Seriously who the fuck asked for this?
I thought the first one did poorly?
Seriously who the fuck asked for this?
I thought the first one did poorly?
Other urls found in this thread:
What's this even going to be about? I thought the first one was a misguided attempt to tell her tale, and paint Maleficent as a didn du nuffin hero to fairies
>A fantasy adventure that picks up several years after Maleficent, in which audiences learned of the events that hardened the heart of Disney’s most notorious villain and drove her to curse a baby Princess Aurora, Maleficent II continues to explore the complex relationship between the horned fairy (Angelina Jolie) and the soon to be Queen (Elle Fanning), as they form new alliances and face new adversaries in their struggle to protect the moors and the magical creatures that reside within.
Yep Maleficent is still the good guy.
Can't wait to see how Cruella is made the hero of her story.
I guess she's evil again?
more likely its just more bad monarchs hating the fair folk and their forest again
Damn that's some rough cgi
Out of all Disney villains why give the whole Wicked treatment to Maleficent?
Jafar, sure
Ursula, maybe
But why Maleficent?
This will be like Alice in Wonderland 2. The first might have a made a shit ton of money, but there is absolutely zero demand for a sequel.
Wouldn't the smart choice for such a story be Hade from Hercules?
>Hade from Hercules?
Was Hades even that sympathetic?
>Boohoo I have to work in the underworld taking care of the souls of the dead while my big bro gets to lounge around Olympus fucking everything
Seriously you don't see Poseidon whining about ruling the ocean
That's why Hades would be such a good story. Generally speaking he wasn't as much a dick as the other gods, but modern takes on mythology all confuse him with Satan = Evil. Having someone get it right and even writing a heroic story about him would be a breath of fresh air.
Poseidon was allowed to lounge around Olympus like any other god. Even in the original myth Hades wasn't a bad guy, only misconstrued as such given his task which deals in death. Hades had a lousy, yet important job, and received no help from the other gods. It was understandable why he was so pissed off.
Literrally, nobody. I guarantee it will bomb.
The wicked fairy godmother was added years later from the original Sleeping Beauty (which had no fairy godmothers and the curse wasn't a curse) so Disney can change her story however they want.
Cruella was straight up evil since the 1956 book. Her evil story was already set in stone from the start.
I thought the first movie was good but I think there shouldn’t be sequel.
>Was Hades even that sympathetic?
He's one of the better Greek gods, user. That tells you something.
In the original myths Hades was just doing his job and being a decent, if boring, guy. The rest of the gods were fighting, raping and murdering everyone around for giggles. So yeah he was the good guy in comparison.
>to protect the moors
About the only time Hades was a douche was during that whole Persephone thing. For the most part, he just wanted somebody to throw him a bone every now and then.
But the card says Moops.
I did see the trailer and only now is it picking up on the main story involving the cursed spinning wheel and a grown up aurora.
>complex relation
there's nothing complex about their relationship. That movie was so stupidly dumb that there's pretty much no room for gray. It's all black and white and fucking Maleficent, of all people, is on the white side.
It says a lot that Hades let Persephone leave in that story and visit her family. Kidnapping her in the first place was still a dick move, but how many times do any of the OTHER Greek gods give their ground like that?
If Posidion kidnapped a woman and it started causing problems for the rest of the world, Posidion wouldn't give a FUCK unless Zeus personally got in his business about it.
You could probably do a Disney movie about Hades and Persephone.
>Hades sick of his job
>He's sick of his brother dicking around, having wild parties on Olympus
>Decides to sneak into one
>Meets Persephone
>Has a great time, but needs to get back.
>Panics, and decides to kidnap her
Moors as in the type of land, not black people.
is it a musical? I'll watch any musical especially with good costuming
So the first movie basically made her out to not be evil.....Yet she is in the sequel?!
I still find it hilarious that she's the good one and then her name is fucking Maleficent, of all things.
Fuckin' hell.
He was also the only god who didn't cheat on his wife after he married her.
Hades gets off easy in Greek myth because Greeks didn't like talking about him. They were superstitious about death and believed it was best to just not invoke his name or bring him up if it could be avoided. As a result, there are comparatively few myths that feature him heavily, which gives him fewer opportunities to act like a dick. If he wasn't borderline taboo to talk about, you'd probably see him get up to the same antics as the other gods.
just more fap material with jolie for me
>self-isolated loner
>embraces physical deformities
>wears dark clothing
>poor communication skills
>oMg ShE's ToTaLlY tHe GoOd GuY
fuckin christ, trying to keep the sperging in the waifu threads
I just want her to actually do something in Kingdom Hearts
first one made mobey
CGI is getting worse and worse it seems.
Where do you think you are? We like her because she's evil.
>tfw no cult centered on our lady of darkness
she already played a mistress of evil in Beowulf though.
She's still on contract; it's a sunk cost for Disney. They may as well try to recoup it. It still made $500 million profit, even if it was received poorly.
The mouse loves the cheddar.
God fucking damnit. These remakes are shitty enough, now they have to give these remakes sequels?
I realise that there was precedent with Alice and the Looking Glass, but still. I'm really not looking forwards to Beauty and the Beast live action part 2.
That said, if it's all building up to a disney princess cinematic universe, that would be pretty funny.
disney decided a while ago to be as woke as possible with their infinite amounts of money.
>. Kidnapping her in the first place was still a dick move
There is even some version where the kidnapping was the only way they could be together because Demeter was an overprotective mother.
This but tumblr blue hairs want to imagine him as this brooding romantic for really no reason
I remember hearing mention that the Maleficent merchandise alone was was helped greenlite a sequel.
Funniest one to me is the Time Hera got tired on Zeus's womanizing and got most of the other gods together to trap him in unbreakable chains
>Zeus comes home after a long day of fucking about and knocks out
>Hera, Ares, Posiden, etc. come in the room and chain him up
>Zeus wakes up pissed, they all laugh at him and plan to keep him chained up for the rest of time
>Zeus's bros from the titan war the 100 armed/100 eyed giants that guard Tartus find out and sneak up to Olympus and set him free
>Zeus cuts loose on everyone and chains up Hera for fucking with him then highfives his buddies
>Hera gives him the puppy dog eyes and he lets her go, they fuck, then Zeus takes off to go sleep with more mortal women pissing Hera off again
Did Disney Hercules tv series gave us a canon version of Persephone?
Seconded on both counts
Maleficent wasn't gay enough in the first movie.
Not even kidding.
Did he stutter, user?
Whom do they train?
Young boys.
Reeee I really wanted her to make Salt 2 but of course she'd choose this instead because it will make more money even though nobody asked for it. And now she's too frail to make Salt 2. Why Angie.
In the original myths, Hades was pretty much the most reasonable of the Greek gods. The idea that the god of the dead would be evil came thousands of years later and Christians started conflating him with Satan.
Plus there's several variations of the myth where Persephone either wanted to be kidnapped so she could have a life apart from her overprotective mother, or once it happened she decided she liked Hades and deliberately ate the food of the underworld so she could stay with him.
Trans women love maleficent. It is known.
>Out of all Disney villains why give the whole Wicked treatment to Maleficent?
Because she isn't evil, she's just a fairy.
>isn't evil, she's just a fairy
Fey are definitively evil, and ought to be crucified upon an iron cross upon being encountered.
Except Tinkerbell, she’s alright.
trump is president so villains are heroes now
have a joker movie!