African? Female? Apply now!

>African? Female? Apply now!
Is there something wrong with this?

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I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be that blatantly discriminatory

who cares

Kill yourself OP!

Nah, if you want a certain POV in your team, put out a job advert for it. Same way you get casting calls for white guys or whatever when you’re trying to cast a white guy.

imagine being this fragile

The exceptions are pretty narrow for that kind of stuff, I think you could reasonably sue here

It's not wrong to discriminate against white people

I’m going to cuck you.

Given the equality act you'd think so. I mean black women only??? Not even any black woman, just ones that are African. Do you recon they'd take on white women from Africa?

It's literally for an African show about a girl.
Why wouldn't they be asking for female African writers?

That's not the African style I know.
Netflix, come back once you have the animation equivalent of

This is a job that anybody could do, though. They are only hiring African women and excluding other races for this job that any race and gender could do

are asians the most cucked race? Even in media they're not PoC enough for left but not mainstream/normal enough for whites. I literally can't think of any notable asian leads or superheroes in western movies or comics. And unlike blacks they dont fight or scream about equality and representation so they're just stuck being invisible.

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Not really if the show is about being an African girl.
The only thing wrong is that hypocrites would cry about the opposite of posting a job for males.

The studio is in South Africa user

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Do South African countries let employers discrimate race and gender?

No other race can write African girls?

Mixed in with some of course they'll want African females to join a writing team for a show about African females. Notice how they didn't say African-American? They must want their final product to be sincere to the setting.

Nothing's wrong with it unless you're a whiny pussy. Which is ironic since the company is the one called Triggerfish.

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Asians are ignored because they hurt the PoC oppression narrative by being wildly successful

you'd thing south african's laws of all place would be against segregation against...

hey look, a woman.

It's anti white male though, that makes it okay.

They're not saying "Don't apply unless you're African or female."

no other race can write better

I mean, they can, but does it not make sense that the person most suited to write a character is someone who comes from a similar background as that character? It's not about hard rules as to who can and who can't write certain characters, but more about who is most appropriate for certain roles.

Interesting that you interpret this as specifically discriminating against whites.

They should have hired a white guy off /pol/ to write the script. I mean come on, who else can relate better to little african girls !?


They're black

Do they allow Africans who are of ethnic Caucasian or East Asian origins?

You're right. They should have fired Aaron Ehasz off of ATLA because he's not Asian or Eskimo.

only against whites

Hamilton does it.

Why do people call it Yea Forumsmblr when people here get triggered over africans writing stuff about africans.

That's the entire point of South Africa's government for the past several decades.

You assume they're excluding. If they NEED female black writer for something then they ask for it, that doesn't mean they don't have any other type of writer.

Asians are the most numerous ethnicity in the world. Why complain when you're already winning?

I feel like you types of people only exist in parody, and I should otherwise ignore this post, since it obviously lacks sincerity.

I think it's encouraging African women to apply, not that they're exclusively hiring African women.

Yep gotta kill whitey and take all their lands.

But don't worry about starvation as they have grocery stores and fish.

Hell even the Zulu are standing up against South African White Genocide since the SA Goverment are just general assholes to everyone that isn't one of them. Nelson Mandela was not a good guy.

Asians at least make their own movies and shows. I wish we could get a new Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan tho

I think that native americans have it worse, even islanders have more representation

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>White? Male? Apply now!

>gets bought by Soros
>suddenly WOKE!

They are already there.

>white lads trying to get some fresh pussy in the company for colonizing

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Isn't that a little disingenuous considering that entire world was fictional, though obviously heavily influenced by Asian culture? Avatar was an American show made by Americans.
Why shouldn't an African show be made by Africans?

You know they did hire Asian experts for that show, right?

Is this another Tyler Perry thing

The only thing that would have to be proven is:

"I did not hire you because you were not the race/gender/etc. I was specifically looking for despite having equal or superior qualifications."

If you apply despite their requests, the employer can just say "Hey your work isn't cutting the mustard". You'd have to send the same writing sample but under a pseudonym that's vaguely black and female and see if they hire you then if you want to catch them in any act of discrimination. Women have been writing under male or vaguely masculine pennames (Why do you think there's all this "E.B. Dubois, J.T. Smith?") for decades.

So only people from Africa are allowed, right?
And white Africans as well, surely.

If the main character is black and female then only black females can work on the show. It's not discriminatory to only hire people qualified for a job.

Well, I don't know, if I ask you to write a handicaped character can you really do as well as a person who has expierence that sort of life from first hand? I mean, sure, you can write the opposite sex, or a different race, but some details of their daily experience would just be unaccesible to you.


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where have you been for the last 30 years?

>Tweet literally says nothing about race
>everyone makes it about race

White people live in Africa too.

Well how much detail does the project call for would be the first question. What do we actually need to present to the audience? We will use being handicapped (lets say someone in a wheel chair.) If I read several books, watch several interviews, and spend 48 hours with a person in a wheelchair, maybe even grew up with someone who had to use a wheelchair, and they all have a similar living experience, how does it make me less qualified to write a character compared to someone actually currently in a wheelchair? What didn't the research provide that the lived experience did?

It says "African", not "black".

You're still looking at things from the outside.
Ask any female you know to describe a male erection and see how well do they do.

>what didn't the research provide that the actual lived experience did?
>what didn't this video taken from the ISS and testimonies of astronauts provide that actual act of going to space and looking at Earth from high orbit did?

Filmakers do go and experience zero gravity to see how space feels.

There's still a pretty large difference between taking a ride on the vomit comet and literally staring down at Earth during a spacewalk.

I get that but a woman can go get actual second hand knowledge (listen to men describe erections) and can at least use that if they don't want to input their own feelings on it. That description is at least close enough to how a majority of men would describe what getting a boner is like.

Are we creating a documentary or are we doing a fictional project based in space here If you're going to say that? Like I mentioned in my post, how much level of detail is needed for this fictional story? I might need LeBron James if we're doing an biography or documentary on his life, I don't need LeBron if I'm doing a story where him and his fellow good guy teen gang learn karate to defeat the evil Dr. Badguy on Volcano Mountain.

>We just need someone to fill our gimmick! Who cares if you can write or have a story if you can check off demographic boxes you have a job
And people wonder why netflix is in freefall

Then again, in this case most shows are writing in teams, not lone writers, so indeed THIS IS the research
>How do I know what is like to be a young girl. I find someone who was a young girl. And if it can write it actually facilitates the job.

Isn't the skill and talent part kind of implicit in what the ad is saying?
They're looking for good female African writers, not shit ones.
Why else would they be asking for writing samples?

They're looking for African women who have had writing experience and/or work produced for film, television and theatre and are able to speak English. They're not asking for CVs from randos or submissions from black Africans specifically. Yea Forums doesn't even know the current makeup of the writers team as there's nothing out there that clarifies if this is a search for the foundation of the crew or supplementary/complementary. It's just another twitter outrage thread.

>They think Africans have anything in common with African-American audiences

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Is a South African show made in South Africa.

Are you stupid or just illiterate?

Asians make their own media instead of screeching like toddlers for white people to make all their media be about them

Marketed on an American video sharing platform. Fuck off with your false equivalence, the whole point is to push "muh black pussy" narrative.

It's hilarious. Can't wait to see it bomb.

Do you really care? I'm smart enough to recognize a stupid political ploy when I see one.

it's literally based in africa you unbelievable tards

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And it's still discriminatory, you unbelievable cuck.

Nothing new.

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I remember fags saying She-Ra was going to bomb. I wonder what happened to them.

Also Zuma was a polygamist

To them or to She-Ra? Because no one gives a shit about Manpants McAdamsApple.

Does it mean you have to come from the continent of Africa, or you have to have African heritage?

They have already done this multiple times, the fuck are you talking about.

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I always imagined most of Africa was grotesquely sexist, like the Middle East.

>tfw my country will never get these projects
>tfw my country doesn't make animation in the first place

I think you need to look up the definition of discrimination you dumbass. Nowhere do they discourage or restrict others from applying.
Saying you want female african writers doesn't discriminate against others.

Feel free to move to Africa and apply.

>black pussy narrative
>exactly the same as leyendas
Uh huh, you sure did read the whole thread.

>it isn't discriminatory to say we only want one race and sex to apply
fucking hilarious, keep going i'm sure some 800 lb. pink-haired feminist will look at you some day.

Is Mexican show made in Mexico. How is different from a South African show made in South Africa?
You do know there's white South Africans, right?

>we only want one
Where does it say that, ESL-kun?

Its no discrimination to have preferences
If you want to write about Africans and women then dont you think it makes sense to hire them?

haha woopee

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>wanting a rando to write a culturally focused character
the fact it needs to be a woman is off though, but I get they just want to cover their tracks

You didn't even read my post. Feel free to reply with some retarded shitpost again, you ain't getting my (you)s after this.


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>All these people getting mad and not realizing that by African, they mean people who are literally in fucking Africa


They're cute. This looks cute. Only downside is that being from South Africa, the animation is probably not gonna be too great.

native americans have it worse because sjws will jump on anything with them depicted saying its cultural appropriation or offensive. Easier to just not include them if you know youll get blowback for anything.

Their school designs do look really damn cute. I'm not a fan of their hero designs though; only red looks good in hero form imo.

Hopefully the animation won't be bad. Even if it is though, I've discovered I have a high tolerance for iffy animation after watching season 1 of Dragon Prince.

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>native Americans
What happened to native Americans in cartoons? I remember them being more present in shit like Lucky Luke, Peter Pan or any thanksgiving special. The only nativr american I can recall is that chick from long gone gulch

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do you faggots scream discrimination when an internship asks for under-25s?

reeeeing about captain marvel or something probably

steven universe has some in a flashback scene. and the egyptian chick from overwatch is half native.

naitives are a hot button issue, they are so easy to get wrong and thereby be screamed by the internet that most creators pick easier minorities

who is the cute nigger boy?

That's a girl.

Maybe they need the perspective of a woman from Africa? Probably easier than hiring a man from a America to learn about African women and write for one.

>Nightwolf will never make an appearance again in MK

This and the fact this is made in Africa, so no shit they would hire someone who lives there.

No, because Africans are retarded, and African women are double retarded.

Wait a minute, That's racism and sexist! NETFLIX YOU'RE RACIST

>no shit they would hire someone who lives there
Yeah, some day they'll invent an easy form of international travel.

outsourcing is bad for the animation industry, nurturing local talent is good for the animation industry

>their lands

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I assume they mean African as in a resident of the Afriucan continent

This is true for general stores and hospitals and diners, at least.

good post user

>South Africa
>their lands

Good luck finding one literate enough to write anything. They'll probably hire a 100 IQ mulatto and call it a day.

The Dutch settled SA first. And then the Oogaboogas flooded in once they saw a chance to get Gibsmedat, just like they always do.

>you'd thing south african's laws of all place would be against segregation against...

LOL. You believed all the Keith Harring class cartoons about south africa. Tribalisim rules the day.

The ad would be blatantly illegal in america and probably all of europe.

Who knows? I suspect they'll need every competent person they can get.

It's actually a government mandated requirement, with specific numerical quotas.

>they are so easy to get wrong
NO. It's that the rules change AFTER the fact in unpredicable, ways, so that cutting edge progressive shit in it's time, like Dumbo and Coal Black get redefined as racist after the fact. So it's easier to play it safe.

I'm all for actual diversity where cultures in different countries are creating entertainment that is broadcast to the west but Netflix deserves absolutely no praise when they have no problem taking the Polish origins out of The Witcher just because it's perceived as white culture.

>my knowledge of history is so limited I thought SA was anything but wasteland before the Dutch
The american education system strikes again, do you also think the pyramids were built by the nubians?

>Its no discrimination to have preferences
Preferences are by definition discriminatory.
>If you want to write about Africans and women then dont you think it makes sense to hire them?
Any writer can write anything if they have the skill to make it interesting, and the wherewithal to do their due diligence and research the things they write about.

Retards who live by "write what you know" believe that it means you can only write about your own sociological experiences. The true purpose of the quote is to encourage writers to know more about the world by studying it, living it and understanding it.

>Nobody lived in South Africa before the Dutch arrived
Baiting at it's finest

>Who are the Khoikoi?

>african writing
>still includes the fat black sassy stereotype


>African First!
Let me guess. It's made by white people that live in Africa.

>Government is literally genociding whites as we speak
>"Are they allowed to discriminate"
Gee, I don't know user.

>Blacks are so fucking underclass that even in fucking Africa they have to purposely try to make sure blacks get hired

>Triggerfish are looking for experienced African female writers on a Netflix animated TV series based in Zambia. Applicants must have had their work produced for either TV or film and should be English-speaking African citizens or permanent residents who can identify with the source material centering on four teenagers from Zambia navigating the hurdles of daily school life, while working together to save the world.
Almost like they just want to hire locally. How dare they.


pick one

Shit are there any female shitlords willing to take one for the team


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You know her personality already?

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Yeah they are.

Where in Africa?
..............................................Or did they just mean Black?

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