A challenge: We make Frog-Man a respectable hero for NY, and ally of Spider-Man. How do you do it? How do you rework his costume? Spidey could use more allies
Character Reinvention
Frog-Man is to New York State as Spider-Man is to New York City. While Spider-Man is crawling along walls, swinging from Skyscraper to Skyscraper, Frog-Man is swimming down streams and hopping over gas-stations. Instead of fighting costumed criminals and aliens and so on and so forth in the big city, Frog-Man moves downward and fights small-town pimps, drug-dealers, and other similar criminals.
Make him redpilled.
>How do you rework his costume?
you don't touch it
I'm seconding this.
Make him like Mike from Monsters Inc where he thinks he's famous but most people attribute his deeds to someone/thing unrelated but he's just super optimistic about it.
>"The Fabulous Frog-Man"
>Unheard of hero of NY
>Legitimately has saved the city once or twice, but always overshadowed by other hero stories
Yeah but does he still have to look like a mascot? He can still be funny, but even Brick Frog has more going for him.
He already has the perfect costume
Dosen't Spider-man have difficulty with enemies when he is underwater? Frog-Man could help make up for that deficiency
Got it, since he's all over New York his fan-club is obscure and in rural areas. They wonder why the media never pick up any Frog-Man stories and it's genuinely because they think he's something kids who call in to ask about just made up. Like they think it's a Battle Toads joke.
Pass the Frog-Man mantle onto an attractive female relative.
>Make him a French marine biologist ala Jacques Cousteau
>redesign his outfit to resemble pic related
>given him powers related to his skin color/touch: red-lethal poison, green-healing agent, blue-normal, yellow-numbing/sleeping effect
>make him openly bisexual
>make him chill and a good sport when he loses
>team him up with Batroc the Leaper
There. Fixed.
>Peter Parker gets sent in by the Bugle to report on this zany phenomenon going on outside of the city.
> Pete gets his life saved by Froggy.
>Spider-Man helps Frog-Man deal with a few tough cases he's been trying to crack
I'd love to see a few more stories with those two together. It'd be a nice scenario in which Peter respects Frog-Man's "Friendly Neighborhood" attitude, which Peter admittedly and understandably neglects from time to time when handling major threats
>>make him openly bisexual
You were so close to greatness, but it seems you're just retarded.
Okay, what if he's not gay but a deeply closeted homosexual?
I love that movie
Well, people would complain if I kept the whole frog Frenchie thing. The bisexual thing is just a way to get out of being called out on it. Other options:
>keep everything but make it his daughter who takes up the mantle as a legacy character
>remove the bisexual thing but maybe make him a North African/French mix
>just remove the bisexual part and get attacked by the media for portraying an "archaic offensive French stereotype"
Change Frog-Man to Stilt-Man and now you have a challenge.
I change nothing and just give him some focus.
yeah it's perfect
Frog Man is based around parkour. He's a thief that rips off low-level thugs.
He ends up stealing that sweet bootleg alien tech, specifically boots that prevent fall damage that double as knock off Iron Man rocket boots. Since they're not the real deal, he can only do short jumps and can't sustain flight.
He was called Frog or Frog Man before he became a hero because his outfit is a green hoodie and face mask. At one point he gets large yellow night vision goggles that help him see at night.
His schtick is that he's a thief that rips off bad guys more than he is a hero. His specialty is super villain tech which he sells to other super villains at a markup.