Kill Six Billion Demons

>Ring of Power

>There's a reason we used March of the Gladiators to introduce this section

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Other urls found in this thread:

So this entire thing really was just an elaborate excuse for Gog to get someone to fuck up Solomon.

Gog is amazing.

Attached: To Solomon from Gog-Agog.gif (500x233, 499K)

Somewhere Goku is getting the biggest erection and he doesn't know why.

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So...anyone have the Gokus designed yet? I'm still trying to figure mine out and it's not going well.

>Uncomfortable Solomon

Literally every character on this page could kick Goku's ass

He'd probably be hyped regardless

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Goku actively gets excited by the concept of people being able to kick his ass.

that penultimate panel looks so surreal
I love Gog.

No one on this page could even touch Goku. I know Abby the retard likes to hype up his OCs power levels but nothing he has ever shown in the comic suggests they could handle something as basic as a talented elemental bender, let alone anything truly overpowered.

Showing a lot of skin there. Kind of cringey. What is the race and gender of the person who made this?

I also love how it confirms that Gog doesn't have to look so blatantly inhuman as she dies. She could be anyone or anything, and you wouldn't know until it was too late.

Gog could murder Goku with a single worm. Get out if here, DBZtard.

I posted knowing there would be at least one triggered Gokufag, and you did not disappoint

This. His autistic fight boner is regarded by even the guy in charge of destroying shit in his universe as being a really dangerous issue. He'd be creaming his gi at the chance to fight things that would shrug off his attacks.

>Gog running Solomon’s tournament
just how far does her worm body snatch thing goes? she’s in everyone’s realm?

Soon (maybe) the Goku character submissions will open for fighters in the tournament.

We've been saying soon for like a year now.

@107642808 (You)
Reminder not to reply to low-effort shitposts

Fairly certain she's the one running entertainment and general media for everything in Throne.

I've got a couple, but I can't draw for shit so they're all just names and one or two lines of description that I hope are evocative enough for him to use.

something I realized while looking at this page is that I'm not sure what voice the handwritten text on gog is supposed to be portraying. I don't know how handwriting is supposed to sound

like the Thing trying to imitate the voice of a cute girl but you know something is not right and it makes your spine tingle

I read it as her voice being a warbling thing constantly shifting in pitch and tone, and sometimes emphasizing certain syllables a bit too much or a bit too little. It's decidedly unnerving.

Reminds me of in certain anime monsters they overlay a male and female voice together saying the same line to make it sound creepy.

Wet, throaty, and somewhat squeaky, while also trying to mimic whoever she's talking to.

I've done this too. Kind of like how cortana sounded in halo 3, but more fucked up and less electronic.

Why the fuck would Solomon let her set up the matches? I can see him letting her broadcast it and do all the advertising due to not wanting to put up with her whining and pleading, but he literally handed her the keys to his key here.

Besides, Goku is obviously stupid enough to be Royalty

when she transforms into Zaid she speaks normally.
so she can speak that way but just chooses not to which makes her even more creepy.

I hear it as her always talking like a little girl explaining something. Especially when reading the part where she says 'People always wanna feel goOd.. pretty... happy!'

Solomon, and most of the other Demiurges, likely think that Gog is too insane or ever be a proper threat and just let her do whatever and have certain things they're willing to give her. All whilst forgetting exactly how much she outmasses and outpowers them all, whilst also forgetting that even the mad can have bouts of absolute brilliance.

Is this man upset or aroused?

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He's Pride incarnate. He probably thinks that even if Gog-Agog did rig all the matches and scheme to get at him through the tournament, he can crush any champion it could produce to fight him. He might even know Gog-Agog is plotting against him and would still go through the whole charade with the assumption he'll win in any scenario. Pride begets the fall though, so in all likelihood he's gonna go down with more than just a cut for thinking he's too big to fail. And if he gets back up, shit's really gonna pop off.

This but more like an overly saccharine girl

I reckon it'll just be a single cut.

But he'll go into a meltdown, and try to hold onto his power. He can't be defeated by anyone in his kingdom, but he'll have to rule it by force and fear, and all semblance of control is lost.

His pride will cause him to lose the very thing it created, his mighty kingdom.

>Why the fuck would Solomon let her set up the matches?
Does the order in which the contestants lose actually matter all that much?

Anyone else have Gog sound like Peridot in their head?

>Why the fuck would Solomon let her set up the matches?
Because she's the multiverse's best entertainer?

Squishy Salami Dave is cute! CUTE!

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I picture her sounding like a polyamorous manic pixie dreamgirl type that's obsessed with cosplaying Harley Quinn who fucks a dozen random guys at comicon every year, combined with one of the Silent Hill nurses, a cenobite, and the Gravemind from Halo

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Why would she even bother rigging matches in Alison's favor? If she actually thinks Alison is capable of beating Solomon shouldn't she already expect her to be able to win the tournament on her own?

>overlay a male and female voice together
I imagine her speaking like the nurnheim priestess from the doom patrol series, which is pretty much like that.

Why doesn’t she like Solomon?
He’s not the one that keeps blowing her head up whenever they have a meeting.

His rulings stop her from having her fun. Gog is a fundamentally petty and very vindictive being.

So Jagganoth is planning on destroying all of creation and the other demiurge's know this right? So why are they just sitting around not doing anything about it? They should all be coming together and should be storming Jagganoth with all of their forces. Instead they're having petty squabbles with each other and not doing shit about the actual threat in front of them.

The obvious answer would be that she probably isn't really going to help her at all.

He's a big stick in the mud and he also keeps letting the other demiurges fuck with her during meetings.

There is a difference between Alison retard punching Solomon so hard she warps reality to hurt him and her facing off against a bunch of random fighters that are a lot better trained than her.

So voiced by Kristen Schaal?

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See, the thing is that they're not sure who'd win.

Jesus she would actually be perfect.

Because they can't beat him, and they know it.

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>there is another gun witch
Looks pretty different from Layla. Hopefully this means there's a whole underground coven of artillery witches. Maybe even a tank witch.


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And Solomon is like the best trained and deadliest one of all. Are we assuming he is just gonna stand still and let her take a free swing?

I thought people got bored with Ruber, glad there's more art.

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Yeah. Really waiting for the contest to start.

>Are we assuming he is just gonna stand still and let her take a free swing?
It is solomon, so yah... probably.

I'm still banking on her playing with the rules and literally drawing a drop of his own blood on canvas or something.

>I have a ham, it involves STEAM

>You, Salami Dave, will lead us to...

The Pact of the Seven seems to be non-binding. It's not like the Demiurges imparted a fraction of their power to an autonomous magical authority that ensures that any detectable action taken against the whole is punished.

The Pact seems to be as solid as a handshake and promise, which means it is weak and similarly, action to enforce the pact also is dependent on voluntary action. It's basically a school shooting problem - everyone needs to blitz the shooter but nobody (especially not the Demiurges of all people) wants to be the person who soaks the bullets so that the others can tear the assailant apart.

The story in this way isn't that complicated - presently we're just at the beginning of the end. The story takes place immediately after a bunch of huge wrenches have been thrown into the works that obviously threaten to disrupt the equilibrium:
- Michael has recalled all the Angels, thus removing the police from Throne
- Michael has empowered Jag with those iron feathers and motivation to cleanse Throne
- Zoss returned and gave the greatest power in the multiverse to an impressionable and immature idiot
I feel like in some way this excuses the Demiurges slow reaction to the situation. Jag being way too fucking powerful is an issue that's "new"; and by new that could mean only within the year. Solomon's declaration that they all must act when true hostility is identified isn't really late in coming - in this case you would always expect the rallying call to come so late due to the non-binding nature of the Pact. If the Pact was something self-empowered it would have fucking galvanized the six to action or just zapped Jag already. But it's not.

>Michael has empowered Jag
Or Metatron himself. This wasn't made clear.

How would Ruber fare in KSBD?

Hard Mode: He doesn't have his mechanical army WITH PRIDE


Because he is so prideful that he can't even imagine her being able to do anything that would endanger him. He is one of the 7 rules of the multiverse, knows a form of hyper murder kung fu that wound up being used only on checking the power of your fellow users, and he has held the tournament (presumably) thousands of times and never been so much as scratched.

Also, he thinks that none of the other demiurges would dare jeopardize the non-aggression pact, lest the others go retaliate and unleash multiversal total war.

I need a "this is bait" edit of the panel where Gog-Agog invites Allison to eat one of her worms.

Or a "take this (You)" edit of some sort.

Right. It's one or the other. They're basically on the same team so it really doesn't matter who the feathers came from. Point is, the majority of "organized" Angels have for the most part sanctioned the destruction of Throne whether by action or inaction under the guidance of the only Prime Angel still able to guide and direct all the "young" angels.

White Chain is obviously an exception but it's clear that there are very few if any angels like White Chain. The run-ins with mercenary angels that White Chain has fought are probably not to be taken seriously as an obstacle to the destruction of Throne; they're kinda there for the sake of needing a threat to develop a character in some way or another. Similarly I think the Devils aren't going to be players either. The Devils are probably content to see it all burn, their pacts/masks broken, and wait until creation is made anew to make new pacts with whatever lifeforms are created then.

I liked the idea that the Devils are just sitting in the void waiting for gates to open. If they can just fucking sit there the whole time drinking I feel confident imagining that they'll sit out the apocalypse and destruction of Throne. It's not like the void goes away even if the wheel is completely smashed. I like that for the most part that the King of the Devils doesn't need to make another appearance in the story ever again.

I'm not sure you understand the bait meme

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She sounds like Kristen Schaal

White Chain is probably the only Angel acting in the grounds of what an Angel *should* be doing. The others are either full-on omnicidal maniacs or are so completely apathetic that they're letting the arsonists run the ship.

Yeah shes the entertainment sector monopoly. If you want to advertise your tournament, Gog is your go-to

>panel 4
would you?


Attached: GogAgog.png (800x800, 103K)

Yeah, there are many lawkeepers like White Chain but as we've seen many have answered Michael's call to return to the void. In some way you can't really blame them - they like White Chain can obviously see Throne is a dumpster fire and for millions of years they were operating on the raw logic of the Old Law until Michael came back and then for millions of more years were futilely keeping the house barely in order. It's easy to understand why they'd condone throwing it all out and starting over. And why the more angry members are happy to become Thorns to speed up the process. I like that in this way the angels are not much different from the devils; both come from the void and being ageless are happy to start over on the promise of a better future.

Except for that one thick fucker we zoomed in on in the tower when they were handing in that goblin. There's probably a solid chance he wakes up and has just as big a justice-boner as White Chain.

Nah, Allison is way past what I consider attractive at this point. I'd probably do better as her wingman.

Now Nyave...

meant twisty-face gog

Throne isn't entirely unsalvageable yet, but really, they NEED to get rid of all the Demiurges and associated entities before things can even remotely start to heal.

>stick dick into Gog-Agog's dicksuck hurricane of spiraling faces

absolutely not

what would Savvy Jack the Scrapped Demiurge have to say about all this

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There were scrapped Dmeiurges?

just him, he was gonna be one of the Seven I suppose

>Goku was Zoss's Dad

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Now he's the guy who Mammon bought his first key from.

Throne is utterly fucked and run by criminals, corporations, and celebrates the worst aspects of civilization. It's basically a cyberpunk world except with magic and fantasy. When Koss gave the angels form they probably thought it looked fine when it was just the Demiurges living as philosopher kings and not really worrying about the fact that all the Prime Angels were fucking slain - the Old Law probably approved of this golden age. But then the mortal races made pacts with devils and the Demiurge war happened; there's no way the angels or any rational person could think that things would be easier to fix than just burn and start over.

And maybe "starting over" isn't even an option without YIS and UN's children. Maybe the angels will be happy with Throne and the entire wheel being scoured out of existence.

If you wanted to keep Throne you would have to literally kill everything living in it and bring in an entirely new population untainted by the status quo and would be able to explore enlightenment and peaceful society with the angels enforcing the law. And you'd have to somehow prevent them from conversing with devils or picking up any of the 777,777 keys sitting around, which we all know would be fucking impossible unless Allison is content to play YISUN and maintaining order, which eventually she'll get bored of just like YISUN did.

He probably could successfully manage a flesh-render's guild, but I wouldn't bet on him withstanding assault from a sufficiently pissed off Goku

>I'm not sure what voice the handwritten text on gog is supposed to be portraying
take a bunch of worms and rub/squish them against each other until they make noises that are close to but not-quite words.

> voice actress for Mabel Pines
> in K6BD
so, she'd just be reprising her role as Mabel Pines?

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Solomon personally brought two new suns to his planet. He also- with the most basic possible application of the martial art that he's the undisputed master of- exploded a stone table with his little finger.

Meanwhile there's Gog-Agog, who probably has enough total biomass to outweigh Earth.

>worm planet
>a large writhing spherical mass just floating there in the middle of space

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>Jag being way too fucking powerful is an issue that's "new

It might not be magically binding, but they appear to all be keeping to their split of the universes, including Jagganoth, because we haven't heard about any incursions yet.

I also would push back on this Jagganoth army being newer than a year ago, this has been going on for quite some time and the other six have mostly ignored it because
>they too, are ruled by fear.

This is reasonable because mottom's description seems to imply during those extended negotiations, Jag grew disgusted, fucked off, and presumably started his mission.

We also know that everybody has needed some time to stagnate and get ugly:

>Papa Dragon fucked off to his moneylair
>Mottom flew away in her pleasure den
>Gog ate stuff and LARPed being a TV star
>Incubus played in his toilet
>Jadis got stoned
>Soloman's been playing SimCity

And these all seem to have made for decent distractions over the last hundred or so years (since Soloman started building)

I like it

Who's ready for the Tournament Arc?

>Gog just wants Alison to beat up Solomon
>Not even kill him or anything
Gog really is a fucking child.
>I'm gonna call my champion and have her beat you up if you don't stop being mean to me >:(

gog, innocent worm baby, the great devourer, scourge of worlds

>Zoss is Gohan after ascending beyond Blanco, Calvo and even Gris

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Man all the new Demiurges have gotten such good hype, we need a WOW moment for Jag fast.

this is nice

They haven't ignored it. Mottom implies that at the very least there was a battle in which the six barely prevailed. Then they settled int a ceasefire where the six can't defeat Jags, but Jags can't defeat the six either so long as they're standing together. Which they barely are nowadays.

I'm not really set on the whole time frame of a year either. I'm just saying by the Demiurges' measure of time Jag's iron feathers is a recent thing. It could be a year, it could be a couple years, it could be a century; the point is that Mottom perceives his newfound holy mission to destroy Throne and more importantly his uptick in power as something recent to her and the others and this whole Zoss returning no longer than a couple months ago and finally declaring an heir to fuck them all up lit a fire under their asses, including Jag realizing that he has to get the party started lest this heir thing fuck his shit up.

The distractions happened. But for the most part that all happened already by the time Jag showed back up with iron feathers, which is an event that Mottom repeatedly refers to as "now". I figure the Demiurges aren't completely fucking retarded and they do keep tabs on each other and because of that Jag's revelation that he's coming to fuck everyone should've been recent news, even if "recent" is measured in years. If Mottom can mobilize her armed forces to campaign against the Dragon in a couple weeks, you can imagine what Jag can do in a couple months of prep that would make everyone sweat bullets.

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Just like Mewtwo in Detective Pikachu

>where i will take my boytooooy

According to Abby there's a whole order of gun witches based in Throne, and their HQ is shaped like a gun. Which implies the existence of a god who just has a fucking gun for a head.

Is anyone else surprised how cunning Gog is turning out to be? I mean, in previous appearances she was barely lucid, constantly shifting between moods and impersonations, and barely coherent. But now she's actually displaying actual intelligence when making a deal with Allison, and schemming how to hurt Solomon and such.

So brings my question. Why is Gog Agog such a nutcase compared to other demiurges? How the fuck does her mind works that from the last conclave to the present she has improved so much? Is her conciousness usually split among all her servants/worms, making her usual self insane, but now that all the fragments have focused on making Solomon pay, she has regained intelligence? That she could be the most powerful demiurge if she focused it's old news, but I always assumed that meant in the combat sense, not the intelligence sense.

I don't know if this topic have been discussed before, but it's always fun to talk about Gog. I hope Jadis and Jagganoth turn out to be as interesting as the rest.

>Except for that one thick fucker we zoomed in on in the tower when they were handing in that goblin. There's probably a solid chance he wakes up and has just as big a justice-boner as White Chain.

I can't wait to see him in action. I love characters with big righteous justice boners.

I'm thinking it's probably 25 Vengeful Iron Suffers No Heretics or Fools to Live. It also could be 10 Vigilant Gaze but I'd be disappointed if it were, he's apathetic as fuck.

Goku is stupid enough but he's not cruel enough. If he's not mean enough to just eat Vegeta and steal his power then he's not mean enough to be Royalty

Some kind of "Gun God", as it were.

You don't have to be actively mean to be Royalty, you just have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. Prim was at least an aspirant to Royalty and she was the nicest girl ever.

Don't trust the worm. She will likely use Solomon's weakened or surprised state to eat him too.

You don't run an interdimensional media empire without a bit of smarts to ya. There was probably times where she was more or less sane, and she can probably straighten up and act cunning when she needs to. And her acting so wacky in the demiurge meetings is probably her way of saying "These little squabbles over a broken table don't really mean much."

Imagine if Allison actually does get to the end fight with Solomon and actually manages to hold her own somewhat...and then suddenly Gog is there wielding her scythe again. And Solomon David loses that drop of blood.


Both this page and the last, Gog seems to always specifically use a lower case "i" for first person singular.
I guess because "singular" doesn't really apply?

GUN GODS *duh duh duuuh duh duuh duh*

So who tops and who bottoms in this relationship

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I'm not sure who bottoms, but the demon definitely wears the leash.
Compared to the time they rule, Alison is definitely new, so she provokes interest in Gog-Agog. Alison being able to help Gog get back at Solomon is another reason for focus. And the thing with Gog is she rarely focuses on something, but the few times she does don't bring anything good for her target.

Vastly inferior to the entire Gun Godz soundtrack, as well as the original Y.V. mansion theme. Sorry to tell ya, user.

Yeah; Gog-Agog IS a swarm of demonic worms imprinted with the personality of a tween; the Chad of her clique just snubbed her while letting everyone else push her around, so now she's running to the cool new kid on the block to try and get them to beat Chad up.
It's just high school drama on a divine scale.

I think it's because she's pissed that Solomon keeps talking about how there must be no fighting between the Seven so that the universe remains stable, meanwhile if Gog so much as breathes too loudly Granny Om throws a shitfit and blows her head up with the Art.

That guy really needs to get a life. Or end it, either way he stops making those so either works for everyone else.

Deils don't want their masks to be broken and don't want to risk breaking their pacts. It is the same as ego death. Abby said Princess Moonshine got to keep something of herself/himself because of Allison doing something weird.


Most of the Root Knights don't know about Metatron's plan, and they're still the majority of the angels. The problem is that almost all of the Root Knights are dogmatically devoted to the Old Law to the point that they don't see the logical issue with throwing someone into a jail cell that has a big fucking hole in the opposite wall. And when they DO end up thinking outside of the box, they tend to go nuts with the freedom and become Petal Knights.
Really, White Chain seems to be growing towards being the most "well-adjusted" angel: upholding the SPIRIT of the law and not just the letter (although they still have a way to go).

I don't see how Solomon is a problem though. He might not be true Royalty and is unable to improve but from what we've seen his empire is legitimately well ran and a good place to live. Unless we haven't seen everything yet.

If Gog wants to be the bloodletter, then it implies demiurges can compete. In that case, Jag could've entered for an easy win, and achieve his end goal quickly. I wonder why he hasn't bothered.

I don't think Mottom meant to say that the six were fighting Jags at that one time.

All the demiurges fought until there were seven of them and they split the wheel sevenwise. That is why each demiurge controls a seventh of the wheel instead of Jag controlling one half of the wheel and the other six controlling one twelfth (one sixth of an halve). It wasn't Jag on one side and the other six together on the other side.

Jag just kept getting stronger. He never settled - "peace was not for him" - and kept developing his empire technologically and militarilly, while the other demiurges generally put heavy restrictions on technology (hence why flintlocks are the only guns we see).

>he's mean and I dont like him
Gog does raise some excellent points.

You're kidding right? Ruber has the exact amount of ambition and lack of thought to claim himself a fucking Key.

Or are you forgetting he magically fused a magical sword to his fucking hand like it was nothing.

No no, not to be the bloodletter as such. Not because she wants to win Solomon's empire. But to show that she could seriously fuck up shit if she wanted. (plus I want to see the scythe again)

Severely constipated.

>*Smug music stops*

I love it.

>while the other demiurges generally put heavy restrictions on technology (hence why flintlocks are the only guns we see).
That is because technology breaks down in the void, and the Gateways are all in the void. Basically, you cannot move technology between worlds efficiently

Jagg is an industrialist - he makes all his shit right there on Throne. He doesn't care about the other worlds, purging Throne is his goal.

>purging Throne is his goal
If that was true it wouldn't be a big deal. The demiurges can easily move away and even most people could move to one of the worlds. Why would Mottom, who is a coward, care that he destroys the throne when she can teleport her flying castle to any of her worlds?

>"Uwa Zeno-sama, you're gonna wipe out all the universes unless they all battle for your amusement? Waku waku!"

Goku is plenty cruel enough, he just doesn't stoop to crutches for peasants like devouring other people for power. Cell did that and look how far he got left behind by the very androids he once ate.

Again, the Gates are in the Void, which is part of Throne. Her castle will be stuck in one world forever. Depending on how talented she is at fucking space-time, SHE might be stuck there forever.
Mottom in particular would be in deep shit, since her whole deal is endless consumption. She can't sit in one place, she would leave it barren way too quickly.

Only Allison and Zoss have been seen to just bounce through worlds without using the Gates. Only Zoss and the real OG demiurges broke into heaven without Keys. I'm not sure any of the demiurges have it in them.

Yeah, according to Mottom, Jags wants to destroy the entire multiverse.

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Does Cio have skin? Her body looks like a hard shell.

I rather doubt the Demiurges hold each other to the same egalitarean/carnivorous standards they hold the unwashed masses to themselves, when one of the bottom texts was basically Mottom telling her people to stay the fuck away from Incubus' charnel pit. Do remember that in the first place Solomon wants a successor so they can DEFEND his city from the OTHER Demiurges.

Also, considering he is supposed to be the strongest in raw power-even beyond pre-entombment Jadis-there's the possibility that the Celestial Empire simply doesn't compare to whatever forces Jag has been building up in the background for the sole purpose of annihiliating the multiverse.

>The demiurges can easily move away and even most people could move to one of the worlds.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Thorne is the center of the Wheel, won't the multiverse collapse without it?

I think it's been described as chitinous

But that means that he wants to destroy everything, just by destroying the weak point instead of each piece individually.

That makes me think... Do we have any non-biased confirmation that's what he actually wants? I might very well be wrong, but I can't remember any. It might very well be that Jaggy doesn't want to just destroy everything, but just wants to conquer or has some other, less obvious goal. It's undoubtedly true that the rest of them are scared of Jagganoth, but that doesn't need to be for the reason Mottom told Ally.

In short; YISUN is the reason behind this whole mess.

If her sin is Envy then yes, its perfectly understandable why she would crave for petty revenge.

Is that another gunwitch? I guess it makes sense there'd be an entire order, but I wasn't expecting to ever see another aside from Layla.

Where was the scythe shown?

We never heard it directly from Jag's mouth, no, but it can be inferred it's true.

>1. Mottom says Jag was inspired to do the deed by "an angel of YISUN"
>2. both currently active Prime Angels, Michael and Metatron (who has the moniker "The Scribe of YISUN") are plotting to annihilate the Wheel and replace it with a pure, infertile state of stagnation
>3. When Incubus conspires with Jagganoth, Jag asks Inc whether he thinks Allison can stop him from "finishing my work", which sounds way too final for his goal to be simple conquest

Yes, that was my point. user said destroying only Throne wouldn't matter, everyone would just go somewhere else. I think destroying Throne wouldn't leave anywhere else.

>non-biased confirmation
Abaddon has stated many times that there is no such thing in Kill Six Billion Demons.

>That Solomon on second panel
"Welp...this is uncomfortable"

>the Gates are in the Void, which is part of Throne

Absolutely not. The void is like the astral realm, it encompasses eveything, but at the same time is removed from everything. Throne is a world just like every other, just a lot more important because Gods lived there. But it's just a political and simbolic importance, even if Throne was empty people could just traver between a world and another as long as the gates remain open, and every demiurge has his own keys. If all Jagganoth wanted to do was raze throne Mottom could just go away and stay in his seventh of multiverse.

>Do we have any non-biased confirmation that's what he actually wants?

Every story told in KSBD is biased to one character or another. Especially when someone is telling the story about themselves.

I don't think that's the case unless you destroy it in a methaphysical way. What made Throne important was that the gods were there when they created the rest of the multiverse, and their corpses are regularly mined for drugs. I don't think destroying their physical remain is going to do much.

Also the reason Jagganoth is building a gigantic army is because he can't raze the multiverse alone, as even if he is invincible it would take an eternity to punch everything to death. But Throne is significantly smaller, he would have already done it if it was all of his goal.

This is true, but Throne is also the hub world to the King's Gates. If Throne is destroyed, most of the interdimensional trade routes are cut off entirely. If anything, he'd want to start with Throne for strategic reasons.

Her body looks like an exoskeleton but I think her face/mask at least must be softer, since it can flex to make expressions and kiss girls

>Jagganoth's real holy mission is to declare war on everyone selling drugs to the community and clean up the streets

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You underestimate Earth's mass.

You underestimate the Queen of Worms.

Because she can be the entire film crew, staff for handling the side businesses involved in the running of a tournament, and more. She is too useful in this matter.

Dave's design changed a lot

No, really, you heavily underestimate Earth's mass. I know you can just go "nuh-uh, Gog's heavier", but you have no proof for that and even if you had, that'd be only because Abbadon himself underestimates Earth's mass.

Maybe Jag is playing the angels like Inc is playing the other 5 demiurges.

Let me remind you that each demiurge is the ruler of 111111 universes.

If you think the queen of worms doesnt have enough mass to outweigh the earth while controlling that many different beings in that many different UNIVERSES than you're mistaken.

>K6BD is just cosmic scale heathers

>that video
fuck no
fuck no


I don't believe this, but that could be considered "destroying" the multiverse from a certain point of view. That is, without any infrastructure connecting them each universe would be an isolated system and no longer part of the larger whole, so "the multiverse" wouldn't exist any more as a distinct object the way it currently does.

I'm just spitballing though, he probably does mean destruction in the biblical sense.

Each Demiurge controls exactly 111111 universes. Not only would Gog's total mass outweigh the Earth, it would probably outmass our entire known reality.

No, go fuck yourselves, you fucking scalelets. You have no idea what are you talking about.

>>>Get presented with concrete evidence
>>>f-fuck you losers

not that guy, but please explain how a being that is spread everywhere across 100,000 universes wouldn't potentially be really, really fucking big

Even if you turned entire Earth's biomass into worms and multiply that by 111.111 you still wouldn't achieve even one-hundred-millionth of Earth's actual mass.
And Earth is fucking tiny when compared to an average star. Which is even more mind-blowingly miniscule when compared to a galaxy.
So fuck off with your "entire known reality", you don't know shit.

You presented no evidence whatsoever you absolute cretin.
Yes, it would be amazingly massive. Still not as massive as Earth. Because Earth is even more massive, but retards writing and reading sci-fi crap don't know it because they're uneducated idiots.

Not that guy (who I think is being needlessly aggressive), but you're vastly underestimating how heavy the universe is. For Gog-Agog to have enough worms to outmass our reality, said worms would collectively need to occupy a greater space than the cosmological event horizon. You are suggesting Gog-Agog consists of the number of worms needed to create a compact sphere 16 billion light-years in radius.

why are you putting an artificial upper bound on the number of individual worms that are spread around these 100,000 universes? These are supposed to be gods, you're telling me that a worm for let's say 30% of people (10 billion individuals maybe?), times billions of planets per galaxy, times millions of galaxies per universe, times one hundred thousand universes wouldn't be heavier than one (admittedly heavy) rocky planet? To me, the biggest confounding thing here is the 100,000 universe, which puts a huge multiplier on the number of individual worms, since this is a god, and thus has no limits.

>You are suggesting Gog-Agog consists of the number of worms needed to create a compact sphere 16 billion light-years in radius.
They'll just say "she does" without spending even a second about how actually big the number is.

Oh, no, I think "outweighing known reality" is a little goofy. Sounds "Alakazam's IQ is 400" tier. But 100,000 universes worth of stuff vs earth seems ok to me

Billions of planets in our galaxy, probably quadrillions or more in our universe and Gog controls a hundred thousand universes. She would easily have more than a planet's worth of biomass at her disposal. However, it would be all spread out like a network. If the Gognet were to be collected in one place it would certainly be massive enough for gravity to crush it and begin stellar fusion.
She might even be massive enough to collapse into a black hole. That could be the secret to beating her, just trick her into gathering all her mass together in one place.

not all Gog-Agog's universes are opened
not all universes have the same cosmology as Allison's (which is like ours except lacking Australia)
even then if they are as vast as Allison's universe, there's no guarantee Gog-Agog lives in every liveable planet
etc. etc.

I want to marry that scheming magic worm goddess.

An entity as large as Gog is theorized to be, with that many universes worth of mass all concentrated into a single point, would absolutely be FAR larger than almost any cosmological body in our own reality. Not to mention that with the implication that it takes only a single worm for Gog to start mass-replicating, that number goes up exponentially.

We saw another back in book three, when they’re heading into throne for heist planning. We see her at a balcony.

Gog is still a living being though. If there are planets consisting entirely of worms, what do they eat? Where do they poop? Eventually Gog can't sustain herself if she devours everything.

You are stupid.

Now, yes, this would be an incredible number of worms. Earths mass is measured in kilogrammage of 10^24. Its a lot.

What you’re forgetting is that there are universes that are even bigger than ours in mass, and very accessible when it comes to reaching those masses: infinite planes.

All gog has to have is one significantly devoured infinite plane, and it’s entirely potential for her to outmass the earth. She has 111111 universes. Many of these are probably single world, but I’m sure at least one is contiguous infinite mass, knowing there are infinite planes. If she is a world devourer, I’d say it’s more likely than not she has more mass than earth to her total being.

Gog is a demonic hiveminded mass of magic worms combined with the divine mantle of a god. I don't think she functions in any way like a natural lifeform.

You misread: I said that Gog-Agog's total mass would occupy a total space greater than the entire observable universe: both every cosmological body AND the vacuum between them. And that's likely a fraction of the actual mass needed: an upper estimate would likely approach the number of atoms in the observable universe, and would require a compact sphere of googl lightyears (to summarize: google is a number so large that the entire observable universe would be about the size of an amoeba if we scaled an object of googl lightyears to the size of a mack truck.

Assuming that even just one of the universes Gog has infested counts as an infinite plane, then that alone would give her the mass needed to make short work of our own reality. No other mass needed.

>it takes only a single worm for Gog to start mass-replicating, that number goes up exponentially.
Yeah, by eating the existing biomass.
You don't realise just how thin is that layer of biomass compared to the rest of the molten stone.
Even if Gog-Agog ate the entirety of Earth's biomass down to the tiniest bacteria, she'd still need to do it over 10^14 times before she'd manage to compare to Earth's mass. Even with her ~10^5 worlds, you're still off by nine orders of magnitude.

Attached: 6084714_keep_calm_and_eat_the_worm.png (600x700, 41K)

>Yeah, by eating the existing biomass.
Or by self-replicating, which would give her an exponential growth rate. An exponential growth rate which could easily allow her to devour something of Earth's mass in little under a week being generous to us. Overall rate of eating might be even faster for her.

Eh, fuck your shitty anime.

To create matter out of nothing you need Black Art and not even Solomon knows it.

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You're assuming a lot by saying she could self-replicate. According to Word of Abbadon, it took her decades to eat the biomass of ONE planet, and centuries later, when the Demiurges set foot on it, there was still dirt and stuff, just under a foot-deep carpet of worms.
You're once again making a lot of assumptions, like that Gog's worms can survive without food, water, air, or with the crushing gravitational forces that that sort of mass would exert.

>According to Word of Abbadon, it took her decades to eat the biomass of ONE planet, and centuries later, when the Demiurges set foot on it, there was still dirt and stuff, just under a foot-deep carpet of worms.
That still gives her a stupid amount of mass directly proportionate to most other things. And factoring in other universes under her dominion just adds up in a manner that easily lets her eclipse our planet's own mass, no matter how you wank it.

>You're once again making a lot of assumptions, like that Gog's worms can survive without food, water, air, or with the crushing gravitational forces that that sort of mass would exert.
>Physics mattering
>in K6BD
What a tool.

I would think that too if we weren't shown how mundane Mammon's and Mottom's sources of immortality are. Gog's method may be as simple as theirs are: her worms reproduce faster than they die.

Physics don't matter if you're a Demiurge or in the Void between worlds. They absolutely do matter for key-less mass of worms.

Guess that it's a good thing that Gog is a Demiurge now, huh!

>Michael and Metatron
You're forgetting 1 Star of the Morning Brings Light to the World. In all seriousness, it was almost certainly Zoss that killed Michael's first incarnation and stabbed him in the back so hard that it carried over to his spirit form, but I love the idea of a "Lucifer" figure existing in this setting, separate from the "Satan" figure of Himself.

I was countering the point that she could spread on other planets before eating a Demiurge.

this raises an interesting point that every time Gog's head got popped during the meeting she was getting slightly smaller

Sure you do

>Eat or hivemind something like 25% of the multiversal industry, or at least all the high level interesting actors
>Say you're running the intergog union of gogs, and have all your gogs quit if the gog rights aren't satisfactory
>No one can kill gog and people like the old actors so they just put up with it
>Suddenly Gog is in or on every set, which just accelerates things spreading.

user, everybody gets "slightly smaller" as your body constantly sheds dead cells and uses energy. Why do you think we need to eat.

didn't realize scratching dead skin off my arse and doing some pushups burned a whole head worth of energy weight

But Goku didn't /want/ to eat Vegeta and steal his power.

If he did and he couldn't bring himself to do it, that's the end of the royalty quest.

I'm not saying that everyone who seeks the key ISN'T an idiot, just that there are baselines of smartness an idiot needs to not end up like the other 777,771 idiots playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.

Attached: limits.jpg (232x350, 17K)

Upset but also an erection

OH YEAH, that guy. The whole point of this series.
I almost forgot.

>Imagine not being many fingers

I mean considering the rest of the GodKing Council, Solomon is a dick but one of the closest to not being evil.

zoss is the most royal and he isn't a fucking idiot.

he used the key but he learned from it and made it so he could do all the things a key could do himself. a key is training wheels for true power. it's not until you don't need it anymore that you are truly powerful

>OH YEAH, that guy
If this isn't her reaction, I'm gonna be disappointed.

She has the key and good bug pusy.
He's not really important anymore.

Last time she talked about him, she still felt like she owed him a save on the general grounds that Throne really sucks and that anyone who doesn't have to be there shouldn't. That attitude probably still holds.

Shouldn't you be sailing?

top is definitely cio

I want to know from Zoss why he made the keys in the first place. He obviously didn't need them as he reached Throne and destroyed the Prime Angels without them so his purpose must have been to make sure that no one after him could surpass his power. Everyone who came after him was a shortsighted idiot and readily took a key when they could have been honing their own powers.

I think this is Zoss' only folly: caring whether someone would one day surpass him. True Royalty doesn't care where others are in relation to itself but do whatever it wants to do in spite of others. This is why he was led to appoint a successor because he realized he need to let go of this insecurity to gain/remain Royalty.

This. We've gone through a timeskip and Allison's already engaged with another person, she shouldn't even remember he exists at this point.

That Salami Dave
>God i wish that was me

Does "draw single drop of blood" really equate to "beat up Solomon"? Is this also more significant than it sounds? I'm guessing doing such act de-powers Solomon something fierce through some such plot magic.

Well no. The winner of the tournament gets to face him, is all. If they draw a drop of blood, he'll grant their wish- they don't actually have to defeat him, if it were even possible for whomever won the 'honor' of fighting him.

I wonder if he's even bled since he got his key.

Zoss was absurdly powerful but the key is, well the key to omnipotence.

Cio just seems like her shell would chafe off skin, so no thank you. In all seriousness Allison totally forgot Zaid tho, do you think he's super ripped now or that he looks the same but can punch holes in people?

>Solomon David stubs his toe
>The furniture starts crying
Thus Spoke Salami Dave

I would think that Zoss like most people just wanted to help others. For a while, the kingdom of philosophers on Throne was probably pleasant to him as the angels also acknowledged their wisdom for summoning them back from the void. It was naive but not unrealistic for Zoss to believe that forging the keys and in the hands of good Demiurges using their powers to allow the realms to access Throne as a hub for enlightenment much like in the tales of YISUN's speaking house.

You're right Zoss could have had it all. Just beat the shit out of everyone who passed the firmament and found Throne. But then he would have been lonely and let's be real that would fucking suck. It would be having the power of YISUN except you couldn't go for a fucking walk among creation. Even if the Demiurges went to war against each other on Throne it would still be temporary and worth watching in addition to the teaching and learning you could get by granting them the power of the keys.

Obviously Zoss saw eventually that shit was falling apart and it was his fault but we can only speculate exactly his motives after that realization before he disappeared. He clearly knows all the Demiurges and isn't thrilled at any of their characters - he probably finds Solomon repugnant for reasons that are not obvious.

>Welp...this is arousing

I think its quite obvious why solomon is repugnant. Pride. He's too sure in himself, too cocky, too arrogant. Pride the most dangerous of sins so its only fitting that he's gonna have the hardest downfall.

Abbadon has described her as being barely sentient.

Keys are a crutch to use until you can walk on your own. Royalty doesn't need a key, they ignore the door and barge through the wall.

More than one planet in a universe, buddy. You think Gog hasn't scoured a paltry billion planets in each of her universes?

>Even with her ~10^5 worlds, you're still off by nine orders of magnitude.
It's not 10^5 Earths, it's 10^5 realities. Each reality contains more than one Earth-type planet. Nine orders of magnitude is only a billion. You're telling me there aren't a billion livable planets in the universe?

Nothing we have seen indicates that Zoss was already royalty when he conquered throne.

>people still perpetuating this dumb argument trying to apply Earth physics and precise math to fucking KSBD

Even I'd shove all of you nerds in a locker.

Attached: %-mad.jpg (1002x1294, 962K)

Well we've clearly seen in the comic that he has no issue showing up anywhere in reality, while simultaneously dead and lacking a key. He also got to Throne with no key, dick-slapped all the Primes back to the void with no key, and tortured Metatron (a being that could wipe Throne of life with a single word) almost to death with no key.

It seems like he made the keys mostly as a tool to help others get a leg up to somewhere near his level.

I feel like were on the verge of getting that dang tourney entry started, hope you are ready

You are conflating his actions now, after centuries if not millennia of ruling, to his actions when he first broke into Throne. He clearly was a massive badass even then, but nothing indicates he was already able to ignore causality and hop around the timeline even after his death.

The point was that he currently has no key but ignores the rules of reality anyway, meaning that the key he gave to Allison isn't actually necessary to tell causality to go fuck itself.

Angry user is saying she would have less collective mass than a single planet earth. They didn't say anything about her mass relative to a universe or even just our solar system.

There are two things at play here:

>how many inhabited planets are there per universe
>how much has Gog really replaced her universes' biomass

I suspect what leads to overhyping Gog's mass is the impression that each universe is fully inhabited. In fact I am pretty sure the multiversal gates are the only used mode of transportation between worlds, which would imply only one planet per universe is. Furthermore, we know for certain that the Second Conquest is incomplete and as such that she doesn't have 111,111 worlds - still, to be on the safe side, I'll approximate this to 10^6 worlds. But I will come back to this question.

The matter of how much biomass Gog represents is another enigma. The worms seemingly don't have to feed and the people she inhabits can apparently become so full of her as to explode, so let's be generous and assume 100%.

The Earth weighs ~6x10^24 kg. Its biomass is ~6x10^14 kg (google it). Multiply this by the number of universes she'd have and you are at roughly ~6x10^20 kg. Thus, whether or not Gog is heavier than the Earth depends on whether we believe there are several inhabited worlds per universe, and if so, how many.

>less than 10,000 earth-like planets controlled per universe: Gog is not as heavy as the Earth
>more: Gog is heavier than the Earth

And this is with the generous assumption that Gog quickly achieves 100% biomass to gogomass conversion, on every single world - including bacteria, microbes and insects! Personally, I think the other guy was right and you are scalelets, but now we know it's a question of worldbuilding interpretation.

I wonder what her life goals are currently, if not still to rescue Zaid. She doesn't seem interested in conquering anything or killing demiurges. Just get stronger and learn the arts for some vague reason? Mostly chill and fuck bug girls occasionally?


Holy fucking lol this comic is shit

>t. Angryfag falseflagging
K6BD physics =/= real world physics.

>there are numbers and kg
>so it's physics

What I've done is called mathematics. Fringe magical cases aside (and even there I doubt it), it must apply to K6BD since we can recognize it as a reality where most fundamental laws of logic apply. Behold how, for example, when one person stands next to another you can see two people at once in the comic, rather than three. Thus, 1+1=2.

Homework: if you are feeling confident, you may attempt to verify by yourself that other laws of mathematics work.

Adding a sidenote to this: claiming real world physics and mathematics don't apply to K6BD (even though they clearly do) does not prove Gog Agog is heavier than the Earth. Instead, if we cannot presume logic applies there as it does here, the correct conclusion is that nothing can be concluded. We cannot say anything about Gog's weight relative to the Earth if we start with the assumption planets or living things weigh differently in her world.

Oh dear. You exist.

There’s a further complicating factor in that not every world is a planet or space. There are universes that are infinite planes, or otherwise immeasurable forms of reality. I mentioned it earlier, but if you had an infinite or otherwise ultra massive plane with unfathomable surface area and life throughout, if it all got devoured, even if it’s just the living things, it’s be a lot.

Now let’s assume that given the natures of what stories gods might tell, that there’s probably a universe that’s an infinite organism of some kind, or some unending forest, or some other form of ‘incalculable quantity of life’. What would happen if a hungry or jealous or consumptive gog was let loose upon that?

But, Jagganoth, I sell drugs in the community!

This is admittedly a more interesting question that I hadn't thought of. The answer is that Gog expands in a circle from her access point, gaining mass as a quadratic function. Depending on how long ago she'd have started, she could easily be heavier than the Earth under those circumstances.

That sounds like the most boring possible activity you could spend your time doing, though.

You know they say that all demiurges are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Solomon David and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another demiurge, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a genetic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Gog-Agog to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way, at Ring of Power, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I! I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Gog-Agog KNOWS she can't beat me and she's not even gonna try!
So Solomon David, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Ring of Power. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Ring of Power. See Dave? The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Ring of Power.

She's hella old, according to Abbadon. Oldest of the Seven by a huge margin.

Oldest of the seven, but not of the old guard who broke into heaven. So for a sizeable amount of time, probably majority of her being, she was just a single world’s apocalypse.

We still haven't seen any of the demiurges create mass out of nothing. Unless you count Mottoms fruit but that's a temporary change not real creation.

>Solomon personally brought two new suns to his planet.
And Kami is effortlessy capable of recreating the moon. If you got somebody who wasn't a basic bitch to become God, maybe they would up their game.
But its also a plot thread Dragonball dropped with extreme predjuice past the Piccolo Jr saga, which only gets occasionally referanced. I.e Mind reading, creating clothes, Ki healing, Ki transfer, etc.

Its more a issue of presented scale. So far nobody in K6BD has destroyed the entire solar system they fought on, only to move the battle towards a different planet. Meanwhile in DBZ we got teased that Solar system level fight could become a thing, but it didn't happen until the finale was setup in the Cell saga.
So in K6BD: They seem to use 'the tools to create creation' to fight. With a few exceptions like all the martial arts, which is impressive but not DBZ impressive.

I wonder if that is how she became truly mad. Stuck for hundreds of years alone in a universe with no one to communicate with but yourself.

>creating a moon is like creating a sun

Attached: 1521040015957.png (461x360, 251K)

Why are DBtards so dumb?

Guess user didn't pay attention in astronomy class.

Is there anything more tedious and pathetic than dedicated power-level arguers?

DBtards are in the unique position where when characterrs spout bullshit, it is eventually followed up.
So instead of saying 'I am almighthy' you end up with extremely stuff like Broly landing in canon because the series went on for long enough.

There is even a lot of 'stronger' universes which would lose battles based on the fact in DBZ you can just fucking nuke the moon, the planet and the sun is needs be. Its not anything special beyond needing to do proper energy attacks.

Here's an interesting question. Did Gog assimilate the personalities of the people she ate or was she just a ravenous and feral pile of worms until she ate her first Demiurge and the cosmic power supercharged the hivemind to understand concepts like sustainability or conquest?

She was animated by a highly passionate spiteful girl but if she indeed ate her world it would seem to me she probably didn't have the sentience to have any restraint or maintain a consistent food source. It could be that she was on the brink of starvation by the time a Demiurge came through the gate.

I feel like this guy's fighting style involves a lot of screaming and spinning.

Attached: file.png (261x255, 147K)

Will there be a submission thing for contestants like there was for the heist members?


Alison power bottom.

Bruhs this better be bait. No way Cio tops a Stacy.

Attached: I0rra.jpg (638x638, 93K)

that's where you went wrong
Allison is a Jane with super powers. She's a failed Stacy and that's why she isn't a top

>a true stacy would be natural born royalty

It's less that she was "driven mad" or even that she started out that way, and more like she's a giant worm hive-mind with barely enough mental presence to desire acceptance and mimic the people it consumes.

Master of REEEEEEE-kata

Actually agree and this is probably my one complaint with the comic. Displays of godlike power are not really godlike at all ever. When we saw those two Demiurges fighting a few pages back all we saw was a two people throwing basic superpowered attacks at eachother and all they had to show for it was a destroyed building and a bunch of dead mooks around them. Where's the environmental destruction? Where's the more interesting power sets? I wouldn't expect anything crazy to happen in the beginning of the comic but we saw Mottom herself go against Mammon and all she did was sling some whips around and we saw Mammon looked shocked and unresponsive. And I already know we're going to get more of the same with the tournament arc because Abbadon's not going to be destroying the entire colosseum at least not in the beginning of the tournament. I just want to see something that actually makes me believe that any character in this comic could truly rule an entire 7th of the MULTIVERSE.

Attached: opm meteoric burst.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

It wouldn't matter. If someone can draw blood then that's all that matters. If contestants are anywhere near powerful enough to do that then the order would not matter at all. Solomon WANTS someone to be able to hurt him.

The current set of demiurges is implied to be much less capable than the original set, but I agree they're pretty garden variety mid-level so far.

Well, Nadia and Mammon are on the weaker side of the scale, and are also trying not to tip off cosmic war (to some extent). Incubus was a swordmaster but is kind of a sickly cripple at the moment, Solomon is an ass kicker, and Gog is dangerous if not for her fractured mind. Jadis was apparently a hellishly powerful warrior before seeing forever, and Jagganoth is powerful enough to rival the rest combined.

Also, remember that they are all 2000 past their prime and are dottering old farts more concerned with staving off death as long as they can. Their powers have waned, and they no longer feel want as a true god must.

They're not rulers of the multiverse just because they can throw out a pretty laser light show of anime planets blowing up. They're rulers because they're ruthless, underhanded and to some degree have a sense of politicking and conquering. Except for Gog Agog, since she mostly mindlessly ate everything she came across.