Is there a single comic character that could beat Enerjak?
Is there a single comic character that could beat Enerjak?
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lame ass sonic villain from the previous american comic
any lawyer
Ok, I guess Iron Man and Superman can beat him. In terms of popularity and power.
Hundreds. He was pretty shit tier and even at his best, he was a ripoff of your average Silver Age Marvel villain.
Enerjak was pretty based but Lien-Da was better.
She also got everything she could have wanted before getting banished. Basically, one of the few antagonists to actually win.
>Chaos demigod
>Iron Man can beat him
Enerjak "was essentially omnipotent, able to seemingly defy reality and even manipulate objects on a molecular level."
Knuckles' daughter.
Titan Tails, describes as “the ultimate power in the multiverse”, was essentially outerversal (living tribunal level) since he whupped master mogul. He is also the most retarded character design in all of creation
Knuckles kicked his ass on a regular basis and that was even when he still had his powers.
Then he lost them and became a big bitch.
Dude jobbed out to fucking Mogul and Mogul was the biggest jobber of the Archie originals fucking anyone could kick his ass.
Reminder that powers like reality warping, which is essentially just lazily disguised writer fiat, don’t mean jack outside of your series, where the writer isn’t guaranteed to suck that characters dick.
still mad silver bested him
I'd make a joke about Penders being OP but Penders has never actually read any of the Sonic comics ever including his own so he wouldn't have even known it happened
reminder that out-of-universe a guy who's only real abilities extend to "can punch people really hard, fly and lazor some shits" will eventually win anyway no matter how impossible the enemy, because the writers cant just kill the main character, let alone stop producing an IP that sells those sweet, sweet movie tie ins, funko pops and t-shirts.
in power-matching, anyone that's Dr. Manhattan tier. Otherwise, pretty much most cape heroes, since Sonic and Knuckles did it. They just need to go for personality weaknesses instead of brute output match.
I remember watching some video about how basically everyone that matters form this comic is insanely broken
Basically yeah.
Link pls
More or less, all the non-Eggman villains have ridiculous magical bullshit. Naugus had do-anything magic shit, Mogul was literally immortal and had the same bullshit powers that guys like Shadow have, Enerjak as discussed was Penders edgy god-powered villain Sue who consistently lost because he was a complete retard, and Scourge spent most of the comic as a lame evil knockoff of Sonic who did nothing but petty crime until he became Scourge, and then after that only got to do one actually cool thing before spending the rest of pre-reboot Archie in their knockoff of the Negative Zone. Hell, with all their bullshit the only reason any of them ever lose basically boils down to "Sega said Sonic can't ever lose so he has to win no matter what".
Eggman ends up the most successful because he eventually realized fucking with Sonic is a waste of time so he was the only one who ever got to win long-term
Mephiles killed sonic
And that's why he/Solaris is still the best villain in the entire franchise by a country mile.
Isn't Solaris a Superman villain?
We're talking about the comics, not the games. The comics had different rules for what they were allowed to do.
Besides Sonic came back to life like, what, 10 seconds later? Hardly counts.
But I guess to clarify, the villains weren't allowed *permanent* victories, they could win against Sonic and co but they'd have to have it be undone by the end of the issue/story arc
Yes, but Sonic also has a Solaris.
His Final form looks a lot like DC Solaris.
Except she got precisely what she didn't want and was starting to realize she fucked up.
I kinda wish she had become Enerjak instead of Knuckles. She's vain and short sighted enough to use the power poorly, the zombie city fits her desire to lead without responsibility and gain unearned adoration, it would give her time to shine instead of sharing the spotlight as an underling, and the Cleopatra motif writes itself.
>Naugus had do-anything magic shit
It still bugs me that Ian thought writing a multi year saga with a villain who can do literally anything the plot demands was a good idea.
>Enerjak as discussed was Penders edgy god-powered villain Sue who consistently lost because he was a complete retard
More that he's sloppy, barring the first appearance. And only Ken ever made him actually invincible.
>Scourge spent most of the comic as a lame evil knockoff of Sonic who did nothing but petty crime until he became Scourge, and then after that only got to do one actually cool thing before spending the rest of pre-reboot Archie in their knockoff of the Negative Zone.
Trying to make him anything more than an occasional nuisance was a mistake.
>Eggman ends up the most successful because he eventually realized fucking with Sonic is a waste of time so he was the only one who ever got to win long-term
Mogul did it first.
Eggman with prep time.
No, that one time doesn't count.