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Pretentious way to try and get Wednesday Warriors to buy Batman.
>comics were liked by nerds because nerd culture was ostracize by mainstream media, now nerd culture is popular with mainstream media
Tom King realizes what he said can be misconstrued as inclusionary.
> N-n-n-now the outcasts of society are ostracized are your gays, your non-whites (jews & pizzas are okay & not white apparently) , & your gendered confused.
> & Tom King is one of these voices?
This is stupid because there is SO much media being pumped out now that there is no way these "ostracized " people don't have a show or movie or whatever to express themselves. Now they are writing themselves in their works like what King dose & the mainstream & old nerd centered audience can't connect with it.
t. a black fag
He's trying to say that white men should stop being interested in comics, they're not for them, they're not made for them.
Comics are for brown people, like Anime is for yellow people.
>Comics aren’t for everyone
>Well that explains it
>Explain what?
>Why it’s a dying industry!
This kind of stuff is dumb, I teach a yoga class & I've had people come to me afraid of culture appropriating Indian culture. Ask any yogi read any texts Indians consider yoga as a science that is something to be shared so people can chill. Now people are so sensitive about stuff like this that they are afraid to try things from other cultures..
I tried really hard to like Tom King's Batman. It didn't work.
By saying that comics are for nerds then if you don't like something then you clearly aren't a nerd, therefore it isn't for you, therefore your opinion on it doesn't matter.
Kinghater will keep reading his Batman anyway, so what for?
Tom King seems like the kind of pseudo intellectual that if he argues with you online he'll link a youtube video by some rando & call you an idiot to win the argument.
>Comics aren't for everyone.
Look, I'm not one to advocate for media being designed to appeal to as wide a demographic as possible... But like, what the comics are doing right now is appealing to absolutely nobody, so the whole "comic aren't for everyone" line feels like an excuse to try and dodge criticism.
Especially since, due to the absurd market saturation of a single genre across the entire medium, comics are in practice only for people who like superheroes, and those people are getting a better deal with the movies, for the most part.
Yes, the best way to represent the minority voice, to acknowledge ideas outside of the mainstream, is to purchase media starring characters from multi-billion dollar franchises.
Culture is meant to be shared and evolve, and it works both ways. Plenty of these places we are up in arms about appropriating their culture? They are doing the exact same to ours. Where do they think Anime, pigeon english, etc. etc. comes from.
No idea what your on but based gay nigger trips
>Comics aren’t for everyone
Well clearly your Batman run isn’t for everyone since it is selling less than the Immortal Hulk.
>the filename
> trips. nice
>It’s YOUR fault that are comics are shit and that our sales are down! Stop thinking and just buy our shit you freakin slaves! REEEEEEEE
>the whole "comic aren't for everyone" line feels like an excuse to try and dodge criticism
That's what it is. Why is everybody ignoring the usage of "comics" here? That's like saying films, paintings or books aren't for everyone either.
Tom King is cancer
This is all some la CIA psy-op, isn't it?
Comics have never recovered from the Censorship in the 50s, that's why Superheroes become the only viable genre. I often wonder if comics would be more or less popular if the CCA had never been a thing, or if the Cape genre would still exist at all
Pretty pretentious coming from the guy doing surprise twists, epic two page splashes and melodramatic muhh feels trash. If he was an indie guy self publishing I'd respect that, but he's a guy writing cheesy shit like the BatCat/SupermanLois double date or omgrobotshavefeelingstoouguizeeee.
But immigrant kids are reading manga and watching anime due to easy access.
Comics are hard for minorities to access due to a mix of DC and Marvel not distributing them.
It's hard to explain it other than minorities like "modern" DC, but Classic Marvel
you mean a desk jocky
I mean, it's trivial to pirate that stuff now. I think the bigger issue is how confusing it is to actually start reading comics for a normie. If your a casual it's intimidating to walk into a store and see a million different series with the same character over the years. Meanwhile if you want to get into anime/manga you just pick a series and watch/read it
Maybe cape shit which is shit.
By what metric were comic books created by the children of immigrants?
Does he just mean Superman?
Jack Kirby was the child of immigrants sooo
>But immigrant kids are reading manga and watching anime due to easy access.
Maybe they just have good taste? A lot of manga is shit, yes, but it's not all shit (like Marvel and DC).
>there is SO much media being pumped out now that there is no way these "ostracized " people don't have a show or movie or whatever to express themselves.
If you're referring to the trendy nerd activists appropriating nerd culture, they aren't simply satisfied with having just one piece of media that gives them a "voice". They want it all. They want control of every comic book, every cartoon, every TV show, every movie. And they have that control now. The ostracized nerds who pioneered nerd media are ostracized once again, forced to occupy fringe/obscure parts of the internet.
The true gatekeepers of the industry are the ones saying that comics ARE for everyone, but then attach an extenuating circumstance with a subjective, arbitrary, morally grey definition.
>"Comics are for everyone except bullies. Comics are for everyone except racists/bigots/sexists/transphobes/etc"
They then attach those labels to any innocuous opinion they disagree with. In effect they control what is allowed to be said, and they funnel the audience they want buying their books.
You let them in though.
Jack Kirby didn't invent comic books, you worthless retard
lmao weebs
>This is stupid because there is SO much media being pumped out now that there is no way these "ostracized " people don't have a show or movie or whatever to express themselves
This is a great point. I agree with King's point to an extent, but like, "nerd culture" has so thoroughly and completely consumed popular culture to the point that only someone with a massive persecution complex could claim that nerd culture is the culture of the ostracized.
The biggest TV show right now is based on a fantasy novel filled with dragons, swords and magic. Movies have been taken over by superhero films based on comics, not to mention this video game movie renaissance we're going through. Video games are about as mainstream of entertainment as you can get now with shit like Fortnite having hundreds of millions of players. The time of the internet being a nerd haven with niche communities huddled around forums, IRC, usenet boards, and even imageboards like Yea Forums are long since gone, so you can't count "internet culture" among that. Anime? Fucking Dragon Ball Super Broly got a wide release, TV spots on ESPN, and made more money than most hollywood films in theaters at the time. Tabletop RPGs? D&D is the biggest (and most normie-friendly) its ever been.
So what, exactly, is so niche and ostracized about nerd culture in 2019? About the closest thing to a throughline is the subsection of self identified nerds that complain about "their" entertainment being taken over by SJWs, and even that has been co-opted by your standard right-wing boomer.
He is seriously pathetic
>thinking the CIA is all Jason Bourne and James Bong shit
>not realizing CIA desk jockeys and think tank boardroom meetings can topple nations
the penis mightier, user
Your Batman comic is still shit, King.
>product gets criticized
>I-it's not made for you!
Why can't creators just shut up if they are butthurt about their products being called shit?
What else is Twitter for?
Sounds pretty straightforward, comics are not for everyone.
>Comics have never recovered from the Censorship in the 50s,
Oh fuck you, the censorship of the 50's didn't kill comics. Comics were doing fine into the 80's and were making a recovery before all this social justice shit killed it.
Twitter screencaps aren't Yea Forumsntent, fuck off
>Oh fuck you, the censorship of the 50's didn't kill comics
Yeah, I too like that there was only one major genre in an entire medium
There used to be a group that didn't like mainstream stuff, user. People that read manga but read Homunculus instead of Naruto and HxH, people that read Human Target and American Virgin instead of Batman and Spider-man. People that watched Mysterious Skin or The Wire instead of Avengers and GoT. These people have kind of been driven out because the second group was always "the masses" and now they've taken over the internet, the place that the awkward shy people with niche taste used to dwell. Yea Forums is a great example of this, every anime and manga forum back in the day was full of naruto discussion and on Yea Forums, naruto was not allowed, threads would get saged and spammed with pasta and dubs faggotry into deletion while now you have 3-4 naruto threads on the first page.
There are(very few, yes) non Cape comics out there and they sell like shit. There used to be more non cape stuff in the 00s but nobody bought them.
You have a very narrow view of comics then, fag. There were anthology comics before and after the comic's code, and when it was rescinded the industry didn't just suddenly find it's balls.
Capes are big because Capes sell. But even the idea of superheroes isn't a 50's thing. You can trace it back to The Shadow, The Phantom, pulp heroes and whatnot.
What I will agree on is that the comic's code raised a generation of pussies. Pulp heroes would laugh in the face of shit like this.
Superhero movies are popular but Superhero comics are still niche, especially consider how superhero comic cover more variety than is lead to believe.
People talk about Batman but do they talk about Wonder twins or Freedom Fighters?
>nerds letting coochie ruin their medium
Imagine my shock
And these trendy activists cunts caused a full on rebirth of the dwindling right wing youth. Like pottery, it is.
T. a formerly apolitical guy who got sick of this shit
you're all just as obnoxious and insufferable.
comics ARE for every and any one.
not ALL comics are for every and any one.
different comics exist for different people.
OP is literally the goth kids from South Park.
Capeshit comics depresses me. It's the only one that always consistently turned to shit and destroyed characters in the long run.
yoga doesn't exist in India, it's a marketing shit by a smart imigrant knowing how dumb american are
Women didn't ruin comics, men did.
>Comics are for because comics are by
Jesus christ what a brainlet
Women in general ruined 'nerd' culture.
Not the actual female nerds, but those are rare.
Modern comics are made for people who would never buy a comic.
It's like video games that try to be movies, instead of being video games.
>please stop buying Hulk more than Batman and Heroes in Crisis
Fuck King
Based Alex Ross
No, user. Men did.
Don't those sell really well?
If you believe that then you're a fool.
>There are(very few, yes) non Cape comics out there
Based on sheer volume there's more non-cape comics than capeshit, and I'm not even counting BD
It's the truth. Men bent over backwards because they wanted to be in with the cool and popular kids. You reap what you sow.
If you count pseudo cape and generic action stuff that closely follows or subverts popular cape tropes and cliches, maybe.
But even then, anything that sells outside the top 100 is bad in terms if numbers and the top 250 is dominated by capeshit and DC, Marvel and Image.
>you're all just as obnoxious and insufferable.
Right. And you're just above it all, aren't you?
Fuck yes I am
>goth kids from South Park
>not Tom King
o now im laffin
Wrong women ruin everything c'mon man its in the first chapter of the bible. women just need to claw there way into everything, but when men try to join the girls only clubs the are rightfully not accepted.
okay you have to be a women or male feminist (ie a future sexual offender)
>If you count pseudo cape and generic action stuff that closely follows or subverts popular cape tropes and cliches, maybe.
No, I'm "counting" literally every comic out there that doesn't belong to the superhero genre.
Who tells people they can't read comics?
Anybody can read comics but its mostly nerdy white dudes that actually bother to do so. Maybe they should actually make it easier for new readers to get into them by making them more accessible digitally instead of prioritizing little hole in the wall comic stores that many towns don't even have anymore.
It worked for manga.
>"nerd culture" has so thoroughly and completely consumed popular culture to the point that only someone with a massive persecution complex could claim that nerd culture is the culture of the ostracized.
You have that backwards. Nerd culture hasn't consumed anything. It's pop culture that has appropriated nerd culture and turned a once obscure, often ridiculed hobby into a mainstream fad. The bandwagoners of that fad still look down upon things like comics, but if you put it on TV or in a movie, then it's totally cool. But rather than have everyone enjoy their own thing and let live, the bandwagoners turn up scrutiny on the old nerds and shame them for liking sexy women or heroes who were originally white. The bandwagoners need to control the entirety of the hobby. And if anyone disagrees with their draconian views, they quickly get forcibly ousted and deplatformed.
Are you sitting there and pretending that anyone fucking read HxH before the anime came out? I should slap you through the internet. Oh, upon further reading of your shitpost, you're one of those people who thought Naruto "wasn't allowed" on Yea Forums. Go fuck yourself, retard. You tasteless faggots always read plenty of popular shit, you just randomly singled out garbage like Naruto so that you could properly fill your imagined role as the snobby elitists.
I actually agree with him. Men at the top tried to get a new audience by courting women and minorities and just ended up making a product nobody really enjoys.
>The bandwagoners of that fad still look down upon things like comics
Sadly true. If you try to bring up comics with a normalfag in an MCU conversation they will look at you like you just made a holocaust joke at the Anne Frank house even if it is a positive comparison.
Nothing should be for racists, bigots and transphobes so eat shit
As someone who likes pretentious manga Homunculus was pretty stupid.
There was an arc where the main character raped the psychological issues out of an underaged girl for fuck's sake.
Which every comic pro describes anyone who doesn't like their work so no wonder the comic book industry direct market is in a fourth year straight slump
>Wednesday Warriors
can you explain what this means? Is it people who only care about comics when new ones are out, is it people who don’t tradewait?
I have no problem identifying with any flavor of gayfaggotry or muh race as long as it's well written. Hell, identifying and relating are overrated, I don't even need that, I just need a decent story with interesting characters that are actual characters rather than cardboard cutouts with identity politics labels tacked on to them.
People like you disgust me. You only hopped on the trans shit because it's the new gay, you aren't aware of how badly it hurts people. You aren't aware of David Reimer, you aren't aware of how hard that poor man fought to stop others from feeling his pain.
No, you just pat yourself on the fucking back.
>before the anime came out
Clearly nobody read HxH for over a decade.
>comics aren't for everyone
Well, Batman's comics aren't for averyone anymore for sure
Clearly you're a dumb newfag.
HxH is pretty main stream, mate. It isnt some sorta indie manga
Naruto brings with it narutards. Hence why it was not "allowed", if you get mad of this fact it is probably because you are a casual nigger too
>what is a Storytime of Pain
>t. a woman
lol fucking cringy sasuga amerimutt
hes basically saying the comic industry totally lacks diversity as genre and he HAS TO rationalise it for some reason
compare it to manga
That was sarcasm user.
People retarded enough to buy flopies in the year of our Lord 2019
Lol. Not at all.
>implying I don't fight for them so they feel his pain
Get on my fucking level fag
>people who bullied me at school for comics now telling me to stop reading comics because it's their
>pretending nerds haven't always been viewed as contemptible perverts
Anyone who thinks this is new should gas themselves.
Is this King giving a hint that he is gonna kill Bruce and have Duke replace him as Batman?
if an outsider ever tried to understand comics, they wouldn't understand.
"my shit doesn't stink"
God I hope he just kills himself instead of killing comics.
>hey will look at you like you just made a holocaust joke at the Anne Frank house even if it is a positive comparison.
Oh, I'll do way worse than that.
>just finished reading Batman: Son of the Demon
>incredible story, art, and characterization
>log in and see this shit
comics used to be good, bros...
>The Big 2 are owned by megacorps Warner and Disney and are notorious for treating creators like shit while profiting on their work
>”We’re the medium of the outsiders”
King come the fuck on. You’re corporate media. There’s nothing Indy, edgy, or counterculture about you. You’re owned.
Bullshit. Every MCUfag I talked about comics to was curious at best and uninterested at worse. Maybe specify what f you haven't left high school, because in the adults' world people who watch cape movies aren't snobs.
He'll try.