When are the Big Two giving /ourguy/ a writing gig?

When are the Big Two giving /ourguy/ a writing gig?

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When they get Dobson to co-write and RCDart to do the art

In all honesty I would love a comic written by Linkara and drawn by Dobson just out of shear morbid curiosity.

I'd like to see it just for fun. But i know it wouldn't be

He has the same level of talent and understanding of sociopolitical issues as most of the current Marvel writers, so I don't see why he isn't writing that comic about the cis white male stealing the powers that rightfully belong to a poc lesbian.

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I know where you got that from.

His only experience doing comics is Lightbringer.

Isn't his favorite comic some mediocre Titans/JLA crossover no one cares about?

It was his very first comic ever, so I can see why.

> the main plot revolves around vigilantes/superheroes other than the main character mysteriously losing their powers
> gradually, the protagonist discovers the culprit behind it
> it's a supervillain
> Name is 'The Oppressor'
> His backstory is that of a young, angry straight white male is also a virgin who was contacted by a cosmic force intrinsic to the universe itself and offered a wish
> He wished for the power to get back at all those minorities and lgbt
> The entity grants him the power to take away the superpowers of others, but only if they are either women, gay/lesbian/trans/bi or some variation of poc
> his one weakness are straight white men, because his ability doesn't work on them
> bringing him in physical contact with a Jewish person negates his powers
> in tradition with the writer's experience, the first half of the first series of issues consists of the protagonist being completely pacifistic like in lightbringer and all the minorities who lost their powers accumulating as the stories go on and eventually, there's enough of them to work together and convince the protagonist to do something about it

Didn’t he show his work to some guy at a con and got laughed at?

Has he killed himself yet?

Why would he? He's happily married and doing a job he genuinely likes and is passionate about.

Nah. It will have a bunch of "deep-in-denial" homoerotic subtext while purportedly espousing conservative values. This is the guy who represented himself as a "Good Christian Boy" while living with a tranny.

He also tried to do an independent comic at one point.

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I want to see him review The Boys because of how assmad he gets over it

Please. Don’t give linkara too much credit. He Chris-Chan with less writing and drawing talent.

>He's happily married and doing a job he genuinely likes and is passionate about.
Hi linkara

Donate to his Patreon then, he takes requests.

Than why is linkara spending days bitching about diversity and comics being more successful than him in 3 years than him in 10?

Wow that balant question/rorsach ripoff

>The non-question
>The non-shadow

This reaction image is due for an edit of young Chris laughing with old Chris.