OTP thread?

OTP thread?
OTP thread.

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OTP thread

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Here’s another.

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Should you be posting that? I really don’t want Barneyfag to come here.

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Patty’s a dyke tho

Oh hey, you're here.

Good ship, lollipop.


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Please rate my taste.

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sick in the head

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Absolute shit out of 10

>[JSA tardout intensifies]

M-maybe Billy'll show up in the Stargirl show?

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Only sees friendship with gay eyes

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Forever and Always.

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>ship wasn't established well and convincing enough it became so forgettable, even controversial by some
>fans would rather pic related a lot more - nevermind the fact that they are their voice actors' (close friends IRL) self inserts

O Lawd, I'm laffin'.

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Fifi/Furrball muh OTP.

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Dot Warner and Melvin Gibstein.

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This right here

Even after all this time, this is still my favorite ship.

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Ur a fag tho

My OTP gets married and has kids in the future. Does your OTP get married and have kids ?

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Yes .

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serious was almost like the guy/furry romance was the original idea.

the black girl falling for garry make almolst no sense theres just not enough reasons for that

>When your OTP is half nonexsitant because it's a specific version of a character from a cartoon that never introduced him because it was only a pilot adaptation of an old comic and the original character doesn't have the same pizzaz

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Well they're both cucks.

Always and forever

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This is one of the few time where the Fujoshis shipping him with his bro are actually right

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me on the left

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Weirdly hot

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The only decent SW OTP

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Patrician taste fellas

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Star got to shag the best boy though. Finn got fucked over by California hipsters and dumblr shippers

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Why do the people responsible have to represent a group? Isn't putting them in a box a reactionary tactic? We should just call them for what they are. Shitty writers.

Good stuff

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Well it never had a chance but at least she wasn't tainted by season 3 and 4's bullshit characterization.

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venombro still based

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Based good taste

She's got the hots for Charlie Brown. Her and Marcie. Try reading the original comics strips or even watching TV specials.


That scene with "are we doing it" with ends with a hug and handshake... It really looked like they were going for a kiss.

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mate, i wish you well, and i hope you get a better ending for your ship than the bullshit that is the epilogues.

to hell with dykes and faggots.

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Despite everything I still ship it
Your pairing too

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10/10 tastes

mah man!

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Only good part of the final season :)

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What is this?

>Getting Daisy out of the Picture of Donald’s life
Good riddance to bad rubbish. There’s plenty of better girls out there.

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Sometimes, you just imprint on a ship when you’re a young child and you can never escape from it.

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Really Satine couldn't hold a candle to Ventress.