Why is she so perfect?

Why is she so perfect?

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>muh goth girl

Because you have generic meme taste

Black is perfect dark

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>Married, breeded and zinged with a fucking ginger pot head.

On her own sure. But she's been soiled by the soulless gingers.

>Healthy diet.
>No addictions or vices.
>Old fashioned values.
>Always swallows.

>Always swallows.
only after scraping and licking

Isn't the whole plot of the 1st movie about her rebelling against her dad's values?

She's rebelling against his prejudices, not his values.

Attached: dracula scrape and lick.png (633x510, 417K)

She isn't getting a tattoo or doing pot user. She just wants to get immediately impregnated by the first boy she has ever seen.

Fuck off Pan

Pan got a gf now user, he isn’t thirsty anymore

Innocent and svelte on the outside, controlled rage on the inside.

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>doing pot

Vampire blowjob
Woo Woo!

So... is she weak to sunlight or not? I've never seen these movies.

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Attached: Mavis preggers.webm (1920x1040, 2.02M)

It sure looked like Mavis was schlicking before her Dad showed up.

So shouldn't she be seeking cover in that scene? I don't know what's going on...

She's standing in a shadow, not in direct sunlight.

She's inside the terminal

They were using the Hotel as shade. It's fine as long as she wasn't directly in the sunlight.

Attached: Mavis camera.webm (1920x1040, 2.57M)

She can do two things.

>Letting a Vampire suck you off.

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This, also that picture is somehow erotic to me. So much intensity from a character that is usually overtly happy or furious. The pose is also very regal, perfect for a vampire queen.

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I thought vampires don't show up on film or mirrors

Digital cameras don't use film.

Well mirrors at least.

Attached: Mavis talk.webm (1920x1040, 2.98M)

>not wanting a girl to bite your dick like a cockodile and going into a death roll
You are a coward.

Hey, I know what I like.

>pic related

Attached: finn boner.png (139x195, 53K)

Mostly what this user said but also she's voiced by Selena Gomez who is just great all around. But like her VA, Mavis has made bad choices in men. I was fine with the ginger look but his personality was hipster garbage. But cutting him out of it, Mavis is true waifu material just like her VA.

>a vampire would bite your dick off
Why? When do vampires consume human flesh and not the blood underneath?
>well maybe she'd bite it
The average body takes 4 shotglasses of blood, about 130ml, to make an erection. If she was going to drink your dick, she'd be done in a second, and unsatisfied.

She's much more likely to bite your inner thigh to get to the femoral artery if anywhere around there. Blowjobs are probably a great way to get blood flowing, and they just take a suck after making you cum for that erotic blood/cum mix like the freaks vamp girls are.

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The vampires in these movies can survive in sunlight for some periods of time. There's a scene where Dracula flies to catch an airplane in his bat form during daytime in direct sunlight. Small embers are forming on his body, he's leaving a smoky trail behind him, he's in pain, and his skin has red burn wounds when he turns back into human. But he doesn't suddenly burst into visible flames, and he heals very quickly after he goes back into shade.
They would probably die if they stayed in sunlight long enough, though. The sun does hurt them, and Dracula only flies in daylight that one time out of desperation.

Having said that, this scene still never made any sense She's supposed to be watching the sunrise while still staying in shade, but that's impossible.

>body takes 4 shotglasses of blood, about 130ml, to make an erection. If she was going to drink your dick, she'd be done in a second, and unsatisfied.
maybe with your dick but i faint when i get an erection

I thought she was voiced by Miley Cyrus.

Then you should go see a doctor. That's not soemthing to be proud of that's a medical condition.

Nope, that was the girl from Bolt.

The best thing about Selena is that she has completely shit taste in men. It means there's a chance she'd date a neckbeard like me.
shut up, the chance is higher than 0%. that's good enough for me

I mean her previous BFs were the canuks Justin Bieber and the Weeknd. One was a pretty boy and the other was an average rapper, so our odds are good. She's been going through some tough times recently, she has Lupus, she just went through a kidney transplant, she has low blood count so she has to get transfusions, all of that on top of her ex Justin getting married made her feel horrible and she had a breakdown. She's better now, but she should consider dating non celebs since dating celebs just seems to hurt her in the end. Sorry for the rambling but I do love Selena and feel sorry for all the medical stuff she has to go through.

This scene is doesn't make sense, you see the source of light in her eyes yet she is in the shadow from that light source....it's only a cartoon but it bugged me nevertheless.

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>finds you interesting just for being human
She's got a lot going for her

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It's Johnny. He's the one who shows her how to do it, he's messing with the light somehow. He's clearly got some kind of happiness magic that just makes life around him more enjoyable. He can just create a party at will, he traveled the world without any money including somehow backpacking to Hawaii, he just so happened to stumble across a secret castle that had been hidden from human all the way into modern times, and instantly makes the 10/10 girl there fall in love with him.
Then this?
>"I really wanna see the sun, but I can't be in sunlight"
>Oh that's easy, just go like this"
And it just works? Magic exists in this setting, and Johnny can do it.

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Genndy designs waifus straight from his dick right unto yours my man.

>that lip curl

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Oh god yes.

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>tfw Mavis will never pee on you
Why live

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Everyone hates on Johnny but I think he's cute plus it's a pretty accurate couple judging what I've seen irl. Bubbly alt girls and stoners dudes that are chill to the point of stupidity always seem to get together.

Perhaps there's hope for me yet.
But where does one even find bubbly alt girls?

Haunted Eastern European castles.

Well, I better get going then. No money to get there though, but I should be fine just walking.

I'm from Austria and when I go there I just get kicked out by history fags or get stabbed by junkies (there us really little in-between in those places)

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Mavis, easy on the scream cheese...

Because She not real

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Imagine: she's had a bunch of slurpees, and is maybe a little bubbly and tipsy on wine, and wants to do something a little more kinky in the bedroom but really needs to go...


not to be 'that guy' but traditional central/eastern european vampires do eat people, they do't just drink blood. the folklore is mixed.

So I jam a slurpee straw all the way in and suck it straight from her bladder

I don't think vampires can get fat

"This vodka thing makes slurpees even more fun. You know what else would be fun?"

holy fuck my sides

Why not? Her father while isn't fat is a pretty large guy, and the mummy is fat

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The mummy's not a vampire. Vampires are always depicted from lithe to underweight. Even the one's that do eat a lot.

Would it be blood?

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>Vampire girls pissing blood

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Hugs from a vamp qt.

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Vampires not appearing in photographs and mirrors is tied to the myth that silver wards off evil due to its antibacterial nature (back before people actually understood things like bacteria and just assumed you got sick because of demons and shit). Since both early photography and pre-aluminum mirrors utilized silver, it was presumed that creatures like vampires wouldn't appear in those things.

But now? Unless they're very old, mirrors are aluminum-backed, and even photography that still uses film doesn't use silver. So vampires should show up like everybody else.

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>tfw she finds your Mavis rule34 folder

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Because you're lonely.

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>The thought of Mavis stopping mid-way through to shout that out loud and pump her fist in the air with a goofy, delighted expression on her face
Okay, not the boner that I expected

cute even when she is angry.

>lithe to underweight
Not in Hotel Transylvania, in fact the vampires seem more muscular than a lot of the humans we saw so the vampires we do see obviously experience change in weight.
Historically the scrawny lanky vampires were just to look scarier and more foreign to the largely American and west European audiences who would have larger bodies than the non-imperial east Europeans due to better food and more industrial/mining jobs. There seems to be nothing suggesting they can't here.

>the scrawny lanky vampires were just to look scarier
They were based on dead bodies.

Well if Stoker's novel is still the gold standard of Vampire lore, Count Dracula is described as getting "bloated" and "swollen" after binging on blood before his trip to England
>He lay like a filthy leech, exhausted with his repletion
Sounds pretty tubby to me

>Someone drew you fat in this one, honey.

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>This guy right here
Absolutely top-tier patrician detected. Otherworldly waifus work best when you get those momentary reminders of how different and ethereal they are.
Goofy, dweeby, happy-go-lucky Mavis is made all the better when you remember that she's also an unholy potentate of the aristocracy of the dead. I wish we'd get more art of her showing that off.

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That's just a potbelly.

Did the ginger kid bang her when she was in the bat form?

No, she just stays pregnant.

It's pretty much is about her being rebellious against her dad being conservative. She's not just a Goth GF, she's a punk GF.