Post stupid bitches who ruined everything in their respective series. I'll start.
Post stupid bitches who ruined everything in their respective series. I'll start
Never watched this show so what happened
She basically snapped the infinity gauntlet in the finale.
>And so it begins
Yea Forums biterness over Star vs finale will last for months
She committed genocide in order to stop another genocide.
She spent the whole season whining about racism then killed off entire races of magical beings and forcibly integrated her dimension into Earth, likely to never face the consequences of either.
She killed TRILLIONS to save like, hundreds.
inb4 Korra
The only good thing is Mewni is basically California now so nothing changed.
what else is new?
She killed more people than the thanos snap. Not even Korra fucked up that hard.
>Fuck up the lives of everyone around you just to get human cock
Things would literally be better off if she'd stayed dead.
here's what ive learned from western cartoons: women will ruin everything for chad's dick, be it starting an entire war that makes millions of sentient beings suffer or murdering an indescribable amount of living things simply because they are magical and magic being somewhat problematic
Star did nothing wrong
women can't into magical girl shows...pic related.
Star and Marco belong together. I don't give a fuck what has to happen to bring them together.
But that's not Cotugno..
Steven universe is not a magical girl, weak bait, try harder
wasn't Sailor Moon created by a woman
I will be posting this in all.
The show has ended, thanks for the ride and i'm happy i shared it with you guys.
Now sappy faggy feels aside, We need to stick to one thread so we can stay in this blue board and not get kicked out. Now that the show is over we are basically jumping on thin ice if we keep splitting, this can be used as excuse to get banished out so we need to stay in just one.
As of now there are around 8 threads, two of them are already past limit but the other 6 still have a lot before even reaching the limit.
I guess he means American women can't into magical girl shows. Pretty much every actual mahou shoujo had a woman at the helm
first season had soul...what happened...
>what happened...
They went to Mewni