Star vs the Forces of Evil Rate Thread

Everything after Battle for Mewni is shit.

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Thank Cotugno and her blackmail shenanigans for that.

It's literally a 1/10 besides the porn

Star is cute as fuck. Hence this show can't get lower than a 10/10 from me.

I agree, we do need ten threads about this

People keep talking about this woman, what does this lady have that gave her so much sway in this show?

Massive genocide played for laughs 5/10

supposedly she has a video of nefcy schlicking while her husband fucks a voice actress from the show.

Can't rate it without the final fucking episode. So if you please, give me a link.


she doesn't, people like having a scapegoat to pretend that the actual creators of the show did nothing wrong

1/10 they killed my waifu

come mourn with us:

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It was kinda meh at the end, but I've been on worse rides. Hopefully the fanfiction turned book will be better

>5 characters (2 of those wanted to die, other 2 were criminals and the last one was living a miserable life)
>Massive genocide

Stop exagerating user.

But I can't believe Moon made the same Mistake twice. First she let Toffee live and now Mina.

Meteora is going to deal with so much shit when she grows up because of worst queen Moon and her stupid daughter who doomed two dimensions for mexican cock.

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The porn is a 10/10

She is dead, bru

>Everything after the first episode is shit

FTFY, faggot

>Season 2 finale
>Star ruins Marco's efforts to have a relationship with Jackie by confessing during his party.

>Season 4
>Star ruins Eclipsa's and Globgor's efforts of uniting all citizens of Mewni by cleaving it with Earth, where everybody is already racist towards our own species.

How much pain is she going to inflict to taste mexican cock?

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>Meteora is going to deal with so much shit when she grows up

I think you mean IF she grows up!

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>The Magic council
>All the spells (rip Spider with a tophat)
>All the baby unicorns in the magic dimension
>The giraffe guy that was the son of Glosaric
>probably the laser eyes puppies

She has more chances of survival than Mina.

Meteora is still a smart and strong size-shifter who can manipulate her appearance to look completely human.

Mina, on the other hand, is considered insane even among mewmans and has no powers or super strenght left.

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>All magic is gone
>All magic beings or ones that were created by magic are dead
>Dimensions are cut from each other
>the Magic Council and Glossaryck are dead
>Kelly probably is stuck on her dimension forever
>Tom is stuck in hell forever
>Ponyhead and her race of retards are still alive
>both Mewni and the human world are fused which will lead to many sociopolitical problems
>but at least Star can fuck Marco

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mega where?

Meteora is now a vulnerable baby.

Mina has cunning and survival skills and access to human weaponry.!3DBDmSoK!DxY8JtQK24Ck7vYL1C9vN5NPXHYd2NTnseGJGpPnacg

I read Spacegoat

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>Baby Meteora

Choose one.
That little monster can escape with ease thanks to her climbing skills, is fast, can change size and appearance... not to menstion she is surrounded by an army of overpowered monsters lotal to her mom, trained knights, Johansenn barbarians, giant eagles, pidgeons with mechas, Poniheads with laser shooting horns, mewnan eater demons who use can control weather and fire, mermaids etc...

Mina can do shit but eat dirt in the forest.

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Have you seen her without her cheekmarks?
She's completely mediocre.

No Moon was the one who ruins every Eclipsa, Star and globgor effort to make mewni better, the entire finale was Moon fault.

Holy shit she is actually fugly.
0/10 show.

The entire show was Moon's fault. Every major conflict is the direct result of her terrible decisions. Remember how Toffee only managed to do what he did because she chickened out of actually killing him?

I get the impression that neither Eclipsa nor Moon holds power any more and that survival on EarthMewni is just a big free-for-all. So Eclipsa doesn't necessarily have a bunch of followers wanting to suck her dick anymore, OR those followers are currently getting harassed by the residents of Earth.

Also to get more nitpicky, I get the impression that Meteora's appearance changing was more due to magic, and we only ever saw her increase in size after sucking souls, which she can't do anymore. She might just be a normal ugly baby now with an ugly tail and no size-shifting abilities anymore because that's just her father's thing.

Mina survived over 300 years and managed to get a bunch of earthlings on her side even while being completely crazy. She can get supporters. She can get a gun. Maybe she could even send Manfred to kill her since now she appears to have a dedicated bitch.

Mina's still in the game, is all I'm saying. Don't count her out.

Thanks user.

6/10, love triangles and relationship drama held back the show.

I must disagree. user has a point.

Meteora never learnt to size-shift because Globgor wasn't around and magic was the cheat mode to do so. She is still super strong and fast, though.

Monsters need a representative and Globgor was elected democraticaly, so they are loyal to him.
The final scene didn't point out monsters were going to be harrased (there's a highschool trmeacher who happens to be a monster after all) but it's obvious they'll join forces with the old kingdoms if somethibg happens.

They sre goi g to suppirt each other due to the old alliances. Mina, on the other hand, might need years to reunite a new racist group and that only means more time for the Mewman native creatures to fill the land with monster babies (and we've seen they grow really fast with the Buff Frog kids)

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Mina has a point though.
'You can't fight ideas with bullets.'

Pic related was hilarious.
The best part of the episode by far.

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>star uses her privilege to kill the other few privileged to bring peace to the downtrod
getting communist revolution vibes from this

Reminder Disney agreed on two characters openly asking to be murdered on-screen.

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>its anuddah shoah!

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She looks better without her cheekmarks though

As a matter of fact, all of them looked better without them.

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Meteora and Moon look better without them. Meteora had way too much shit going on on her head and her design looked too busy, and it didn't help that her marks were a huge awkward shape too. I always thought Moon's diamonds were an ugly color, too bright like some default hot pink in a paint program.

Star and Eclipsa look worse. Both have those huge cheeks and their faces look a bit empty now. Star looks the better of the two because her outfits are still really colorful and keep her interesting to look at even without the hearts. Eclipsa looks really drab now without that pop of red brightening things up. I guess the fact that Star's horns are similar in color to the hearts makes it feel less like something's "missing" with her.

>Star looked worse

I still adore the show and wish it had a better ending (more like a better second half), but overall it's still a strong 7 for me. The first half holds up very well while the second half has some great ideas but falls flat for the name of Starco.

I'm still gonna miss you guys.

She may have actually survived considering she's in a place where existance and non-existence simultaneously happen.

Why doesn’t she have cheek marks exactly? I thought the explanation they were going for was that it was a mutation from the original queen? She had circle cheek marks

Nothing, Yea Forums just wants a her for being a gay rights activist

Didn't say she looked bad.

Shit/10 the worse of the 2010s western cartoons I have seen.

The reveal that Mewmans are humans and the ending was gay as fuck. Literally "humans are the real monsters" the cartoon. Luckily Marco is cute and hot, so we didn't really waste our time.

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they just needed toffee. the show was so fucking good with a compelling villain. WHY DIDNT THEY BRING TOFFEE BACK. THEY LITERALLY SAID IN THE SECOND TO LAST EPISODE HE WAS RIGHT. AAAAAAAH

Because the moment the heroine acknowledges he is right, Toffee can't no longer be the villain but an anti-hero.

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easy solution. make destroying the magic not his ultimate goal, but another means to an end. they could have brought him back and had him work with them to help destroy the magic, and reveal later on he still had evil intentions once the magic was gone. but seriously, first the lich and now toffee, stop getting rid of your established compelling villains for stupid garbage.

>it's fine when i commit murder and genocide/10

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>Because the moment the heroine acknowledges he is right, Toffee can't no longer be the villain but an anti-hero.
Counterpoint: He can still be the villain as long as the protagonist is also a villain.

I am fully comfortable labeling miss genocide a villain; I don't know about you.

o7 I'll miss your streams, you magnificent bastard.


>Mina gets away

>Despite all of the other magical based creatures, high council somehow gets Thanos snapped including Heckapoo

>"HuMaNs WeRe ThE ReAl MoNsTeRs AlL aLoNg!!!" mindset

>Series literally ends with no real consequences despite the literal power that kept these worlds connected being destroyed

Welcome to most modern western storytelling in a nutshell.

This is why the Japaense have been kicking western animation's butt for quite some time.

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>Stop trying to kill everyone
There I fixed the whole fucking series and magic didn't need to be destroyed

Star isn't related to the original queen


The unicorns were going to die anyway because the got corrupted, Heekapoo and Glossaryck wanted to die, Rhombulus and Omnitraxus commited numerous crimes because they wanted to have meetings to discuss when to have other meetings, Star didn't even know the spells were sentient and Eclipsa's stated that is their role to die for the queen.

Reynaldo is the only innocent victim and Star didn't know about him.

And that's it. Nobody else died

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She is gonna have insane amounts of support among humans with her platform of
>Exterminate monsters
She may be elected empress of mankind.

>Star didn't even know the spells were sentient
That's horseshit

At least he probably died happy, right?
Thanks for reminding me about Reynaldo who died sad and alone because of his asshole dad and the butterflies.

You are as delusional as her.

Even the minority of mewmans who joined her at first have realized she was wrong and refused to follow her no more, except for one. They even felt like trash after noticing what they had done.
Not to mention Mina doesn't consider humans to be the same race ad her and tried to conquer them once.

Mina is crazy but not charismatic, without the brainwashing spell she is nothing, and so needs another puppet to be the face like what happened with Moon.


Even so, I'd like to see a time-skip with Meteora growing up to be a super serious model student because she feels her actions are always being evaluated by humans (not mewmans, as they would be considered the same as the ither Mewni tribes) and blaming Star for the delicate situation she brought in because of "love"

>"My only crime was to fall in love"
>"No, that was my mother's. Yours was to cleave together two comletely different worlds which hadn't fix their internal problems first"
>"Now, if you'll excuse me, Queen Star. I'm busy fixing the problems your love has caused"

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Selfishness is gospel to some people.


What happend in the end, I refuse to watch this shit anymore

Star destroys all magic, but earth and mewni get merged together so Star and Marco can be together anyway

That sounds like a good ending, why is everyone else mad?

I love the shape of her mouth. It'll live on in reruns.

Before I answer that, let me ask:
Did you watch gravity falls? Particularly weirdageddon. Weirdmageddon? Whichever it was.

She killed Glossaryck and the MHC, all the unicorns in the Realm of Magic, and all the living spells.

Also she no longer has heart cheeks.

Pretty sure that the ending implied all dimensions have fusee, including Kelly’s and the Underworld, since Ponyhead’s place wasn’t part of Mewni.

>since Ponyhead’s place wasn’t part of Mewni
it is though

Ponyhead kingdom is clearly visible in the clouds above echo creek in the ending.

The ending was great except for the cleave part. Damm, Solaria's last scenes were fantastic.

Unless the resultant dimendion has doubled its original resources, this is quite the delicate situation.

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I left that shithole years ago.

I don't get why she ignored Mina like that. Nothing indicated that she had a change of heart during her lifetime so straight-up blanking her most dedicated follower like that felt a bit off. Although I guess maybe she's had a lot of time as a ghost to observe and reflect on it.

Ponyhead Kingdom has always been part of Mewni.

>Star didn't even know the spells were sentient
She's talking with her cloud.

>And that's it. Nobody else died
Except for the people who lived in that house that got taken over by that giant spider.
But I'm sure there's only one giant spider in all of mewni. And mewni has only one creature or animal that would be dangerous to the native life and people inhabiting earth. And that none of the other animals, plants or life on earth would be remotely effected by a completely alien ecosystem suddenly being forced into it.

That has potential:

>Globgor becomes Mewni's kingdoms representative.

>He is overworked due to the conflicts two cleaved by force dimensions carry.

>Meteora grows seeing how the situation is damaging her dad's health and decides to become perfect at everything to aid him: top scores, good faked personality, representing Echo Creek is sports competitions, always helping humans with whatever they require...

>As a result, she barely sleeps and only shows her true self around Mariposa. She hates Star for ruining what could have been a powerful kingdom for taking the mexican dick.

>Mina notices this and fakes a mewman/monster attack against humans.

>Earthlings react aggresively (Globgor is presumed dead) and Meteora faints in the forest over all that accumulated stress.

>When she wakes up, and old Mina salutes her as Solaria's heir (she saw Solaria accepting her grandaughter in the Realm), poisoning her mind against humans and recomending Meteora to conquer the whole place.

>Meteora crowns herself queen and Star/Moon/Eclipsa stare with horror as Mina stands by her side in the throne.

>"Let's make Mewni great again"

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>Mina notices this and fakes a mewman/monster attack against humans.
Why would she need to fake it?
Monsters are literally attacking humans in the final scene.

Then why doesn’t Eclipsa have cheek marks either

You mean the spider? She was pointing at the tree, though.
The Poniheads are foing worse by blocking air traffic.

And I guess user meant Globgor had things under control after that, causing the health damage due to overwork.

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Even if she has had a change of heart in the afterlife, the resentful look she gave Mina still felt cruel considering that she's at least partly to blame for what Mina had become.

p much this

Solaria points out MANY times in her chapter how her daughter is the most important thing in the world to her.

Mina trying to kill Eclipsa, no matter the reason, counts as high treason to Solaria.

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moon's heel turn is still unexplained in the finale. kind of sours the whole thing.

I like Eclipsa's looks in the end, with no marks or purple arms.

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I think maybe glossy made them from regular things like rhomb was just a big ass crystal and a couple snakes he magic'd up, omni was a skull with little swords in it. maybe she was just a regular girl before he made her magical so now she's just a mewman.

But it is explained. Mina was going to try to kill Eclipsa and the monsters anyway. Moon thought that she could limit the damage by taking things under control so that they would only banish Eclipsa and her family, and perhaps having to banish the other monsters away too.
Moon erroneously believed that she could lessen the conflict as long as she's in control over the whole situation. Moon's been a control freak after all, and she had to take care of the dumb mewmans too, so she always felt responsible for it. Her tendency to try to nannystate everything was a bad trait.

Seasons 1 & 2: 7.5/10
Season 3: 7/10
Season 4: 5.5/10

Every ponyhead episode: 2/10

yeah, this explanation makes a lot of sense, but i suppose i would've appreciated it to be forshadowed a little harder. show moon actually going through the thought process that you're describing here.

Eclipsa, Moon and Meteora look better without the marks... but it just feels weird with Star.

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>Moon's been a control freak after all
Because she was forced into her position not just once, but twice: after her mother died and after Eclipsa became queen and the displaced mewmans came to her.

>two dimensions
Ha ha, how cute
You think it's just two

Don't mind me, just shilling my last projects for this fandom before I go away forever.

/sveg/ tribute [Open]
Star vs the Parodies of Yea Forums Vol.2 [Open]

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Moon was always depicted as uptight and somewhat controlling. Later, after Eclipsa became queen and the first disgruntled mewmans were shown leaving Monster Temple Kingdom, those imbeciles needed their nannygodqueen to tell them how to live their lives, so she always had to be there for them.

Put the bean mouth on and she's literally CalArts

Did Star and Marco end up a couple?

Which is funny because Moon herself pointed out it was those specific mewans fault for not telling Eclipsa what the problem was.

All the mewmans who stayed in New Monster Town got new homes, and so could have they. Moon even says this but ultimately decides to keep on nursing them like babies because she is obsessed with the queen job (while River hates it because it makes them miserable)

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but in those same episodes where she's being asked to control their lives, she's very clearly showing some resistance to it. she would like to not be the nannystate woman for a period of time. she would like to try out the freer life that river is a part of. so this heel turn feels as though it is betraying moon's new inclination to not be the nannystate woman. even though of course she ends up having to do it a little to appease the idiotic common people.

It was cool playing Dont you forget about me before the episode
you made me cry you little bastard

They tore two worlds apart to be together.

They better be a couple.

The character designs in this series were so bland. Losing the cutie marks just solidifies that fact.

Nah, she definitely tried to give up on it - that's what the business with the daily schedule was all about. Then Mina busted in with her dumbass shenanigans and the people kept calling her Queen Moon and she remembered she's the only semi-competent issue resolver about the land, so it was back to the grindstone.

I skipped season 3 and 4 and just watched the final episode, it was pretty good despite not knowing what the fuck was happening

A 3.6/5 Not great, not terrible.

fuck you if your ship sank, this was cool

Remember when Moon built the wall?

Just made this.
(To the tune of season 1/2 credits)
I think Star was a massive shi-it show.
I've seen so many, that I think by now I'd know.
I think they suit me, they're just my style.
I think I'm gonna stay a little while.

I think that endings are just tests you've yet to take.
The worse the ending, the more there is at stake.
I'm really thinking I should drop this fucking show.

Pretty good.

Do you actually think it was a massive shitshow, though? I loved the first few seasons and honestly my only problem with the ending is the magical genocide (because seriously, what the fuck).
It had flaws, but I'd rate it overall as very solid.

The coronation fiasco (fiasco from her part as she expected a massacre to happen) should have be enough for her to stop aiding Mina.

Mewmas/Monsters were already taking democratical choices together in peace and everybody was happy. Her logic just feels plain retarded after being there.

>"Mina was planning to attack all by herself (you know, against Terminator Baby, the Queen of Darkness, the Plucker of Limbs, Star motherfucking Butterfly...) with shitty plans Yada Yada Tier, so to keep damages at a minimum I GAVE HER A MAGICAL ARMOR AND AN ARMY"

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Funny how the writing is completely inconsistent and character motivations and indeed, historical events are altered to fit a message.

How she acted at the coronation was some bullshit, to be sure. I think the armor/army was just her assuming she'd be able to undo it all when it came to it so it wouldn't have mattered; plus landing her back on the throne and able to rein in everyone's retarded asses while also again showcasing how magic is used unthinkingly for massive things in preparation for the ending. Having Moon do that feels jank but I get it.

naw I loved this show. I tried to write "Was a pretty gre-at show" but i felt more inspired to write the other way.
It's one of my favorite shows ever because the first 2 seasons.

>When they see user's dick

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Good shit. Into The Wand, Page Turner and St Olga's are some of my top episodes of anything at all and shit, I guess Star vs is probably in my top 3 shows.

Into the Wand is so underrated, probably my favourite episode of the show. The most successful 'horror' episode in any cartoon

Meteora's way cuter without the clovers, guess they were too big for a baby design.

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>Convinces Mina to join her nutty murder spree
>Casts a ritual on her that quite literally makes it that those affected by it can't feel empathy
>Says she was her most trusted ally in the war in her book entries
>Proceeds to give her the fucking cold shoulder and lets her get trampled by some eldritch horse without giving a fuck

Damn Solaria was a bitch

Solaria literally made it Mina couldn't feel empathy. Its pretty much her fault

You don't try to kill your general's only daughter, she is not going to like it.

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Fucking right? The magic system is absolutely great with all the weird shit they did with it, like all of Mathmagic or in Storm The Castle where Star shrinks a dude into the scene itself.
Not to dude drugs, but I've rewatched Into The Castle many times on ketamine and it's a fucking ride each time.

Was it foreshadowing?

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>Leader hammers in that all monsters and monster lovers are horrible and need to be killed no matter what
>Literally casts a spell on you so you have no conscience in battle and are battle hungry
>Commits tons of atrocities herself
>My daughter sided with monsters. Wh-why are you trying to kill her? Fuck you

Tough shit Solaria, what the fuck did you expect her to do. She literally knew the effects of her spells on people. I can get letting Mina get rekt due to what they were trying to get done but at least look somewhat bad about it. She was her most loyal companion

Not only the baby design, I've fast edited in my mobile phone and Teenage Meteora also improves without the clovers.

(And I already found the original design hot)

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are you rarted? it sounds like absolute shit even if you didn't watch a single episode of the 4th season.

They are together and that's all that matters.

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Everything gets 0/10
Shit show
CalArts never ever again.

"Hello infant. Ready to deal with the fucked up situation Star is going to put you in because of her lust for mexican cock?"

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>But the kid's still here
Does his wording seem off to anyone else?

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Ow, my heart.

They really deserved that last encounter

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This. In the #MeToo era having your husband have sex with someone who worked for your show is a career destroyer. Allegedly this is the girl Bobby fucked in the video (played Princess Spiderbite).

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Mid quality bait

Starco became the worst ship as it destroyed its own show's finale

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>summon Solaria back from the dead to tell Mina to fuck off
Could've been that easy.

have the one for the whole season?

I want this video so bad

Did the Ransomgram creature count as a magical creature? Is best girl okay?!

What was the reason for time travel episode with Toffee? Like why were it in the season?!OrRz2CyQ!6mIlukCR3H03MPGqvvAUzA

Meteora becoming the next Solaria sounds fun.

She's just a regular monster and is now somewhere on Mewnifornia. She should be fine.

To teach Meteora how to dip down + show how the first royal family happened to be.

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thanks jebus i was looking for this.

Love this song

WTF is this actually true?

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Starco is (sort of, if you reach a bit) like if Haruhi x Kyon were G rated boring shit that's less interesting than other ships in its own series.

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7/10, comfy for the first two seasons.

After they left earth this show went to shit. If the people of earth weren't dumb enough, mewmans and the other magic dipshits were absolutely braindead

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Heekapoo was a bad counselor 'til the very end. She should have agreed on Eclipsa's plan and not Star's.

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So what was the moral of the story with the whole magic plotline?
>Have infinite power of creation limited only to your imagination.
>Can only imagine destroying said power when a whopping dozen people misuse it.

I'd like to think they were going for "absolute power corrupts absolutely" yet instead we got "fuck anything that causes me the slightest amount of effort or stress."

Nefcy's a bad writter but she wouldn't
treat the characters from the story that kept her from suicide for years so badly overnight like that.

>magic was only used to create magical dildos for the Queen
>magical products always end up fucking the user
>magic is abused to create super soldiers and wage an unnecessary war against monsters
Magic was not a good thing in Star vs. It was just a tool to perpetuate the Royal family, but it didn't benefit society at all.

Eclipsa was the one who proved to be a good queen when crisis strike. She had a good plan and the Realm gave her enough power to pull it out.
The finale would have been a 10/10 if they followed her lead.

Moon wanted to hide and cry over her mistakes, while Star decided something as important as the destruction of all magic, over a tantrum.

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Is there like a source for the rumors, did she say some questionable shit. Or was this all something some aspie dreamt up on the fly.

We rank the Butterfly modes:

Baby Meteora > Eclipsa > Moon > Neverzona > Star

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>the #MeToo era
This stock phrase is used in the media to push the idea that the authoritarian principles embodied in the movement are already and inevitably triumphant.

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And if Kyon had an alternative who was a much better match.

Mikuru doesn't count because she doesn't seem to be attracted to him and Yuki doesn't because Kyon isn't attracted to her.

Eclipsa = Green Meteora > Moon = Purple Meteora > Star

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>Star didn't even know the spells were sentient
So if you don't think your victims are sentient beings, that makes genocide ok?

So Mina did nothing wring after all.

Yea Forums should write a better ending.
This was horseshit.

Eclipsa's hair literally looks like a shit emoji

Mina's, Star's, Heekapoo's and Moon's plans all result in genocide

Eclipsa was the only one with a plan which involved the lowest number of innocent people dying.
Funny enough, she proved to be the only queen capable of leadership during a crisis.

Literaly nobody on this board would be complaining if they had agreed with her and gave us one last epic fight.

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Not great but not bad either.

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Hekapoo seemed to be the only one of them that doesn't actually care about her job.

Moon's entire motivation seems to have been "Uhhh, no. I'm in charge. I've always been in charge." and that she knows what's best.

The flaw in that arc was having her just go "oh no star is mad oh no what have I done" and not going full monologue on Eclipsa about her life and struggles as queen of Mewnie and how clear is is that Eclipsa just wants to be with her family and doesn't even give a shit about ruling mewnie.

>Star and Marco return to the ruins of Butterfly Castle after finally defeating Mina, both still grieving the heroic sacrifices of Glossaryk, Hekapoo, Rhombulus, and Omnitraxis in the final battle
>they are received by a multiracial, multigender, multispecies group of Mewnians and Monsters who bend the knee to them
>Globgor comes in and says "it is not time to be sad. let's celebrate life"
>musicians walk in
>*upbeat version of the end credits song sung by Taylor Swift plays in the background*
>Star smiles to Marco and both begin to dance
>in the distant clouds Star sees the force ghosts of Comet, Solaria, Crescenta, Estrella and the other queens smiling to her in approval
>she returns their smile, then tenderly looks to Marco and kisses him
>not far away Eclipsa is dancing with Globgor and Ruberiot is dancing with Foolduke
>Janna still looks gloomy, but suddenly she turns backs and sees Tom, she smiles and hugs him
>Ponyhead looks all grumpy, and walks to the stage where the musicians are.
>everybody goes silent
>"you call this a celebration? Let's show them how it is done in Ponyhead land!"
>Ponyhead and the other pony sisters fly in with musical instruments
>some kind of Caribbean music begins to play and fireworks begin to explode in the background
>Jackie and Chloe make out
>Ludo and his monsters interrupt as if they had been planning to raid Butterfly Castle, but they listen to the music, throw their weapons and begin to dance as well
>Sabrina (the character not the dyke) shows up in a wheelchair, smiles, turns to the audience and says "Truly, this was Star... versus the Forces of Evil, who were the friends we made all along..."
>Nachos flies into the camera and blows fire
>screen fades to black
>the end
>written for television by Daron&Dyke

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Poor Reynaldo didn't have a saying in all this.

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you are both fucking deusional

Mewberty Star (purple) > Star (gold) > Moon (armor) > Moon (queen dress) > deviantart OCs > Meteora (Neverzone) > shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eclipsa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meteora (babby)

I have to disagree:

Moon (queen dress) > Eclipsa = Meteora (baby) > Moon (armor) = Neverzona >>>>>>> shit > Mewberty Star >>>>>>>> Star (Gold)

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Which was worse? This or GoT's ending?

See, now I just feel stupid for being sad that Lekmet died and having Spider with a Top Hat as one of my very liked characters cause they're just fucking dead now

Lekmet died doing his job, Omnitraxus and Rhombulus were freaking eating pizza and dreaming over useless meetings without context ot purpose.

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What/who the source of this info?

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Reddit's fanfictions

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Yeah but I mean when Lekmet died, I was sad because it felt like a real causality. Now all the magic characters are gone and it's like "oh well"

Glossaryck felt like a real casualty

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Glossaryck fucking made this happen.

great morals for a kids show
>ahah oh well i guess we killed some flawed people and changed the world , which no one agreed to because we are selfish, we are the heroes

The captain sinks with his ship.

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Star (When Marco is in Danger) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone

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I think you mean
>Hey if you think you deserve to die, you're right!
Fuck Glossaryck and Star, worst dad plus worst girl and main character.

He's omniscient, he probably planned all of this from the start.

Season 1 8/10
Season 2 9/10
Battle for Mewni 9/10
Season 3 7/10
Season 4 5/10

Overall 8.8/10. Season 4 overall was a letdown but it was overall enjoyable.

Season 3 is worse than season 4 if you take out Battle for Mewni.

Season 4 had some good episodes once Star left Mewni to hang out with Marco. Everything in season 3 after Battle for Mewni up until that point in season 4 was garbage.

Yea Battle For Mewni was where the show blew its entire load and it shows by just how the quality fell after it. Rather than being a single special, it should have been the start of the overarching plot of season 3 of them going against Toffee to take back Mewni gaining help from the monsters who weren’t in line with Toffee’s conquest and reversing the corruption of magic. Instead we got teen drama and Butterfly family drama

Everything is Skywynne's fault for having another baby.

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>Knows she'll never get Marco
>Chooses to die

She lived well.

Talon will never know what happened to his girlfriend.

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Jackie and Tom were lucky to have actually dated Marco and Star, realized it just wasn't working, and break it off naturally. Hekapoo and Janna didn't have that same luxury, and simply felt that life wasn't worth living without Marco, so they gave up on life altogether. It's so sad...

Hence why it’s season 3. If separate:
Battle for Mewni 9/10
Post BfW 4/10

Put it together and it’s not a bad season nor the best but goddamn everything after battle was shitastick

this is all eclipsa's fault for lusting after monstercock

>Star vs the Forces of Evil
More like Star IS the forces of evil

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>stopped watching at "Night Life"

It was... a sensible choice...

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Janna is alive.

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>End falling into the same old American mindset
Seriously, what's the difference? Burgers can only conceive the world in terms of cowboys and indians

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She is! In a minute she'll be fine.

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Kinda disappointing ending as the implied so many open story strings that could have still been done.

Eclipsa was best women and damn I would want a wife for life like her..
Globgor you are one lucky bastard to have gotten a women like that.

So Janna confirmed for having adventures with the old Sanchez?

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You mean decades.


I wish to find a woman who loves me as much as Eclipsa loves Globgor. She is also classy, loyal to her man and top tier housewife material.

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>loyal to her man
we all know she fucked every other monster race before settling for him

Can we talk about how fucking kino this scene actually is?

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Everything after Season 1 (including the new unicorn Deus Ex Machina at the end of season 1) is shit.

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0/10 made me reply.

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Get yourself a girl who loves you above all else.

10/10 best moment of the episode.

Eclipsa's family was the only one who delivered quality content in this shitty finale.

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Stay mad, faggot.
Your beloved Solaria gave 0 fucks about Mina being raped by a horse, and accepted Meteora as her heir.
Why wouldn't she, taking into account that baby is the strongest Butterfly ever?

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No, that's your headcanon because you don't know how dating worked before Tinder.

The Book of Spells makes clear Eclipsa barely interacted with the monsters she had dinner with because she either found them boring or disgusting. Once the meal was over, she would inmediately return home to write.

The only ones she dated more than once were Globgor and the septarian, and even then there was a clear winner... but she would keep it a secret (giving him the same score when in fact he was a 10/10) for Globgor to make the move.
It's basic rom-play, teasing the one you are interested in so he/she confesses first.

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It's ooc is all I'm saying. No context was given to develop her character in this direction. But I guess that's like pointing out a fly on a soup of shit.

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What means is that the ponyhead kingdom has always been part of the Mewni dimension and is not some other dimension like that hairdo universe from which Kelly comes from.

The delicious tears of Minafags after this scene, the unicorn rape and pic related made my weekend.

Fucking kino.

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yes I know what they wrote in the book for literal 12 year old girls, you don't have to spell it out for me retard

>“Ship War AU” is completely null and void thanks to the show’s finale.
Oh well, it was fanfic comic garbage anyway.

Moon and Comet is better.

Except it's not, read the fucking book.

Solaria loved two things more than anything in this world: her daughter and power.
Meteora is her grandaughter and the most powerful Butterfly, only a retard like Mina wouldn't see it coming.
At least the unicorn who raped that twintails jobber filled her bloody ass with sperm and "ideas".

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It's obvious he has to when you are not capable to understand a book for "12 years old"

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All Solaria's scenes were kino.

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I mean, if anything, Mina should have been the one with a face-heel turn and Solaria remain "evil". Given that we've had all these arcs with Mina and one 3 minute flashback with Solaria.

But ah rekon Mina was always meant to be the straw-man, right down to her gosh darn accent. Because fuck good storytelling.

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yes she loved her daughter so much she forced married her

>oh Star, pls don't mind me, just before the show ends i will steal the most emotional moment of the show then you can do whatever with Marco
How did she got away with everything

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Most accurate ratings to my own experience as well user.

She thought Eclipsa was like her and only saw men as useless pieces of meat to fuck and have children with, she failed at understanding Eclipsa couldn't sleep with someone she didn't love and that only wanted power. Same reason her feminazi agenda blinded her and seriously imagined her daughter didn't need a strong male parental figure.

If she had known how miserable she was making her daughter she might have stopped but she didn't listen nor she had the time with the innecesary war she started.

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Because she deserved it for having the only good plan in the finale, yet be ignored because Star had a tantrum.

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We already had a septarian villain during the first seasons, morron.

Also Eclipsa killed the septarian generals, Crescenda made Seth unpopular and the movement was pretty much dead with Comet.

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They did mention it in Meteora's lesson.

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she sure must fucking love her daughter if she can't even listen to her
they both were at the silver bell ball and eclipsa made it really fucking clear that she doesn't want to marry a spiderbite

You know what? I liked that the ending didn’t leave everything solved, IRL not everything has a conclusion, and leaving the series somewhat open-ended makes the world feel more alive, and allows fans room for imagination. At the same time, I think the show gave a satisfying conclusion to the plots people were emotionally invested in.

I’ve to say I liked it, it wasn’t a groundbreaking finale but it left me feeling glad I watched the series, and not feeling like I wasted my time like so many finales do these days.

user, if your mother never made an horrendous choice for you with the excuse "can't you see I'm doing this because I love you?!"... you never had a mom.

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>Also Eclipsa killed the septarian generals, Crescenda made Seth unpopular and the movement was pretty much dead with Comet.

What does it take to make you understand that you shouldn't need the books if the series is well-made?

Solaria hated monsters. Then in the last scene she suddenly didn't. Snap. 3 minute screen-time and instant redemption. Mina spent seasons interacting with Star and the world around her. And often being proven wrong, at least according to the show's logic. Then at the end, when she's depowered of magic, mewmans and monsters working together... nothing. Multiple episodes of screen-time . Straw-man to the very end. No character arc. Mina and Solaria should have had their endings swapped.

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Not many shows where the ending is killing countless magical creatures. Even weirder for a show that focused so much on discrimination. Did the writers not know this was the last season or what? It felt so rushed and left even more questions.

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why do you want Mina to turn good? some people just never learn and that's just how it is, I like her better that way

Not him, but in the beginning Mina was right. Then the world changed and she was half-right. Then they take her plot to where it was always going and say she is wrong. Then the world changes and she is right once more.

Don't really want her too, but it still makes more sense than Solaria suddenly turning good. We had episodes focusing on Mina, not Solaria. Solaria literally has no reason and context to switch sides.

7 before this last season 4 because of the propaganda plot and hamfisted ending.

it felt like a ragequit. They basically dispose of characters to avoid writing them a life post-crisis.

Solaria loves her daughter. there.

Given how sabrina cotugno comes across as a massive woman-child, it would not suprise me that this ending was a massive "throwing her toys out of the pram" moment.

It was literal garbage that made even shit like Tomstar suddenly seem well-written, and if you actually believe that was done well, or Meteora in general, then you're a terminal brainlet

>Liking the character that made the show shit.

Then she should have died in the magic

Okay jelloapocalypse

Are you fucking kdding me.
They introduced a magic eating demon that makes shady deals.
They had Marco stabbed and corrupted all for it to play out to nothing.

Have sex

>They introduced a magic eating demon that makes shady deals.
I thought that thing was Glossaryck in disguise and kept expecting it to come back but it never did. Why did they both look and sound so much alike?

0/10 wasted potential kill it with fire.

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>The imp can teleport at will
>She's a magical creature
>She's now dead

Fuck Solaria, she doesn't deserve a happy ending.

So, do you think he is slowly brewing magic again? Like he was at the end of season2?

She uh, teleports biologically.

No magic dummy

Magical biology.

Everything other than the political shit was good. Even the problematic shit was totally deniable
and at the end we saw a unicorn, showing there's still hope

hey guys i just jacked off to Star again

The only shit season was 3b.
I was ready to be disappointed by the finale, but it was pretty Nolan-esque.
But the only thing I was expecting and didn't happened was
>Hekapoo should have survived
>No timeskip/ No Starco development
At least it was better than GoT

People just hate everything good now. I think they were delusional enough to think starco ending wouldn't happen, so they had a lot of justified REE built up

Insider leak.

trips confirm.

Got away with everything/10

I'm amazed that a cartoon got away with portraying genocide positively.

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Apparently so.

>genocides all magical creatures
>forces all dimensions into the same space, likely killing millions through the ensuing wars and conflicts

Wouldn't surprise me if Star got labelled a terrorist and was assassinated like Bin Laden

Of course not, it's the same gossipy bullshit Yea Forums spews about every show with a shitty ending.

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t. Cotugno
go back to ruining owl house.

how a fat whore that draws shitty doodles can blackmail her anyways, with that?

I love how the best thing to come out of this show were the cuckquean memes

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This is why I'm somewhat surprised at the amount of negative reaction to the ending. Star Vs became the ultimate "whatever" show sometime in the middle of season 2. There's no logic to any of it, problems are resolved through last minute deus ex machina and whatever they can throw at the wall, there's no real constructed jokes, empowerment is confused with power fantasies and empty wish fulfillment.

The ending is shit, but it's the same flavor of shit it has been for 2 and a half seasons. It wasn't a sudden change in quality, and shouldn't have come as a surprise.

Did I dodge a bullet sitting this season out?

I sat out since S3 began and I still feel like I wasted my 21 minutes of today

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WHY WAS MARCO STABBED IF NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN Was there any point to it, i felt as it was set up to be something to deal with later on but they literally did nothing with it, you could argue it was a magical horn and therefor when magic was destroyed it heals, but we saw it was a literally hole in his body, i get that the magic damage could be gone but the hole it self should have bin there.

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God I hate this show.

It should be mocked for how fucked up/stupid it was.

I don't even watch the show but it still boggles my mind after hearing all the details.

They should have given Wander Over Yonder a third season, not this trainwreck of a show.

A much better, cooler ending would have been to have Star change how magic worked so that EVERYONE could use magic.
Then you have an epic battle scene to finish off the series with all the characters we've come to know and love using cool magic powers to take down the Solarian warriors. You could even give some key characters special magic unique to them (like giving Marco karate-based magic, Buffrog sneaky, spy-type magic and Janna weird, Cthulu-tier fucked up magic).

This also resolves the issue of magic creating an unfair imbalance, since now everyone can do it with ease there's no longer a risk of one Queen fucking up the whole world with no one to stop her. Just give everyone on Mewni magic and make it so that anyone on Mewni can use magic easily.

Would have been a much better ending and way more fun to watch.

Wasn't there a mega link with season 1-3? Does anyone have it?

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I think the biggest indicator was that when they discover Mewmans were humans Star literally says "Marco, no one cares." That should have been a HUGE plot point.

Honestly I think it's because of how lazy the ending was. Even by the show's standards the lack of shits that the ending gave for telling a consistent story was on a whole different level.


Bros, what do I do now? There's nothing to look forward to.

Is it finally over

Janna died, went to hell, and is now dating Tom.

i feel like making another suicide gif. Who should it be of and how should they do it?

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Randomgram Monster shouldn't be this sexy.

The ending was lacking as fuck. So are they gonna do an epilogue where the US government sends in the army, navy, airforce, black ops, spec ops, and area 51 to all affected areas where freakish monsters and outsiders have taken residence. Also the resulting possible worldwide backlash against random people and creatures now in their countries. I expect much genocide within the next few years.

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why everyone keep forgetting that magical creatures like ponyhead are still alive?

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You're an idiot, Ponyhead specifically isn't a magical creature because said character has plot armour from the writers who just love the freak so much.

It would have been anarchy anyway so I guess in the end it would have been better.