Her dad was a rapist

Her dad was a rapist

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He was a Republican?

Bill Cosby was a Doctor?

No, just an average black guy.

I'd like to lick every inch of that.

Makes sense, since you know, despite being only 15% of the population...

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He was a part time anesthesiologist.

No, but he played one on TV.

Then why did the KND not go after him?

They don't know what sex is yet.

>Where do babies come from?


>Republicians take away your right to be a whore
>male Democrats defend you but also expect that puss puss in return
roasties are having it tough these days

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How so?

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Pretty sure Cosby was a Democrat. But most rapists are, just ask Bill

You couldn't handle that chocolate user.

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do you think she is too?

No. Republicans don't need to rape to have sex.

Did the writers know? I just remembered the va also played foxxy on drawn together. And drawn together said cosby was a rapist twice

>don't need

Go eat a sidewalk fucking pedophile.

Sorry user it's just a fact all chocolate needs cream filling.

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/8/14/699384__dead source_safe_artist-colon-dakudaku__pinkie pie_crossover_human_japanese_love live! school idol project_pixiv_question mark_suzuko mimori_.png

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>all chocolate needs cream filling.
But then there's no room for the peanut butter!

>peanut butter

Scatties and Pedophiles....The only thing missing is the Furry fag.

Wait is this really him? Is he alive?

What? I don't like the taste of just chocolate, and cream doesn't really add any flavor, so you're gonna have to put something like peanut butter, or peanut brittle, or all the stuff in a Twix. Or a 100 Grand Bar. Hell, even KitKats have those wafer things. And then there's whatever's in Whoppers and Maltesers. The point is, chocolate alone is not something I like the taste of, it needs another ingredient.

>rapist is an anesthesiologist

Cosby has held both liberal and conservative views actually.

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Killl yourself JustPassingThrough.
(remove the first period)

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Really doubt that. It was pretty obvious that rape doesn't exist in their world, because if it did, you best believe child molesters would do everything in their power to become top brass villains, up there with Father and Grandfather.

You think Democuck ''''men'''' are able to get ass?

Do you understand punctuation?

That's a very good question. In this setting, adults were first created by children, and the origins of the world or the children aren't made clear.

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>adults were first created by children
You do know that's bunk, right?


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>he doesn't know

I know that it's not canon.

>Cosmic Storks create children
>Children then create Adults
>The virus of Adulthood reaches earth
>Children now grow into adults (plus first teenagers)

>centerpiece of an episode
What do you think "canon" means, user?

What part on non-canon don
t you understand?

>it's not canon because I said so!
Yeah nah. Unless Warburton or anyone in the staff says otherwise, it is canon. Your headcanon is only canon in your shitty fanfics.

Yea Forumsmblr at its finest

>Unless Warburton or anyone in the staff says otherwise, it is canon
Even that's not actually the case. As an officially-produced episode, it can only be made not canon by excluding it from future broadcasts or collections.

I'm pretty sure he DID say otherwise

>no source
>take my word for it
Yeah nah.

According to this, it’s true.


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That's a typo, her dad is a papist.

They're not mutually exclusive.

If adulthood is a disease then why didn't someone from KND get a hold of the age-changing cigar from the S1 finale and use it to develop a cure? Surely some higher ups at KND must have caught word of the device and sector V getting destroyed

>according to an unsourced anonymous comment on a wiki
>somehow better evidence than an unsourced anonymous comment on an imageboard
And this is beside the point. Warburton doesn't own KND, so he's not the one who determines what's canon or not. Canon is the official body of some work as determined by some entity that's in charge of it. So, for example, the Gospel of Mark is canonical to the standard Bible, while the Gospel of Thomas is not. When Lucas was in charge of Star Wars, there was a canon policy for the expanded universe, and characters like Thrawn were canonical to the official Star Wars story. With Disney's ownership, that's no longer the case, since they changed canon policy. Operation A.R.C.H.I.V.E. is still in the official releases, along with its implication that the teacher agrees with the content of Nigel's report.

Some idiot probably destroyed it.

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And yet Operation Z.E.R.O. contradicts it, so is that non-canonical?
And I'm not saying the whole episode is non-canonical, I'm saying the report isn't an accurate representation of the world. And you have nothing that says he was agreeing with the entirety of the report, so for all you know it could mean something completely different.

Why would the KND care? As long as he's not raping kids.

>And yet Operation Z.E.R.O. contradicts it, so is that non-canonical?
It's an inconsistent canon. This shouldn't be a new concept for someone on Yea Forums.

>so for all you know it could mean something completely different
Go on, explain what an unspecified "they know" by the history teacher could refer to besides the all-encompassing conspiracy to hide the true history of the world from children. Do you think he was referring to fluorescent lights specifically?


Can we see where in canon you pulled this from?

It's right on the first page of paheal. Don't be lazy.

>Go on, explain
I don't have much time, so I'll keep it short.
He "knows" that adults have plans against children, something we all know, but not all children in the setting do.

it isnt

Being golf buddies with Trump does not make a person Republican.

I dunno, imagine a world where being a pedophile could mean eating a glock made of banana peels and two by fours. Pedophiles would be an extinct species.

Glad somebody got it. I was really proud of that post.

Search Abigail_Lincoln and MatoSpectoru on Paheal.

Thank you

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And yet despite how awful some of the villains, like Father brainwashing an entire sector of KND, he is still alive and kicking. And that's not even touching minor villains like that one faggot that tried selling kids to be shark bait.
Your logic makes no sense.

A few seems to be discovering.
Kuki X Wally

They don't NEED to ...

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What do you think you’re saying here?

bet you feel stupid for making this post now

Numbuh 1 destroyed it near the end of the episode

And yes, there is a topless version.

----- somewhere *********

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The head and body do not match.

Operation A.R.C.H.I.V.E. was just a parody of the Animatrix, I don't think it's meant to be held as canon


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why is she so sexually confident?

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I mean before that. Like when the Delightful Children are just dicking around with it

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Looking at her sister, she knows she has good genes.

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