Bleedman the Pedo?

Sooo, if you are into webcomics you probably have heard of the artist Bleedman who is the creator of "GrimTales from Down Below" and "Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi". He's been around for quite a while and his comics got a decent following. However, it's not hard to notice that he finds a weird liking in showing off his minor character's panties a lot and even goes as far as showcasing an incest relationship between Grim Jr and his sister Mandy. The big question I have been asking myself for quite a while now (and I was a huge fan of his works a few years ago): Is Bleedman a pedophile?

There is drawing sexy women but sexualizing little girls is a pretty wonky thing to do. Can't say them looking young is only because of his art style if they are legit children in the story. Equally wonky is his Encyclopedia Dramatica page where there was a sketch from him showing Grim fingering Mandy, a little girl.

So yeah, if you are familiar with him and his works: what are your thoughts on this dude? I myself do think that he has some...repressed urges.

Attached: Bleedman.jpg (2500x3536, 3.22M)

Probably is a pedo

His comics are ok.

Dude likes loli. I'm more troubled by his edgelord fan-fiction; if you wanna draw a comic about little girls and shit, at least be a little more original.

So it's come full circle, has it? I always knew this day would come and ever since Villainous, I've been anticipating it. So the Bleedman school of Deviant Art has become kitsch.

just becausre you like drawing half naked cute girls doesn't mean you want to fuck real children

>Is Bleedman a pedophile?
This seems more like you're trying to start a debate on the definitions of a pedophile than anything else, because the man is clearly into what he draws.

As long as he doesn't touch any actual kids he's good in my book. I won't stop liking Alice in Wonderland either just because Lewis Carroll might have been a pedophile.

I read a bit of the GrimTales stuff back in university since I was a bit of a sucker for fanfic comics at the time and definitively noticed how he leans in his taste. I did a brief bit of research and found out he is from Thailand (I think if memory serves) and has said that being a Pedo has less of a stigma over there.

So Yeah, I think the dude is 100% a pedo. But as long as he is not physically going out in a van and trying to lure kids I don't see the harm.

Still wonky to see a man in his 40ies drawing minor girls in such a way. Also, Lolicon itself has some pedophile vibes. The appeal of drawing sexy children definitly shows repressed urges. And if you look at his Encyclopecdia Dramatica page you will find some rather questionable sketches of him that are more than just Loli art.

But yes, if drawing stuff like this keeps him from touching actual children then it's definitely better for him to keep drawing this stuff.

Isn't this the board that regularly calls adolesceny cartoon characters their waifu? Like, Yea Forums isn't that far behind Yea Forums in this regard.

>repressed urges
Well, if we're having this gay debate then are they repressed or just explored in a more safe manner? Like said, as long as he doesn't touch any kids I don't see a problem.

>Lolicon itself has some pedophile vibes.

Ya don't say. Is there an actual difference? It feels like a word that pedos would use to avoid identifying themselves as such.

Attached: 1513198224389.jpg (960x1073, 206K)

Who cares?

Weird people exist. This should not be a revelation. You are on fucking Yea Forums of all places.


Still kinda new to Yea Forums so I dunno what peeps usually roam this board. But I wouldn't be surprised if minor waifus are a thing here.

Can't fault someone for repressing their urges.
Most consider it noble not to act upon them.

Being weird is one thing but being into sexualizing children is more than just being quirky.

lurk moar
And take off that name you faggot.

It's fine as long as he represses them but his fanbase refuses to take him for what he is even though he makes it pretty obvious.

i sister used to be big into this guy.

she also role-played sonic characters on neopets, and had a naruto headband.

>Is Bleedman a pedophile?
Am I back in 2006?
Yes, you stupid newfag.
Holy fuck, where have you been, you dumb nigger?

Maybe expand your vocabulary a little so you wouldn't have to use faggot (the most basic insult) all the time ;)

>but his fanbase refuses to take him for what he is
Are you really this stupid?

What's the point of this thread? You clearly know the answer to the question you asked. Where does the fanbase get involved?

Your wording tells me that you probably are some 12 year old using mommy's PC.

The point of this theart is as stated above:
wanting to hear what other people think about this dude since the views on him are so divided.

eat a bunch od dick you faggot nigger and fuck off back to plebbit

What that other user said. Get ride of the nametag; nobody needs to identify you here and it makes you stand out as a bit of an attention staved chupapollas. Try to keep your positive attitude, but lurk some more before you start posting.

This thread can be safely classified as bait. Everybody out; nothing of value here.

fuck off nigger, 12 year olds these days are all liberal faggots like you, i'm 31.

Attached: 1536894992743.jpg (343x464, 29K)

for one - who cares if it's a drawing? little girls in drawings are not real

secondly, if he's not abusing kids irl, who cares if he's a pedo?

thirdly, defining "pedo" is difficult. i don't know if bleedman draws any adult-looking women, but shad for instance draws little girls as well as curvy milfs, so would he really be a pedo? I'm attracted to girls from the age of 11 or so all the way up to women in their 70s. definitely in pedo territory, but not in any way exclusively. so could i really be called a pedo?

Pretty sure the labels are for "primary attractions" so pick your favourite age group and slap that title on, baby.