Doc Ock: Only my friends call me Liv

>Doc Ock: Only my friends call me Liv.
>Aunt May: Oh, great, it's Liv.

What did they mean by this?

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Probably a reference to the comics where Aunt May and Doc had a relationship.

Spider-verse version of this story

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Who marries with a fucking robot suit?

If you had a robot suit, you wouldn't?

Why do people think this makes them lesbians?

doc ock likes em old

combination of plus the voice actor for may being a lesbian

>Used to be two characters of the opposite sex can't be friends
>Now nobody can be friends anymore without every faggot under the sun thinking they're fucking
This is why you guys have no friends


If you're friends with a women with zero chances of getting laid or zero interest in fucking them, you're pretty much an idiot.

Women are fucking awful, and if you make the mistake of befriending them they will waste no time telling you that themselves.

Yeah but not even women can be friends anymore without dumbasses thinking they're fucking that's all this thread is about

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Well to be fair, women aren't ever really friends with each other to begin with.

and this post, students, is exactly why user is a virgin
take notes

They were in a relationship like 616 Doc Ock and Aunt May.

>robot suit
What in the world...

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I want them to have a tender romance, a May-December kind of love, Lord knows they both deserve it.

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May was married for years with uncle Ben. She's not suddenly a dyke after he dies. They are were probably just friends. They are both old women. Old women tend to be friends easily.

You assume they're different ages.

you realise that bisexual people exist?

So do straight people

Obviously Doc Ock was a hussy that tried to steal Uncle Ben, and/or Peter away.

Dumb tumblrites who don't realize that Liv being a creep who befriended May while trying to seduce Blonde!Spidey is the superior characterization.

considering that Aunt May was the one helping her Peter make his gadgets and gizmos she might have been some kind engineer, that's how she met Liv.

>Superior Spider man but with Liv in Peter's body
How would you feel about this?

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I'd like it more

>Liv 'experiments' with Pete's body
>Her Superior Octopus body is actually a clone/daughter of her and Peter's genes


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>Liv marrying Aunt May is what causes Peter Parker to roll in his grave and resurrect

I see more of a 40/70.

The joke was that Aunt May was so familiar with Peter's enemies that she knew one of them by their casual life names.

Ship fags are the worst.

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This, Peter is on a first name basis with like half of his rogues and treats them like relapsed addicts. He also occasionally gets the same treatment from some of them when he's in a funk.

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I like when lesbian do the double wedding dress. But still very good picture

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Friends tunerd enemies. Women are not only sexual objects and i'm sick of oversimplifying female interactions over what makes your pussy wet and your cock hard. The same can be said of homosexuals.

Representation be fucking dammed. Make characters people, not poster boys for your causes.

Isn't the whole thing about ock that he can't remove the arms? at least in that time.

You sound like the makings of the next mass shooter. Consider therapy.

What was Otto's angle here?

You type like a major faggot.


This is some next level cope. If that was the case, They wouldn't have to set a line with a payoff.

I think he planned to marry her for money. Can't really remember if that's accurate but I do think he also ends up actually falling in love with him.

i agree for most other characters, but they've canonically had a relationship in other media

Yeah this a May that knows the secret identity


hah, cute

You noticed! May'd want someone to liven up her life since Peter's gone.

shut up you whiny little shit

>I do think he also ends up actually falling in love with him.
It's been pretty consistent since then that May's one of the few people Otto actually cares about other than himself (and sexy midgets).The few times he's found out she's been threatened by villains he's wrecked their shit worse than Pete would have.

Aunt May somehow came to inherit a nuclear lab or something and Ock wanted it.

Yeah, but even then i'm not gonna pity fuck you.