"Let's give Hercules Superman's backstory, and add black gospel music"

>"Let's give Hercules Superman's backstory, and add black gospel music"
But why?

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I don't know, but Gerald Scarfe should illustrate more for cartoons.

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i liked it.
the tv show was pretty keen too
too bad they didn't put Kratos in it. What a missed opportunity given Disney and Sony's close relationship

Go away Doug

It’s cool

It worked extremely well

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The gospel soundtrack was actually a brilliant move. Moreover, Hercules was one of the original "super heroes", and was an inspiration in Superman's creation

Gospel music is shorthand for religion, and while a bizarre move I'd say it worked out in the end. One of the better soundtracks of the renaissance era.

Because it was cash money and resulted in the best "boy" Disney movie to date

Because kino

The Muses were great.

>honestly heroic guy who made mistakes but overcame them with help from his friends
>confident and sassy female lead who is still feminine

It could never be made today.

Perseus is more of an inspiration for heros than him.

Goddamn, it you are dumb. Superman was given Hercules' backstory, you pudding-brained child.


Have you heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?


ah yes the great linkara


>and resulted in the best "boy" Disney movie to date
Aladdin still exists so go fuck yourself.

Actually, I should go fuck myself. Treasure Planet still exists. Movie's not that good, but it pretty much embodies "boy".

I don't remember Superman murdering his family after being driven to madness by a spiteful god, and swearing himself to the service of a king in penance.

Idk but I really want meg's feet in my mouth immediately

Fucking white people man.

Why not?

Fucking whypeepo and dere

*Shuffles deck*


>confident and sassy female lead who is still feminine
name one

Hercules might be the only reason I want to play KH3. Though everyone now look like souless CG characters. Hades still seems to look good.

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what is a 'boy' disney movie?

Like a Disney movie boys will like, I guess?

Black Widow in WS.
>inb4 not a lead
Then neither is Meg.

I think the bigger question is WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE LAS VEGAS!?!?!?!?!?


Changeling fantasy has been kino for centuries in art.

A Disney movie made for boys.
protip: almost all the Disney animated movies were made for girls.

Why? Perseus is not as well known.

Something that it more adventure-based and that has a male protagonist like Treasure Planet or Hercules or Atlantis. They tend to tank at the box office though, so Disney goes back to making princess movies because they make more money and sell more merchandise.

I've heard of it, but I'm not picking up what feminism has shat out

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Because Superman's story is pretty generic Hero's Journey.

Nice try, Poulopoulos. Now pay debts.

is for children you idiots, this is a film for girls

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Scarlet Witch
Black Widow
Pepper Potts

Disney deliberately mislead the audience with the Tangled trailers because not many boys watch princess movies. Disney animated movies are for girls of all ages, the one you posted is for very little girls.

You are a fool

>Zero to Hero

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Sword in the stone

Compare what skin colour did the Disney princesses have back when Walt was still alive, and compare them after he died and the people Bor keeps bitching about started running the company. There's your reason.

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you may be right

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That's not a backstory. That's the prologue.

Those are... Exactly the same thing.

Frozen and Tangled are pretty fucking Aryan.

>Princess and the Frog

wow 4 fucking characters in 53 years, this truly is white genocide

because it was fucking awesome, and the notion of blending greek mythology with American mythology (superheroes, gospel music, marketing) was inspired.

I would add Lilo and Stitch

Because shut the fuck up those black ladies made the movie 10 times better

Honey you mean HUNKules

>blacks making anything better

Yea Forumstubmlr can't stop talking about /pol/ for 5 minutes

He even has a trusty sidekick

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>Being such a racist faggot you can’t appreciate Hercules’s soundtrack

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>taking the bait


Hercules : Zero to Hero | Disney Side by Side

Because it was Greek Las Vegas just like Aladdin was Arabian Las Vegas so that they could do easy crossovers.

Because it was entertaining.

Why Hercules and not Heracles, though?


Wasn't Athens supposed to be NYC?

It was Thebes, but yes.