>Comes out in a little over two weeks
>Zero hype, zero discussion
$19M opening weekend
Comes out in a little over two weeks
Will it surpass Hellboy and Shazam???
The marketing looks bland as hell. Sophie Turner turned out to be a bad actress. Last Stand is still fresh. This is Shazam levels of marketing. Can't the X-Men do anything other than do Pheonix?
Nobody cares about the new cast
Nobody likes JLaw
Jean actress is a block of wood
And the sad truth; most people discard it waiting for the MCU reboot
MCU X-Men reboot is too far away and I'm not excited for it. MCU has repeatedly shown they're willing to change characters and character design just for the sake of change.
>Sophie Turner turned out to be a bad actress
I honestly wonder if recasting an older crew overall (which is what they should have done because of the time skip) would have been worth getting rid of her and Lawrence.
>This is Shazam levels of marketing.
What are you talking about? Shazam had tons of marketing.
From a marketing standpoint, I get it. Doesn't mean I agree with it, but I understand what they're thinking. Take Spider-Man for example; it ditched Peter's supporting cast, his origin story, all because Tobey and Garfield's Spidey's were still fresh in the public eye. They were afraid of boring people with the same old shit, which is kind of what Dark Phoenix is doing. MCU Peter was a result of "Okay how would OUR Peter Parker exist in the universe we've established". So while some of Holland's shit annoys the ever living fuck out of me, I know how we got here. X-Men will likely follow
It already leaked btw.
For Shazam marketing, I meant the bland part. Nothing excited me about that movie other than the good word of mouth it had.
You do realize the X-Men aren't supposed to all be in black leather in the comics, right? That Nightcrawler is a happy-go-lucky guy with a swashbuckling personality, that Nimrod was pink, that Magneto wasn't an X-Man until he led the school in the 80's, etc, etc? Yes the MCU characters can stray pretty far from their original comic characters (Yondu, Man-Ape, etc) but don't pretend like the X-films are any more faithful.
Dead on arrival.
I know that. MCU stories always feel like they're holding back since they think it'll affect their shared universe. I'm confident it wouldn't be better than what we already got.
Such a shame too, I really like McAvoy's Prof. X and this Quicksilver is pretty fun to see. Too bad everything else has fallen flat.
Go on
Looks like a standard capeshit film to me. Dime a dozen in this day of age of MCU, DCEU, Sony and Fox. Mcdonalds will always be McDonalds.
I've been dreading this movie for so many years now. I'm glad it's out soon so it's finally out of the way.
FoX-men should've died with Logan.
Man, I’m pretty sure I’m going to get dragged to watch this shit
I avoided FF, Venom was fun in a bad way, I don’t remember when was the last time I felt a big budget superhero movie was going to piss me off, not bore mr, just make me mad at losing my time
>Sophie Turner turned out to be a bad actress
She's okay.
Well, that's the power of marvel without Mouse money and influence.
Explain Deadpool then.
Tons of money on marketing.
And the Raimi-Man movies, AND every MCU movie before the acquisition.
Deadpool was primarily marketed through social media. The film itself was less than 60 million dollars, I'd wager they spent far less than half that on marketing.
60 was just a budget. Marketing was 100-150 million. Do you really believe that all that social media fuzz just started on it's own? Fucking hell.
>Marketing was 100-150 million.
That's an amazing number you conjured up from your ass. You should have said 500 million.
This. Logan was a nice conclusion, and now that the X-Men are back into Marvel Studio's pocket, no one gives a fuck anymore (viewers and execs altogether).
Nah, that was marketing of Endgame.
>>Comes out in a little over two weeks
that's not that close
>back into Marvel Studio's pocket
You mean back into Mouse pocket. Marvel Studio is not even a thing.
Hollywood has a bad habit of trying to turn stars from prestige tv into movie stars. Most of them are better suited to character acting work.
Are you even going to put some effort into it?
I understand you are bored, but.
>Most of them are better suited to television.
Well, you can't deny facts, mate. Do you remember any movie from "marvel studios" before mouse created them? Me neither. It was either Sony or Fox. Then paramount created Ironman and mouse stole it immideatly and created puppet stuido for their quipverse.
> I'm confident it wouldn't be better than what we already got.
Your delusional then. What we have have got has barely scratches the surface of the comics and has been shown as not having a plan. At least with the MCU we will get a plan.
You do know Disney had nothing to do with Iron-Man, right?
And their involvement in the films seems an overall positive, as their power structure is what got Feige the power to get Perlmutter to fuck off.
>Then paramount created Ironman and mouse stole it immideatly and created puppet stuido for their quipverse.
Can you read or what?
Hollywood will always go with well known names over unknowns 98% of the time. Celebrity culture is pretty powerful to the point where people will not see movies if there are no “big names” in it.
probably disney is contractually obligated to publish it, but wants to make people forget it even exists
what if it turns out to be actually good, as far fetched as it sounds?
It was already finished, Fox would have put it out already if it weren't for the merger happening. As far as Di$ney is concerned there's no reason to not release it since it's already finished.
Avengers, pickachu movie, john wicking people for 2 hours. They're going against a... title-wave!
The deck is kind of stacked against it. What's more unfortunate is that THIS is going to be the final conclusion to the entire FOX-Men franchise, not DOFP, not Logan.
>Writers keep trying to push Phoenix
>Was executed terribly in X3
>Was a deus ex machina in Apocalypse
>Appears to be the world's least charismatic "voice in your head" style deal in this movie, trying to convince Jean to kill everyone, with Jean for some reason obliging
>Lead to several extremely questionable X runs in the comic
Why do writers keep going back to Phoenix? "Psychic becomes mentally ill and starts slaughtering" is an extremely unoriginal trope at this point, and that's just in superhero stories.
Every other flaw this movie has conceptually (Mystique literally just being JLaw at this point, the trigger for the plot being Nightcrawler fucking up and no one seeing this coming, Magneto and Xavier acting higher than thou over a threat that should terrify everyone) is just more fuel for the fire.