How hard would it be to create your own spines for paperbacks? inconsistent shit like this drives me nuts.
Also shelf thread.
How hard would it be to create your own spines for paperbacks? inconsistent shit like this drives me nuts.
Also shelf thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wouldnt like to tape it or something like that, but how about making boxes for them, like an absolute, and then designing your own spine for that?
Also the most recent. Gotta clean the shelves and take new photos now that we are coming to half the year.
stuff like that is so common from the big 2. how can you even deal with that while being a /shelfer/?
Might as well bump it with the other latests purchases.
More Yea Forums and Yea Forums than Yea Forums, but the people in these threads tend to veer into both at least a bit so I'll post it. Looks like Dragon's Crown Artworks and the Catherine Venus Collection are both getting localizations on top of the Darkstalkers artbook getting a reprint.
I'm trying to figure out a way to do box shelfing like that but in a way that they easily transform into boxes for moving shit. don't know if it's possible
When I started getting the Starman omnibuses I was so mad when I realized they weren't making an image with the spines.
making your own boxed set would be kinda cool
Picked this up after work.
Is that a spanish translation for love is hard for an otaku? I didn't realize that made it here yet, watched it all on amazon a few months ago, it was cute and that opening was great
Yeah spanish translation for the mexican market. Thank you, you just put that song again in my head, btw the other day a new episode came out no idea if Amazon still has the series, but I guess you could watch it in anime sites or the like.
This was a great volume. The only Secret Avengers comic you'll ever need
Got it to go with Ellis' Moon Knight TPB.
Too lazy to take a picture, but this week I picked up:
>Immortal Hulk #15, 16, 17
>Future Imperfect TPB Reprint (the one that includes Hulk: The End)
>Hulk Visionaries: Peter David #1
But speaking of floppies, I only have 10 so far. Should I buy a long box or should I just place them somewhere safe until I amass enough of a collection to warrant it?
went to the lcs and bought some trades
>dc rebirth AC volumes 4 and 5
>dc rebirth JL volume 2 deluxe edition
>mark waid JLA volume 5
they do buy 3, get a 4th for free for trades, so i got one of the AC trades for free
i really like the deluxe editions of the trades more than the smaller soft cover ones
Cool I’ll have to check it out later, I liked it enough where I’ll probably pick up the manga. I know biz got the license for Komi can’t communicate and I’m considering asking my comic shop to order it. Though he’s certainly more of a western comic nerd so I’ll probably read it by myself like usual
Just got these with and I leant the first box set to a friend hoping to get more people hooked on one piece
Got these for £30 from a comic store's bargain ban
Speaking of PAD's Hulk, I've been going through it online because I've never read it yet, and I am beyond fucking underwhelmed. I'm 17 issues in, and the only issue that made me stop and go "wow" was 335 (which coincidentally doesn't feature a single Hulk supporting character!). I'm going to see this run through to the end, but between a VERY raw Todd McFarlane and stories that aren't anymore ambitious than Saturday Morning Cartoons, it hasn't been a smash.
Only thing not pictured is an Omni of new frontier and the complete trigun collection
you can make this look better. respect your /shelves/, man.
What is I am hero, I saw it at a bookstore and was mildly interested
I'm well aware, the amoutn I have requires me to reorganize my entire apartment to properly organize though. I just need a good day off an a blunt or two and it'l look good, though ever sense weed got legal I haven't gotten any motivation through it, just an odd feeling of being placated or completely obliterated
it's a japanese zombie comic. it's very strange, and hard to describe, so read it online to see if it's your thing.
PAD's run definitely hasn't aged all the well but the later issues is what everybody mostly loves.
Its a Japanese psychological horror book about the zombie apocalypse and the main character is a schizophrenic manga assistant who owns a gun. I like it more than the walking dead because I think the reaction of everyone in the books to the zombie apocalypse felt less like a soap opera and more desperate like I think they should act. The art is also great
Hopefully getting the rest of Hell on earth this weekend, Baltimore vol 8, and Baltimore empty graves floppies because I couldnt find the hard cover at a decent price
Hellboy funk and Rock Lee figure, trying to earn that shelf card
>buying dark horse trades (which are notoriously low quality. I've had brand new DH trades have pages fall out within a week)
>when the company policy is everything mildly popular gets thicc hardcovers or library editions eventually, which are usually more cost effective than the trades anyway
cmon bruh. be smarter than that
Surprised you don't have any of Mignola's '80s stuff for Marvel considering how much you love Hellboy.
You have to remember the time period as well. PAD was handed the title because even Byrne was underwhelming, and he was coming off an incredibly well-received run of Alpha Flight.
Those early issues are more interesting as a showcase for early McFarlane, but the later issues are interesting because of the cast built up that was able to sustain itself for over 15 years under a single writer.
I'd also say that it is likely underwhelming with digital recolors, so if you can find lower quality scans of the original, you might enjoy it better. Those 80s titles don't look as good otherwise.
Yep I learned my lesson, I hope lobster Johnson gets collected since they are doing witchfinder.also dont know if I should just get the rest of the harrow county trades or buy the collected editions. I havent had any bad experiences with the trade qualities though, I even let friends borrow them and have never had a page fall out I have pic related and that's it from marvel, I also have some of his batman stuff. What are some of his marvel stuff to keep an eye out for?
>How hard would it be to create your own spines for paperbacks?
Pretty easy.
Oops, here is Mignola Marvel stuff
>What are some of his marvel stuff to keep an eye out for?
rocket raccoon mini is cool.
Is it better than Highschool of the dead?
Triumph and Torment is the obvious one, but that's been OoP for quite some time. Come November though it's getting bundled in the first Sorcerer Supreme Epic, so that's the better option assuming you don't want to pay eBay prices for a second-hand copy.
His Rocket Raccoon miniseries is good, too.
Only if you read it for the story, and art. If you just going in for tig ol biddies than you're gonna be disappointed
a) Idk what that is
b) i'm the wrong guy to ask because I hated I Am a Hero
I've been reading the scans, not a digital recolor.
But yeah, I'm getting the impression that the standard for Hulk comics was just very low. In either case, I haven't come close to finishing the run, so I'll reserve final judgement. I just really fucking hate the Hulk's supporting cast.
I'm envious. I've been meaning to collect OP for years.
Meanwhile, picked up this today.
There are times I don't enjoy PAD. Don't go in expecting superheroics, really. It's always about the small character beats with him. YMMV, but if you're not enjoying it, don't force yourself. You can always come back to it in a few years and try again.
I actually could never get into Gruenwald's Captain America for similar reasons. It was the definitive run before Waid, but it just did nothing for me. I think it's just a matter of not caring for the character. It's all a bit too predictable for me.
Cool I just picked up a doom patrol comic the other day from grants run, it isn’t anything special but I liked the cover and the shop was going out of business.
That long box next to them is one of two filled with shounen jumps from 25 years ago which is where I used to read before I started pirating but these collections had been sitting in the Newbury comics near me for two years and were fifty bucks off and I bought them using there but two get one free sale so I literally paid half price for them. I was pretty happy since it lines up with pay day, I blew all my walking around money for two weeks but it’s worth it to have those books
I just want to read more Hulk because Immortal Hulk has made me so much more receptive to the character. I feel like I'll never have as much interest in him as I do now. That's why I loved issue 335 so much, it read like one of those early issues of Immortal, except the 80s version. I just want to see the Hulk doing Hulk things. Not have to argue/talk with his sidekicks (why does the Hulk need sidekicks..) or Betty over and over again. If there was ever a character who didn't need a supporting cast it was the Hulk. I just finished #347 which was cool because it introduced Hulk as "Mr Fix-it", a mob muscleman in Vegas, with no trace of a supporting character in sight. I can get behind that.
>I actually could never get into Gruenwald's Captain America for similar reasons.
Funny you say that, I loved Gruenwald's Cap. It's funny how our interest level in certain characters can totally color everything we read about them.
Where does Bruce Jones fit in? I legitimately don't know, other than he wrote it for a while too
Don't know where to buy? Try these: (worldwide shipping) (EU) (worldwide shipping) (UK) (worldwide shipping)
[your local comic shop here]
I thought their "archives" and Zelda art books were supposed to be high quality
Bookscan 2018 is up:
>Lots of non-cape stuff is greatly rising (kids, educational, memoir)
>Image still crumbling but is beating Marvel and DC
>Infinity Gaunlet pulled Marvel ahead of DC for the first time
>DC's sales have totally cratered and Rebirth managed to kill all sales for New 52 and new titles
Lads, I’ve got a new obsession. Pic related
>7 omnis...
It’s going to hurt.
No wonder AT&T fired them and is selling off DC
>selling off DC
says who
Kirby Cap is the only one for me.
I enjoyed Trimpe era, and also this epic collection.
But older comics aren’t for everyone.
Zero mention of any DC properties in the WarnerMedia AT&T Investors call.
Which is odd since they had recently launched a digital comics service and streaming site. Swamp Thing has production pulled early, and Stargirl/Titans are now waiting for new owners.
You would advertise that with the rest of your streaming options, but DCU wasn't mentioned at all. Which means they have no plans for it.
I'd say Aquaman is one of the best Rebirth books. Abnett was doing some cool stuff.
i just love comics
>dan abnett aquaman
not him, but i thought first few issues were a little slow, but overall enjoyable comic
are many of the Star Trek novels good? Or you just a big fan?
wow, that's a bad lean man. It's ok to lean a little but that will start to lead to damage
Fight me
what am I looking at?
it's a fanservice anime and manga that almost goes to harem level. But I enjoyed it for what it was.
big ol biddies is what I came for, I stayed for the story and the tits
I like it for what it is, politics with aquaman and a dash of black manta to boot.
>video game and comic book tie-in novels
I'm not mad, user. I'm just very disappointed in you.
at least we dont have to fight
I hope you enjoy those books and will eventually come around to amassing some more trades.
in all honesty i hardly enjoyed any of them books other than redemption and lolita
I actually kind of hated it for those exact reasons.
Read the first five or so issues of the (uncollected) 1990s series before PAD. The plot is identical to what Abnett did in the first dozen or so Rebirth issues.
That makes sense, and I was not under the impression that it was anything that groundbreaking, at least for someone that only has read aquaman from the n52 onwards I say I look foward to read more on the character and if PAD is better, better yet!
I know there are online companies that will bind individual comics. Might want to look into one of those they do good work.
man, I thought I paid attention to this stuff, but I had no fucking clue that Scholastic was the biggest seller of TPBs/Graphic Novels. They are crushing every other publisher in sales! No wonder Marvel will never stop Squirrel Girl, if it gets them this market
Actually looking into getting the Gundam Origins. Have good memories watching the anime years ago.
Yeah. It's sad that the future of comics is literal kiddy books.
I’m a huge fan and most of those have been accumulated from childhood I’ve liked some of the recent comic runs from IDW though they just started a year five mini about the final year of the five year mission I hope they get some of the old writers back like they did with year four but I doubt enough of them want to work anymore. And yeah I haven’t touched those books in a while next thread I’ll have them all nice straight and organized I promise
im surprised dc was so little, but i was even more surprised that marvel was lower.
is this for trades?
I've been meaning to read PAD Aquaman, but while it's leaning into the same theme the character has undergone very different styles. No son, no hookhand, instead it got some AMAZING artists to work on the book. I can't compare the stories too much cause I haven't read PAD but the visuals are very different
>is this for trades?
yes. anything sold as a book
how is that sad? Comics were dying for ages cause the only fan base they had were aging people who were falling out of the hobby. If even some of these kids grow up to read/write comics it's a very needed boost to the industry.
The basic story is that a third party is trying to instigate war between Atlantis and the surface war, and guess what, Black Manta is behind it!
That series was not written by PAD, and PAD kind of just ignored it when he was allowed to write more Aquaman after The Atlantis Chronicles. I definitely recommend reading that miniseries.
The NotPAD series is the one that contains that famous
>How's the wife and kid?
does scholastic even sell single issues?
Those Scholastic sales are even higher because they don't report whatever is sold through their fairs.
>how is that sad?
Because I'm not a child?
>If even some of these kids grow up to read/write comics it's a very needed boost to the industry.
Yeah, they'll grow up to make more kiddy books because that's where the money will be.
Comics dying and comics shifting to the kiddy demographic is the same result to me and my ilk
no, just 'books'
oh fuck off, comics need money and if they find it in kid books it will help the entire marketplace. DC is right to go with Zoom and Ink...if they weren't such fucking idiots they would be right with Black Label as well, make comics for every demographic
>Dexter in the Dark
For what fucking purpose
i think the graph is for all books, both comic books and prose books.
my ex was really into dexter so i picked it up at a second hand shop, its quite good
First duck book, I read a couple of Carl Barks old reprints when I was little so i'm excited to dive on it.
Ordered a shitload of stuff for next month ;_;
I'm seeing a lot of Doom Patrol new buys. Is this from /shelf/ influence or the great Yea Forums show? I mean, I've been meaning to buy the Morrison run, but it's mid-high priority, but the show is bumping it up a bit
i was thinking that except it seems to be people buying the young animal run
cant say i have an opinion since i havnt read it but i think the show is helping people become more aware of how good morrisons run actually was
for me, it was the show and my love of grant morrison
I just like Doom Patrol and Derrington's art so it was a no brainer for me. I read Morrison run a couple of times and saw like 2 o3 chapters of the tv series
I like Way's run and it's all that I've read, fucking reading list is too big right now. But the show pulled from all 3 series it seems. Hell, I'm glad just glad it's getting love and the Yea Forums is actually great, I'd put it up with Legion. I like the weird stuff and am glad it is getting more attention
i fucking love you, youre a true Yea Forumslleague
What runs does /shelf/ have that you're trying to complete?
There is one /shelf/ that has all
>Hugo Pratt
>P Craig Russell
and I forget what else. Once I find it and steal it, I will be set
i WAS going to start collecting hellboy and brpd but im not fucking minted
I'm a few trades away from Morrison Batman and also like 3 issues of Batman and Robin I need to find and then get that bound. probably a few other things. i wanna have a thor section
early 90s grant morrison/mark waid JLA. i have the first 5 volumes. i love me some justice league and i wanna collect post crisis justice league-present
Pantheon... fucking thing is so hard to find the issues of.
got you senpai
there's a guy around here that got like all the finest mangas published in english neatly shelved I want to befriend him
inked and shelfpilled
i love you too sempai
>this /shelf/
Are there any good genie/arabian or belly dancer manga or comics?
what an oddly specific question
any like Magi?
I have no idea really, but a friend really likes the manga Magi... FUCK. Oh well, Im just going to point you then to Sandman 50 Ramadan.
there's probably a belly dancer manga. there's a manga for everything
Devi is the closest thing that comes to mind. Though Witchblade has an arc of a past owner who was running a haram of women and there was some stuff there like that.
There is a genie comic called Jinnrise that I found in a bargain bin and it was kinda neat. Super powerful Jinns come back to the world and fuck shit up
Just go masturbate already.
is bendis' action comics really as bad as people say it is?
>belly dancer manga
You'd think so, but no.
I'm currently trying to collect PAD's entirely Hulk run and Doctor Aphra up until present.
But I've trying to get into current floppies more, so TPD's are gonna have to take a bit of a backseat
lets not turn this into one of THOSE comic discussions. Sometimes reading/watching something for pretty people is enjoyable, and it's pretty fucking mainstream on tv, look at the CW, the entire show is built on fanservice actresses/actors. Just wanting some aesthetically pleasing comics is not bad at all.
posting sexy Witchblade cause I can
that's not from his action comics
that dialogue isnt that bad, cringy sure, but not offensively bad.
What’s the best way to get collected editions of spider man from the 80s? I have every essential I can get but they pulled the plug on those and stopped doing sequential order books like that it seems (though the amazing essentials end incredibly awkwardly literally one issue before secret wars)
You know anything else arabian?
He aged to Jon to a teen but the brought back Conner, he doesn’t seem to understand niches
Not from the top of my head. Sorry. If I remember anything will pos it.
There's an omni that compiles all the Micheline/McFarlane stuff from 1988-90.
The alabasta arc in one piece was inspired by Arabian fashion
I'm so excited to finally read Berserk. Such a bitch to get this book. I'm glad Dark Horse seems to have a run away seller though.
please return to the catalog if you want to hatemind against Bendis. there's enough of that shit around here. can we have ONE safespace where we don't meme?
im reading dan jurgens dc rebirth action comics,and so far conner hasnt shown up or been mentioned, so im not concerned with that.
>jon is a teen
i see no problem
Forgot about these. Please don't eat my photo again.
Cool I’ll check that out user, though it’s frustrating to read Spider-Man at this point because every arc is a crossover with his other books, so pirating it is hard since I need to pirate three whole books for the story to work.
It’s not a problem fully but it seems like a waste to have him been a teen superbly when he brings another teen superboy back. But I am a fan of supersons and am picking up that trade so I may just be bitter
>finally read Berserk
How far in have you gotten?
I was surprised that the last chapter in it is the first Golden Age chapter, it felt to me like there was slightly more to the Black Swordsman arc the first time around.
>but not offensively bad.
The last four panels are repeating the same fucking thing.
Here's my shelf of non-standard TPBs. The Marvel OHCs were all bough cheap and some of them suck; otherwise I think everything here is pretty great.
The regular TPBs are all along the bottom rows of my shelves, no need to display a bunch of capeshit of varying quality.
Rate me, anons. Is my collection kino?
no bully pls
unless you want to bully, I guess
>it’s frustrating to read Spider-Man at this point because every arc is a crossover with his other books
It's probably why I like old Vertigo and Witchblade/Top Cow cause they are not too big a universe that things get messy, but instead are confined and things can flow better. I don't know why but I never had any interest in Valiant, which seems the same idea but everything I read of them bored me. excuse my witchblade posting but these threads never reach image limit anyway
what the fuck is this face?
>are not too big a universe that things get messy, but instead are confined and things can flow better
This is what makes a universe perfect for me. It's why I loved Marvel's Ultimate Universe. It was only 4 books plus occasional minis, and they rarely crossed over. You could read any of them on its own, but it was a little added bonus if you read them all.
Valiant has always interested me too, but I haven't made the jump into it yet. And at this point there's a few dozen trades I'd have to get.
user, stop looking to be bullied, it's clear you are a sub. People have already complimented your custom bound books. Stop fishing for fetish doms, but have a free one
Angelus are deformed. That is perfectly in character with the story.
>How far in have you gotten?
I haven't started yet. It just came yesterday and I haven't had time. Semester ends this week though and I'm diving in.
it was never shy, somehow never showed a nipple but showed them at the same time....It was weird
whats stopping an artist from simply not drawing a nipple on a boob?im assuming showing nipple would probably limit the sales
>Angelus are deformed
Ah that makes more sense then.
Still can't stand the art though (but it makes for good tna)
this was 2000s, so, I'm not sure, it's just the choice Top Cow went with...and to me, this is far more explicit than anything that's supposed to be for all audiences. Ron Marz had people fucking in every 3rd issue in his run so why not lean into it? Then again, this was before Saga and that whole Image sex comics scene came around.
Ya, some people hate Sejic's art and I never get why. Some say they hate his early work cause it's too uncanny valley for them and I guess I can get that. And they hate his new art for some same face, but same face is much more than a one artist problem, Kirby had that issue, same with Simonson and Manara and many of the greats. I get that that is an issue but to hate one creator while being ok with others is hypocritical
I've never really got in to Post Crisis Superman because that fucker had four books constantly acting as one big book.
Sejic is super talented, but his art just isn't that pleasing to look at. That DPS is pretty sick though, admittedly.
I feel like his art is often too digital looking. But that spread doesn't really have that problem.
Very, very nice. Fuck.
That's cause you are mentally ill. There are much bigger issues than your TPB spines not looking the same.
Go out,get laid.
Do yourself a favor and toss out some of those Marvel trades so you can make space for those elite manga
Better than all the books in one group completely disregarding each other.
I've been picking up the 3-in-1 they are cheaper than the collections, So far on vol 5 (13-14-15
And on top of that, the art is larger and the book sits slimmer on the shelf.
I don't know how they're managing that last bit of voodoo.
Only got Kaguya Sama vol 7 this week
Personally i enjoy the 3 in 1, sadly I have gotten a few with ink problems.
Hoping Yu Yu Hakusho will get a 3-in-1, or at least Shaman King will get something with it's new company.
Hope it continues to do well.
Dark Horse have lost the Final Fantasy license to Penguin, which would be a big blow to them considering the artbooks they brought over usually told quite well.
It definitely is more cohesive, but is still a pain in the ass to track each sequential issue down. Maybe I'll look for some of those compiliations.
There's like a 0% chance that DC will ever try to collect that period outside of Death/Return
Technically all the post Crisis pre Death Superman IS collected. You just need the Byrne paperbacks (OOP) and the Exile and Other Stories Omnibus (in print).
These came in a few days ago. Excited to finally read Watchmen
>Excited to finally read Watchmen
Don't be a faggot and skip the pirates or the text stuff. It's all very important.
Yuyu is to short to get s three in one or at least you’d get six three in ones than need to buy the last book. I’d like hard covers though that shit
It's pretty common for the last volume of series collected like that to be a 4 in 1.
I liked watchmen, but is it weird if it's on my very low priority to-buy list?
Make sure to skip all that boring pirate shit
Not really. It's something that belongs in every comic collection, but there's more urgent things to get ahold of than a book that's been in constant print since 1985.
Thank you for posting user, people really need to start remembering to put this in the OP
Yes. It's like the Bible or Lord of the Rings. It's just something that belongs on every shelf.
One could argue that because it’s never going out of print and that it’s on almost every shelf it’s a safe low priority list
meh, you can get it from any library and probably come across a free copy some day. DC has already said they sold it twice to ever comic reader. Quit giving them money. /Alan Moore
I guess.
no, I had to read it in high school and in college, it's not something I want to reread again
watchmen is good if you want a good character study and not necessarily a good story.
Ok so I’m looking for the out of print avengers by Hickman omnibuses anyone know where’s a good place to look for out of print books like that?
Yeah I'd appreciate those for the simplicity of it all, but I like all the cover art of the original ones better.
ebay. amazon. get ready to fork over a lot of money
a long time ago I stopped listeing to /schelf/ OOP books. Some are legit complaints but others you can find easy enough, like Madame Xanadu, which is still something you should pick up/ point is, don't take everything /shelf/ says as gold, I have found many books this place would love to have for the price it go it
Not often I get truly jealous of a shelf, but damn.
I didn't like it the first time I tried to read it. I only plan in giving it a second chance is because I found a copy for a buck.
Nah. I gave mine away.
It’s like keeping a textbook.
>Dragon's Crown Artwork
that´s pretty kino
I am still amazed that the japanese are so much better at capturing classic 70s and 80s DnD then western studios
back when comics were still fun and good, long before sjws and feminists had to come along and destroy the industry
get your hands on european comics.
like anything from Didier Tarquin for example
I don´t think squirrel girl sales really well, it at least wasn´t mentioned anywhere in the report.
this entire report has hilarious. I think number 1 to 10 of the best selling "graphic novel" was all occupied by a baby book called Dog Man
>oh fuck off, comics need money and if they find it in kid books it will help the entire marketplace. DC is right to go with Zoom and Ink...if they weren't such fucking idiots they would be right with Black Label as well, make comics for every demographic
if comic would start writing stories for their original fans again instead of giving us the same sjw and feminist story over and over again they would be in a better position.
DC and Marvel turning into little children book publisher means more or less the same as them dying
Children’s publishers are extremely profitable.
>SJW blah blah blah
hey that's mine
Picked up Made in Abyss volumes two, three, four, and five. Since my local comic shop had a sale on Seven Seas stuff this month.
You might get a visit from the FBI in the near future, just act natural.
Habibi by Craig Thompson.
Only the first trade of Mme Xanadu is easy to find, I haven't been able to find any of the other volumes
What are the essential european starter comics?
Corto Maltese
Got exactly what you're looking for right here.
I have the Dragon's Crown artbook. It's great, only gripe is that it's a horizontal coffee table book so it sticks out on my shelf and looks a bit goofy. If the Udon localization's a standard vertical book I'll probably end up double dipping.
>all the finest mangas published in english neatly shelved
Is it too much to hope that that could be me.
I feel like I would need to buy more Tezuka, I've only got Dororo. Plus I've got like 8 bookcases in 3 different rooms.
>tfw I found a hobby store that's in walking distance that sells old omnibusus and trades in mint that usually go for a small fortune online but are original market priced instead
I dunno how common these types of situations are in actuality, but I'm feeling hyped
But those have absolute garbage quality paper compared to the regular books It's probably because they shrunk the paper to 1 ply thickness.
Mystic from CrossGen maybe? I didn't read it.
Are you ever going to open the beer?
It's mint in bottle.
He should get it graded.
Why do people still buy comics when you can just read them online? It still baffles me that people buy dvds, books, and comics.
Most of my stuff is floppies and I won’t put my manga up. Tempted to remove all main 2 and just have two shelf’s on display.
I'd also remove the Scott Pilgrim and Hellboy
>I won’t put my manga up.
It's almost like the hobby appeals to autistic collectors.
There's no functional difference between watching a DVD and a digital copy, but there is between a scan it e-book and a physical book.
I went totally digital for awhile- but it made me realize I love physical media. I’d rather have one thing to read that I put some thought into getting my hands on than have browsing fatigue.
Collection madness comes as an optional accessory wide variety of brain problems, not just autism. Heard it from a friend.
user, you have a Red Dwarf novel, that ain't grounds for fightin. I'd buy you a beer if I could
Maybe you could find out the storage capacity of each shelfspace and keep a stack of boxes that each hold 1or2 shelf spots.
That way it's a 1for1 or 2for1 even divide for moving that makes shelving easy.
is the Bioshock and Stone Roses books any good?
Owning a physical copy of something means it's always accessible to you, with all the content included. Relying on digital distribution means you might not be able to access the content if distribution rights expire or the pirate site is DMCA'd or your internet goes out. Plus, the owners of the service might alter the content at any time without telling anyone. Netflix did it with The Notebook, of all things. If you own a physical copy, no one can change it unless you let them.
Imagine if Star Wars were only available on a streaming platform. The current, edited cut would be the only version that exists, with no way to legally see the first version that was released. Because physical media exists of previous versions, outside of the control of the copyright holder, it's still possible to legally see the original cut of the movie.
That's why it's important to own hard copies of media you enjoy. This way, the copyright owners can't destroy them.
I agree with DVDs but books are kinda different. I don't see the point in getting long runs in physical form because you'll likely only read them once but paperbacks or hardcovers that have lots of material and are limited in their issues.... i still try to keep my collection to half a shelf. So far, I don't even have one row full which will change next month when I buy the Sandman Absolutes
>long before sjws and feminists had to come along and destroy the industry
oh fuck off with that meme, we don't need it in /shelf/, even if there are not a hundred other books out there that are all about sexy, they still have sexy books in the big two. Just look at the recent Uncanny X-Men the writing is trash but not cause of SJWs
I can get them all for half cover price. if you really want them maybe we can arrange a way for me to ship them to you
damn, good shit son! I'm glad someone else has found something like me, my store sells them all for half cover price, regardless of how OOP they are!
comics are one of the few mediums that the physical is still extremely superior to the digital. I pirate a lot of comics, but nothing matches being able to flip through a comic and digesting the whole page layouts. Especially if you are reading something from JHW III, you can never read something like this correctly digital
>need bags and boards for like 3 comics
>have to buy in bulk and get 100 of each
What did they change about the Notebook?
>I can get them all for half cover price.
Fucking how?
second hand book store that sells mint copies for 1/2 cover price. It's how I got my Sandman and Promethea Absolutes those he sold at 25% cover price cause they were still shrink wrapped
Apparently they didn't actually edit it, but the UK division was supplied an alternate cut where the ending cuts to birds flying instead of them dying together in bed. Still, if you owned a physical copy, it's easier to know what version you're getting, and changes like that couldn't happen even in theory.
This is the one i was talking about
There's a bitrate difference
>all those Black Jacks
Reprints when, Vertical?
Has the Unamerican Gladiators arc of Lobo (the one with the Mignola covers) ever been collected?
Yes, they actually fuck in I Am A Hero.
And those scenes were actually very cute.
But user it IS a long running horror series, which means you might wanna recommend user the dropping point.
Late0 again, huh, pussy poster? Next time you'll have to take away your own /shelf/ card!
not his fault OP never puts that in the post, now careful before I revoke your card!
Oh, for fuck's sake, everything is dominated by pre-teen content, get over yourself.
Now, what is important for you to realize, is that this trend isn't even new. It started just after the industrial revolution and in case you haven't noticed, every aspect of life has gotten better since then for the entire fucking world, so stop continuously bitching like a little bitch, you little bitch.
In addition, can you not SEE that kids are the future? Are you seriously mad at an entire fucking medium and the thousands of creators and opportunistic swines for caring about someone other than themselves or are you mad that that someone is not exclusively you and your delusions? Is it perhaps that you want "deeper" and more "mature" content completely oblivious to the fact that quality is not measured by how many times a """""""character""""""" says he's depressed and ooh mai gawwwd life is meaningless bruh, lmao?
Honestly, what the fuck are you saying here? Do you have any idea whatsoever what you are talking about?
I forgot to show this one
kids like cartoons, now look at how poor quality the industry is.
What’s the stores name user?
Any advice or help with Getting those Hickman omnibuses user?
That is very funny, why do you think it's bad,, bruh?
>comics are one of the few mediums that the physical is still extremely superior to the digital
How? They're the same pictures
can you properly read this page unless you blow it up on a big screen? and even then, try getting it right
can you properly read this page unless you blow it up on a big screen? and even then, try getting it right
I can though, I don't get what you're saying
You could try!
>They're the same pictures
Not that user, but the pictures do look differently based on what they are printed on.
Digitally restored comics tend to look a little too bright, but look darker when they are printed on paper.
>start collecting the middle Hellblazer stuff first /shelf/ said
>It's more likely to go OOP first because the first volumes will probably get reprints
Well, /shelf/ was right, but now my spines are different.
If anyone was curious, looks like DC did a new printing of vol 4 "The Family Man" some time in the last year.
They have bins you can put in shelves like those, if you put the tops of the bins facing out instead of up it means they still work as shelves.
Marvel spines really do look like shit, the Epic Collections look nice but that's about it
Seeing Marvel stuff on the shelf reminds me of PS2/PS3 greatest hits games with those ugly red labels
Paneling can make a difference, not all comic reading programs allow for the natural layout that might have been intended.
Also the turning of the page and seeing the next page first is a flaw in the medium that has turn into nuance for certain artists. Junji Ito does that a fuck load. It’s basically how good the actual artist is at using their medium.
sorry, my dumb ass didn't post the picture
No that's good. More young readers now means more older readers later. It's long term but a way better plan than hoping movies lead to adults picking up a comic for the first time
How far into Hellblazer do you go anyways? Is there a part where it turns to shit or something that should be skipped?
I always say "read it from the beginning, and stop when you start to get bored." It's not a series that you should try to marathon, as it can get very repetitive (25 years of running does that).
If the mysticism of Delano isn't something for you, try out Ennis (which is starts in vol 5 of the reprints). Ennis pretty much made John into a completely different character though, so if you do enjoy the early Swamp Thing/Hellblazer stuff, you might not like it as much.
I like Paul Jenkins (following Ennis), but really don't care for Azzarello at all (vol 14 and 15).
10/10 music taste, and all that Hellboy is neat i guess
Backpacker scum.
this what you are looking for?
What's the best version of 52? I remeber hearing from someone here that the omnibus didn't include some good extra features from the TPBs. But even if that's true, what TPBs are the best ones?
I said that about kids watching pokemon anime in the 90s, now look where we are,
The four tpbs, includes the author's afterwords originally published in the issues. Vol. 4 it's hard to come by
Yeah, just like Guitar Hero launched a generation of rockstars who now rule the Billboard charts.
This. I skipped it when I first read Watchmen when I was 15, ended up feeling really "MEH" with the book until I reread the entire thing 3 years later properly. You're really missing a lot of great stuff if you skip around, user.
Thanks for the answer. Are the afterwords worth reading?
The afterwords are about a page each issue of the four writers talking about what their process was like, what problems they had, and how incomphrensible Morrison's accent is.
It's a fun look at what was a unique idea at the time (a new issue each week for 52 weeks).
>different comments for different things so I'll go down the line left to right.
I went to Comicpalooza for the first time this year, and I overall enjoyed myself. I always love supporting independent creators, I ended up having a great conversation about comics with this comic creator, and the story seemed interesting enough to check out. So I picked up the complete set (1-8) for $25. He was even nice enough to sign the issues.
>Along Came a Spider; Maximum Carnage
Also got at Comicpalooza, I made several stops to different dealers selling comic book issues. Looking for Venom (of course), very expensive. $15+ for every issue I looked at, managed to stop by a little corner vendor, asked if they had any Venom. Ended up getting these issues for $9 and $6 respectively. Pretty happy with the find.
>Symbiotic Love
I enjoy Doujins and fanzines, and one of my favorite Venom artists was making one and I had to order it. It's SFW and cute, making me choosy between twiggy humanoid Symbiote form and buff humanoid Symbiote form.
>MLP and Venom autographs
Got autographs of the MLP artist of my favorite comic issue (big Flim/Flam fan), and the inker of Lethal Protector.
>On the Books & Hipster!
I follow a dude who does gameboy mods on Instagram. Figures, he writes comics too, so he did a giveaway to promote his upcoming book and I won! It was a pretty cool way to start the days before Comicpalooza.
So when did you start reading comics then, not as a kid? New readers have to come from somewhere
Did some more reorganizing of my wall shelf, moved my nesting dolls and just put my game related figures in the middle (Ai making a split between non-Nintendo and Nintendo).
More comics and other books on my spinning bookshelf.
We all read picture books as children. How many people become comic readers later as adults? You're out of your mind if you think Scholastic dominating the industry somehow profits any of us.
Are you a girl or a tranny
Since I moved books over from my spinning shelf to my wall shelf, I moved over some of my manga/animu into the smaller shelves.
the move freed up some much needed space on my manga shelf, so I won't have that much of an excuse to hold off on buying more volumes haha.
Nice. Is just nice to get the figurines next to the books they are characters from.
Oops, wrong picture...
Found this shelf for $5 and had to snatch it to expand my Venom Shrine. It has an indent intended for frames, so it was perfect for showcasing some Variants/favorite issues.
Venom's presence grows. I'm probably going to have to move my pony girls elsewhere to account for the eventual take over haha.
>Venomfag is a fujo
It all makes sense now.
PAD's run doesn't really become meme worthy classic until Smart Hulk shows up in #377. That's when PAD's run actually became a huge hit among kids on the playground.
As it stands though, reading it from the beginning is super hard because he comes in literally, mid-storyline and you have to read Hulk #315-330 (plus the two annuals) beforehand because PAD inherited a TON of shit that makes zero sense unles you read the Milgrom and Byrne runs.
Why is Code Geass in the dead center of your Venom Harem?
Where do you expect new readers to come from, answer that simple question. The people making comics today read comics as kids, just like they did in the 2000's, and the 90's, the 80's, etc. Marvel and DC decided years ago they didn't care about selling comics to kids anymore, someone saw potential.
It's been there YEARS before my Venom harem. 9/10 I won't move it since it'd be a huge empty gap and I'm going to be moving out soon anyways.
Haha, I never hid that was a chick, man.
It really is.
It's a bit more complicated.
Byrne and Mantlo were friends and Byrne never wanted to do Alpha Flight but couldn't leave the book unless he found someone editorial would accept as his replacement. Mantlo volunteered and offered to give up Hulk to his BFF Byrne to sweeten the pot.
But by this point, Byrne and Shooter were on the outs and the editor HATED Byrne and the direction Byrne was taking the book (splitting Hulk/Banner, Hulkbusters and Bruce/Betty marrying) and manufactured a scene where Byrne's Scourge of the Underworld tie-in issue was "rejected" by the editor and Byrne rage quitting.
(Shooter interceded for Byrne and published the story in Marvel Fanfare the month it would have ran, to try and sooth shit over).
Byrne was replaced by Milgrom, who reset shit but sales were tanking hard and Milgrom came up with the return of the Grey Hulk to boost sales and to make Rick Jones and evil Hulk too. But while editorial approved the direction, Milgrom didn't want to stay on the book due to fear editorial would undo the direction a couple of issues later so PAD was given Hulk to write after getting fired from Spectacular Spider-Man and given Todd McFarlane (a blue chip rookie artist Marvel was grooming) as artist, though Todd's first issue was Milgrom's last.
Why are we pretending your average superhero comic is too sophisticated for a child? Why do we need an absolute dumbed-down product to "trick" them into comics? Why is a kiddy comic any different from Where The Wild Things Are or Dr Seuss Book #112412.
Scholastic dominating the market means that the image of comics being something for children will be solidified, something comics have been trying to get over for decades. It means that as things are trending only kiddy books will be big money and that's all people will want to work on. Ever wonder why Scottie Young doesn't draw comics anymore? He's making bank doing children's books.
The answer is to just make comics that don't require 500 issues of pre-reading. Think Batman Year One. You can make entry level material without pigeonholing yourself into being a kiddy company. I'm not seeing any silver lining from Scholastic dominance as a lot of you guys are. All this will do is trend comics towards less sophisticated storytelling. If Image wasn't doing so well in bookstores I would say this is the death of the hobby.
To add, comics are just too expensive for what you get. That's another barrier to entry. Every kid in America today has an iPad or iPhone. If you want to the kids to read, just keep transitioning to digital. That's the future. Stuff like Marvel Unlimited is a great step in that direction.
Why didn't they give McFarlane a big book if Marvel was grooming him? All he did for them was a few issues of Epic's Coyotes while doing Infinity Inc for two years
>Got autographs of the MLP artist of my favorite comic issue (big Flim/Flam fan)
How does it feel having legitimate brain damage?
Also, 18 episodes left and you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.
>venomfag is also a ponyfag
goodnight box-man, /shelf/ has a new villain
It's just a show, guys. Don't let it ruin your life.
The latter then
>durr it's just a show
Shitty excuse for brainless and substanceless garbage for passive low test retards who find the mere idea of any action or stakes beyond a pillow fight to be extremely frightening, and find any attempts at comedy to be too shocking and offensive for their fragile hearts.
I love you Lee Goldson, you creepy bastard.
Mark Waid and Wizard are why Gruenwald's run has the bad rep it has.
Waid was super fucking butt-hurt that he was fired from the book for Heroes Reborn, so he had his cronies at Wizard shit on Gruenwald's run and push the bullshit "Waid saved Cap" meme, to force Marvel to fire Liefeld and bring him back when Heroes Reborn ended.
Waid's run was reviled when it came out (bringing Sharon Carter back and making her a cunt towards Cap, the First Sign X-Over, him ignoring the last ten years including the Cap Hotline and Diamondback and all of the work Gruenwald spent building up Cap's rogues).
There's a reason WHY Marvel did Heroes Reborn and made Thor and Cap cancel BEFORE the actual event. The Waid and Ellis/DeDato runs were THAT bad.
Part of the problem with DC's trades is that they fucked up on the Bendis contract: they are forced by his contract to reprint ALL of his indie work at DC, even if sales and pre-sales are garbage. EVERYTHING indie-Bendis has to be reprinted by DC.
It's basically cratered the TPB sales for the company for the next couple of years. Hence why they had to delay/downgrade a bunch of their planned TPBs and HCs because until they fulfill the terms of Bendis's contract to have all of his indie shit republished by DC, they are going to have major deficits on their books graphic novel-wise.
Is Bendis getting fired likely?
They were. A couple of months after he started Hulk, they moved him onto Amazing Spider-Man.
Spidey in 1987 was in a big state of flux. DeFalco was fired, Priest fucked up the Hobgoblin reveal and then some and alienated fans, forcing them to go hard with the Spider-Marriage (which Stan Lee had pitched) plus Kraven's Last Hunt to damage control shit after Priest fucked up a storyline three years in the making.
Also, because Spectacular and Web's sales were in the shitter, they decided to give DeMatties and (IIRC who wrote Mad Dog Ward) Nocenti all three Spidey books for four fucking months, with the edict being to ape what DC did with Batman in the early 80s (where Batman and Detective were one book and stories from one title continued into the other title like a serial that forced you to buy both books). Kraven's Last Hunt and Mad Dog Ward were made like they were, explicitly to force people to buy all three Spidey books to see if the format worked (spoiler, it actually pissed people off more than they did fucking up the ending to the Hobgoblin Saga).
As such, they held off on giving McFarlane ASM for a bit until things settled down with Micheline writing it and had him draw Hulk in the meantime. Ironically, he ended up quitting Hulk in order to focus on Spidey, which is one of the reasons PAD and McFarlane fell out.
That Mononoke figure it's the shit
Amazing Spider-Man:
Essentials go all the way to ASM #248. The Roger Stern finale (#249-251) are only available in the Spider-Man Roger Stern omnibus. So there is a massive "gap" there, if you are using the Essentials as a starting point.
The Alien Costume Saga collects #252-258. From there, I would recommend Epic Collection Ghosts of the Past, which collects #259-271.
ASM #272-288 are uncollected save for #287 as a bonus story in the Micheline/Larsen omnibus.
#289-359, '86-'91 Annuals, Spider-Man/Wolverine, the full Cosmic Spidey and Kraven's Last Hunt, and 1990/1991 Spidey Annual X-Overs, the Parallel Lives, Kraven's Last Hunt sequel, Lady Zemo GNs, and the Hobgoblin/Rose epilogue Web of Spider-Man issues are in five Epic TPBS (Kraven's Last Hunt, Venom, Assassin's Nation, Cosmic Spidey, Return of the Sinister Six, and Round Robin). Be warned though, the entire Inferno X-Over with Hobgoblin is incomplete as Assassin's Nation only has the ASM installments.
Alternatively, you can get the two Micheline omnibuses. Micheline/McFarlane collects #296-330 and 330-350 respectively. Warning: these omnibuses omit the annuals, all of the X-Overs for Cosmic Spidey and Inferno, and the Graphic Novels and while the McFarlane volume omits his adjectiveless Spidey run (which has it's own omnibus), the Larsen omnibus collects all seven of his adjectiveless spidey run plus several fill-in issues and a three part Spidey-Wolverine team-up, where they rescue the DC Captain Marvel, who spends the entire arc bound and gagged and hooded like a gimp.
The 1992 Spidey-New Warriors Annual X-Over is in it's own TPB (The Hero Killers)
Spectacular Spider-Man, you are fucked. Outside the Sin Eater HC (which collects PAD's last three issues wrapping up the Sin Eater arc), the rest of the PAD run and the filler issues that ran during it, have never been collected. After that, you have the first year of the Conway run in one TPB (Spectacular Spider-Man: Tombstone) but it only has the Spectacular Spider-Man portion of the Inferno X-Over AND omits the Conway Web of Spider-Man issues.
Web is even more worse. No trades for it past the Essential run cut-off point.
As for the Inferno stuff, the only way to read the full Inferno X-Over is to buy the Inferno Crossover tradepaperback or omnibus. The omnibus has a Spidey cover but the softcover has a Daredevil cover.
No it's not.
There is still a huge chunk of material uncollected between Exile and Other Stories, the Krisis of Red Kryptonite, They Saved Luthor's Brain (IIRC the TPB title), and Panic In the Sky and Death of Superman.
That stuff is just OOP . Not uncollected
Oi. This is why I've avoided getting into capeshit for so long and end up going for floppies. Everything is sprawling everywhere and even if I wanted the trade, I wouldn't be promised that it exists (yet or ever will). Sure, Omnibuses exist, but even that's unpractical to read sometimes.
Thanks! I really need to get a set up to where it has light shining behind it. It's definitely one of my favorite figures.
What's that between Kenshin and Sailor Moon?
>This is why I've avoided getting into capeshit for so long and end up going for floppies
The Epic Collection line is making reading this stuff a lot more retard-proof
No clue.
As it stands, DC owes him at least one omnibus of his entire Superman run before he leaves the book and it's rumored that the only reason he got Superman is that DiDio is DESPERATE for Bendis' Superman run to be what Snyder's Batman run is in TPB sales: an evergreen run that they can sell as baby's first Superman.
That being said, there is rumor circulating that DC might move him to Batman once the King run ends around #100. Which is one of the reasons why they are letting King rape Batman like he has been doing: to make it so that Bendis taking over will be seen like him "saving Batman".
There's no doubt in my mind Bendis is getting Batman next. And I think it will actually be a good fit. Bendis Wal Mart Batman and story for DC1000 aren't bad at all, and he seems to specialize in street-level heroes.
where do you say ASM have a real drop in quality? like on UXM when multiple crossovers start to happen around #225, etc
>This is why I've avoided getting into capeshit for so long and end up going for floppies.
I would agree except that I find infionite joy in finding the correct trade, hunting it down and then get it just right with the others even if it sounds unsensical jumping from 5 to 2,3,4 and then 7, like Hellblazer in pic related.
Also this is a great source for searching trades and runs and I think everyone should have it.
350 is my jumping off point. Avoids all the symbiote and clone silliness. It's also neatly where the Larsen omnibus ends.
there is still huge chunks of shit inbetween those 90s volumes that was never reprinted.
Not really. They fucked up the X-Men Epic line with how they fucked up collecting the end of the Claremont run. And while they did good with the end of the Hobgoblin Saga and Cosmic Spidey, they fucked up collecting Inferno meaning you only get one-third of that X-Over.
And If I post something might help a bit. dont it?
>Which is one of the reasons why they are letting King rape Batman like he has been doing: to make it so that Bendis taking over will be seen like him "saving Batman".
Such bullshit. Outside of Yea Forums normies fucking love King's Batman and think it's one of the best runs the character has ever had. It's pathetic how shit normies taste is.
There aren't "huge chunks" missing. Don't be dramatic. There's missing material, yes, but that's just DC being DC. If you want to talk "huge chunks" missing, look at the entire Bronze Age. It's a fucking disgrace how little Superman and Batman is collected from this era, where as shit like Batgirl gets BA omnis.
>They fucked up the X-Men Epic line
Explain. AKAIF the Claremont era isn't even close to being collected fully in new editions. I'm sure when they're finished it'll be a fine read.
ASM is good until around #200 minus a couple of rough patches. Roger Stern's arrival revives the book and outside fucking up the Hobgoblin Saga, the book stays good until the end of Maximum Carnage (which is considered by many to be the best place to drop off at).
ASM #381-388 are so-so but the ass pull they use to write out Peter's parents is kind of lame. But the crossover shit doesn't become unbearable until #389, when you basically have to buy ALL of the Spider-Man books to follow the story.
>he book stays good until the end of Maximum Carnage
Are you insinuating that Maximum Carnage is *good*?
It's Sailor Moon R in a comic format. It's my favorite season with my favorite characters (The Black Moon Clan). I got the whole set from Mandarake for pretty cheap (shipping was not as cheap haha).
I guess I'll come to understand the more I explore the genre. For right now I'm just trying to have fun with it.
Maximum Carnage is a wonderful train-wreck and a reminder of my younger years where I'd just shove as much characters into a story as I possibly could.
They cut out the opening two-parts of the Kings of Pain story, leaving only the X-Men and X-Factor segments. Which bodes badly for later collections, since it means there is a major chance they will do something similar to Days of Future Present (which was reprinted in full in Fantastic Four Into the Time Stream), as Marvel's policy is that 1990-1992 Annuals X-Overs will not be reprinted in full in every Epic title, if possible.
They also crammed in X-Factor #65-68 into the book, even though those issues are strictly X-Factor. And it's not a situation like Web of Spider-Man #29-30, which are not only required reading to understand the Ned Leeds as Hobgoblin reveal as far as how and why he became a villain, but also resolve the Rose Saga that was running since the DeFalco run AND provide a much needed resolution to Peter being manipulated into murdering a woman in Spider-Man/Wolverine, as far as Wolverine informing Peter that his victim orchestrated Peter into murdering her as a mercy killing and that he's not a murderer.
Not only that, they used X-Factor cover art for both the front and back cover, effectively turning what should have been the finale of the X-Men run into (on the surface) an X-Factor brand Epic book.
It's actually fully available in color now that Mutant Massacre Omnibus V2.0 is out. The only issue is that you have to buy the Xtinction Agenda HC and Days of Future Past omnibus to fill the gap between the Claremont/Lee omnibuses since the omnibuses don't collect those two arcs.
Ty for the explanation. God, X-Men is a fucking mess.
I'll also toss in this bit: right now it's looking like Xcutioner's Song won't be part of the X-Men Epic line. It's going to be collected in full in an upcoming X-Force Epic and will be outright skipped in the upcoming X-Factor Epic of that same period.
based and marvelomnipilled
Everytime I see this I get super jealous, though why is the infinity gauntlet one so big? I thought that was a small book
tie-ins and silver surfer build-up issues
Infinite Gauntlet Omnibus collects the main mini, ALL of the X-Over issues (including several red sky crossover issues in Spider-Man and Cloak and Dagger), Thanos Quest, and nearly 25 issues worth of Silver Surfer (roughly #34-61), minus a couple of issues from Starlin' run that don't have anything to do with the lead-up to Infinity Gauntlet.
Oh, jesus why?
I mean I love Sailor Moon, she's hanging from my keychain for fucks sake.
Favorite season, good price, and I pretty much grab anything I can get my hands on that has the Black Moon Clan.
>is called Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sin - Complete Collection
>doesn't include the other five issues of the arc that the #1 is part of (collected in the Rise of the Midnight Sons trade)
>doesn't contain all 17 parts of the "Siege of Darkness" event that ended the series.
Now THAT is a perfect shelf
>reading redneck but not anything from remender
I didn't realize Ani-Manga was a Japanese thing. I always assumed it was a retarded invention of American publishers to get extra money from people.
Trust me, Japanese know if there's someone out there that's enough of a dumb obsessive fan of X, they'll make it to sell.
When did untold tales get an Omni?
I’m pissed I missed that, goes for 170 minimum now. It probably will never go back into print to
Yeah, I bought it second hand for 150 (Canadian). Figured that was the cheapest I was ever going to see it.
Right on man
Your /shelf/ has improved massively since last time, good job on organizing it better You like fun stuff but may I suggest Sunstone, read a bit of it online (it's free) before you buy the big hardcovers, but it is fun and deep
I can't make out the guitar make, what is it? are you any good and do you sing too? I have a Yamaha 12 string acoustic electric that is my fav acoustic guitar and it plays like butter, makes my voice sound 10x better too cause it's just so smooth
I haven't posted in these threads in a long time because I just get old floppies of series that were never collected because the market is retarded and didn't appreciate based 80s and 90s comics
filled two shortboxes in the past few months
post flops
post them man. we always complain of stuff that isn't collected
should i get grant morrison's xmen run? mainly for quentin quire
i enjoyed his jla and doom patrol run and parts of all star superman. i might pick up his green lantern run when its in trades (i havent been keeping up with his GL run so i don know if its in trades yet)
>For Quentin Quire
No he barely appears but i kind of like the run, read some of it online and see if you like it
it's my favorite x-men run by a large margin. that and x-statix are the best x-books and both have omnis, perfection.
you have so many flawed arguments it isn't even worth addressing First of all Scottie Young moved to writing rather than art, he just does cover art cause he is doing writing now. that alone is enough to know your entire argument is shit
Morrison's Quentin is radically different from what appears later on. You may not like it if you're reading it for him.
>he answer is to just make comics that don't require 500 issues of pre-reading
i wish this meme would end.
>Part of the problem with DC's trades is that they fucked up on the Bendis contract: they are forced by his contract to reprint ALL of his indie work at DC, even if sales and pre-sales are garbage. EVERYTHING indie-Bendis has to be reprinted by DC.
that is fucking bullshit, DC trade department was selling well but WB/DC doesn't want to invest into the reprint market besides their huge sellers. Their problem is that they want everything to sell like The Dark Knight and Watchmen so instead of printing everything they fire the person in charge and cancel a ton of shit. Bendis is not in charge of the trade department and printing his TPBs has nothing to do with DC fucking up their TPB printing, they did that all on their own. Just look at the years before Bendis joined DC
id mainly be reading it mostly for grant morrison, QQ just seems like an interesting character.
its pretty shit
Can I get a link to the darkstalkers one?
no, just get West Coast Avengers for Quire/Gwenpool
ok since no one is bumping I will
DC solicitations dropped yesterday, and the only interesting little bit is that the Penguin Random House Edelweiss catalog's can't really be trusted anymore.
The solicitations contained at least two things that weren't on the catalog
>Wonder Woman by Simone omnibus
>Justice League "The Wedding of The Atom"
The latter seems to be part of what WOULD have been contained in the "JLA Bronze Age Omni #3." Didio has instead decided to split that into a smaller hardcover for more $$$
Here's that catalog again
The CANCELLED status on the Fall 2019 Edelweiss catalog has also added
>The Flash Vol. 11: No Hope
>Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Just War
which is really weird. Wonder Woman was listed as an eleven issue hardcover. One of the LCS ComicsPro meeting leaks was that Didios new plan was to put more stuff in hardcover, and release trades even slower.
The Flash trade was a regular six issue paperback. Since that series still sells well, they might be renumbering it to #1 for the trades.
don't get West Coast Avengers get Spider-Man/Deadpool for her instead
what's with the green lantern statue
Anyone know where I can get custom short boxes? I want one with Scrooge or Donald comics on it and I can't find anything.
Buy new shelves.
>Marvel hardbacks and my killing joke hardback are just too big.
Why do they have to oversize hardbacks.
My fault for not taking proper measurements.
How do you frame a floppy?
very carefully
Is this good?
rad. They're great
Just manipulate the height of the individual levels then?
Needs more X-Men omnis.
Are longboxes viable for storing paper and hardback trades? I'm reorganising my shelves and want to put some away, but have them accessible for reading. Also is storing them like this good or bad? I doubt I'll have them as high.
This is the OoP book that's getting a reissue.
I'll take new pictures for next thread, but for now, take my reposts
I feel I got duped with the Akira 35 box.
The hardbacks are pretty, Akira club is nice, but I feel my kodensa paperbacks are overall better and not just because they read like traditional western comics but the sound effects are actually translated and o stall just seem better quality.
> they read like traditional western comics
This is not a good thing you know.
I prefer it, it makes no real difference if tetsuos left or right hand gets mutated.
I don't care though that they box set reads traditional Japanese way. It's everything else that's worse.
Your preference is bad and you should feel bad!
I've seen a couple of X-trheme X-men in these threads, is it any good? came out around the same time as Morrison's X-men?
How the fuck did you get the color of your trades to fade like that? Bathe them in the sun 24/7?
Sounds like you have shit taste.
Something like that, they're positioned opposite of my bedroom window. I've had the first three Iron Fist volumes since they came out, I only realized how bad it was when I bought the fourth volume a couple of weeks ago.
If you're basing that on the fact I prefer left to right reading then fine. If you're implying outside of the hardcovers themselves and the box that the quality is better than the paper editions from several years ago you're wrong. Both the quality of the reprinting and the fact that the paperback goes the extra mile to translate the sound effects makes them better.
Seeing someone with all of Gundam Origin always reminds me I need to finish collecting it but there's so much other stuff I want more.
The books look so good though.
Flipping manga is like, for people that are shamed to be reading manga despite... reading manga, and not to mention that the art gets ruined often because of it. And translating sound effects is pants on head retarded. I bet you're one of the usual specimens that loses their shit when you see a modern recolor yet you think flipping and ruining sound effects is fine.
what's the deal with AKira
Not the user who complained about his Akira box but I looked up some unboxing video of it, and apparently they did pic related with sound effects. That looks to me a lot more pants-on-head-retarded than anything else.
It's a manga that was made by a guy who also turned it into an animated movie that became an enormous hit. It's a classic that you can own without people thinking you're a weeb pedophile.
based x
bishock is very political but the stone roses one is more of a biography
Nah lad, that is my biggest hate. Killing Joke and Flex Mentally are the worst offenders. Sandman to a lesser extent too.
I see your point but disagree.
Also this
Wonder if anyone actually uses that as actual reference.
Coloring changes can mess with the mood but not as bad as redrawing sound effects does or fucking flipping the damn thing outright ruining the art. You sound like a monkey.
Are you legitimately retarded?
Just have them custom bound. It will be better.
Are you literally saying that only because it isn't 100% of people who become comicbook readers, it shouldn't be pursued to acquire young customers for long-term benefits in general? I don't think you realise how businesses work, at all. If every business was built on your approach, namely only offering a service/product if it reaches 100% of the customer base, every business would go bankrupt
Any pleb can watch anime, patricians read it i the original Nihongo.
Thanks, I'm just glad I have more space to fill in with books haha.
They actually had a vendor selling it at Comicpalooza when I went, and I remember that series being a favorite of this Youtuber I watched. It's the BDSM series, right?
I'm not entirely sure, it was a gift for my dad that we bought from a family friend but he didn't have much time to practice. So I ended up taking it up, I'm still not that great and sometimes it's hard to find time to practice with school/work/writing/drawing/ect. but I'm trying to include it more into my routine everyday. Yeah, I do sing actually. Even go to Kareoke night at my favorite bar on Tuesdays haha.
Post 'em, man. /Shelf/ already knows I sure do.
Geez, might as well have some custom shelving/filing system. I'd hate leafing through those things.
Was also looking at something like this.
That way I can have them side on and still be able to see the comics.
No, but people here will tell you otherwise. As you can see, no matter how well you take care of them they'll degrade regardless. You're better off getting filing cabinets or metal boxes.
I agree.
>Gunsmith Cats
my nigga
Why is the doom patrol character Dada'd?
Is that how they actually show up in the comic? Or is it just a coverart homage to the Ultraman villain?
Got stuff in the mail and haven't posted in a while. Almost out of room. Shelf 1/4, Hellboy and guilty pleasures.
Shelf 2/4, Peanuts, Chew, and IDW Duck books.
3/4, Duck shelf
4/4, MtG stuff and Deadpool books. Mostly bought them to let people borrow.
The Brotherhood of Dada is a thing in Doom Patrol
Not really a regular on here or Yea Forums, but I recall people sperging out about Wotakoi because Narumi had a few boyfriends before Hirotaka. I like the series though.
ah I remember liking these shelves a few threads ago. Nice reorganizing. I'd be worried about how top heavy it all looks though.
>what's with the green lantern statue
I thought it was Animal Man
It's Hawkeye you retard, can't you see the bow?
>started the same way
>now have $1000 in duck comics
God speed anom
it has it's up's and downs. I thought my shelf is the only one that has it. It's Claremont with full on Sage wank, but I don't mind her character so whatever. It's got a ton of his classic fetish stuff in it and sexy as fuck. But there are a few arcs that just don't land. Still, I like it quite a bit, and glad I got it, but I wouldn't have paid full price for it, I got them from discount bins
>that knot in the wood that looks like an extension of thors beard
I didn't even notice that.
Everyone comments on the DB and Jojo shelves and the Spidey shelves but never these two. What did they mean by this?
> It's a classic that you can own without people thinking you're a weeb pedophile.
Think again
>this shelf
livin the dream, huh?
Photo story books were a huge thing in the 70s-90s.
They originated when VHS/home video was non-existent and continued when VHS came out but tapes were expensive as shit and you were lucky to get maybe one-two "best of" VHS releases and series runs were only available on laserdisc (which was super expensive). Especially in Japan, where home video tapes were always sold super expensive, even when tape costs started falling in US.
Photobooks were like Novelization books; that for a lot of people, were the only way to relive old TV shows. A ton of Mangas had them
Outside the Lady Mastermind/Sebastian Shaw arc, the first half of Xtreme X-Men sucks. The second half (save for the atrocious God Loves Man Kills sequel that was editorially mandated), is much better as you had Claremont addressing the fall out from what Morrison did outing the school and dealing with the fallout, in particular with mutants selling their families to slavers be raped/tortured/murdered and the fall out of mutants committing anti-human hate crimes and all sorts of stuff that Scott's team didn't/refused to deal with while running the school, protected by it and such.
It's honestly surreal to look at. Started buying these books 8 years ago. A lot of memories over that time, both good and bad, tied to those stories.
If you had to start over, which duck book would start with first?
Pak's version is better than Claremont's
I really want Fantagraphics to do a Disney Masters volume for Walt Kelly. It would be a thin volume but he did some good stuff for Disney.
Not him but Only a Poor Old Man. It is peak Barks with many of his most classic and fondly remembered stories.
What other Fantagraphic Disney is good besides Barks/Rosa
I'd say release order, which is Barks, Rosa, then Masters. Rosas work is better after knowing of Barks work, and the Masters books are a great look into other styles after appreciation of the American artists.
McFarlane ASM is out for reading
Not having the extra space for those Vagabond and Gundam books russle my jimmies. I know that problem too well.
Picked these up today.
Hit up a convention this weekend and some hole in the wall had stuff for better than instock prices. Got to fill in a bunch of holes in my collection and didn’t even break 30 any any of them individually.
Even grabbed Usagi after seeing how loved it is here.
Also Soule is a cool dude who gave me a Curse Words pin because I talked to him about the book for a while.
Well yeah, Pak's was basically a fun Exiles run with a different name. Claremont's was the usual bullshit he was churning out in the 2000s which was fucking awful.
>It's the BDSM series, right?
It's actually a Romcom that has BDSM as a theme. really well balanced
sunstone is just smut
absolutely not! and I'm the user that storytimes lots of smut on /aco/ there is very little actual sex in it it is mostly a comedy book
What are the best releases for classic Doctor Strange? I got the first paperback Masterwork volume years ago and although I loved it I felt absolutely cheated when I saw how the recolor destroyed all the detail that took the art from good to great.
I will never say Claremont was as good as he was in the 80s but a lot of his later stuff gets too much hate. X-Treme X-Men is better than anything in the past decade of X-Men. but even Claremont hates all the current X-Men stuff, everything in the past decade he hates and with reason. So...I'll enjoy the X-Treme X-Men maximum boobage edition
Essential Dr Strange.
The first volume collects ALL of the Strange Tales era. The post Ditko Strange Tales MMW is absurdly expensive and OOP.
The only problem is that V1 of the Essential line never got a second printing. But it usually goes for about $50-60 bucks, which is still cheaper than the Ditko omnibus and has way more material than the Epic collection.
It's lesbian smut by Sejic
My small but growning shelf, I mainly just pick up what’s at my LCS and cons but am going to start just ordering stuff too
Rate? Hate?
In terms of Claremont's later X-Men work:
X-Men The End > Exiles V2> Exiles V1 >Xtreme X-Men> X-Men New Age > Ecalibur (post-House of M) > X-Men Revolution
>starts googling godzilla plushie
Thanks user
that is just what people lock onto. It's far more than that. but yes it has sex in it and it's hot. Doesn't make it just smut. Read Manara for that if you want
Claremont Die by The Sword I would put higher than your Excalibur stuff, but it's been a while since I read it so maybe it doesn't hold up.
I think you're the first human to buy that Vendetti OGN. Let us know how it is.
Floppies are worthless and anyone who wants to display one on their /shelf/ should have their card taken away.
>scott pilgrim 1-5
>scott mcloud
user i think you got the wrong book
>Claremont's Gen13 and eXiles were the fucking worst too
honestly he's a hack
if it was cheaper to turn the few floppies i own into a hardbound book i would because i know these things are never getting reprinted because of crossover licenses expiring
can you shut up about custom binding already, we get it
fuck off, this is /shelf/ and custom bindings are /shelf/ pilled
consider your card revoked
Die By The Sword is basically Exiles 99.1-99.6 so I count that as part of Exiles V1
>honestly he's a hack
>longest running comic
>most of his run celebrated as the best of the run ever
check back to your definitions
Someone redpill me on Conan and Red Sonja
Sonja's based on a Conan character but is legally distinct from the rest of the IP.
I have no clue how Thomas managed to wrangle the rights to her considered how Marvel was known for making people give up all rights to their creations during that time period.
fuck you
custom bindings also grind my gears, but they are not in card violation, and we must bear them
will do
i feel bad because his big brother doesn't fit on the shelf
There is no valid reason to display a floppy
Has anyone here made custom floppy cases for entire runs or stories?
Guy who's been working through Peter David's Hulk here. I'm delighted to announce the storytelling quality has jumped up quite a bit from those first 20 or so issues. Jeff Purves is finally off of art duties (fuck me he was awful), replaced by the much more talented Bob McLeod. There was even an issue (368) guest-pencilled by Sam Keith with inks from Kelley Jones that was fantastic. I'm on 379 now, having introduced Professor Hulk. It just gets better and better. If I were to collect this run I would probably use 347 (Introduction of Mr Fixit) as the starting point. Nothing before felt worthwhile.
/end blogpost
Yeah, i had this book preordered on Amazon and it still took until this week to get here. So worth it though, Miura's art pops so well on the large pages. And yeah, if the book is selling out consistently then at least DH might be able to do the whole run, which I'm greatly looking forward to.
There's valid reason to display any of this crap. But we do anyways because we like it and it makes us happy. Go away.
this finally came in. ive been wanting to read this for like 3 years now and im glad i waited cause collecting like 38 those regular editons seems like a massive pain. fuck amazon though. i ordered this back in february
hey that bioshock book was actually surprisingly good, i recommend it
anything by grant morrison, the guy is such a good writer. batman, jla and doom patrol right now
same dude. did yours take forever to ship as well?
is the 35th anniversary the best edition of akira?
Is that Sam Keith one a fight on a train? It's the only PAD Hulk I've read and it ruled
Yup. Spectacular single issue story. Other single issues I highly recommend are 335 and 377. These three have the been the standouts so far.
some of the crap like that Green Arrow guy displays is really bad quality and just looks bad
Well, he likes it and that's all that matters. Again, go away.
Good idea
I think he wrote about it in some Conan collection how it happened. Maybe that recent omnibus with Barry Windsor Smith.
i'm not dragging it out to check tho
who? me? is this bad??
No but I wanna buy one of these one day. With shipping it's going to be fucking expensive, so it's one of those I'll get around to... one day.
I was interested until I saw the preview, the art seems a bit lacklustre. I do appreciate Vertigo publishing a war OGN though
what is wrong with my GA collection? I seriously don't understand
>shit character
>shit reprints
>shit company
>dumb fans
>doesn't like GA/GL
>Doesn't like Grell GA
well, ok I can stop listening to you now cause you have shit taste and just want to company war
Reminder that the final Ostrander Suicide Squad trade is set for bookstore release this week.
I'm expecting a repeat of what happened with Grell Arrow when that reprint series finished: everything going OOP in a few months as people buy all of it at once.
What's the point of collecting GA?
Do you recommend that run of Suicide Squad?
I never read his work before.
Man, I really want one of these too.
Grell GA is one of the best series DC ever published
I think your nostalgia is showing
Expensive as fuuuuck though. Will be one of the last comic related things I ever buy.
Nah, Grell's GA is fucking great and you're an idiot. I can't believe someone in /shelf/ of all places is questioning someone collecting that run.
It's the best run that ever had the name. He manages to balance action, humor, and political intrigue perfectly. The only downside I'll say is that the trades are sort of small. They got bigger as time went on, but quite a few are just six issues.
Forget everything about what the modern incarnations are like.
>bombs attach to arms, to main, not kill
>Waller isn't a completely clueless psychopath
now your pleb is showing
A few of the trades are already out of print. Might want to pick them up quick.
where do I buy it
Trying to figure out if those box shelves would be more space efficient or if I should get a regular bookcase. The ocd in me likes having the little sections
>is the 35th anniversary the best edition of akira?
Yes. Unflipped art, a new, more accurate translation, and unedited. It's worth it.
Why? /shelf/ has some really dubious taste, and that's putting it lightly.
>dc fans love misogyny
Of course
Also, and something people aren't mentioning, is the Akira 35 box itself is just amazing. I must have spent 30 minutes just opening and closing it like a monkey. When you're used to manga box sets which are fine but usually kinda cheap, then you get that Akira box with the magnets and the felt and.. oh my loins are stirring! I'm not box-man but I finally get it now.
0/10 bait, apply yourself.
you never fucking read it, I know, but this is one of the best examples of a hero being broken down and coming back. It took her some time, yes, but this scene was revisited many times in the run by having Dinah come back to being a hero, her and Ollie making love after a long time of not wanting sex, and also her dressing up as GA to rescue him who was captured and abused.
My dude is this your first day on Yea Forums? Why are you even bothering with that guy?
Amazon or IST.
I don't know if buying it is worth the price
Christ, that's way more than I thought they'd be.
honestly, he just hit a nerve and triggered me a bit. I should know better but I didn't.
Thread hit limit anyway. good night /shelf/
Yeah. It's a super specialty item + hits a super niche, so the price reflects that.
just keep an eye out for closing down stores that have them, im sure the owner will let you buy it for cheap
it's how i ended up with 4 ikea bookcase cabinets
My most recent pick-ups, with the Nausicaa hardcover (hopefully) coming in soon.
Golden Kamuy is cool
>MegaMan X
Based, i was thinking of getting the complete original series
i need to try and rebuy all of yotsuba, won an auction on ebay a while ago and thought i got pretty lucky because i got them cheap until i opened the box the seller sent them in and they stunk of cigarettes
i had to get paypal involved because the seller saw nothing wrong with that and refused to give me a refund
lads when this thread archives do we make another right away or do the customary wait and see?
>same dude. did yours take forever to ship as well?
I gave up on my Amazon order. Once my shipment got pushed back two months for the second time, on the day it was supposed to arrive, I had had enough. Then I just happened to check Right Stuff and they had it for a pretty good price.
>I was interested until I saw the preview, the art seems a bit lacklustre
Just finished reading it. The art is kinda rough, but if you can look past it the story is good.
I'd never heard of this until I saw a volume at a used store recently. I might take a look into it now that I see someone is reading it.
I would normally say wait, but these last few have been really damned good and no shortage of content. So by all means
do whatever you want
oh, just make sure you add Pussyposter's tag
350 bucks thank god i have a credit card.
hello monthly payments!
yeah, normally I like to wait and see, but these threads have been very vibrant. supply and demand I guess
pls don't do this
Yes please
this could be box-man, please be wary
dead anyway, but man, it's weird to look back to before /shelf/ and I didn't care much about my collection
It's quickly becoming one of my favorite manga. It has everything you could want in an action/adventure story and the cultural worldbuilding is always fun to read. It'd definitely be a household name in the community if the anime held up to the source material
That sounds awful, user. I hope your next purchase goes a lot smoother.
BM hasn't posted cardboard in a long time. It's possible we shamed him into anonymity. The card worked
fuck it i'm gonna make a new thread after this archives lads. let's keep it going
Good man
be sure to post it here since we're after 500 anyways
Don’t forget the thread intro and question, make us an official general