising as being part of his motivation for becoming the new DW and his firm belief that he is easily be a better hero than Gizmoduck tell me that he will still probably have a lot of the old Darkwing in him.
I wouldn't exactly call it a life since he seemed to hang out in Darkwings universe more. He had some hideouts there, too.
What will he think when he finds out gizmo is a proud sub