What if Superman.....but evil?

What if Superman.....but evil?

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What if Doom became omnipotent... AGAIN?!

What if Superman... but Batman?

What if Batman...worse than his foes?

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What if Wonder Woman... but a coldhearted bitch?

What if Darkseid but as a good guy?

What if Superman.....butt evil?

What if beloved characters... but dead?

What if story but Batman

What if we just make good comic?

That'll never sell.


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Stupid movie.

Basically 2 hours of snuff and eventually mama talking him down.

What if Spider-man... but a manchild?

And Injustice, Invincible, Irredeemable

What if everyone... was lolis?

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Did you see it?

What's wrong with snuff

That'll never work, Batman would stop him.

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I like the way you think.

what if Batman is just as bad as the Joker if he kill him

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hey what if there was a guy who realized sending the bad guys to jail doesnt work and was neither hero or villain

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what if superman but evil...

but also batman

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What if OP.... not gay?

What if Lex Luthor... but good

what if harley...but good?

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No Man of Steel

What if X Men but bad but not evil bad

I'm gonna have a massive folder of brainlets and I'm gonna love you guys for it.

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Red Son was great.

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What if Yea Forums..... Had proper moderation?

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what if justice league but evil

and all of them batman

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>eventually mama talking him down.
You don't know shit, the kid actually killed everyone in the movie.

Did you see it? What happens in the end?

Everyone literally dies, at the end of the movie it's shown he's destroying jets and bridges

Is that rumor of an aquatic monster and a woman killing with a lasso being mentioned on the radio true?

>Produced by James Gunn
>Written by Brian Gunn and Mark Gunn

>What if Superman was evil?

What type of fucking colossal faggot do you have to be to pay to see this movie?
I mean shit, the fucking trailer shows him killing everyone but the mom and dad.

Easy on the hard thinking Snyder

Dude...remember when the hero fought the villain. What if the damage caused by the fight was entirely the hero's fault, meaning that the hero is evil?

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What if Batman was gay?

Based Tommy