Why do Supergirl and Power Girl not have the same "messiah complex" issues modern writers keep having with Superman?
Supergirl/Power Girl
Because girls can never be a messiah
possessing a vagina means you will always be destined to be the one penetrated
Karen is fat cow tits and Kara is cute perky tits.
Their characters are about them being cute tits, not Samsonite figures
You should be assraped
They weren't made in the 1930s.
dont be offended by the truth
Senorias give birth to messiah.
They live in a world with superman and wonder woman.
Both are written with flaws.
Ta da.
Women just don't seem imposing enough to be seen as godlike.
Superman is a built absolute unit with a face that inspires both security and fear.
These two just have tits cause comics needed a sales boost and tits is always the way to go.
Shut your mouth, Yea Forumsmblr
You should be ass raped
I honestly wish some time a woman commits a mass shooting against men. I don't understand what's wrong with american women, they have the same access to guns as men but they don't just go and shoot bunch of guys for the shit they do.
I don't think it's a woman issue, it's that both Kara's have identity issues and having a strong sense of self is a prerequisite for a messiah complex.
Just let a cute dude do it and I'm in.
because if they ever get rushed and disarmed, you can be sure as hell they'll get gangraped before the police get there
Men are more likely to complete a job than women are when it comes to what's bothering them.
As usual, men are more efficiant.
It doesn't matter if he's cute or not when you die because of internal bleeding
Get your throat slit
Women are more moral than men, that's what I think. Even though I really hope there were more rare cases that were on the same level of psychopathy as males.
Thank god men kill themselves more often than women
Jeanne d'arc story would be kino.
Interesting point.
I get to both get fucked by a cute guy and die?
Looks like a win win to me.
>Women are more moral than men, that's what I think.
Stopped reading right there
Could be, or could be that the media makes more dollars on reporting crazy men than crazy women.
Women can always jump on a new dick when they're angry.
Men commit most of the violent crimes, make up 98% of rapists, most dictators are men, most mass shooters are men, and so on, men commit most of the evil in the world and should be purged
Of course a male would think that all anger comes from not being able to fuck, males are fucking obsessed with breeding.
I said I already stopped reading
I don't even know what the fuck you wrote in your last post
Bothered you enough to make you reply now why wont you join other men in suicide statistics
tits or gtfo
Every day I am closer. Some day I will end lot of men.
>men commit most of the evil in the world and should be purged
t. roastie
Men are both more moral and more immoral than women in the same way men can be far more intelligent or far more stupid. Women are essentially humans averaged out because they don't actually need to be competitive, while men should strive to be intelligent and powerful to weed out the stupid and weak forcing thus honing their abilities.
I mean, I'm sure women would be total dicks if they didnt fall over so easily when you pushed them.
It's true. Kys scrot
I want to see you try, virgin femcel.
Now you have to do it, roastie.
Still didn't read
won't even bother replying to your blah dee blah blah garbage
You're the kind of retard man I wish to murder with you pseudo sciense shit
Because the idea is retarded.
It will be your fault
I can only fap 3 times a day at my age.
I'm totally using two of those sessions for this image.
>obsessed with breeding
you don't hang out with a lot of men do you
Power Girl grew up among super powered people, making her recognize that while she is powerful, she isn't a god. Supergirl was a teen when she got to Earth and knew what it was like to have no special powers for most of her life, making it less likely for her to develop superiority complexes.
I can't fap to that
How would they both fare going against superman at the same time?
>because if they ever get rushed and disarmed,
Yeah because that has worked so many times before
>you cant be a messiah figure if you are destined to be penetrated
Go home Butcha and make that doujin about the dual Karas raping the ever loving fuck out of Nightwing that you teased so many years ago.
Men are also 100% gullible douches that do what their pet vagina tells them. Wanna run by me how many queens actually controlled countries by handling the greatest dick that sat on the tables, along with goading their men to do inhuman favours for them?
Men are upfront and brutal with their evilness, women are conniving and backstabbing. It's like everyday interactions, if a guy has a problem with another guy, they'll probably confront each other and depending on how it goes, they'll break each others teeth. If a girl has a problem with another girl, they'll both act normally and formally and then they'll try to backstab and ruin each other behind each others backs in the most vile way. Different methods, equally evil.
The correct answer is that both are equally great. PG is the woman you want to marry, SG is the highschool whirlwind romance you have and wish will last forever but hopefully she'll mature into PG.
Look up Zimmerman
R.I.P. best adult western cartoon guy.
Because people actually want to write Superman
>Because people actually want to write god Superman stories
Best is a strong word, but he was certainly prolific.
>Because girls can never be a messiah
If I could, I'd watch you burn.
Bigot, she was obviously black.
user, she was a schizophrenic
Isnt anyone hearing god?
Don't care, not a theist.
She is one of the few religious figures I care about.
>those digits
Hitler please go
>Is actually real
>Accomplished a ton of amazing stuff.
Heavenly protector of martyrs, captives, military personnel, people ridiculed for their piety, prisoners, soldiers, women and Women's Army Corps.
Looks great when gender bent.
What's not to like.
am I retarded or is this post complete nonsense?
Preeeetty sure Christ was penetrated rather thoroughly.
kill them all fucking tranny
Can we just post cute pictures of Supergirl (and I guess Powergirl too, if that's your kind of girl)
Postpartum depression kills more babies than you think.
>Women just don't seem imposing enough to be seen as godlike.
That wouldn't stop me from worshiping either of them though
Any essential reading for Peeg and Supergirl?
I've read JSA and I remembered reading this one comic where Steel(Girl?), Traci 13 and Supergirl(with black hair?) had a threesome but I forgot most of what happened in that book.
your wish is granted
there have been women who have gone on shootings
Because the ones who get to write stories about Superman are more likely to be pretentious and desperate to make some sort of "meaningful mark" in comic history (or simply pretentious and with a need to insert their views into the medium) while the ones who get to write stories for Supergirl and Power Girl are more likely to be into feminism.
Supergirls gimic is 'teenage/young adult girl with powers', Powergirls gimic is 'has large tits and a temper'.
People who want to write about a messiah complex aren't going to choose one of those characters to do it with.
In addition superman is seen as a big/important character, both in our culture and inside the dc universe. This attracts writers who want to make a 'statement' about something or other.
Not being taken seriously is a double edged sword for a capeshit character.
That goes without saying.
>already relinquishing blame
lol women
Is that Power Girl solo comic any good?