Reminder that true Animalism has never been tried, and that it would've worked if Snowball stayed in charge.
Reminder that true Animalism has never been tried, and that it would've worked if Snowball stayed in charge
George Orwell was a democratic socialist
Authors are retarded, more news at 11
Poor Baxter the Horse. Loved that guy.
>Charade you are
Nah, Napoleon would've icepicked him in the head anyways.
fuck you snowball, boxer deserved better.
How could Snowball possibly be to blame for what happened to Boxer?
shut up it's all snowballs fault
Hi Squealer.
>He thinks Snowballism would work
The issue is removing representation from society. See Napoleon ending the "silly meetings" where they voted.
Snowball would never have named it after himself, he truly believed in the tenants of Animalism.
Reminder that donkey knew everything was bullshit but willingly decided to do absolutely nothing.
>benjamin realising what's going on and desperately running after boxer
i can't fucking stand it
Benjamin was overreacting. It was clearly a converted glue factory truck. Boxer was going to have a nice relaxing trip for working hard and Benjamin got jealous.
>Boxer trying to kick down the door to the wagon but was too old and weak
Not sure what that actually means. He certainly wasn't for government control of the means of production, judging by Animal Farm.
y-yeah, i guess so. thanks napoleon.
Man what a jackass.
Poor Benjamin never got the horsecock.
The farm market will fix it
>Not sure what that actually means.
Scandinavia, basically.
Is that even socialism, though? My understanding is that it's just high taxes and a generous safety net.
I can understand why a retarded halfwit would believe that.
It's not just that. Government services in those countries are on a level most Americans can't even imagine. And then there's Norway's oil fund, which is literally owned by the state.
>My understanding is that it's just high taxes and a generous safety net.
That is what it is, Scandinavian government officials are actually vocal about how dead wrong Bernie Sanders is describing their nations as socialist
>He thinks JK Rowling is smart
You have no imagination and are morally bankrupt. You're dull and basic.
foad, geek.
Yeah, but a lot of that is paid through taxes isn't it?
It's more of Scandinavia trusting their government with these services while Americans absolutely don't
Nordic style social democracy is not the same thing as democratic socialism.
Orwell was a socialist, just not a fan of dictators like Stalin. Dude even joined a marxist militia to fight fascists in Spain.
>You need imagination to believe that person is smart
from the mouth of the horse itself.
Then Orwell isn't a socialist either.
>Government services in those countries are on a level most Americans can't even imagine.
Are they strong enough that I could be a NEET? Because that's my dream.
But socialism IS what he describes in his book. The government owns the means of production.
Reminder that Franco was in the right and the good guys won the Spanish Civil War.
god dammit
A government safety net along with free markets is not socialism.
Just saying.
It's a happy medium and one I wish the US would adopt but let's not call it something it isn't.
This is not gonna end well, but I've other heard people say the donkey was meant to represent Jews or Judaism.
For best results, make it a sheep with the NPC face.
>all these snowballfags
he destroyed the windmill you stupid fucks, thank god comrade napoleon, father of all animals, terror of mankind, protector of the sheep-fold, ducklings' friend was able to get rid of him
She knew what she was doing.
Wouldn't the non-napoleon pigs in charge before he ruled make more sense for that? The other top Soviets at the time minus Lenin and Stalin were jews
I think more like Jewish civilians.
The comparison being draw that the donkey was cynical and went along with everything because he had seen a lot of rough shit in the past and was just used to it.
Lenin was part jew, he didn't knew but he was
Snowball would never have been in charge and that is the point. Porksheviks will never let Hamsheviks, Stable Revolutionaries, etc get any kind of governmental reign. Ironically the true strong Animalists are best at playing social darwinism.
Thank the Condor Legion for that.
I remember a book a read years ago called Snowball's Chance. It was an unofficial sequel set years after the farm had fallen and Snowball returns to take it over.
Whole thing was pretty hamfisted (hur dur) and ended with the farm going to war with some forest animals after they suicide bombed the "Twin Windmills".
Guess what that was an allegory for. 'Bout as subtle as a brick through your window.
You look like you'd be good with eggs
Wtf i love black hermione now
It might be coincidence but apparently Jews being Donkeys is a thing since apparently the Donkey at Christ's birth didn't care that he was born.
Yeah, it wasn't good. It used beavers as a stand in for Islamic extremists and water for oil.
Really stupid. And there was a preface from the author complaining about Orwell naming commies to the feds.
Aren't donkey's unclean animals? Why would the jews wan't to be the shit they are forbidden to eat?
Why can't people understand the difference between "government" and "workers?"
I think Benjamin is just somebody who KNOWS it's all bullshit but won't paint a target on his back by saying it too loudly.
As a diss, I guess?
Also this is Christian and probably an apocryphal meme that came about probably decades if not centuries after Christ not an invention of Transcendent Jews. So calling them an unclean animal might be the point if relevant at all.
Why didn't they just tear down the house?
why did the prime minister of Sweden come out and tell Bernie to stop calling them democratic socialists? Cause they're capitalists, they don't even have a minimum wage. Yeah, they've got social welfare programs in the scandinavian countries, THAT's what you're thinking "socialism" means. Common thing professors do is conflate "social welfare" with "socialism" to make people like socialism more. But you'd never be able to achieve those social welfare programs in a real socialist state, cause anybody who is rich has fled your country cause they don't want their money taken, and the new socialist government end up as the only ones with any wealth. If people were robots or you could remove the lust for money and status from people, socialism MIGHT have a chance, but in the real world it's just not gonna. Anyone who remembers WW2 knows there are only two possible outcomes of a socialist state: communism or fascism. Just depends on how much the state likes the corporations there, pro-corporation socialism leads to fascism, like what we see with the conduct of the EU today. Basically the fourth reich, but nobody seems to care.
>Common thing professors do is conflate "social welfare" with "socialism" to make people like socialism more
And conservative radio/tv/internet personalities, to make people like welfare less.
this is a misconception. If you're RICH, America has the best healthcare in the world, several deviations above everyone else, cause we use everybody else's research. if you're a normal Joe America might not have the best healthcare for you, but in terms of sheer technological advancement, US is years ahead. We just have too many rich people putting money into the really good treatments for them to be available for cheap.
this is also true, there is NO problem with social welfare programs IF you have a strict immigration policy. Nobody can afford to take care of the whole world. Also you can't live in a country like the US where your healthcare system is gonna be burdened by ridiculous numbers of obese retards who will never put as much into the system as they'll pull out, making it completely unfeasible to sustain without ceasing to be the global police force and spending so much money maintaining a military presence fucking everywhere (we SHOULD cease, but you know we won't).
Every single member of NATO should be paying the United States for footing the bill and bodies of being the World Police.
Why the fuck should they be enjoying the fruits of our massive overspending if we are getting raped for college and healthcare
A true hero
>Cause they're capitalists, they don't even have a minimum wage.
Are you retarded? The only reason they don't have an official min wage is because everyone is unionized so it's pointless (and arguably counterproductive).
If unions started to fall apart there like they have in North America you'd see a minimum wage legislated instantly.
People in the other NATO countries don't want to pay you, they want you to get the fuck out.
Too bad governments don't represent people
user NATO is just all the countries that want to play World Police.
And besides the massive imperialism of the United States military in their overseas deployment, there are a lot of countries that benefit from and rely on the security that the United Stated brings them.
You lemmings never learn. This is why you kill ALL animalists. There are no good animalists.
Biggest benefit being not having to have a halfway decent navy.
>everyone in this thread
>even myself
Yes and it was one of the things that made him turn against socialism.
Just because you don’t like dictators doesn’t mean you leave your entire political beliefs behind
I sure hope you don't believe in sugarcandy mountain
I thought he was basically an author self-insert
>he doesn’t believe in sugarcandy mountain
>not believing in Sugarcandy Mountain
Never gonna make it, bruh
I bet he wants all the sugarcandy mountain to himself
...Did you guys know that this film was funded by the CIA and they purposely changed the ending from "Stalin ruined the USSR" to "Actually, all communist revolutions are inevitably going to end this way" while ignoring the criticism of capitalism the book made?
Reminder that fuck you.
No. Orwell thought the USSR betrayed the spanish republicans. Had he been alive in 1973 he would have probably wrote an anti-US book due to their support of Pinochet's coup against Allende.
>Stalin ruined the USSR
>Implying Lenin didn't took something inherently flawed in the first place
Eh, that was what Orwell thought anyway.