Yay, I love super-soldiers, cosmic astronauts, magicians, guys in super powerful suits of armor, aliens and gods!

>yay, I love super-soldiers, cosmic astronauts, magicians, guys in super powerful suits of armor, aliens and gods!

What the actual fuck is wrong with people in the Marvel Universe?

Attached: Sentinels.jpg (1280x720, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Marvel citizens are horrible people, this is well established

Irrational hatreds are irrational.

Read a fucking X-Men comic. They don't see super soldiers, musicians, etc as the next step in evolution. Humans are afraid of being replaced.

The first exposure the Marvel universe at large had to mutants was Magneto attacking a military base and stealing the nukes, declaring that he was the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants who would destroy and replace mankind. The X-Men then attacked him, but acted just as contemptuous of the soldiers on site and ran off without explaining anything.

Bigotry is not based in rational or logical thinking.

>first time you hear about a group of people is when one of them hijacks a missile
>gee why do people hate them


Fuck muties.

From one side of their mouth you hear about them want to be treated just like humans and have access to all the opportunities humans do, but behind closed doors they call themselves "homo superior" and segregate themselves in private schools planning how to subvert human societies to their own agenda, going on how they need a mutie-only nation and making the USA-based Avengers support it.

Fuck that and fuck the Mutant Owned Government.

Attached: red-skull-and-xaviers-brain[1].jpg (993x797, 221K)

>seize control of a nuclear missile base
>start spouting homo superior supremacy nonsense
>"why do they hate and fear us? Because we're different?"

>Shiar space cops showed up regarding some TMB
>this time a mutie usurped the emperor and chimped out on the galaxy
>feel proud that it was an earthling, still mad it was a mutie

Attached: vulcan-gabriel-summers-marvel-villains[1].jpg (1200x600, 516K)

Thinking Magneto represents all mutants is the same as thinking Doctor Doom represents all h*mans. Superpowered h*man terrorists have always caused way more trouble than mutants, but I don't see the government building giant robots to genocide them.

Attached: Victor.jpg (1200x800, 99K)

>'fuck you flatscan, we're here to replace you'
>mutie gets an erection at school, blows it up, you're left burying an arm, but Muties cry "muh bigotry"
>'we're the next step in evolution and we're beautiful' said the perfect ginger with telepathy to the mother with a human dog for a son who eats for 10 and is starting to hump people
>'fuck yo vaccines and cures; muh rights, mugga'
Nah, fuck muties and fuck you.

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I dunno. To me that doesn't warrant all the mutant hate that's been going on for the past decade. It would raise tensions, sure. But not enough to warrant genocide.

Especially since costumed mad men were always coming out of the woodwork back then. The Fantastic Four bumped into one every week

Here's an idea
It's supposed to be irrational. Like bigotry always is.

Because the kid sitting next to your daughter in homeroom isnt going to suddenly turn out to be a super-soldier, demigod or robot and explode. There's a big difference.

That's exactly what happened with Starbrand though.

I wish based god Doom represented all humans.

Attached: Magneto vs Doctor Doom 1.jpg (1024x764, 274K)


Super-soldiers and cosmic astronauts and magicians are like soldiers and cops. They trained and they use their powers for the common good.

Mutants are people who are carrying around hidden rocket launchers and could blow up at any point. Mutants don't want equal rights, they want privileges.

They don't want to register so you never know if they have a rocket launcher aimed at you.

They don't want to empty the rocket launcher of its ammo so they can fire it off whenever they want.

They want to actually fire that rocket launcher and damn the consequences.

Yeah, screw them. If mutants really wanted to live in peace, they'd register and wear nullifier collars. That they don't means that what they really want is power.

Attached: Magneto vs Doctor Doom 2.jpg (1024x764, 277K)

If you don't like capes you can choose to not live in NYC.
But no matter where you go a normal seeming kid could just freak out at any moment and kill you.

Because Marvel wanting everything to be part of the same universe was ill conceived from scratch.

Attached: Magneto vs Doctor Doom 3.jpg (689x504, 109K)



>Super-soldiers and cosmic astronauts and magicians are like soldiers and cops. They trained and they use their powers for the common good.

Barely any superheroes have any training with their powers. What are you talking about?

Mutants were responsible for 20% of all murders last year in spite of being only .3% of the population, and 55% of all sexual assaults.

Fucking psychics. The number is probably even higher than that and they just wiped the minds.

I thought it was because when a kid going though puberty can effectivly wipe out a city by sheer accident, it puts the fear of mutations in you

Mutants are less than 1% of all supervillains you ignorant racist. Stop believing the bullshit infographics made up by Bolivar Trask

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Look at your onw pick, mutants always treat poor sentinels like their personal punchbags.

Stuff like that barely happens. When was the last time you heard something like that going on outside of Ultimate Marvel?

>Cosmic astronaut

>dude bacteria

fuck off mutie

It’s stupid on purpose to highlight the stupidity of racism.

Maybe it's because magneto and xavier preaching mutants will replace humans.

People that tried to kill mutan in minority

Then Ghost rider saves the day!


The marvel universe is probably the least friendly towards its own heroes
>Fuck Mutants they're different, Timmy grew a third eye time to kill him in his sleep
>Fuck Captain America he's a communist nazi because he leads an international group of heroes
>Fuck Iron Man because he sold weapons one time
>Fuck Spider-Man because he's not perfect at his job
>I hate the Fantastic Four and will constantly picket at the Baxter Building for reasons

Reminder Magneto is always right and Xavier is a cuck.

Attached: Ultimate Magneto.jpg (442x408, 62K)

Also, let's not forget how during the Inhumans vs X-Men debacle there was a literal walking talking cure for cancer helping people for free. But he was a mutant so we gotta protest his right to heal incurable diseases for free

Attached: Uncanny X-Men Blue.jpg (1280x429, 144K)

Yeah I bet the dude made of slime is a walking nuke and the guy whose only power is to be semi-transparent is a real threat

magneto will always be right.



I read Silver Age to Bronze Age X-Men. It's still pretty stupid. It's stupid how the first thing they'll do is lynch a mutant but give somebody like Iron Man a pass if they caught him in the same situation.

>they don't see musicians as the next step in evolution
Well, they're clearly wrong
Just listen to how fucking dope this song is. Musicians are a superior race.

Was a fear of "replacement" even a thing before Millar and Morrison? (I don't remember if Ultimate X-Men or New X-Men came first)
I remember humans like Trask and Kelly having a fear of being enslaved, not replaced.

And airplanes going into buildings barely happens in the west. Irrational fear is just that, irrational.

Are you trying to tell me bigots lack logic
In MY marvel comic?

Are you implying terror attacks perpetrated in name of a certain religion of peace aren't common?

The weird thing is that's the hate is honestly *too* hyper-accurately targeted. There should be splash damage like crazy when it comes to spewing that level of hate and spidey and others should receive a lot of it. Every super should be viewed as a mutant until proven otherwise, and even then, calls for 'proving' their non-mutant status and accusations of them faking it, or there being a conspiracy, should be rampant.

No more than crazy mutants doing crazy shit are. Hell, Magneto and his bunch have been perpetrating terror attacks for god knows how long at this point. Then there's all the crazy mutants not associated with Mags that the public would just lump together cause a mutie's a mutie.

The user that thinks a town going poof cause of a mutant wouldn't make life hell for every other one out there is deranged. Doesn't matter if the only thing they can do is change eye color, that sort of fear and hate knows nothing of rationality.

It was briefly mentioned in the Silver Age.

This has always been a gripe of mine. I can understand the paranoia people might have, but it should be cranked up way closer to 11 than it is

Because x-men fundamentally dosn't work in a shared super hero verse. They only work in a world where the different comic book characters stayed in their own little worlds.

I'm sure people gave a bunch of really stupid reasons above me but they are wrong. it's just bad writing caused by a mistake made long long ago.

I think the bigger issue is that you don't see tribalization of the hate. It is always, "kill all the muties" but never "kill the muties, 'cept for Dave; he's good people." There is also very little in-group bigotry among mutants.

Also there are a ton of mutant villains who aren't associated with Magneto.

X-gene hasn't even been a thing for all that long so mutants popping up anywhere was far less of a worry. Radiation was the original cause for mutants and obviously everyone wasn't living near that shit. They needed an excuse.

Yeah x-men fucks up so many things related to the very basics of bigotry that it fails completely as a metaphor. Back when 9/11 happened and hatred of muslims jumped up 150% you save literally thousands of attacks on fucking hindu/sheik Indians, mexican catholics/ fucking ITALIANS with a dark enough tan got jumped.

Literally any mother fucker who has any powers at all, even just being rich, should have at minimum a message board full of people trying to prove they are a secret mutie.

Last time I checked that score boards Islam has about 76 terror attacks compared to Christianity 248 in the same time span.

Lmao buddhist fucking down there with only 26 get good faggots.

What did you want, a spin-off with incels from /pol/ trying to prove that Tony Stark is a (((mutant)))?

Superheroes had to earn the people's respect. Seeing they're few fans far between, given time, they could earn the people over. Often in cities far enough away from people to care.

Muties spawn up so frequently everywhere to a point you're on edge when and where some dick head on a power trip can fuck up your day. Let alone a lot of them trying to integrate into various social circles. At some point, they have to fuck off and hang with their own kind, cause the power gap is too vast.

>Islam has about 76 terror attacks compared to Christianity 248 in the same time span
I'm going to need a source, my nigga

Attached: Religion of peace.png (2330x5714, 1.06M)

Radiation was one of the causes but that wasn't all. Some mutants got their powers from freak experiments. I'm pretty sure Juggernaut was considered a mutant and so was Polaris. Havok got his powers from being some sort of reincarnation of someone who can absorb cosmic rays.

Don't try to talk your way out of getting the rope, you elitist mutie piece of shit.

blame a BACTERIA!

Why not? Think about it, all of Tony's powered armor villains will see maybe two or three upgrades to their equipment over years, with most upgrades going to the one who has a world power backing him. And even then, Crimson Dynamo's dozen or so upgrades is less than a quarter of the number of suits Stark has put out over the years. He's averaging 3 or 4 new suits a year. Where is he getting the time to build them? Where is he getting the money to build them? Sure, he's rich, but there is no way he can keep building so many armors, especially once you start factoring in copies, backups, spare parts, and prototypes. That's not even getting into the software and programming needed to run the suits. How is Tony able to out-design and out-build all his opponents, many of whom are geniuses and wealthy? Simple, he uses his mutant powers to make his armors and control them. Don't believe me? Look at Madison Jeffries.

That's not really a fair comparison. You can't swing a red-head around with having like twelve muggas who want to chimp out and replace all normies with their superior mugga race, but you'd be hard pressed to find a single other supervillain with the same agenda as Dr. Doom.

Whereas you've got Magneto, Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, Chuckie X's weirdly also bald sister, etc., chimping out going 'where all da redheads at?' and 'yeah baby gonna kill all da humans 'cept maybe da redheads gonna rape 'em with muh big mugga dick yea we wuz children of the atom an sheeyit.'

Technically speaking, it was fucking Namor of all people, which is even worse.
He was literally on death row for a while because he sperged out and killed some cops.

And attacked New York, assaulted/killed multiple people, tried to kidnap someone, and enslaved and mutilated two people.
And this was just in his first few appearances.

Just angry, they were already retarded

Remember when The Flash visited the Marvel Universe and an angry mob immediately beat the shit out of him?

>>yay, I love super-soldiers, cosmic astronauts, magicians, guys in super powerful suits of armor, aliens and gods!
They...do? Last I checked a group was trying to lynch Strange

The Inhumans committed genocide and nobody cared.

How do people feel about metahumans in DC?

It only needs to happen once to instill the fear of it happening anytime.

And the fact that mutations are random means no one can be certain that little Timmy is not going to mutate into a sentient black hole and devour the Earth by accident.

It was discussed in Marvels.

>What the actual fuck is wrong with people in the Marvel Universe?
C'mon, bro. Is this even something you need to wonder about?

The Marvel masses are the most retarded, most gullible assholes you will ever read about. Think about all the times in the past two decades the public has sperged out against just about every hero.

The true villains of Marvel comics are the common masses.

Huge part of Iron Man's first stories were about how people feared him for how he looked, then they started to like him.
X-Men are a race and not a single individual, you can like someone from a specific group of people but not liking the group as a whole, just like in real life.

If they actually succeeded, people would have cared. Cared enough to give them medals.

by releasing the mist, Black Bolt saved the earth

>Not wanting to be replaced by another race is stupid and irrational
>Not wanting to suffer the crime, violence and terrorism committed by a hostile other race
>Not wanting to give special rights and privileges to another race that openly hates you and won't shut up about how they will replace you


Are people being educated to not understand human nature?

Attached: Master-Mold-Marvel-Comics-Sentinels-X-Men.jpg (500x887, 144K)

Honestly, the more I think about it, the more sense it makes.

>Iron Man? The Hulk? The Fantastic Four? Those people EARNED their powers! Doctor Strange studied for years! Hank Pym is a physicist with a PhD! They had to work their way into superpowers!
>Muties just happened to have the right genes. They think they're so special just because they were born that way. Fuck them

>What about Thor? He was born Asgardian nobility

>What are you, a fucking MUTIE LOVER? Fuck you!

Don’t the Marvel people hate Hulk, FF and Strange? FF has to work super hard to remain popular and they turn on them like a dime

Hulk and Strange they have an on-off relationship with.

The general narrative is that the public loves the FF, but they FF are constantly losing and trying to regain that love, because that's the only story Marvel knows how to tell.

Spider-man has a similar deal.

Apparently the general public doesn’t really know about Dr Strange. He’s the mysterious “talk about him in whispers” type beyond the people in greenwich

>Stuff like that barely happens
That's what the lefties WANT you to think.
Only good mutie is a dead mutie.


indifferent, but they tried to push a metahuman hate angle in Doomsday Clock

It's almost like fear and hatred can exist without reasoning just like people in real life

Not only that but there's a subconscious element to it also ( I refuse to acknowledge that retarded bacteria thing that they wrote), its why the general public love the FF, even though most wouldn't know they got their powers from space ( or maybe they do), same with spider man. I assume Marvel citizens view mutants the same way we would view other primates if they started talking and forming civilizations, no one wants another species to potentially dominate them so we'd probably have an irrational hate towards them, the same goes for mutants story wise. Also some of these muties keep accidentally fucking up entire cities, so thats a thing too.

Not really people give passes to one their kind all the time in the real world. Plus they all though Iron Man was just some loyal bodyguard to Tony. A better example would be Spider Man as at times they have panels debating on whether or not hes a mutant, but for the most part people have a gut feelings as to whos a mutant and who isnt.

>mutilated two people
Explain please, I knew Namor was an asshole, but always had some sense of nobility and deceny. Mutilating "lesser beings" seems pretty petty, even by Namor standards.

Mutants do horrible things on the regular. Call me back when DD and Spidey try and start up a mutate only nation.

sentinels and the public perception of x men in world is the epitome of bad writing. extremely brainlet stuff.

Inhumans bombed New York an New Jersey, killing hundreds of thousands of people.

On top of that, they ARE a kind of mutant. They get zero shit.

Attached: super nine eleven.jpg (1041x3200, 1.47M)

Terrigen bomb shit was retarded, but eithe way do most humans even know inhumans exist?

>for the most part people have a gut feelings as to whos a mutant and who isnt.
And it's almost always right. They can literally look into a crowd of thousands and correctly pick out the one mutant walking among them.

>do most humans even know inhumans exist?
Currently? Yes. I'd think a flying city erasing Hell's Kitchen from the map would make the news.

Naw people fucking love the FF, they are america's sweet heart and are often adored. They only time people dislike them is when their antics fuck shit up for those around them. I mean hell the reason why they were able to live in their apartment meant is due to the revenue they generated when they lived their for the owner.

We live in the age of soft men, unfortunately ( or fortunately depending on your views) thats gonna lead to hard times.

Anyone with an active X-gene gives off a pheromone that makes powerless people hate them.

Still a better explanation than "a sentient mind-controlling virus wants mutants dead because they're immune to it".

A sentient mind-controlling virus wants mutants dead because they're immune to it AND the next step in human evolution.

Honestly if I was a writer at marvel instead of doing the retarded bacteria shit, I would just say it was due to left over survival instinct passed down from our ancestors from the times when humans weren't the most evolved species on the planet, they had to have this fear in order to survive. It would be an instinct that shouldn't have any use in modern times and persists in many, much like how our human instincts aren't used to the over abundance of easily accessible carbs and sugars which lead to rising rate in obesity.It would also explain why there gut feeling has a near 100% rate of whose a mutie and who isn't .

>What the actual fuck is wrong with people in the Marvel Universe?

because both leading figures of mutant kind both believe in the notion that mutants are the next step in evolution. That alone warrants wariness.

I still like my idea better. Imagine Sentinels with huge noses to literally sniff out mutants.

If humanity hadn't pissed off Thor Girl they'd all be energy beings right now. The Celestial evolution route is plan B.

>it was due to left over survival instinct passed down from our ancestors from the times when humans weren't the most evolved species on the planet, they had to have this fear in order to survive. It would be an instinct that shouldn't have any use in modern times and persists in many,

That's literally why bigotry is a thing to begin with. Fear of the other. Fear of the unfamiliar. Fear of the unknown.

Mutants are threatening because they represent our evolutionary extinction as the human race. They aren't one off freaks or experiments, they are a mechanism of the inevitable forces of nature that have raised and destroyed life on this planet countless times. Even in small numbers, mutants have taken humanity's future, humanity becomes the neanderthal, living on borrowed time and preparing for death.

The X-Men shouldn't be about corny race metaphors, it should be an exploration of evolutionary psychology, and the fatalistic ideologies that are born from such thinking, social darwinism and all that.

Attached: 1558002778908.jpg (600x600, 15K)

There's more to it than that, that's such a corny soccer momish thought process. People hate and are bigoted towards things they know and are familiar with all the time

The Marvel Universe, ladies and gentlemen.

Attached: oh god i hope they dont see me.jpg (584x436, 43K)

Is there any ANY meaningful difference between mutants and mutates in Marvel universe?

Except the mutants will never actually replace humanity, because status quo. They've actually come closer to being wiped out entirely more times then they've come to becoming the new dominant species. At this point you have to wonder why people are still going "ERMAGERD DEM MUTIES R GUNNA REPLAYCE US ANY DAY NAO".

I don't understand why anyone would even like superhero comics if they didn't really enjoy bizarre, slightly surrealist moments like this

>Fuck Iron Man because he sold weapons one time
This is conpletely valid tho

You're thinking in meta commentary terms, in the in universe logic it only makes sense. Once all the mutants are people like Storm, the absolute master race of mutant evolution, they will be the lords of the earth

I know, but that's how it got started isn't it?

Then they should've just done that instead of the retarded bacteria thing.

Why not both

Its true

user we have been over this a thousand times. Most people think Thanos caused that. The rest think it was a failed attempt to destroy thanos so it gets written off like the destruction caused by other heroes. All the heroes including the Illuminati think the mist was used to hide thane/ make an inhuman that could beat thanos and in the end that is what it did.

Attached: mugga.png (903x788, 1.25M)

At least they would be if they ever truly unified. Instead, they keep fighting and killing each other over the most petty disagreements.

>Namor spergs out and attacks New York again
>Some guy realizes he's pretty much never going to stop and takes a submarine down there with his gf to kill him
>Namor kidnaps them to be his slaves and tries to marry the gf
>Gives them gills through surgery to allow them to breathe underwater

Mutants and Inhumans are subhumans and deserve everything bad that happens to them

If Mutants had any sense they would kill themselves

The X-men really deserve their own little universe that exists outside the main Marvel universe. Even without the redundant bigotry and racism narrative, there are way too many characters to keep track of.

1) Thor had to work at being worthy of Mjolnir, and continues to need to maintain that worthiness every day.
2) Thor chooses to live a life of service. His choices has resulted in deeds that led him, among all of the Aesir, to be named 'friend of Midgard.' Thor could spend his days in idle, indolent hyper-luxury that would shatter the human mind a thousand times over, if he wanted to, or he could have just stayed dead, but instead Thor chooses to come to Earth and wherever and fight to protect Earth and humanity - a humanity that, arguably, this thread is right about.

So, sure. Thor was born with powers. But he chooses to use them to be a better being and help those less capable.

>Why is New York City not an abandon wasteland after all the times its attacked in the comics?

Attached: 1532496762879.jpg (608x866, 338K)

Why hasn't Marvel put the Mutants in a alternate universe yet???

Attached: pepehead.jpg (1800x1200, 113K)

What did he make them do?

Gee I wonder why?


>without reasoning

I agree lynch the gingers!

But mutants aren't really another race, at least not the way we usually conceive of race.
Your kids might be mutants. Hell, you might be.

Most members of this "other race" are just people trying to get by with unremarkable shit going on.

Blaming an entire any category of people for something that like 12 people keep trying to do before getting slapped around by 25 of their own kind is dumb

X-rhetoric is stupid, I will grant you that. But minorities are often like that. "The meek shall inherit the earth" "the future is female" "Jews are chosen people"- the ultimate effect is generally a wet fart.

Munchkinry threads show that those guys could potentially become a serious threat but I digress.

Spider-Man, Hulk,FF, and the Avengers have had periods of public mistrust so it's not that out there. Civil War had some logic to it being based on the mutant registration act. Stark even says in the event that they're close to having the sentinels come after them.

Is that 9-11 Doom?

Let's be honest. Mutants are responsible for a large portion of super-related accidents and fatalities, and quite possibly, they are the majority. But there is a very loud minority that wreak havoc throughout society made up of killer robots, mad scientists, zombies, vampires, space invaders, inter-dimensional elder beings, and a variety of secret organizations dedicated to criminal activity, terrorism, and world domination. Mutants are people, and people are dangerous. Don't forget that someone doesn't have to be a mutant in order to bring the world to its knees. Is Doctor Doom a mutant? Was Hitler, or the Red Skull? Magneto is, and yes, every good act he tries to do to make up for his past comes before another bad act. But there are people like Magneto who are not super powered. They live among us. They're our neighbors. Our kin from all across the globe.

Fuck Spider-Man, though.

Attached: JJJ.jpg (1064x884, 57K)

What kind of story would you like to see tat isn't a rehash of the mutant supremacy or mutant genocide we have seen.

Oh it's just that asshole Sublime.

It'd be great if Disney made a separate X-Men cinematic universe. However, they won't resist the temptation of putting Wolverine in the Avengers.

Distrust? Shit, The Avengers been protested against like 3 or 4 times. One included by damn near every type of protester there was.

Juggs always got his powers from the gem tho.

I love music.

>0.3% of the population yet commits 90% of the crime
really makes me think

>0.3% of the population yet commits 90% of the crime
>really makes me think


Completely fine with them. Most people in DC won't bat an eye to a man with spiderlimbs or a sharkman beyond asking "what's the story behind that?"

Milo Manara drawing a multi-issue feature of the indoings of the hellfire club.

>Humans are afraid of being replaced
But not when Thor was banging harems of viking women in the dark ages, I guess

>Aryan Chad fucking other Aryan women and producing Demigods that will fight for their country and people, like each culture's mythologies
>same as your kid coming out as a blue humanoid lobster with 4 eyes and a knifedick
Yeah, it's not the same Mutielover. Supers are unique and a perk. Muties are a danger to society and civilization itself.