Agents of SHIELD Livethread

>Mad Coulson: Fury Road Edition
Welcome back agents, for another episode of Agents of SHIELD!

6x2: "Window of Opportunity" (May 17th)
>While Fitz and Enoch struggle in space, Sarge and his team move forward with their mysterious mission on Earth

>I've missed an episode!/ I have no idea whats going on but im going to post anyways!
Good news! We have a handy dandy pastebin located here:

The pastebin includes previous ep discussion, social media accounts, full episodes of the series and lots of other goodies like comic covers and shit. Check it out!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here's our upcoming eps:
6x3: "Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson" (May 24th)
>It's a wild night out on the planet of Kitson for the agents. While Fitz and Enoch try their luck at the casino, nearby, Daisy and Simmons find themselves in a much ... groovier situation.

6x4: "Code Yellow" (May 31st)
>Yo-Yo and Keller take things public; parasitic aliens threaten the human race; and someone really needs boba.

WHo the hell is writing these descriptions?

So, taking all bets. Is it:
>alternate universe
>some kind of side effect from the deal with the rider

Wasnt Sarge the nickname of another universe's Nick Fury?

This is your daily reminder that Agents of SHIELD is and always has been non canon. Peterson was right and this show is Coulson dream right before he dies.

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No, this is fake.

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I thought it started in an hour, thankfully my recording started and I noticed the red light
I hope this season is a good one, the MCU break is kinda shitty but I guess it isn't as different as SHIELD coming back as a US agency that never gets mentioned in the movies

>Peterson shill on time as always

Hey dude, enjoy the next episode of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD! Its canon whether you like it or not

is that a mozambique

my kinda bois

I'm almost tempted to say these are Skrulls, but these guys are way cooler than those dorky refugees.

>some kind of side effect from the deal with the rider

Hellfire Apocalypse Rig would be awesome.

I completely forgot what happened last season and missed last ep, still ready for the ride.

I know that mug is going to be a running joke.

Wait shit the show is back. This is what I get for not watching TV anymore.

Divergent reality time travel has been Marvel's style.
With all the time travel going on last season, of course they ended up in their own universe.

I keep forgetting this is back on, what I miss?

Duly noted, here's some Quake booty

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howard looks a little lewd there, weird

>Jocko the giant
>home atmosphere


What ad was I supposed to focus on? I only made out the watch.


What are they doing?

It's not an LMD.

Coulson and team robbed a convenience store


Wasn't that an image character in the 90s?

>Its canon whether you like it or not
> no snap
> but still canon
You canon faggots have gone full retard.

I'm guessing they need diamonds.

the jeweler one
i went back, the big one on the right was for the sale of the Caire estate which didn't ring any bells

How are there enough Here and in space that they are a problem? Or is it all Starlord's fault?

Wouldn't there be NO Xandarian Snails without Starlord?


>past life

Okay, that's a real lead.

>Mac is a god enough spy to know Yoyo has a new man
Not bad for a mechanic.

It can't be fun using a phone with those big robot gloves.

>past life

It's reincarnation

>6 Seasons in
>Still complaining about keeping secrets in a spy industry

like the flower.

Did he he gloves on?
Would they have his finger prints?

>Bensen revisits Radcliff in CyberHydra Hell


Okay so they share the same dna

So definitely a Couslon from another universe, not a shapeshifter or whatever

it was a dna sample
he took a drink of the slurpee and he left it there


Huh, a Maria Hill show.

SpaceFotz is gonna go Doktor and kill his fool.

I'm betting on Alien spirits that find DNA and create meatsuits to inhabit as they transverse different realities

Fitz is 100% going to kill that pirate captain before the episode is over, he's got that look in his eye.

The Nova Corps in GotG1 seem to know about earth and humans, in fact it does seem like relatively general knowledge. It's certainly no secret, they might have a rep because they're the primitive monkeys of the Nine Realms and under Asgard's protection. Maybe the kree kept some, in Thor 2 they say the convergence happened in about 3000bce so maybe some humans ended up in other places, we probable got hit by slavers once or twice, the ancient hydra cult was teleporting to one specific planet thanks to the kree but that's probably an off limits planet to the general space population.

Feige won't confirm it canon either, only Disney+ shows are canon. At this point who cares, especially with different timelines being introduced.

Now maybe the Agents can fight Thanos when Brolin guest-stars.

Hoping Reincarnation so in essence it would be literally be the same person

>The Nova Corps in GotG1 seem to know about earth and humans

among other things by that point the Avengers had defeated the Chitari, which if Fury was correct, and he likely was, gave Earth a hell of an intergalactic rep

Xandarians are space cops so chances are they make their business to know as much as possible about the universe.

Evil Coulson has some neat tech.

>Evil Coulson taking randos hostage and being a convincing villain


CoulWard? Wardson?

nah that minion giving Coulson lip is, I dub him AlternateWard

>The Nova Corps in GOTG1
They probably knew since Pete got beamed up by the blue man group, hell Earth had the Space as far back as WW II and the Asgardians raising hell every 100 years or so. Atleast their historians have had some info

I guess they are known as the personal army of Thanos that fell many planets, then Earth fought them off with just six weirdos

Viro's dead by the end of his episode

All Hail Leopold Fitz, Director of Hydra and leader of the Space Xandarian Snail transport freighter


Love it.
Haha, hey should have hit the Watchmaker!

Now that's a lady who used to own a plane with a cloaking device!

Really Fitz?

Couldn't have attacked from behind?


What the fuck are these niggas talking about?

Quartz. Hey want Quartz.

The flaw in Fitz's plan here is that this guy is a glorified space trucker and a retard who won't lose a game of chicken

penile extension girdle

I expected holding a vital system hostage, or setting up an accident

Fitz poisoned the room, Enoch is a Chromicon

Viro dead by poison or a gas leak/immolation

These spacetime hippy niggas need to say that instead of talking about dildos in the ass.

pegs is slang for a big breasted female
Cap went to space in at least one reality
aliens are just autistic so it became an english onomatopoeia for the spelling of it

I bet fitz didn't fix the airlock

Or unfixed it.

more like he fixed it, and sabotaged the rest of the ship

cheeky british cunt

Why can't they reincarnate with bigger dicks?

Cap muh boy did it, he made space a better place.

hail space captain fitz

For folks who mentioned blending in, they don't seem very good at acquiring the sort of information that would allow them to blend in

Okay murderboner cunt is starting to ruin life here.

>Zangief vs Chunli


That was a solid Wild E. Coyote gag.

May's fought Kree warriors and all kinds of crazy shit, I'm glad she embarrassed these space cunts

>Portal shit with gravity changes

This is going to be an amazing gimmick this season

exactly what I was thinking

pretty based

I hope so. Thinking with Portals is FUN.

Re:Coulson's tech is amazing.

So they are hopping from world to world destroying them, but why?

So Sarge is a Coulson.

He froze for a second when he heard his name.

son of son of coul?
Coul's son?

is simmons a psychic now?



Maybe they arent destroying anything, but running form what is destroying them.

Science is magic!

To stop Cap from fucking Peg in the mutliverse!


probably to save a place they care about, leading some space disaster around to worlds and summoning it with a beacon
you know, discount Galactus

So since this is pre-redemption Fitz and they are talking about LMD's earthside he should really just fill the crew with murderbots and stop having to deal with people.

LMD brains were darkhold tech made by Ada requiring special tools on top of that

Those were the amazing ones that can completely replace people, I'm talking pre-Darkhold Ada and the swat bots from last season.

What even is that fucking rumormill site? All I ever see from it are horrible fanfiction tier gossip things that don't ever seem to be backed up by any sort of fact.

Reminder that Agents of SHIELD exists in the universe that the Avengers took the Infinity Stones from. The snap never happens, and it always happens.

Not just fought them off, curbstomped them and decimated their reserve forces with what I'm sure seems like an antiquated nuclear missile, at least to the niggas with ray guns and floating psychic arrows.

It's AGC Gossip, which takes blinds from Crazy Days and Nights and then does their own guesses. Then when Crazy Days and Nights reveals the answers to some of them, AGC either changes their guesses if they're wrong to reflect the correct answer, or keep the correct guesses up.

Sarge thinks that combustion is primitive

It is pretty old by this point, user.

Well, that episode sucked. This show has been on a long slow decline and it's really getting bad now. The whole search for Fitz arc should not have been a thing. It's just dragging on and on and on and on. At this point the show is teasing at being the show it once was but never actually gets there to do it. The team has been broken up for 90% of the time the last 3 seasons.

Then you've got the whole thing with Clark Gregg still being around still playing the same role as Coulson even though Coulson is "dead". And Clark Gregg is not really a good actor.

Then there are the needless quiet "let's talk about our feelings" segments that have been manufactured for every single episode that have gotten worse and worse. They're just blithering philoso-babble. I skipped the whole talk between Yo-yo and her new boyfriend this episode. I know there was nothing worth watching there.

Less than 1 minute of Daisy this week.

If this show doesn't pick up next week I'm out.

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why'd chloe get surgery? it looks awful

>The whole search for Fitz arc should not have been a thing.
Since the show departed from the MCU, I've been wondering how season 5 would be as a finale for the show. Fitz getting woken up early is apparently the result of the Earth not cracking somehow. Season five leaves future Fitz dead but it's not really even a question of if they'll find him. In the original bad timeline he was just behind Jupiter the entire time, so you don't doubt that Jemma with future tech knowledge could get to Jupiter in a reasonable about of time. Not dead Coulson is also lame after letting him die a heroic death, again.

Mega when?

One thing I just don't understand is why they don't have a budget for this show. Supposedly it was renewed based on a command from on high at Disney, so why not at least spend as much money as a show like Supergirl? Or rather, why they have set designers and decorators who don't know how to work with a budget or just think everything needs to be dark and gray.

My guess is that Disney wants to move the show back to a platform it owns. They want it to keep going, but they're gonna hold back on the razzle-dazzle until its off of ABC.

Got a shout out at the start and end of AoU. Member of worrior three shows up, Fury himself makes an appearance. Couslson from MCU phase one makes an appearance then shows up in Captain Marvel and is in season of the show.
That makes it canonical to MCU and nothing, not even executive meddling and the big boss of the MCU can change that.

Fucking Hollywood man

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100% agreed. Her surgeon is a goddamn criminal and has made her unrecognizable.

ABC IS a platform Disney owns.

There's no way that's tr- Oh my god.

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Nobody cares. Not being marred by canon makes them free to explore interesting plots like the current one. Not everything has to fit your MCU.

She's using "Interstellar" physics, as in, love transcends time and space. Her love is strong enough to guide them through the cosmos to chase Fitz.

I'm always late, but watching bump


>missing the point of a ward entirely
well done anons

Wait, why does Fitz need to even go to the future? Would him remaining in the present really fuck the timeline?

Does the films actually reference anything from the show itself?

>Nobody cares

Well sure cares a lot about it.

You could argue that a lot of kree tech and culture/architecture in Captain Marvel was inspired by AoS, like the cities on Hala, and tech like the power inhibitors, memory replacers, the Astralscape and blood transfusion tech, all that have been used by the Kree at one point or another on the show.

He doesn't know they prevented the future he's trying to get to.

nearly all that is unrelated stuff that serves the same function, especially the power inhibitor

> Couslson from MCU phase one makes an appearance then shows up in Captain Marvel and is in season of the show
Coulson in Captain Marvel contradicts AoS canon and there was no shouurt out in AoU. It was the show trying to fake like it was canon. It is still non canon.

AOS is Canon. It just isn't Canon to the 'Prime' timeline MCU. Instead, it takes place in the timeline where 2014 Thanos went to the future. That's why the Snap doesn't happen in AOS, because Thanos and his army no longer exist in their timeline.

wHat A tWeeST

Its more that the writers choose to not be limited by what the movies do or don't do----which was the case since season 4 truly.

I consider it canon to the MCU unless the show declares otherwise.

Pretty sure that poster isn't watching because it's tied to the MCU, but because it's a good show. Dispelling the notion that it isn't "canon" has nothing to do with its quality.

I stopped caring for this when they stopped being agents

thats a good head canon. this is not an insult I'm saying that now it is my head canon too.


It's still about them though?

And when did that happen? Because right now, that's what they're literally doing.