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>The CW

I'll defend Smallville and all its shitty episodes to the death but that trailer looked like straight up unwatchable garbage

itll be fine

Those Brie Larson fans strike again


I havent watched the trailer.

Is it still starring that chick that isnt "lesbian enough"?

>I'll defend Smallville and all its shitty episodes to the death
Your comment makes no sense at all

This post and many like it lately are of extremely low quality. Summers almost here.

this doesn't effect you. just ignore it and don't watch it if it looks bad

>I'm not about to let a MAN take credit for a WOMAN'S work
>but I am about to steal a man's costume, tech, hideout and identity and act like I accomplished jack shit on my own


So pretty much all "Female leading" media of the last few years.

wait for the inevitable removal and re-uploading

Did you manbabies complain this much about Titans? It's "Fuck Batman" line was essentially the same disrespect for Batman and it seems like people here love it now. So give this a chance too.

>Did you manbabies complain this much about Titans?
YES. everyone did.

>Kate in Elegy
>only took the Bat symbol because it would immediately let people know she was a good guy
>Kate in this show
>steals Bruce’s costume and modifies it
>changes the aesthetic because lmao feminism

You know what drives me nuts? People who flock to play shining knight to defend shit. This is the same low hanging fruit, arguably worse, CW trite. I'm fucking sick of casual faggots gobbling up this poorly written excuse for a drama claiming to be a comic show.

>having a YouTube account
Consider a toaster bath

Yeah, and it turned out good. So will this. Deal with it.

Nigger, were you living under a rock?

No, it didn't. Doom Patrol was good. You deal with it


Its the same kind of low hanging fruit like Captain Marvel.


>if you're not a misogynist homophobe, you're a casual

Homophobes are Based

You could argue there were good moments, but the sum of its parts were mediocre at best.

Aw, look at him everyone! Isn't his strawman cute? Quick lets throw the poor fella a few (You)'s since he asked so nicely and doesn't know no better. This is all he does for free time, and his sole reason for sucking air.

But seriously though, no, I'm not a misogynist, and I have nothing against gay people either. I will however call out poorly written shit while you dumbasses gobble it up because you think you're being progressive when in reality you're continuously holding equality back


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i thought it looked cool. I'm a kate fan tho. Is Renee in this? Will they be a couple? Will she become the Question?

I'm shocked Katefags actually exist. I guess we need to add him to the list with Damianfag and Cassfag; character autists who shit up every thread

Yes we need more incest porn threads and Peter harem threads. Much better.

go back to Yea Forums you worthless fucks

I mean technically that's babs' backstory in dcau and that is the best babs

this is the weirdest thing i've heard since detective pikachu being popular.
what drives me nuts is women continuing to act inherently oppressed when they've been solidly in charge for at least the 30+ years I've been alive.

I love batwoman so much, but christ this is so hamfisted and cringeworthy i can't defend it at all

Hey, don't bring Cass into this you fuck.

>Imagine being mad that the hard nosed bitch lesbian character was portrayed as a hard nosed bitch lesbian.
>Batwoman: "Lol, men."

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Hey I actually like Cass, I'm just saying Cassfag is shit

This is the same network that turned Archie into Riverdale. What did you expect?

The only reason why I hated the trailer is because she's out to prove that she's better than a man and has to claw out from a man's shadow instead of being confident enough to be her own woman and build her own legacy regardless of what others think of her.

Basically, it would be a fine show if they didn't ram feminism up your ass for 3/4ths of the trailer. Men don't watch capeshit to be belittled for being a specific gender and/or specific sexual orientation. And no matter how hard DC and Marvel try to be inclusive and have female readers, their main audience is still made up of straight white men. It's why all their diversity pushing fails constantly. People don't mind diversity, but they DO hate shoehorning and belittlement. People read comics and watch TV to escape their shit lives, not to have an agenda pushed to them.

Maybe I'd like comic Kate more if she had her own persona, something not bat related.

He's saying Smallville as a whole outweighed the select amount of garbage episodes throughout its run

The trailer is bad.

Zoomers need to hang themselves

Smallville barely had political shit in it

This is an embarrassing post. You should be ashamed

This is an embarrassing post. You should be ashamed

>seems like people here love it now
nigga there are people here who like steven universe, for fuck's sake

>keep emphasizing she needs no man
>breaks into batman's lair and steals his shit and identity