Toonami General #8

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Other urls found in this thread:

breasts > ass

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Sarada is shit

What is that wall made of that Naruto with the Nine Tails's chakra doesn't have the strength to pull his foot out of it?

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>Naruto gets his brand spanking new power up

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thank you

Naruto: gains control over the nine tails
Also Naruto:

Looks like its shark week for the narubort power hour.

Bets girl

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I just want more sharks


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Best girl

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If only he had a power up that increased his IQ instead of his strength and speed.

Best girl

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i bet you wont show us your boobs uncensored

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Almost there friends

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Whoops I mean best

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So does Narpo ever get the other half of the nine tails his dad sucked up?

>losing your virginity metaphor

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How many episodes until the next filler arc?

his dad sucked it too hard its gone forever, the OG furry

As someone who stopped watching Naruto at the point when the original series ends and Shippuden begins, what is the exact part it all goes to shit?
Zabuza and Haku were the high point, though Lee vs. Gaara was also great.

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Hey folks I know it's way late and I'm probably missing most of you but there was a couple things I wanted to shill out and I completely forgot while scrambling for the playlist!

There's a couple kickstarters going on I think you folks might want to know about. Both have reached their goals so don't feel obligated unless you want to donate, but they're worth watching.

First is this one by Cybertronic Spree, the band of Transformers cosplayers formerly dedicated to covering Stan Bush and other 80s style rock and since moved into general nerd rock covers and even some original work. They can be hit or miss with me sometimes but I love that they exist at all and I fully support people pretending to be robots to bring music to the masses.

Second is this kickstarter for Blood Machines, which is essentially a sequel to the Turbo Killer music video by Carpenter Brut. It's purpoted to be a 50-minute movie following the events of that music video, on the premise that the video had enough space to flesh out the lore of its world better. I'm fascinated by the idea and it looks good. And fuck, I can't say no to more Carpenter Brut.
And Blood Machines is just a super metal name, let's be real.

Anyway, I might mention these again next week, but I wanted to drop them here while the campaigns were still about halfway in. Later, /TG/!

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I already get warned and temporarily banned for a good chunk of OL images somebody else can take the reins on posting whole titty

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Onis unite!

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shes really interested in her balls huh

How much of this episode is recycled from the previous one? Holy fuck.

pretty much the current part we are watching, because it's when Kishimoto decided to retcon a bunch of shit into a convoluted mess

I can hear vicious in guy's evil self. Wew.

Onis unite

Attached: the henshin that caused many Hibikifag massive butthurt.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

Pshh, that actually got me

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Now thats a cute Ryuko

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>playing CoX a lot recently
>seen my first Kinetic Melee in my group
>watching them intently
>its like they are focusing energy into their hands to attack
>not brute strength
>very mystical like looking
>their point blank attack is just them balling up energy to slam it into the ground
>their tier8 attack is them forming energy into a ball and throwing it at an enemy
>watching toonami
>get inspired

Costume changing is a thing and apparently you can change body types now. I can go from sticc to swole, even to girl.

So I ask you, toonami general, should I do it?

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Freaking Gai

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Who are you?

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Early Shippuenden, then it peaks again at the Pain arc, then goes back down.

Shadow Gai looks weirder than I remember.

Aww I was hoping old grandpa Guy was gonna come out.

thats not a fish thats a dude in cosplay

Oh shit nevermind I think I just watched this part on Youtube recently.

>Gai actually knows he's full of shit

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In the war towards the end yea

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why do people draw crying little kids, is it not embarrassing and awkward for them in real life to see a small child cry? do they say "aww cute"?

Samehada you slut!

cucked by your own sword. Shameful.

Not sure why B would give it back to the Mist.

bee is a fucking treasure

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>they weren't even paying attention to fish guy

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>Yes, I know.

Will the Yea Forums servers crash literally the exact second we do image limit again?

>Oh no, he's escaped into the water!

Kids irl crying arent cute, cute 2d girls crying is cute.

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I'd say right after the pain arc, especially when charcters are brought back from the dead
>A transformers 80s cover band
I'm fucking sold

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Don't think I don't see those bulges

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>flies away in a water shark

>Shark Bomb!

He lost it in a rap contest.

>H-hes fast!

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literally flew into the sky.

>it's a Gai fight

Hell yeah, motherfucker.

Only if we're lucky.

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I'm just going to listen to music for 10 more minutes, I can usually sit through what this block throws at me but this fish fight is really fucking dumb, sorry dudes.

How can water fly?

>Ow Owweee I twisted my ankle
Oh well I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable, Naruto.

Jawsome. Jawsome to the Max.

Are we close to the armadillo penis episode yet?

Jesus christ

Fuckin' Gai is redeeming this episode

>double jump
The legend

...Okay did that flashback arc literally drain all capacity for seriousness from the show so now everything is full goofy?

wow this guy REALLY loves sharks

Depends on what they're crying about. Sometimes it's even funny.

Tailed-Beast resistant... Stuff.

Getting there, think we get paperbomb rainbow first.

>Guy Yoshi'd his own summon

thats kinda mean



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I think that was after? I know it was after the frogsuiter thing.

Something Peacock right?
Flaming Peacock maybe?
Thanks Bleach.


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Oh shit, is it time for Afternoon Tiger?

>I've known two other ones
Who is he referring to?

Is every jutsu this guy has shark-related?

did Kisame just Kamehameha a shark at him?

>he thought it was a chakra bomb
>Guy just punched the air so hard that it turned into a tiger

How is Guy so based?

and there goes Kisame for real this time

Gotta represent his race, homeboy.

If you got it, flaunt it.

Rate this episode of naruto.

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Guy is literally one of Kishimotos best character off of his charisma alone.

How is it that this is just...infinitely less cool than rock lee opening his gates?

>feeling the power of youth
Poor Kisame



morning peacock

Next week Kisame is a real human bean

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>250 of 500

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Did that happen last week or something?


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It's his thing

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Hate to jump on the bandwagon, but during the current. It's bearable now, but the flashback retconning so much of the original premise of the series is really the beginning of the nonstop asspulls and retardation.

Ha, nice. Thanks for the heads up.

Yellow flash.

>Relied on Chakra absorption from a taijutsu master

Kisame you fucking idiot.

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How come Lee never became this much of a beast?


Even Madara complements him later hes THAT based


because Rock doesn't have magic powers like everyone else so when he does do something that might as well be magic its cool as shit

Hey Toonami General
Give toonami better ratings

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Guy opening that many gates with no consequence is kind of bullshit

He specializes in martial arts in a wizard dominated setting, that automatically bumps him up quite a bit.

Purple, Gai helped redeem it a bit

Gold for Guy

The animation for it was kinda shit.

It gets better when Gai opens all eight, though.

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Cause it's causal for Gai

I wonder how much more condensed it would be with a kai cut.

I hear more than half the total of all naruto episodes are filler.

Well, that was a long, fun night of asskicking (and laughs), but now the last non-rerun is over. Time to go to bed. Remember that every true warrior craves not more war, but peace and a chance to rest. There are no treasures greater than those close to you, like you, my good toonami general friends.

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I mean there's a guy who's jutsu are all insect related and one who's all dog related, is it really that big a stretch?

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Shinigami cup golden

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Demarco just needs to do a Marathon every few weeks or something because no way this gonna take another 5.5 years

seriously brightburn is fucking retarded

QUALITY episode, the anime team really seem to hate Guy for some reason.

Guy isn't using magic, though. He's just punching and kicking really hard.

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 111 (of 131)
11:30 My Hero Academia 50 (of 64)
12:00 The Promised Neverland 6 (of 13)
12:30 Sword Art Online: Alicization 15 (of --)
1:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 36 (of 39)
1:30 Black Clover 70 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 32 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 250 (of 500)(Finaly Halfway)
3:00 Hunter X Hunter 143 (out of 148)
3:30 Attack On Titan 12 (of 24)
Week 364 of Toonami

>Ratings for 5/5
11:00 DB:Super: 756,000
11:30 My Hero: 586,000
12:00 Promised Neverland: 397,000
12:30 Sword Art Online: 367,000
1:00 JoJo: 327,000
1:30 Black Clover: 340,000
2:00 Boruto: 314,000
2:30 Naruto: 315,000
3:00 Hunter: 322,000
3:30 AoT: 253,000

Tuned out lol

Who would win?
>magical martial arts style using life energy to create ethereal attacks that can do practically anything
>just fucking punching him REALLY hard

It'd be easier for us to move heaven and earth than do that.

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Finally its time for best girl's show

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Goodnight, warrior user. You're still a quitter, but an honorable one.

Did you do this earlier and I missed it? It's extremely late man.

Time for hunters

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But Naruto just ended.

How long until this happens?

Let's see which of the two plots takes more screentime this week, hopefully the one that's not boring as piss

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I want Bisky to scold me.

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There is the tinyest bit of something interesting in it but the whole "Superman is evil" is just so played out and always done in the cringiest way possible.

So neither?

Time for Hunter X Hunter!

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Apparently the line is mistranslated and he originally said that he fought Guy twice before.

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I want to play Jump Force just for Biscuit but than I would be playing Jump Force

I think in about 4 years.

>May 13

That was last week. Are we in the future?

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Imagine those lips on your dick.

Biscuit agrees, kill all ants.

why was ging a bear

Of course it is putty tat

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You aren't cute at all.

there is a fanmade Kai cut that condenses the entire series into 72 episodes, each about 2 hours long

Ging Freecss everyone

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>who's jutsu are all insect related
That's a little bit broader, like having jutsu that are all fish-related. It's not like bugman's jutsu are exclusively fruit flies or something.
>all dog related
Kiba? Doesn't that have to do with attack styles moreso than just creating a bunch of chakra attacks that look like dogs?

Was that some fucking Rachel Lillis?

Too damn long. Just watch this instead:

I voted for the barely awake lady.


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So fucking cute

I got pulled away from something sadly and couldent post as much as usual

Imagine if we didn't have that one marathon night, you know the one.

thank you for keeping my edge strong

Those are extremely lewd tanlines.
Did she wear a bigger bikini specifically to get those tanlines so she could switch to a smaller one?


Actual ratings

>Ratings for 5/11
11:00 DB:Super: 875,000
11:30 My Hero: 556,000
12:00 Promised Neverland: 468,000
12:30 Sword Art Online: 456,000
1:00 JoJo: 414,000
1:30 Black Clover: 399,000
2:00 Boruto: 321,000
2:30 Naruto: 301,000
3:00 Hunter: 330,000
3:30 AoT: 262,000

>that face

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>when you kick a nigga so hard that the force behind the kick turns into a dragon and eats him

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I love it

F time not well spent here with us

I voted for Trump.

>tried to doctor it

Can the models from Jump Force be ripped?
Imagine the porn.

I know this feel, I want to play it because Ryo from City Hunter and Kenshiro but I don't want invest time into installing it.

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Statler and Waldorf bro, is that you?

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Horsechads not like this.....

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Time for more nerves.

I don't think you like HxH. All the same, we await your return, warrior.

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>When your power is just getting ridden by other people
Grandma is kinky

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now Granny is a jet

i thought we were seeing the side of her face at first

Thoughts on Pyon?

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Now I understand why she's a butler.

I don't know why I asked. I knew the answer would be disappointing.

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Man, I wish my grandma could turn into vehicles.
And was alive.

>Black Clover bump STILL going on
Based Chadsta.

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nah i was just referencing him

Pls go away /pol/

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So, if Killua was trying to escape from everyone, weren't granny and friends supposed to bring him in? Or are they helping him because he's a good lad?

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>mfw Killua is referred to as a female on the Sling TV descriptions

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>user, give me your eyelid!

wat do

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Damn I haven't heard Nanbu in a while


What the fuck, why is M. Bison here?

I only like girls who can make a good sandwich, can she do that?

Lain for Toonami when?

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I still legit do not know why granny nanny has such an effect on me. its not lust, its not love.. i cant describe it.

I mean yeah they JUST described what she can do, but there has to be something else. There is no way she is just a whatever she is to be able to move at those speeds as well as be deadly enough to instill fear in Killuah

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they only bring him in if he leaves Alluka or says anything to anyone about Zoldy secrets

>make an ability
>have its effectiveness depend on someone else

But why? Is she that committed to serving the family that she'd make herself a walking vehicle?

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I prefer Cluck.

Watch them first. They had orders to bring them back if he sway too far from Alluka.

That's quite the cleft he's got.

But the models are horrible, user.

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I would breed that bunny

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nice robin i havent seen this one begore masinemine diagna atelorose, got more like it? i like the dark skinned robins where it looks like she fell into the m


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based Morel getting votes

His endgame?

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Does it count as a refusal if I pretend to not know what an eyelid is a constantly give her random things?

Wait, are they taking advantage of the bad situation to get all of Rat-Man's goons killed?

How did Hisoka hear him?

Why in the fuck will they not bump Black Clover up to replace Jojo?

clowns have meta awareness

What the fuck, mang.

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I want Biscuit to win the election!

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I think it's less about the look itself and more about the fact there could be porn

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>that 4th wall prodding
Stop it, Hisoka.

what happens if i write your eyelid on paper and hand it to her

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Rubber nen

Yes. You're going to wind up getting crunched if you pretend to not know what it is.

Hes gonna build a wall and make the ants pay for it

Does Jump Force have no redeeming qualities?

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you're pretty face is going to mail

It's not Robin bruv

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How would she know?
Maybe I'm just very ignorant.

I guess they have a new annoying ad to spam, and its mcD's. Also f u c k d a r k p h o e n i x

Healing Gon from his own retarded action has already cost +22 deaths.

The protagonists of this show really are sociopaths.

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Canary is the best.


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It would be horrible, though. The world has more than enough horrible lewd.

It doesn't even have best girl, so no.

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Whose side is anybody even on anymore?
I don't think I actually care, but it's still a valid question
This is not okay.
Don't care.
hopefully never, so I don't have to sit through it.
And not even the kind I can be invested in.

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Killua is trying to help Gon and Alluka at the same time.

Sorry not sure how i managed to type the literal opposite when the words aren't even similar, I need to go to bed after this episode.

she'll ask again or ask if you are refusing her
she knows what she wants

Because he's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor.

Gotta sacrifice a few to save one.

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I mean, you probably indirectly caused a few deaths today, do you care? It's not like you know them or even seen them.

looks like a dude

they all have cabin fever over there

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Killua is an assassin and killed a bunch of random people during the hunter exam for no reason

She got my vote.

Why are they still showing Chimera Ant bumpers?

>Jasmine is an action chick now
God damn it current year just stop.

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I mean, we kinda knew that for awhile now

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Not sure how many there are

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She doesn't, but the entity inside her does.

What do you have against needle people Killua? They didn't choose to be like that.

I've not played it but I can safely say it's a downgrade in comparison to J-Stars on the grounds of it doesn't have Fighting Stars
I agree with you but it's idea of lewds even if they look terrible

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>Oh no! Titans!


>caused a few deaths hanging out in my room all day

Doubt it

Is this the part where they all dance in Unison?

But she's always been something of an action girl. Maybe not the seasoned one like Al, but she was doing quite a bit during the cartoon series.

If you fuckers ask "Are we there yet?" one more damn time...

Pitou is my only reason for living, my life has no meaning without her.

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Hey Toonami General
Give me a new show

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It just doesn't sound worth it.

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How could anyone not possibly love Canary?

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Why doesn't he just ask Allukah to wish them to Gon instantly?

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Ripping off her nails like that, holy shit.

>needle people
That's seriously what they're called?
That's not a very good name.

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This is by Bang Zoom right? Why are most of their dubs bad? They're like between Funimation and iirc ADV.

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>Tsubone handling nail pains like a boss

She's a butler to super-assassins. It probably ain't no thang.

That would require something that could transport them there in the fastest manner, which would likely cost a ton of people

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>swallow or yawn or do the tongue thing similar to about to yawn
>ears crackle every time
this is so fucking annoying its driving me insane

This is some weird shit, man. I can barely who's loyal to who in this family and who's double crossing who.

Attached: c0708.png (1280x1024, 1.32M)

Holy shit this guy is crazy.

This dub isnt that bad, nice not to hear the same funi asshats over and over.

This dub is decent.

fucking Hisoka

I love this pervert clown

>I bet you wouldn't have any problems sacrificing people to save Gon.
Killua is literal fucking sociopath. He would kill anyone without a fuck.

What is your wish Toonami General?

Attached: Hunter x Hunter - s03e07.mp4_snapshot_17.04_[2019.05.19_02.22.30].jpg (1280x720, 56K)

She's been with that family for a long time. She's seems some shit and done probably more herself

Honk honk

to have giant sex with you

Still amazed we're getting this so soon, I'd have figured it'd be a few years or so.

Loving family to call my own

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I want a beer

For Boogiepop to be on Toonami

If I'm nice to Alluka like Killua then I'll be able to dick him (her), right?

Bring back Pitou

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fucking boogiefag

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Well fuck, Killua know this shit inside and out.

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free us all from the faggit

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Trade you a beer for your wish

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Wait, so no member of the Zoldyck family has ever been fucked up enough that they were willing to wish to be healed?


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This, he literally made the decision to run over the needle people.

I thought it was Viz

what happen

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What happens if you do not want to wish for anything when conditions are met?

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honk honk

Next week

Attached: Approval x and x Coalition.webm (640x360, 1.18M)

Hunter X Hunter Arc List
>Hunter Exam Arc: COMPLETE
>Zoldyck Family Arc: COMPLETE
>Heavens Arena Arc: COMPLETE
>Yorknew City Arc: COMPLETE
>Greed Island Arc: COMPLETE
>Chimera Ant Arc: COMPLETE
13th Hunter Chairman Election Arc, 5 Episodes Remain

This has been your weekly Hunter X Hunter Episode Summary.

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Bianca is pure sex

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Viz is the studio that licensed this series.

Bang Zoom, is the company that handled the dub

I really have to wonder what the point of all this was.

There's not enough works of Bianca.


I wanna be a Kamen Rider

Attached: drill.webm (640x480, 2.67M)

People have told me Bang Zoom doesn't get the license to shows and they're just used by places like Viz for dubs.

I don't understand why kill them?

>hisoka the gay pedo murder clown is unironically a better stealthy assassin than every ninja in naruto and boruto combined

Attached: Hunter x Hunter - s03e07.mp4_snapshot_21.33_[2019.05.19_02.26.40].jpg (1280x720, 67K)

oh yeah, AoT is still a thing...

Attached: 1523164113705.png (720x720, 882K)

I got home to watch HxH and I'm tired as fuck, I'm just gonna say that I started playing Blood last week and the game is really good. but yeah, see you guys tuesday....

Heal my sexual frustations with your body.

every wish thus far has been selfish, and they haven't bothered with selfless wishes for their testing yet. killua knows more than anyone else because he wasn't horrified by alluka and figured out how she works more personally. plus special exception clauses for him specifically because of treating her kindly

you die

What kind of beer?

Perfect health. Better management for Toonami.

I wasn't paying attention,

what was this pure palladins thing again and why did Hisoka decide to kill their leader instead of Killua/Alluka?

time to do my own thing until the thread winds down to the end, i'll stay but i am not watching titan

im gonna miss this early clocking out next week

No witnesses. Those guys knew Illumi's identity and his responsibility for the murders, and that was also a connection to himself. Hisoka has to protect his image.

Have you not seen how strong their family is?

Later, Photog user.

That makes enough sense, Re:Zero is more or less the same deal with Funi

Given their skill levels, it's quite possible none of them have ever sustained any permanent damage that would be worth the risk of using Nanika, so they've never had reason to use her for healing.

Any music you're listening to /tg/?

Because he lives in a society

What kind you want? I'll even sweeten the deal, how about two beers?

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3 faggot hunters thought they could get votes by telling the public about an evil hunter on the loose and doing some citizen's arrest shit to stop him, but he just killed them all for interfering in the Alluka plotline

30 intervals of 60 seconds left in the night. Don't turn in just yet!

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Hand. Hand.

Attached: Heal.jpg (329x397, 18K)

>HxH finally moved all the way to the dead slot at the end next weekend

the fact that ma movie exists shows we're doomed as a planet

Time for Attack on Titan...

Attached: Attack on Titan Yaranaika.jpg (881x720, 51K)

Have a nen lawyer write a contract stating that she now owns my eyelid.

He didnt want to die so Alluka had to die, but he didnt want to kill anyone he knew there yet

Ive been listening to the GIrls last tour OST, nice to chill out too.

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good anime on toonami

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What is Brightburn, just an evil Superman movie?

There are like 5 episodes left so it's fine
I sorta wanna know how people react to Migi in the last episode

>30 intervals of 60 seconds
bruh you just fucked me

They held two votes in the time it took Killua to fly to the hospital, right? Just how long was that flight?

I'm listening to that 101 track Ed, Edd, n' Eddy album made by some indie band based entirely around Kevin, some user posted it a while ago.

Attached: 1542919838132.jpg (559x1000, 150K)

Then I wish for a gallon sized container of water based lubricant.

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Have you seen Mom Zoldyck's face? I haven't, because it's completely fucked.

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One of the smaller factions in the election was trying to boost their numbers by reviving an old tradition in the Hunter Association that was disbanded by Netero when he became chairman: the Pure Paladin Squad. Netero was himself a member of that squad, but dissolved it after becoming chairman and replaced it with his zodiacs.

Basically the anti-Netero faction was trying to revive the Pure Paladins as a gimmick to get elected, saying they'd fight for justice and clean up the Association. Killua exploited this publicity stunt to enlist their help in interfering with Illumi's needle people (they'd have no hope of stopping Illumi himself), the Pure Paladins predictably leapt at the chance to do something high profile like bring a notorious murderer within the Association to justice to prove they mean business. In the process the Pure Paladins and anti-Netero faction found out Illumi's identity, but didn't publicize it, as they wanted to bring him to justice themselves and not let anybody else get the scoop first.

This is your reminder to go watch Godzilla: King of the Monsters when it comes out on the 31st. You better fucking do it. I NEED this movie to succeed! Kaiju Kino must continue!

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Thats a lot of lube for one man

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Is that a Touhou?

he has 2 roommates

how are the Hunters even voting? Are they all physically just hanging around the Hunter HQ to constantly line up to drop written ballots in a box every new vote?

>worth the risk
She can evidently still see and function fine. She's just a little bandaged.

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Having the sex the bees and the eagles

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Awwww fuck, i was more tired than I thought. I fell asleep during BNHA and woke up just now with Eren's titan scream. Oh well, maybe next week

does it have a silly hat? no
then it's not a touhou

That's what they were doing a few episodes ago.

I don't know, I'm not familiar with Touhou

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Gimme two Flying Dog Blood Orange's and you got a deal

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They're allowed to cast votes off-site as long as the right people can verify it.

Migi appear on a book titled NEXT some guy is reading as nod that Madhouse was doing the Parasyte the Maxim anime after Hunter x Hunter

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So, I'm gonna have to watch the rest of season 1 tomorrow then, right?

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God I love those plain looking girls

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I'm just wondering if that's what they are still doing
I guess they are all required to vote or they give up their Hunter status, so they are all stuck there until someone wins

Why, are you listening to something?


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I didn't even realize it was Madhouse that did HxH.

Based Ian
I hope he's still alive

Remember when AOT just came out and it caught on like wildfire and the OP was a huge hit and then they waited like two years for the anime to come back and fucked the hype for it permanently?

I've had worse meetings.

The first ending theme didn't tip you off?

You can't just say that and not post it.

Hes not

We gotta make a stand. We gotta make a statement. We got a draw a line in the sand. Say "what am I willing to put up with today" NOT FUCKING THIS.

See you next week, Toonami General!

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I don't even remember HxH's first ending theme, it's been so long.

Madhouse has done a lot of shows that air on Toonami, which is surprising cause mostly I think of Pierrot, Toei, and Bones when I think Toonami.

remember when season 2 finally premiered and then took fucking forever for anything to happen

Always a struggle to stay awake at this hour
It's depressing really considering how hyped AoT used to be.

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The show went to shit after Jon left.
But at least he's doing well for himself now.

Velvet Garden and Two-Mix songs

Attached: chicks.png (1280x720, 682K)

Yeah I was in high school when that caught on, shit was inescapable.
Here you go

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It's very much the type of theme you'd associate with Madhouse adaptations.

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Yeah the last show is always a bit hard to sit through, wish we had something thats comfy like bebop or gits to end on.

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Bones hasn't really contributed much to Toonami recently besides MHA and Mob Psycho. They used to be more of a player though, with FMA, Soul Eater, Eureka 7, Space Dandy... lots of good shows.

Also Sunrise. More old Toonami than modern, just a few gundams and cowboy bebop on new toonami.

Jesus Christ the last season was so mind-numbing with politics and bullshit exposition I kinda forgot the whole Bio-mech angle and how much of a genre twist it's all supposed to be

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Isn't Madhouse notorious for never doing 2nd seasons, hence why One Punch Man was tossed to that other shitty studio that is fucking everything up?
Is it because they were tricked into doing a long running shonen like HxH and swore it would never happen again?

I hate my life.

You had FIFTEEN MINUTES, Goku. Fifteen fucking minutes.

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Good taste

Attached: Edea butt rub.png (1024x1024, 515K)

Mostly they've done Black Lagoon, Parasyte, HxH, and OPM S1 from what I remember

Fifteen minutes of absolutely mind numbing dribble.

What can I say my man, I love brown girls and I love 2B.

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Space Dandy is always nice to get into the cycle

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Hellsing Ultimate too.

It's better than being a retelling of WW2

Attached: Attack on Titan Jews.jpg (977x1024, 194K)

the politics will be back, although the whole Kenny gun squad thing gets dropped almost completely

Good man
Virtual high five

how many of them are dead?

Mah nigga

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I prefer a retelling of WW1

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I've heard that one before.

every single all of em

And Trigun, Casshern Sins, Summer Wars, and Hellsing Ultimate. It's a lot more than you realize at first.

Well I know what I'm fapping to after this

>Tanya never
Fucking Demarco

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Hey Eren, your mom.

I posted three, which one do you mean.

I'm glad to have helped you reach a conclusion

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Wakey wakey!
Rise and shining!


The titans are so stupid looking I just can't take this shit seriously.

Also Cardcaptor Sakura
It wasn't on Toonami but they've also done Death Note, Paranoia Agent, and Kiba (Was on Jetstream),

It's been a long time, but I've always been here.

Have a good one, Toonamibros, and remember to sing a song for the Toonami Man!

Attached: sleepyviddles[1].png (540x307, 226K)

Shhh, Eren is sleeping.

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>Cardcaptor Sakura
I remember watching this when I was younger on some site and I found a book thing with the cards you could buy, it was cool but I never got it and I wasn't that big on the series anyway.

It's like they want me to root against the protags
oh goody goody gumdrops, and all after the one semi-interesting character died

Time to fap then sleep. See you guys next week.

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Damn what happened to Eren?

Goodnight Toonami General, I hope to post with you again!

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Feel your heart

Night anons of /tg/ see you all next week!

Sleep snug smug

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Tomorrow, you!

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heem sleepy



Attached: Goodnight tg.gif (750x550, 897K)

Shit, we don't even get to see the climax?
The rerun's going to end like that?
What a disappointment.

I was figuring as much, I don't know if the other 2 aired with anything so there was less chance someone would have heard them.

And so another /tg/ comes to a close, may the ass of an older woman be your guide my brothers.

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Thanks user

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The night is over. I can't feel my legs. Have fun, everyone, and see you all next week.

Attached: Sleeping Stag Beetle.png (1189x1200, 1.35M)

With AoT returning, perhaps you want to let them get you. So you don’t have to watch the block next week

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Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the desu of the board
She is spamming out the desu
Where the maidens of wrath are stored
She has loosed the fateful desu
Of her terrible desu sword
Desu is marching on

I have seen her in the replies
Of a hundred thousand breads
They have builded her a garden
Laced with ribbons and with threads
I can tell apart her visage
From those two eyes, green and red!
Desu is marching on

I have read a fiery desu
Writ in polished rows of jade
For all who would condemn her
Of Suiseiseki, be afraid!
Let our heros, Desu Legion
Come swiftly to her aid!
Since desu is marching on

Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Desu is marching on!

She has sounded forth the desu
That shall never call retreat
She is sifting out the dreams of men
Before her desu-seat
Oh, be swift, my heart
To march for her, be jubilant, my feet!
Our Desu is marching on

In the beauty of sakuras
Desu was born across the sea
With a spirit in her bosom
That transfixes you and me
As she tended to the soul trees
Let us keep our boards strong and free!
While Desu is marching on

She is coming like the desu of the morning on the waves,
She is desu to the mighty, she is desu to the brave,
So the world shall be her desu, and the desu of time her slave,
Desu is marching on.

Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Desu is marching on!

Attached: de8d4f512e7b1c1cfdac5c614e3f09d5dfcaac9a56b5b62b5af74707ca1dcc13.png (704x553, 423K)

G'night fellas

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Later dudes, let's fap again next time.

Attached: Bye~.webm (640x360, 320K)

Is there more to that pic?

good night

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Remember kids, be here 30 minutes early next week. Don’t be that dunderhead asking where MHA is

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Alright I just did Krone tonight.

Attached: Krone-Bow1.png (878x1102, 377K)

And that's fucking game

There was certainly something happening at every corner tonight, and I wasn't bored outside of the usual suspects

Like always I'm glad to have spent it with you all, see ya next week frens

Attached: dd14ftf-pre.png (894x894, 368K)

Someone will do it as a joke anyway.

You too user

No there isn't

what's taking the 3:30 slot?

Night everyone.
See you next week

Attached: Therapy reminder.jpg (500x379, 34K)


RIP in peace kohai

Sleep snug, smug.

Good luck little duck! Your movie was good!

Stay safe, Kaguya!

Attached: sleep.jpg (512x612, 97K)

Welp, time to hit the sack. Gonna go see John Wick 3 tomorrow with and old buddy.
Night Toonamibros
nice of you to chime in nonetheless bro
Sleep snug, Smug
Good Luck Little Duck
Sleep tight, Popper
Thanks user

Attached: w15 (1).png (1022x1388, 329K)

It's 4 in the morning and I'm watching Japanese cartoons. I've lost control of my life.

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Welp, thats all for this week! Its been fun watching with you guys! See you all next week and keep your waifu close till then!

Attached: sample-21dd58f4a9374e60c859cb66b7fca841.jpg (850x792, 151K)

a mid hour is a shit time to start a block


sleep snug smug

The pre-sleep fap block

Rejoice lads, Naruto Shippuden is only halfway over!

Here's one final reminder that One Piece is the greatest selling comic book of all time, WORLDWIDE!


Attached: WorldRecord.jpg (655x814, 129K)

Not sure what makes her click with you so much but nonetheless glad you seem to have found a muse

As awful as the singing ad is now, I've been eating them for years before it and I will continue to do so, it is time for some 4 am fruity pebbles.

i always wanted that, but was too afraid to ask my mom for a girls toy.

>Can't be home till 12
welp, can't they just move Naruto power hour up?

>48 Hours Later
>But it's black people

>HxH ending the block

Fuck you too Demarco.

>those ones stuck in the window

The proportions look kind of strange. I can infer that she's bowing, but her torso doesn't really have any depth to it so it also kind of looks like she's a shortstack with orangutan arms.
Some shading or something might help.
I appreciate it nonetheless!



uu 2

Didn't they just show this episode? I remember him hopping the fence like, last week or something.

It was a book with tarrot cards or something, I dont think there was anything feminine at face value but maybe I'm wrong.

Got it!
I'm gonna have to finish the season tomorrow.

Attached: Tayuya.png (2048x1536, 999K)

Night all.

The end is here. Not too much going on tonight, but BITES THE DUST is more than I'll ever need. We'll get more of it, too. Hope you guys had fun tonight. We'll see you all next week, so until then sweet dreams and happy waifus.

Sleep snug, smug.

Nice job, bro.

Always do.

Attached: 1557651688670.jpg (834x1200, 1.1M)

Mmmm the Hateocracy

praised be thine desu, forever and always.

I can't lie. Black characters in anime are a bit rare so I tend to get attached easy. And Krone is so emotive and childish with her mannerisms I can't help but love her.

Sleep tight, Popper

sleep snug, smug.


Those are some nice arms in the third image.

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the childish stuff is really annoying to me, its so over the top and grating

Jojo has only a few episodes left, they're letting it ride out into the sunset. HxH similarly will be over in a few weeks. Soon the last 90 minutes of the block will just be an entirely skippable pile of shit starting with BC and ending with Naruto.

Sleep snug, smug

Good luck little duck

Sleep tight, popper


At least it’s only 10 episodes

more lewd

Night niggas

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>Stinkmeaner's crew
They're killing it tonight.

Attached: 1527790542234.jpg (559x713, 56K)

bye bye bye TG!!!

Are you a gentleman of dark complexion yourself, drawbro? Or do you just like the exoticness of it in anime?

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I love how, despite being the most skilled fighter in the series, Huey almost always loses.

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Vision V really goes with whatever that fight scene on Boondocks was.

Well, he IS a child.
Skill can only take you so far.

Attached: Ada strut.jpg (800x800, 230K)

Both honestly. Like of course it's nice to see More brown ladies but in all honesty I just like characters that are brown, Black or otherwise. It's just an aesthetic I'm fond of.

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I can see the appeal for her.

I'm not watching so I'll take your word for it, but I imagine it'd go with anything fast paced. I wouldn't have thought of it with Boondocks though.

>a bit rare
That seems like an understatement. But like I said whatever floats your boat man. Now that you said it I can certainly see why an emotive character can be interesting to a drawfag

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>most skilled fighter in the series
Except for the crazy kung fu psycho bitch.

Them little nigglets almost got killed.

No matter how good he is, he almost always got matched up against competent adults. Only dude he ever beat up was his brother.

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Gemusetto Machu Picchu

And Ruckus that one time, I'm kinda bothered that was never brought up again.

He is 10

>I can see the appeal for her
Glad you noticed

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Please no

This. Maybe if he were a few years older he might stand a chance against an adult, but he's still a little kid and they're puny. And Riley's all talk.

That was messed up, [as].

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Ruckus was only competent with the nunchucks

He's a kid going against grown adults who have strength, agility, and reach far better than him. The fuck do you expect him to do?

There is also the fact that most people he beat up are those who didn't see it coming (Police Officers) or those who had numbers and he had to hold his own with his brother. (when they went to prison)

>blind man steals a readers digest coupon.

>make a show as a gag
>spam it on the schedule
It’s really grating when it’s broken up into actual episodes rather than ran 6 hours straight

Still that's a thing I wish they brought up again in some way. I don't need to know how he got good at nunchucks.

I like that about Riley. Every single fight he gets in he jobs instantly because he doesn’t have any fighting talent

>The Hateocracy ep

There we are. Sleep smug, snug.
Sleep tight, Popper!
Thanks, please do the same.
I've considered it, but I'm too lazy to unstrap the boxcutters from my feet. Also I want to live to see the dub of the Super ep where Vegeta goes Blue Evolution.
Thanks for the unfortunate PSA. I hope someone pays attention to it.
Creepy AND cute. Good job, HG.
Goodnight to you all as well! Once again, no matter what trials and tribulations we face, circumstances beyond our control of those we let get out of control, may we all return to our homestead to enjoy (or lampoon) our beloved Saturday night block!

>MHA at the start of the block
>AoT returns
... At least we have each other.

Glory to anons! Glory to Toonami!

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Sing on Piano Bro. Been a wile.
Sleep snug, dubs smug
Good luck, lil duck
Sleep tight, Popper
I got MHA and DBS set to record if I don't get home in time normally. 930 is too early most Saturdays.
A job application!
My thoughts as well.
Goodnight Toonami General
Set Sail
Stay Gold.

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Bitch deserved it tbqh

>most episodes Ruckus is fat and old and acts accordingly
>now and then he is fit as a teenage athlete

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I love this idiot.

I salute you, my friend. Now let's enjoy the ass whupping.


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He probably could win if learned some shit instead of being a lil bitch.

More images!

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There is no way you can get back up after that

Doesn't he throw punches with his pinkies out? Why does he do that?
Real good way to get broken pinkies.



I think he is supposed to be a representation of many black youths that talk shit and act tough just to get dropped when they push someone too far. Part of the reason you see so many worldstar vids where 5 dudes jump one guy is they know none of them could do it solo


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Another good detail, doing goofy, impractical things for show

I miss them... I wish Demarco would let them on the block. At least for the fun shitposting.

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>it was a nigga moment
I like how the cop knew what a nigga moment was since he's black and just waved it off

>Stinkmeaner singing the ending

Well time for the chill post toonami thread

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Sad how true that is.

Boondocks has consistently been one of the best parts of the entire adult swim block for a while now

I always wondered what the fuck that was. Shows how accurate it is though I used to imitate that too back in high school.

>uh officer it was a nigga moment
>oh ok got it

>pass out at 1
>wake up missing everything
Fuck bros

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This. I've seen way too many of that type in my life, and I'm not even that old.

And prevalent.

shame Season 4 was so mediocre

>I used to imitate that too back in high school
From the show, or is it a thing real people do?

Werent you here the whole night?

Hey man, you grow up in the right places and you take nigga moments in stride.

Damn man, you missed one of the best Boondocks.

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Index and Pink fingers when curled while out can hurt like a punch from the knuckles.

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No I went to sleep after SAO
How was Black Clover and hxh

>watch Toonami on stream
>stream doesn't continue past the block
>don't get to watch Boondocks
I've got Slingplayer, but man is it a fucking pain to use.

Yeah thats the worst part of watching a stream

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Forgot to mention, the thing a lot of people apparently don't seem to notice is that Bruce always tucked his pinkies back in before throwing a punch. But again, people trying to be cool without knowing what they're actually doing.

>when curled while out can hurt like a punch from the knuckles
I don't know what this means.

He's not making fists and leaving the pinkies out, though. That just looks like a general relaxed-hand stance.

What I don't understand is how Dish's official dedicated video streaming application gets worse quality and more stuttering than some guy streaming a screen capture of a stream he's watching in his browser from his home Internet to my browser window.

man i hate having dish, its like direct tv one-upped it, with direct tv i didnt deal with as much glitching and random black screens (not just the channel, if i have a guide up everything goes black for a couple seconds at random), the guide itself on direct tv could go way further and even back a few in the past

BROS that Fire Captian chick is a qt in black clover
Is this the last episode of the anime?

Because dish doesnt give a fuck about you and that autist on the internet wants everyone to enjoy the stream

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yep, thats the way it ended

Sol is still hotter.

I had to listen to cherry cola myself because Dio fucked everything.

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yeah she is pretty great

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I mean, I suppose you're technically correct.

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So what’s gunna replace it

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Attack on Titan I think

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You guys talking about Black Clover?
There are still more episodes animated and it's still on the schedule as of next week, so I assume the dub is continuing.

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Panty and stocking with garterbelt
Scanty best girls. Rurus!

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So am I the only one not into the black dynamite stuff?

stop drinking soo much then

I like the art style, but otherwise it’s mediocre

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well, that ends the huey and suey hour.

I think you might be.

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I find it hit or miss, and more often than not miss.

Well I like it, but then I'm probably within the target audience.

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I enjoy it.

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are you black?

Robinfag is black?

Brightburn looks fun, reminds me of The Irredeemables and Unbreakables or something
Time to waifupost!

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I think it was Kira

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Goodnight all, it's been another good night with you. Now that I'm back at my place for a couple months with TV I don't need to rely on streams which makes the night progress much easier.

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And the fujiko user sneaks in again

i like it, but it has some misses. like i don't care about that richard pryor episode at all.

>both Robinfag and HG user are black
This night is full of surprises.

Nope, I just grew up knowing a lot of black people. The kind of growing up where you just casually refer to everyone as your nigga. It was unusually fun times.

Fucking hell, guys. Nice work.

It’s over! Goodnight everyone!

oh well, better luck next week robinfag! always good to have you in the threads

I started using streams when my laptop broke and prevented me from posting from my TV room, but even after fixing it I've stuck with streams just because it's more convenient to have access to my desktop's much larger image folder and my musclegirl collection during Toonami.
The only real downside is not being able to pause/rewind, which I rarely did anyway since it'd put me behind the thread.

Well tayuya user likes getting the previous thread

The only consistent source of good boobs through the night, because we sure as hell aren't getting any on the actual anime block.

What an odd thing to hear, but still thank you. This place is always fun to hang out in.

>Erin Fitzgerald girl in Boruto
I watched her chocobo dungeon stream. She seems friendly. Made a joke about Michelle ruff though

Have those sweet waifu dreams tonight friends

>not black
>just casually refer to everyone as your nigga
Do such places exist?
Though, I guess the climate may have been different 10-20 years ago. Nowadays you'd get doxxed, expelled from school and have the Twitter mob after you for daring to utter the N-word as a non-black.

It probably won't win any awards, but I'm still in it just for a fun cheesy WHAT IF SUPERMAN WAS EVIL movie.

I would love it if it was cheesy but from the previews it looks like it's taking itself way too seriously.

It's the true last image.

Remember when Toonami lasted until 6am and we’d get Toonami Gold medals?


I don't know if I could do that anymore. Even 4am is getting tough for me these days.

Goldnami goes to 6 still.

watching Witchblade right now.

You could do it! You just have to believe in yourself
Really? I’ll try it next week

Goodnight anons

Things were different back in the day, user. Back then you could still teach kids to not be racist, but not be a self-righteous condescending bitch about it. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it just seemed like we all understand that it's not just about words. It's about attitude and intent. Someone casually calling you their nigga is clearly different from some angry middle aged white guy yelling it at some kids. Shit ain't rocket science. We weren't little babies who had to go to social media about every little thing that possibly could offend is. Everyone goofed around, it didn't matter where you were black or white or latino or asian or shit. We all knew racism was a thing but mostly knew better. You could call someone a black ass son of a bitch or a honkey ass motherfucker and everyone would just laugh. Today's society would never let that fly, everyone's too fucking sensitive.

Or at least, that's how it was for me. I dunno about any of you.

Its only tough because there is nothing interesting at the end of the block

>watching Witchblade right now
What channel?

I know it's a joke, but my heart still slightly fluttered at the idea.

It's a bit much sometimes, like this past episode or the gay Halloween one, but every episode manages to have a few good jokes or moments.

Night, user.

It wasn't THAT long ago, but I still think of those days fondly...


Funny thing is it wasn't even that long ago. Block's just steadily been getting smaller and smaller.

It wouldn't be tough if they gave me back Bebop.

>It wasn't THAT long ago
Toonami has not ended at 6 AM for nearly four and a half years, with the exception of the special April Fool's marathon last year.

On stream

it's over now though.

What's the anime that's playing now?

ahhh these threads always go by so fast, posting in them is just to much fun.


I don't understand it at all.

>shots look vaguely futuristic/fantastical
>figure from character designs that it's some sort of adventure anime
>suddenly basketball

I stopped watching as soon as the shitty cgi robots showed up

yeah, the earlier shows are better. ROD, Dennou Coil, Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei are some of the good ones in the lineup now.

did any characters even die tonight

not really

S-shut up! Four years isn't that long ago!
Lord, I need another drink.

Later nignogs

Toonami has not ended at 6 AM for more than half the time it's been on air since its revival in 2012.
The majority of all post-revival Toonami runs have not reached 6 AM.

Yes and no!

So is the naked 1000 year old SAO loli next weekend?

Pitou is love

Pets still a best