ITT: the best of Yea Forums

ITT: the best of Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

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is this an edit?

actual comic page

Absolutely based, forever and ever.

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oh well here we go

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A classic

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Remember the kid who drowned between Dora's legs?

Attached: Based Wholesome Get.jpg (1897x366, 351K)

I was the OP

i miss ruberposting

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>FOP thread produced another FOP edit thread

Did Yea Forums become good again?

>sperging out this badly over a typo
Well, it's certainly typical of Yea Forums, though I'd hesitate to classify it as "best of".

hop in dude

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I remember this. It was great all those Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forumsfags got BTFO by some guy just enjoying some duck comics.

I still have nightmares over this.

Not my proudest jerk off moment, but I've got to admit it was powerful.

We laugh now, but you know in a few years we're going to see "She can breath with her vagina" in a Batman comic.

Attached: batman.jpg (124x138, 3K)


Cant look at that fuckers face without dying.

>it was a duck comics thread on top of that
Truly the most blessed post.

Attached: jesoidberg.jpg (720x576, 51K)


it was a water theme park or something

>Onions Venezuela Rick!
Fucking lost it.

i wanna know what happened

Posting random screencaps that nobody else has seen makes for more entertaining best of threads

Attached: Screenshot (1867).png (697x513, 299K)

cringe and not funny.

Attached: disgust.jpg (854x859, 176K)

This shit is so cringe. Replies used as upvotes, ugh. Once a post hits a certain amount of replied people will just keep doing it for no reason, its meaningless. I hope you're just so pleased that you all completely derailed the thread he was so happy to be in just for your cringe upvote spam.

Nothing happened, it was bait. You and screenshot guy fell for it.

>why won't you give my /pol/ bait threads this much attention reeeee

anyone screencap that thread where patrick was in the grave of the fireflies

/pol/ bait threads DO get that kind of attention you retard. I said the fucking opposite of that.

Mmmmno, it doesn't

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Mmmmmgo fuck yourself

Attached: Screenshot (1106).png (827x818, 102K)

I have no idea what your pic is referencing. Because of that, I don't find it funny.
I'd tell you to go fuck yourself as well, but that would be a pleasure to you.

>i don't have basic reading comprehension so i can't understand how the picture is about someone jacking off to baby porn despite very blunt context clues

I love it when retarded people try to act smart

It just wasn't funny.

It's awwright

someone should show that to butch

>tfw i actually typed the link

And I love it when other people agree with me.

what came out?

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Sure nothing happened that time but something did happen this other time

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Attached: AHHHHHH.jpg (2485x3500, 1017K)

>first guy says it wasn't funny, which is understandable
>you said it wasn't funny because you were too thick to get what the picture was talking about

The other guy didn't like it because he didn't like it, you didn't like it because you're dense.

In a similar vaine to

Attached: Anon likes Sing.png (1366x6000, 2.02M)

points for effort, but the fact is the end result is just bad


No, you're double retarded. He not getting a joke when there isnt a joke to get doesnt mean you're stupid, it means it wasnt funny. Stop reposting your posts that nobody laughed at when you made them under the veil of uncommon content.

I wonder if they ever actually saw Secret of the Loch after somebody finally found it.

That and if those crows at that one rest stop finally ate that one user.

>eastern delight

Attached: 1554694052360.png (467x541, 267K)

The sequel.

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Attached: ruby gloom isn't loli 2.png (1236x2574, 247K)

Attached: ruby gloom isn't loli 3.png (1144x2004, 318K)

don't they show children in ruby gloom and they're significantly smaller than ruby and the other characters?

>the best of Yea Forums
>literally garbage low-qaulity posts and bait
is this some running joke or sth meta?

I would honestly pay good money to have Dana Snyder read these posts
I mean, you just know he'd do it, he's read worse shit for less

peak Yea Forums was already reached a year after the board was made. It has been downhill ever since.

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Why did he even want it, anyway?

>oh ye gods
lmao what the fuck. "Oh egad"

I still can't get over that dude having literal porn on his wall

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>this was before thanos became normie shit

>tfw I was in that thread but my reaction image and post didn't got screen capped
you guys suck

So, what is the best of Yea Forums?

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>Being chased at night by a strange muscular nude man
Thats pretty scary